I start studying Pelican today because I want to move my blog from wordpress to pelican.
However, after reading the docs, I still don't know the difference between pelican ./content and make html. They both seem to generate a static website. Besides, pelican ./content always returns a UnicodeDecodeError** for me, whilepelican ./content` does not.
What's the difference between them and why?
In the folder where you use $ pelican-quickstart, you will find a file named Makefile.
You will find a line like this html: clean $(OUTPUTDIR)/index.html, and $(OUTPUTDIR)/%.html:
This file show you what pelican have done when you type make ***, and you can config many other things in this file.
pelican ./content runs the generation of the website using defaults and trying to guess the location of your content, output and configuration files.
make html calls pelican, but explicitly gives it the input directory, the output directory, the configuration file and, optionally, some extra options.
Basically, make html (along with make regenerate) are convenience methods that make the job a bit easier for you. In any case, you should run make publish to generate the content that is to be uploaded to your web server, as it loads the publishconf.py files, which define a few extra options (the rss feeds) and allows you to change settings for the "proper" website.
I have an urls file where I store all links I want to download. I download from it using yt-dlp -a urls.
For playlists I'd like to put videos into a folder, like it's shown in documentation examples, while for single videos I'd like to keep the separate file format though.
How can I do it with a single configuration file? If it's not possible with a single configuration file, I'd want to have other options in a single common place.
Note: In documentation I saw TYPES: in --output, but I don't know how to use it and if it's applicable to my case.
PS: If it's possible to write a wrapper using yt-dlp as a library, with a hook, it'd be a viable options
When mvc3 was created I placed one of these on my _layout.cshtml page...
Then in my inheriting razor pages I did this...
Is there now an automatic way to do this with the optimisation dlls that. I dont really want to bundle everything in the folder all the time. Id also like it to minify the file too automatically. Not sure if im missing the point of this bundling feature but i just want to add files dynamically and then have them render out all at the same place on the page...
My understanding of the bundling feature, which is still pre-release and somewhat buggy is that it is designed to combine and then minify all of your CSS or JS files you might need in your project. It then uses a versioning mechanism so that clients get the full browser caching experience.
For example if I have 3 CSS files (Reset.css, Global.css, and Site.css) these all get downloaded on the first visit to my site, they are combined and minified so the file size is quite small. The url contains a special hash number/querystring. As long as I don't change the content the cached copy stays on the client until it expires or they clear their temp files. When I make a change the old version is discarded and a new hash is created. When the client visits again their file is now invalid and it redownloads the new file.
I personally have not tried to create specific bundles but with a search I found someone who has created a custom bundle, I think this may be along the lines of what you are trying to accomplish: http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/389545/ASP-NET-MVC4-Bundling-and-Minification
For an ios app I try to develop, I need to get a listing of the content of an online directory. (My app works with local directories but I'm trying to edit it so it works with an online directory)
I've been looking into this a lot but I can't manage to find the best solution to do this. (I learned you can't read the contents of an online directory and subdirectories with objective-c and print them to an array to display them in, for example, a tableview).
I did learn how to create a connection and output the html of a certain page (or an xml file). That's why I was wondering... Is there a way (webservice?) to generate an xml/JSON/html file that prints the content of a directory (if possible also subdirectories)? The generation of this xml/JSON/html has to be done at runtime, the moment my app asks for the file, since people will be able to add files (pdf's, video's,...) to the directory via FTP. (editing the xml/JSON file everytime is not an option).
Any help would be very much appreciated.
You could create a simple webservice in many ways. For example, with PHP you could write something like this:
$dir = '/myDir';
$files = scandir($dir);
echo json_encode($files);
Then just point your app to get the contents of that page and parse the JSON.
scandir: http://php.net/manual/en/function.scandir.php
json_encode: http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php
The website of my university unfortunately does not provide feeds but they keep publishing information there that is important for me (deadlines, dates of exams etc.) as links to pdfs
in a certain section of the website.
How can I regularly scrape that section of the site and have me notified (growl, mail something alike).
Normally I would use wget to mirror it but how to extract only parts of the website?
Is there a cli tool that can extract the XHTML via XPATH or similar?
Try this:
wget --spider --server-response http://example.com
This will print the headers which might contain the "Length"-attribute. If it changes, you can notify yourself.
edit: If it changes, you can download the whole html file, grep for a pdf file or whatever you want to look for (maybe for "<div id='news'>(.*?)</div>")
Mmm... You should take a look at QueryPath. QueryPath makes easy to parse HTML. What if the HTML structure changes? What if you want specific elements of the page? QueryPath does the hard work for you. Do you like JQuery? QueryPath is like the JQuery of PHP.
See: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-php-querypath/index.html?S_TACT=105AGX01&S_CMP=HP
See: http://querypath.org/
You might be interested in looking at Pjscrape (disclaimer: this is my project). It's a web-scraping tool built on PhantomJS, giving you full jQuery access to the page in a headless Webkit browser context. It makes it very easy to pull semi-structured data from webpages via the command line, particularly if the page you're scraping has a consistent structure for new elements.
For example, you can pull all the course titles from this course catalog with the following code:
// the page you're scraping
// selector for elements you want to pull text from
'.views-row .views-field-title'
// suppress STDOUT logging
pjs.config('log', 'none');
Running this from the command line gives you JSON to STDOUT by default:
~> phantomjs /path/to/pjscrape.js my_script.js
["W10. Introduction to Information","24. Freshman Seminar", ...]
So it would be pretty simple to run this script on a regular basis, capture the output in a file, and then alert you when the new output doesn't match the previous scrape. You can also write your own scraper functions, so there's a lot of flexibility for more complex scraping if a simple selector won't do the trick.
I have been researching for various type of documentation options for our products. I thought it would be cool to have Ext JS 4 Docs type of look&feel rather than Twiki.
But I am having tough time to understand the current docs page in Ext JS 4.0.7. Each and every directory has README.js & README.md. If I am not wrong, I have to create my custom documentation in README.md, but I am failing to understand how that would be converted into README.js.
Could someone let me know how to .md file can be converted into .js?
They are using a self made tool, which is called JSDuck
I guess you need to run it over your .md files and it will generate the .js files for you.
JsDuck is the way to go. I'm using it to build some custom documentation.
To get the guides:
just create a json file. I usually call it guides.json and write out the structure. It is well defined in the link below.
Create a folder in the same location as the guides file and in it:
create a folder for each entry in the json. (each entry has a name field and this should be the name of the folder)
Create the file readme.md
Add an icon to it. It should be names icon-lg.png
When using jsduck from the command line, add the following to the arguments:
--guides=[the path to your guides.json file]
More information can be found here:
https://github.com/senchalabs/jsduck/wiki/Advanced-Usage (go to the guides section)
Also, to get more information on the commandline parameters, use the command
jsduck-3.2.1 --help=full
Hope this works for you.