Vb.net Exporting Richtextbox formated content to Excel Cell - vb.net

Further to my first question regarding that issue, here are my progress:
First : using the function: sheet.Cells(X, X).Value = RichTextBox1.Rtf, I find this kind of cell content:
"rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1036\deflangfe1036{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f2\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue139;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs22 XXXXXXXXXXX\par
\cf1\strike\f1 XXXXXXXXXXX\par"
I can however manually use the excel function "keep the original formatting" to paste some rtf doc content into a cell.
Could you help me find a way to use this function in the VB.net code if possible?


Combining Rich Text Content Control Content in MS Word using VBA

I'm trying to create a form for a non-technical user in MS Word to capture some text content in MS Word. This word doc consists of several rich text content controls where the user will type in or paste in some formatted data (bold, underlined, links, ...).
Once they get all the content entered into these various content controls I'm trying to make it easy for them to combine them together to paste in a consistent order into some podcast show notes which is in an HTML form.
So basically, I want to take three rich text content controls that have formatted data in them, combine them together into one formatted piece of content, and then copy it to the clipboard so they can then go to this web form, paste it in, and do some minor cleanup. The problem is that whenever I try to combine the RTF content it loses the formatting.
The only way I seem to be able to keep the formatting is if I copy the range object and then paste it. However, this doesn't paste just the formatted text. It pastes the whole rich text content control.
I've tried creating a blank RTF field at the bottom of the Word doc to combine everything in but I just can't figure it out. I wouldn't think this would be rocket science.
Being none of the code I've tried works and keeps the formatting I"m not sure if posting it here will do any good. Here's how I'm getting the value of the text object:
tried this:
but this copies the whole RTF and not just the text.
Try something based on:
Sub Demo()
Dim Rng As Range
With ActiveDocument
Set Rng = .SelectContentControlsByTitle("txtCombinedContentSection").Item(1).Range
Rng.FormattedText = _
Rng.InsertAfter vbCr & vbCr
Rng.Characters.Last.FormattedText = _
End With
End Sub

VBA: Copy whole word document to excel

I´m trying to simply copy whole word document into excel and keep the source formatting (and images).
Assuming both documents are open.
I tried this code:
Sheets("Nabídka").Range("A" & 87) = Documents("K4E pila.docx").Range.Text
but it only copies the text without formatting and images. Is there a similar command which includes the formatting?
Even If I copy/paste from word to excel (ctrl+c) the formatting is ruined --> The image overlaps the text.
This is the first step I need to figure out to proceed in my project. The outcome should be: Copy all word documents into excel if the name of the word document matches some excel cells values.
Thanks in advance for any help!

How to check for particular text irrespective of the font of the text in excel VBA

I am writing a code piece as:
If Sheets("Data").Cells(27, 3).Value = "Date" Then
Even after having "Date" in particular Cell this If loop doesn't works. After lot of digging I found that Excel in which I am searching is using some pre-defined font. If I delete the text "Date" already printed in the report and put my text as "Date", same code piece works perfectly. Please suggest way to make this codepiece work.

Pasting an Excel chart into a Word document so it is editable but not linked

I'm using VBA to create a series of charts in Excel and then copying them into a Word file.
Up till now I've been pasting the charts as pictures, so in Excel I used
and then in Word, after selecting the target location:Selection.Paste.
Now I want to change it so the charts will be editable but not linked to the source Excel file.
I copy a chart from Excel using ActiveChart.ChartArea.Copyand look at the paste-special options in Word, the options "use destination theme/keep source formatting & embed workbook" work fine for me:
the chart is editable (also the data is editable which I don't need but is OK) and there is no link to the original Excel file.
BUT - I can't find how to perform this through VBA code. Trying to record this in a macro only give me Selection.Paste - which pastes a linked chart.
I also tried a different approach - pasting a linked chart, and then killing the link. once again, deleting the links in the link editor doesn't get recorded in the macro at all.
Please help with coding any of these two options or suggesting a different approach.
The Range.PasteAndFormat method should work. This takes a WdRecoveryType Enum parameter that lets you specify what kind of result you want.
Selection.PasteAndFormat(wdChart) 'Enum value 14 in case of late binding

VBA code to clear FORMATTING and leave plain text data in a chosen column in Excel

I need to create a button to add to Excel (2010 currently) that will strip all the formatting in that column and just leave plain text. Our current solution is to copy the data into Notepad to strip out the formatting and then copy it back in from Notepad. This works, but is inelegant and would be far easier if I could just create a button to do this within Excel itself. I've seen a few solutions posted but none of them seem to deal with a randomly selected column. Help!
The Range.ClearFormats method seems appropriate here.
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
.Columns(1).ClearFormats 'clear formatting from column A
End With
'for a manually selected group of cells
Selection.ClearFormats 'clear formatting from the cells currently selected
fwiw, the Clear Formats command is available on the ribbon through Home ► Editing ► Clear ► Clear Formats (Alt+H+E+F). You could easily add that command to the QAT rather than create a macro that largely duplicates the command and assign it to a custom button.
Excel already has a button on the Home tab:
Just select the entire column and click Clear Formats
Just to add to Jeeped's answer:
Using this code you'll clear the whole columns formatting (select a random cell, run this code and the whole columns formatting has been cleared)
Sub ClearColumn()
i = ActiveCell.Column
End Sub