Changing text values on labels and buttons - mono

I hope this is a simple question, I'm new at Mono, and I'm having trouble getting to grips with GTK#'s bindings.
Essentially, I want to be able to programmatically change attributes against objects like labels, buttons and lists added in by the designer in MonoDevelop.
I know this can be done by instantiating a new instance of say, a button as such:
Button button1 = new Button("Text for button here");
However, say button1 was already created, how would I grab button1 to make changes to it?
Sorry if this all comes across a little thick, I'm still getting the hang of OOP.

This is actually easy enough, now I've sat and worked it out:
protected void OnButton1Clicked (object sender, EventArgs e)
Button theButton = (Button)button1;
theButton.Label = "New label text!!";


How can I format multiple button in minimal OnEvent() function?

I have a screen with over fifty buttons on it. I want to be able to detect which button was clicked and then proceed to a different screen with data based on what button was clicked. However, I can't seem to detect a click from the mouse without the use of a specific button name. I would like to avoid using 50+ OnEvent() functions if possible. If not, I will just write them all.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated on how I can go about doing this, thanks!
You are using C#? C++? VB.NET? Java?
C# Code:
Here is an Event as Example:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender is Button)
MessageBox.Show((sender as Button).Name);
You can replace the MessageBox, it is just meant to make it a proof by example.

How can I run 2 game objects in XNA, or change in real time the draw destination?

I'm new here!
I searched internet a lot for my question, but I didn't found anything - or I'm really thinking wrong.
I program on VB.NET since 2 years, and on XNA since 6 months. I built a game and an editor for the game, and they are running great.
The question i about my editor (for an RPG game), and I'll try to explain at my best.
I have a main form with menustrips on top and a big picturebox covering the entire form, a picbox that is binded to the Game1 object when it start with the command Run().
The Game1 object handles two classes, that are basically panels that it draws on the picbox of the main form: a tileset panel in the left down the tabpage, and a map panel on the right. This works perfectly.
The problem is when for the first time yesterday I tried to draw with XNA on a form. I have multiple forms to manage NPCs, equipment, conditions, events, variables, etc and in the event form, I have a tabpage that manages map teleport events. On this tabpage I have a list of maps and a picbox where I want to draw a small view of the selected map. For this, I created of course a minimap panel with it's own draw and update methods.
...but of course, the minimap appears on the main form on the normal map.
I tried to change in real time the DeviceWindowHandle, but I failed... apparently, it changes only during the Run()
I tried to create a new game object and binding him to the event teleport form, but in the moment of lunching the Run() of this object, the debugger stops saying that I cannot launch more that one game loop in a thread.
I can't believe that XNA doesn't let to draw multiple things on different forms... and I can not pause the main loop from the event form (which is called from the NPC form) to start the minimap loop!
I think that is something really easy that unfortunately I don't know...
I'm getting crazy and lost... what I can do?
Please help me, thanks!!
Here's an example of what I commented (Sorry it's in C# but I don't really write VB.Net. Translating it should be pretty straight forward though):
private MainGame mainGame;
private ToolboxGame toolbox1;
private ToolboxGame toolbox2;
// And this should be put in some Form Initialization method:
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
this.mainGame = new MainGame(imgEditorPictureBox.Handle)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
this.toolbox1 = new ToolboxGame(toolbox1PictureBox.Handle)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
this.toolbox2 = new ToolboxGame(toolbox2PictureBox.Handle)
Something like that should do it. Obviously whenever you "move" variables from one "game" to another, keep in mind that they run on different threads, so anywhere you use it, you'll need to
lock (dummyObject)
// Use data
to make sure you're not accessing it in one game, while the other is trying to set it.
Locking in VB.Net: Is there a lock statement in VB.NET?
You'll obviously need to come up with some smart infrastructure to get this working smoothly, but since you've made a game and editor before, I'm sure this should not prove a humongous challenge.
All you want show to the player you need draw in the game window. You have one Game with one GraphicsDevice and by default all you draw will be rendered on the game window. But you can call GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget method to change render target. Call it with RenderTarget2D object as parameter and anithing you will draw after this will be rendered to that render target.
Next you need call GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null) to set game window as render target again.
There is my (uncompleted yet) custom GUI realization for XNA. I hope it can help you.
class Game1 : Game
GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice;
SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
public RenderTarget2D MinimapRenderBuffer;
public RenderTarget2D AnotherRenderBuffer1;
public RenderTarget2D AnotherRenderBuffer2;
public EventHandler RenderBuffersUpdated;
void Initialize()
// Better initialize them only once, don't do it in Draw method
this.MinimapRenderBuffer = new RenderTarget2D(this.graphicsDevice, 100, 100); // any size you want
this.AnotherRenderBuffer1 = new RenderTarget2D(this.graphicsDevice, 50, 50);
this.AnotherRenderBuffer2 = new RenderTarget2D(this.graphicsDevice, 500, 500);
void Draw()
// draw minimap to MinimapRenderBuffer
// draw whatewer to AnotherRenderBuffer1
// draw whatewer to AnotherRenderBuffer2
// now draw to screen
if (this.RenderBuffersUpdated != null)
RenderBuffersUpdated(null, null);
And use rendertargets in your editor when event raised. And you can convert them to bitmaps.

how to add items to flip view dynamically?

I have a problem with adding Item to FlipView dynamically, I have a very simple FlipView and I put these codes in SelectionChanged event:
private void myFlipView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
the strange is when I try to swipe between pages with mouse rapidly it works, but if I swipe with finger it stops working and I have to swipe on the page slowly to make it work.
I wish I could express the problem clearly....
I am not sure if I understood correctly? What exactly do you want to achieve?
In your case you are adding a new FlipViewItem which contains a TextBlock every time you navigate throught the FlipView. So theoretically you will never reach the end of a FlipView.

adding images to the label suggestion

In my project I need to create some play,pause,stop buttons in one composite.
For that I created one composite and added these buttons there. Also I have added the images
for each button. But after drawing, it does not look good. I mean images on the buttons does not look good.Clients are not satisfied. Now is it possible to add Images to Label and give some Toggle button actions to the label? I know I can add images to the label. But when I click the label,it does not give button effect..
If you want a custom look for your 'buttons' you could use labels with custom images (one for the normal state and one for the "pushed" state. Something like:
final Label stop = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE);
stop.setSize(STOP_IMG.getImageData().width, STOP_IMG.getImageData().height)
stop.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e)
public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e)
For a nice UI you could also add a MouseTrack listener and have different images for the mouse over states.
Disadvantage of this is you are making it less accessible as it will only respond to mouse events. If you go for this approach you should look at creating your own class that extends MouseAdapter, and takes the label, images and action to invoke in a constructor so you don't end up with tonnes of very similar anonymous classes.
I have used toolbars in the past to achieve a nice effect.
This will create a toolbar with an item that behaves like a regular button:
//Toolbar button
ToolBar toolBar = new ToolBar(composite,SWT.FLAT);
ToolItem toolItem = new ToolItem(toolBar,SWT.PUSH);
This will a toolbar with an item that has toggle behaviour:
//Create a toggle effect
ToolBar toggleToolBar = new ToolBar(composite,SWT.FLAT);
ToolItem toggleToolItem = new ToolItem(toggleToolBar,SWT.CHECK);

How to hide a control from the form while designing in visual studio?

I am designing a settings form for my application as shown below:
A tree view with multiple nodes at the left and I want to have one GroupBox for each node to be displayed at the right whenever a node is selected. I have designed my group box with necessary controls for the first node. The question is, how do I design an another group box in the same place when another item is already there. Is there a way to hide a control from a form during design time?
I have always just changed the Z-Order of the GroupBox or Panel by right clicking on it and sending it to back. Just make sure when you add the other GroupBoxes that you add them to the same Parent. Make their Visible property False and then display the GroupBox you want at runtime by making it Visible.
EDIT: Changed answer to be more relevant.
EDIT #2: I missed the VB tag, translating this should be a trivial task anyway.
If you extend GroupBox like this, you'll have a stock GroupBox which will hide itself at design time.
public class myGroupBox : GroupBox
public myGroupBox() { InitializeComponent(); }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
if (DesignMode) this.Visible = false;
NOTE: This should work for almost any non-sealed control.