how to realize data exchange between father dialog and child dialog in wxwidgets - wxwidgets

If i want to the parent dialog get the data of the child dialog when a button(typically a OK button) of the child dialog's button is clicked. how to realize?
My app is like this type: initialize i start an dialog, when hit the new button, it create a new dialog for configure a database connection. when input the necessary info. i can click the OK button of the child dialog, the child dialog will not live, then i need use the father dialog to save the info input in the child dialog.
How to realize it?

The C++ wxDialog object remains alive even after the dialog on screen is closed. So typically you store the data in this object fields (either using validators or by manually overriding TransferDataFromWindow()) and then retrieve it from this object as needed in the code that showed the dialog.


how to copy paste text from a file when using a modal dialogue in

I am using modal dialogue(ShowDialog) in my project and now, user want to copy and paste few text from other application but modal dialogue will not allow them to do the same because modal pop up doesn't allow to focus on other screen. I know I can use modeless dialogue but at this point I can't. Now my question is, are there any way to have focus on other screen using modal dialogue box?
Dim f As New Form()
The Show function shows the form in a non modal form. This means that you can click on the parent form.
ShowDialog shows the form modally, meaning you cannot go to the parent form

Get Dialog Box as the App Starts VB.NET

I want to know how to get a dialog box with two buttons as soon as the program is executed in
PS - Help a novice programmer!
You can create yourself a new form with the buttons or controls you wanted. Then you could set this form as the startup form. You could do this by visiting the Project menu --> Project Properties --> Application tab --> Startup object. From the dropdown, select the form you created.
Then that form will be shown at first everytime you start your application.
Otherwise, you could use call the newly created form within your existing form's Load event, by calling the show() method of the new form.

Suggestion window in mdi form

I have a problem stated below....
I have a MDI form having different child form. if i open the form then if related data not exist in database, a suggestion banner should appear top of the forms to enter related data first. Even, if I close the child form, suggestion banner should remain open and Onclick on that banner go to specific form to add the record. There should be different banner of different forms. so please help me to implement this scenario.
Thanks in Advance.
I want to use which control as banner. so after struggling i fount panel best as banner. Setting panel property -> AccessibleRole = Alert. So I implement scenario easily.
Instead of opening the child form, open the banner form first (which opens the child form).
Then check in the banner form if the data has been entered. If it has:- close the banner form.

Updating data on destroy with pygtk

I'm using glade and pygtk and I have a window with a treeview with a button that opens a dialog that creates a new entry for the treeview. I want to update the treeview in the main window when the dialog is destroyed but I can't see a simple way to do this.
Found the answer, I just needed to connect the windows destroy signal
The correct approach is to handle the response of the dialog in the main window:
def on_menu_item_activated(self, widget, data=None):
dialog = FunkyDialog()
response =
if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
// update treeview
Perhaps a better way of doing this would be to use the Observer design pattern. When the user presses Ok, you save your data. This notifies the treeview that a change has been made, which causes it to reload.

How to manage page object from the other user control

I have a problem. I want to create a toolbar.xaml user control. I open a page in content of TabItem In mainpage.xaml. How can access and manage this page from the toolbar user control.
Please help. thanks..
either user static variables in parent control and call them directly in the child one.
or raise EventHandlers from child control and subscribe them in parent control.