<global namespace> contains definition for __ in multiple code generated files - wcf

I just can't get a handle on how to correct this one. It cropped up about a week ago, and I don't know what change I made could have caused this. We use SVN and I rolled back changes I made of possible culprits of these errors but I am still getting the following errors when I build my asp.net webforms project:
The namespace <global namespace> already contains a definition for 'TrxStatus'
The namespace <global namespace> already contains a definition for 'MessageStatusType'
These two errors are repeated 5 times (10 errors total) and the source files are code generated for the loads of webservices we have in the project.
The file names are App_Code.34kjg234jh1.cs (made up, but you get the idea) and at the top of each one it tells me where it is being generated from:
If I go into the .wsdl definition I believe they do all live in the same namespace based off of this line: (Note, I am not a .wsdl wiz, so tell me if I am wrong)
<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://www.thirdpartysite.com/Soa/Foundation/">
<s:import namespace="http://www.thirdpartysite.com/Soa/Foundation/MessageDefinition.xsd" />
This is an application inherited from our prior developer (its a one developer shop here, so I usually get to poke around in the dark) so I don't know why we have about 7 different web services in the application, all with that namespace definition and ALL with the offending 'TrxStatus' and 'MessageStatusType'.
I don't want to change the namespaces, because it is the right namespace (I believe), but I also need this conflict to go away. I am not sure which direction to go.
I attempted to go into one of the .wsdl files and change TrxStatus to TrxStatus_Whatever but that gave me this error:
Unable to import binding 'MyWebServiceName' from namespace http://www.thirdpartysite.com/SOA/Foundation
Another possible clue is I am getting a ton warnings from the various web services that say something like this:
The 'http://www.thirdpartysite.com/Soa/Foundation/MessageDefinition.xsd:SomeElementName' element is not declared.
Any suggestions on possible solutions to this? What is the root cause? Please don't tell me I need to re-write all these services....

I'm by no measure an expert, in fact I do very little ASP.NET & Services.
BUT. It sounds as if there are conflicting imports (i.e usings) that are pulling in types with the same names.
proj1: A.SomeType
proj2: A.SomeType
You can add references to both projects and it play just fine (I believe). But the difficulty comes when you import both namespaces because the type names clash.
You can access the correct type by using the global:: accessor.
You can even use global:: in a using statement.
using A = global::[path to correct project and type here]
Not sure if it'll be much use to you, but there's more info on global:: here:


Prevent ASP.NET Core application from using appsettings.json file

I would like to tell to ASP.NET Core application that even if appsettings.json file is there - ignore it.
I would prefer to write this as a comment but I'm still a newby here so I cannot ask questions.
I would like to understand what is the specific problem you are facing right now.
In general the usage or not of the appsettings file depends on your application.
For example, if you create a Web API using default .NET template, you can see that the appsettings file only has some configuration for logging, which you can even delete and nothing happens. You can run the application anyway and it works.
So, coming back to your question, it dependes on what your application is doing. If you have a specific library that needs to read configuration from this file, then you'll need to research how to change that default value.
If you are reading from that file, then you could set value in code instead. (this is obvious but since you didn't provide any more context I don't know what you are struggling with)

How to Create proxy class from WSDL File in .net

I have to use WSDL file to create proxy class.
For this purpose, I have created one simple service and got the WSDL for the same, and saved into my disk by using Save as... in Internet Explorer. (I hope I'm doing right here).
With the above procedure, I got WSDL file.
If I use the following command:
D:\Ashok>wsdl CalculatorService.wsdl
I am getting some error like shown below:
Error: Unable to import binding 'BasicHttpBinding_ICalculatorService'
from names pace 'http://tempuri.org/'.
- Unable to import operation 'Add'.
- The element 'http://tempuri.org/:Add' is missing.
I have googled for the same and understood that I need to do some configuration settings, but I couldn't understand what exactly I need to do.
Can anybody please suggest me!
Add a Service Reference and point it at the WSDL
As you cant use add Service Reference...
end edit
If you look closely at the WSDL see how it has something like this inside it:
<s:import schemaLocation="http://..." />
This means that this WSDL is not a standalone file but it depends on some other files (this is how WCF decided to expose the WSDL). So either save all other files on disk (and change the schemaLocation to reflect their current location) which is hard since you need to do it many times. Or get a flat version of the wsdl. Or use "add service reference" in VS.

EntLib 5 Wrap Handler Message Localization

I have been asked, at very short notice of course, to implement exception logging to the Windows Application event Log in one of our products (vb.Net, framework 3.5, WinForms) using EntLib 5. In and of itself this is fine - I can get that working. However, this is for a client who wants messages in Chinese. Certain parts of the app have language resource files and I found a couple of sentences in my MS EntLib Developers Guide book which suggested that I could use an external resource to provide a localised 'friendly' message in a wrap handler within the Exception Handling Block.
Unfortunately there was no mention of how to actually achieve this but it seemed straightforward enough. I added a new resource to a resx file which lives at the project level for the project which is common to all areas of the application and re-built to project so that the satellite assemblies were built. I then specified the name of the resource in the 'Message Resource Name' field within the EntLib configuration console. the problem arises when I try and specify the 'Message Resource Type'.
I clicked on the search button and found the satellite assembly I needed, but it did not get added to the list of loaded assemblies and therefore I couldn't select it. The problem is that none of the places where I've seen this feature mentioned actually demonstrate how to get it working so I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. The search for the assembly will only let me select a dll or exe so I assume I am supposed to reference the satellite assembly somehow but how do I do this if it won't add it to the list of loaded assemblies?
One point to note is that we have a main executable which then calls numerous class libraries to load areas of functionality as required, and the config file we use throughout is the one which belongs to the main executable. Is it the case that you can only use satellite assemblies which are related to the assembly that the config file belongs to?
I haven't yet fully utilized this feature yet but just something to check, are you using the fully qualified name of the assembly?
EDIT: A potentially applicable link - http://entlib.codeplex.com/discussions/67460

Issues with M:1 relations using Objectify 1.1rc and CRUD on Play 1.1

I'm having a really odd issue and maybe one of you can shed some light
on it. I would appreciate it :)
I'm developing an application using Objectify 1.1rc module for Play! Framework 1.1. I have 2 related objects whose relevant parts are:
public class User extends ObjectifyModel<User> {
public List<Key<Theatre>> theatres;
public class Theatre extends ObjectifyModel<Theatre> {
Some background:
I'm using Objectify 1.1rc from the Google code repository (the module in Play repository seems to fail with Play! 1.1) The sample application works fine
I based the objects in existing objects working properly on the sample application provided with the Objectify-1.1rc module for Play Framework (Showcase).
I did debugging and testing by pointing my application and the sample application (Showcase) to the same CRUD module.
I can link them using Java code without any problem.
Presently I have 2 issues that I cannot solve, which are:
M:1 relation not being saved
I have an issue with the 'theatres' relation from the User class. When editing an
object of type User via CRUD, I can see the multi-select control to relate Theatre instances to the User, When I click on some (one or more) of them and save the object, the relation is not saved, making it impossible to link the objects via the CRUD interface.
How can make it work?
CRUD code not being accessed by one application but accessed by the other
The sample application from Objectify module (Showcase) allows me to save M:1 relations using CRUD. As I mentioned before, both my application and showcase point to the same CRUD module, so they should use exactly the same code. What I noticed, by debugging via Log outputs, is that my application uses CRUD, but the sample application uses all the code up to a certain point.
The CRUD module traverses to 'tag/form.html', finds a field of type 'relation' (in both my code and the sample application) but when calling the tag '#{crud.relationField}' something odd happens: my application goes into the tag defined in the CRUD module. The sample application doesn't access that code, no logs added to that tag are triggered (at any point of the file).
I've searched for any replacement of the tag in the sample application, but I'm unable to find one. As you can guess, it's driving em crazy and making me start believing in green leprechauns living in my desktop (without giving me the gold, damn them!)
Anyone knows why does this happen? And were can I find the code being executed by the sample application? Finding it would most likely solve the issue #1
Thanks a lot!
Ok, found the issue to #1. I had a method called "getTheatres()" (should have had another name, was an error) and that was breaking the CRUD. Renaming the method solve issue #1.
I still didn't find why #2 was happening, but I believe I'll leave as one of those "worked in my computer" issues so common in our world...

getting an embedded resource in a single dll made up of multiple class libraries

my solution has multiple projects and in one of them I have the code to get the embedded resource (an xml file) from another project. All this works fine when all the projects are seperate. However when all the class libraries are embedded into a single dll, the code to get the resource file does not work i.e. it cannot get the emebedded resource.
I was wondering if the references to the emebedded resource get mixed up when they are combined together in a single dll??
I use the method Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("namespace..filename");
I would not use Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(). I would use typeof(SomeClassNextToXmlFile).Assembly that way if you are calling the dll with the embedded resource from a exe file it won't go looking in the exe for the resource. Also you may want to try using Reflector and make sure the resource you are looking for is where you think it is.