load balancing IBM Liberty profile with apache http server - apache

I want to know how we can configure Liberty Profile 8.5.5 (Dev version not the WAS ND version) to be load balanced by apache http server.
I have tried to search but havent been able to come across any useful links. Any help will be much appreciated.

Currently, you'll have to generate a plugin-cfg.xml from each liberty server (the license has info about how many servers you can aggregate in this way for load balancing and failover) and merge the result to make it appear like a cluster to the WAS Plugin.
Other editions provide a merge tool, if you have access to them.
The WAS plugin installation has an XSD file for the plugin-cfg.xml.
1) note the http and https transports in both plugin configurations
2) make a copy of one of the XML's to edit
3) Find the <ServerCluster
<ServerCluster CloneSeparatorChange="false" GetDWLMTable="false" IgnoreAffinityRequests="true" LoadBalance="Round Robin" Name="cluster1" PostBufferSize="64" PostSizeLimit="-1" RemoveSpecialHeaders="true" RetryInterval="60" ServerIOTimeoutRetry="-1">
<!-- copy generated Server stanza for your other XML -->
<Server ...
<!-- add a 2nd primary server, from your other XML -->
<Server Name="node1_serv1"/>
4) Copy the stanzas from the other file inside the ServerCluster
5) Add the servers name to the field
If your servers have the same apps on them, you're done. Otherwise, you have to merge the other elements (Route, URIGroup, etc) but usually they'll be the same.


org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to stop component [SingleSignOn[]]

I am using Apache Tomcat 8.5.12 with JOSSO single sign on .
After configuration I can not start the tomcat server and I get this error.
Everything is well configured.
Does anyone have an idea that can help me to start the server ?enter image description here
Apache Tomcat 8.5 doesn't play nice with the JOSSO Agent for Apache Tomcat 8 as the former has changed the approach for hooking into the event bus. Therefore, an ad-hoc SSO agent is needed, included in an early access release of JOSSO 1.8.12, available here for download : https://github.com/atricore/josso1/releases/tag/1.8.12-rc1-release
A binary distribution is included, hence there's no need to build from the source.
In order to install it, make sure to manually replace the "old" agent artifacts - namely the JOSSO Agent for Tomcat 8 JAR files - with the ones that ship with 1.8.12 RC1.
As far as configuration is concerned, the following changes in the $CATALINA_HOME/lib/josso-agent-config.xml descriptor need to be applied for the JOSSO Agent for Apache Tomcat 8.5 to be instantiated.
<bean class="org.josso.tc80.agent.CatalinaSSOAgent" name="josso-tc80-agent">
<bean class="org.josso.tc85.agent.CatalinaSSOAgent" name="josso-tc85-agent">
As of the JOSSO server component, there is no need to perform any upgrade nor configuration change.

Missing configuration for the issuer of security tokens error

I inherited an existing project without its development environment. I have UAT code and a backup of the Production database. I can run up the site locally via Visual Studio but have hit an authentication problem trying to setup a fresh standalone DEV server on AWS (single server, no load balancer). The doco indicates the Prod server is a dual server setup with a load balancer.
The front end site pages do display, although some search is not working. On trying to log into the backend pages, Chrome returns "The xxx page isn't working. xxx redirected you too many times." Using developer tools, I can see the page redirects back and forth between SWT?realm=... and sitefinity?wrap_defalted=true&wrap_access_token... On the second redirect response header there is "X-Authentication-Error:Missing configuration for the issuer of security tokens 'https://xxx/Sitefinity/Authenticate/SWT' "
I tried different values in the web.config lines:
<wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true" issuer="http://localhost" realm="http://localhost" requireHttps="true"/>
<cookieHandler requireSsl="false"/>
but that actually made things worse so I have reverted.
I checked all the settings mentioned in http://docs.sitefinity.com/administration-switch-to-claims-based-authentication and they seem to be set correctly. I don't really know what else I can check to get this working.
I found http://docs.sitefinity.com/administration-configure-security, but it does not seem like these settings are set (I don't have access to Prod server so can't confirm if it is actually setup with load balancing). I am currently using a 30 day trial license so am not sure if this is contributing to the problem. The official license is in the process of being transferred by the client. The domain name associated with the official license would be different to the domain my new server is currently running on.
I am also running version 8 code on a version 9 install of Sitefinity. I wanted to get it working before I tried to upgrade the code. I think there was also an assembly load to manifest mismatch when I tried upgrading my local version.
Found the solution: Don't mess with the SecurityConfig.config file.
<add key="B886AA7BFB5515BA63F577A44BBEB5C7AE674035514D128BC397346B11F4C97A" encoding="Hexadecimal" membershipProvider="Default" realm="http://localhost" />
<add key="B886AA7BFB5515BA63F577A44BBEB5C7AE674035514D128BC397346B11F4C97A" encoding="Hexadecimal" realm="http://localhost" />
Even though it is running on a server, the above lines should still point to localhost. It seems like these only need to be edited if you have a multi-server setup with an entirely separate STS.
I initially changed it to match the new domain name, but after some experimentation around adding localhost and HTTP variations, it seems like it works best with just localhost.
Even when I changed the web.config entry above to use the new domain as the issuer instead of localhost and the SecureConfig.config to specify only the new domain as the realms, it didn't seem to work. I guess the authentication must try to hit localhost specifically.

How to deploy an atg project in weblogic?

I created a simple project using ATG 10.2 .I want to know how to deploy it in weblogic. Please provide detailed procedure with screenshots,if possible.
To provide a 'detailed' procedure is beyond the scope of what StackOverflow is trying to provide. That said, if you have an understanding of the Weblogic Management Console you should be able to follow these steps to setup your initial deployment:
Create a Server
1.1 Specify a server name (eg. commerce) and the port number this server will run on (eg. 8180). Select it as a 'Stand-alone server'.
1.2 Once created go to Configuration > Server Start for the newly created server and modify the 'Arguments' block and include the following setings (assuming you are running windows, for Unix update your own paths)
-Datg.dynamo.data-dir=c:\ATG-Data -Datg.dynamo.server.name=commerce -d64 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Xms1152m -Xmx2048m -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
1.3 Save your Server
Create DataSources
2.1 In the Console click on 'Services > Data Sources'
2.2 Create 'New' datasources for each of your connections. As a minimum you will need connections for ATGSwitchingDS_A, ATGSwitchingDS_B (Assuming you are doing switching datasources) and ATGProductionDS. These names should match your JNDI names in your property files. Remember to specify the 'commerce' server as the target for each of the datasources.
Create Deployment
3.1 Assuming you've already built your EAR (eg. ATGProduction.ear) and it is available in c:\deployments you need to create a deployment in Weblogic. You need to create the deployment in the console and specify the target as 'commerce'. Once done you need to also 'start serving requests' on the deployment.
Start Server
You should now be able to see your server running on port 8180 with the log files being written to c:\ATG-Data\servers\commerce\logs.
If after this things aren't running, post specific questions about your issues and someone here might be able to help you.

unable to delete osb_server1 in the osb

There are scripts that build the admin server, then create clusters, managed servers, machines etc and when this domain is built, it is seen that an additional phantom server osb_server1 with port 8011, is getting built that isn't attached to any cluster or any machine.
This is built when the wlsb.jar was being referenced during one of the scripts.
Once after the admin server is up and running and we have other managed servers as well, Was trying to remove osb_server1 and this error creeps up
Errors must be corrected before processding
There are like 120 default deployments on OSB that are targeted to osb_server1, was trying to retarget them to another server, but that is also throwing an error ...
Any ideas ???
That's due to the weird behaviour/bug of the standard osb template. There is a discussion here. http://theheat.dk/blog/?p=1255.
I didnt follow the steps given by Oracle(as in the URL). What I did was,
I keep the default osb_server1, and make it part of the cluster during the domain creation(ie, it's the first server). Once the domain is created, I re-set the osb_server1 to the desired value. That way the singleton services will still be deployed to the 1st server and others to cluster. Using WLST:
set('ListenPort', osb1_listen_port)
set('Name', osb1_name)
cd('/Servers/' + osb1_name + '/ServerDiagnosticConfig/osb_server1')
set('Name', osb1_name)

how to make sur that Jboss is well installed and configured?

I m using eclipse indigo and i installed the Jboss Server earlier.i though that every thing is fine;
But when i make a right clik on a JSP page for exemple ,there is no "Deploy" ,and if i what to deploy the whole project..the same thing i can't do it because the is no "Deploy" option.
iand if i ighone all that and do a "Run As" --> "Run on a server" i get a http 404 error saying the requested ressource is not available.
i have Jboss in my eclipse ,is there any why to know that Jboss is well insatlled??
Thank you
The easiest way to check whether JBoss 7 is running is to access native management interface.
Usually it's bound to 9999 port.
In order to verify the port look for port attribute of management native interface socket binding in standalone.xml (standalone-full.xml or whatever configuration you are using)
For localhost it would be:
Another way to check JBoss 7 status is to use management console.
Usually it's bound to 9990 port.
In order to verify the port look for port attribute of management HTTP interface socket binding in standalone.xml (standalone-full.xml or whatever configuration you are using).
For localhost it would be:
Additionally, you can check the so called marker files.
Just go to deployments directory and look for .deployed file (if the file exists it means that your application is successfully deployed).
You can read more about deployment descriptors at: