Can't understand why my variable doesn't change -

I'm building a little time > pay conversion program in VB. I'm really new to VB and don't understand why my variable pay doesn't calculate like it should. I plug in 5 5's as a test and get $0.
Dim total As Double = 0.0
Dim timeCounter As Integer = 0
Dim time As Integer = 0
Dim pay As Double = 0.0
While timeList.Items.Count < 5
time = timeList.Items(timeCounter)
total += time
timeCounter += 1
End While
If total >= 0 And total <= 40 Then
If total >= 0 And total <= 20 Then
pay = total * 10
ElseIf total >= 21 And total <= 30 Then
pay = total * 12
ElseIf total >= 31 And total <= 40 Then
pay = total * 15
PayLabel.Text = "Error"
End If
End If
PayLabel.Text = "$" & pay

Your syntax should be something like this:
For intCount = 0 To timeList.Items.Count
time = timeList.Items(intCount)
total += time
Next intCount
This will avoid an infinite loop.
To fix your 40+ issue:
If total >= 0 And total <= 40 Then
If total >= 0 And total <= 20 Then
pay = total * 10
ElseIf total >= 21 And total <= 30 Then
pay = total * 12
ElseIf total >= 31 And total <= 40 Then
pay = total * 15
End If
PayLabel.Text = "Error"
End If

this would be my fix into a console apps
for process will return $0, second $100
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim timeList As New List(Of Integer)
timeList.AddRange(New Integer() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6})
timeList.AddRange(New Integer() {1, 2, 3, 4})
End Sub
Private Sub process(timeList As List(Of Integer))
Dim total As Double = 0.0
Dim timeCounter As Integer = 0
Dim time As Integer = 0
Dim pay As Double = 0.0
While timeList.Count < 5 AndAlso timeCounter < timeList.Count
time = timeList(timeCounter)
total += time
timeCounter += 1
End While
If total >= 0 And total <= 40 Then
If total >= 0 And total <= 20 Then
pay = total * 10
ElseIf total >= 21 And total <= 30 Then
pay = total * 12
ElseIf total >= 31 And total <= 40 Then
pay = total * 15
End If
End If
Console.WriteLine("$" & pay)
End Sub
End Module

This could be better solved with a functional approach. To get the sum of the list of integers do the following:
Dim totalTime = timeList.Sum()
Then you can follow the logic you laid out. I would highly recommend learning to use Linq Set Functions to make your code your readable and easier to understand. Good Luck.


Charting Sales Order stats

I have a datatable that has the columns: Order Number, a count of Lines, and a sum of Units. I want to end up with charts shown here. 3 charts Each shows a column for 1 through 20 and then >20
The problem is looping through the datatable takes over 1.5 minutes.
Dim XAxis(21) As String
Dim LinesPO(21) As Integer 'Lines per Order
Dim UnitsPO(21) As Integer 'Units Per Order
Dim UnitsPL(21) As Integer 'Units Per Line
For Each Dr As DataRow In LivesqlDt2.Rows
For i = 0 To 21
If i < 21 Then
XAxis(i) = i.ToString
If Dr.Item("Lines") = i Then LinesPO(i) += 1
If Dr.Item("Units") = i Then UnitsPO(i) += 1
If Math.Round(Dr.Item("Units") / Dr.Item("Lines"), 0) = i Then UnitsPL(i) += 1
XAxis(i) = ">20"
If Dr.Item("Lines") >= i Then LinesPO(i) += 1
If Dr.Item("Units") >= i Then UnitsPO(i) += 1
If Math.Round(Dr.Item("Units") / Dr.Item("Lines"), 0) >= i Then UnitsPL(i) += 1
End If
I'm looking for any good ideas to speed this up, because the salesman wants to be able to run this in front of their customer.

How to find federal taxes based on salary ranges

I'm designing a software that does basic payroll for a school project. I'm stuck on this one part where I have to figure out what the federal tax will be based on the employee salary. This is the chart that tells you the rate of the tax based on salary range.
I tried this code,
Dim federaltaxrate As Integer
Dim federaltax = (salary.Text * federaltaxrate)
If salary.Text >= 0 Then
If salary.Text <= 50 Then
federaltaxrate = 0
End If
ElseIf salary.text <= 500 Then
If salary.Text >= 50 Then
federaltaxrate = 0.1
End If
ElseIf salary.text <= 2500 Then
If salary.Text >= 500 Then
federaltaxrate = 45 + 0.15 * salary.Text - 500
End If
ElseIf salary.text <= 5000 Then
If salary.Text >= 2500 Then
federaltaxrate = 345 + 0.2 * salary.Text - 2500
End If
ElseIf salary.text >= 5000 Then
federaltaxrate = 845 + 0.25 * salary.Text - 5000
End If
End If
I have a listbox that shows other information as well but this is what I used to show the calculated info in the listbox.
ListBox1.Items.Add("Federal Tax: $" + federaltax.ToString)
When I run this code and input in a random salary, the federal tax shows up as 0.
Do I need to convert the salary into weekly gross pay, if so how would I go on about writing the code that finds the federal tax rate based on the salary and it's range.
You might be having trouble with order of precedence of the arithmetic operations. I think a Select Case is cleaner.
Private Function GetFederalTax(GrossPay As Decimal) As Decimal
Dim FederalTax As Decimal
Select Case GrossPay
Case < 50
FederalTax = 0
Case < 500
FederalTax = CDec((GrossPay - 51) * 0.1)
Case < 2500
FederalTax = CDec(((GrossPay - 500) * 0.15) + 45)
Case < 5000
FederalTax = CDec(((GrossPay - 2500) * 0.2) + 345)
Case Else
FederalTax = CDec(((GrossPay - 5000) * 0.25) + 845)
End Select
Return FederalTax
End Function
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim grossPay As Decimal
If Decimal.TryParse(TextBox1.Text, grossPay) Then
Dim tax = GetFederalTax(grossPay)
Debug.Print($"Gross {grossPay} Tax {tax}")
ListBox1.Items.Add(String.Format("Federal Tax {0}, Gross Pay {1}", tax, grossPay)) '***EDIT***
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid number.")
End If
End Sub
The sample test produced the following in the Immediate Window.
Gross 45 Tax 0
Gross 700 Tax 75
Gross 8000 Tax 1595
Gross 2501 Tax 345.2
Gross 2800 Tax 405
Firstly, your Boolean logic is all wrong. If the salary value was 51, you'd satisfy the first outer condition (>= 0) and then fail the first inner condition (<= 50). There would not be any further comparisons performed - which you would know if you'd debugged - so no tax calculation would ever be performed.
Secondly, your calculations are OK but you're misusing the results. Those calculation get the amount of tax to be paid, not the rate. The rates are 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%, which are already contained in your calculations. Get rid of that second variable and just assign the results of appropriate calculations to the one variable.
I would do it like this:
Dim salaryAmount = CDec(salary.Text)
Dim taxAmount As Decimal = Decimal.Zero
If salaryAmount > 5000D Then
taxAmount = 845D + 0.25D * (salaryAmount - 5000D)
ElseIf salaryAmount > 2500D Then
taxAmount = 345D + 0.2D * (salaryAmount - 2500D)
ElseIf salaryAmount > 500D Then
taxAmount = 45D + 0.15D * (salaryAmount - 500D)
ElseIf salaryAmount > 50D Then
taxAmount = 0.1D * (salaryAmount - 50D)
End If
'Use taxAmount here.
This uses appropriate data types throughout, i.e. it does not perform arithmetic on String values and it uses Decimal for currency values. The D suffix on the literals forces them to be type Decimal rather than Integer or Double.
It also works from biggest to smallest to simplify the Boolean expressions.
The Nested If should be combined like below as it is missing few cases
If salary.Text >= 0 And salary.Text <= 50 Then
federaltaxrate = 0
ElseIf salary.text <= 500 And salary.Text >= 50 Then
federaltaxrate = 0.1
ElseIf salary.text <= 2500 AND salary.Text >= 500 Then
federaltaxrate = 45 + 0.15 * salary.Text - 500
End If

VB program to calculate monthly deposits plus interest

I am having issues trying to make a calculator that accurately calculates deposits plus the amount of interest that is added monthly. I dont know how to incorporate a loop that can add monthly deposits to total deposits, then adds the total deposits plus total interest times the interest rate / 100 / 12 to the total deposits. Here is what I have so far. Sorry am super new to VB !
Dim intMonthlyDeposit As Interger
Dim intMonthsTotal As Integer
Dim intAnnualRate As Interget
Dim decTotalDeposits As Decimal
Dim decTotalInterest As Decimal
Dim decTotalTotal As Decimal
intMonthlyDeposit = CInt(txtMonthlyDeposits.Text)
intMonthsTotal = CInt(txtMonths.Text)
decAnnualRate = CDec(txtAnnualRate.Text)
decTotalDeposits = 0
decTotalInterest = 0
decTotalTotal = 0
decTotalDeposits = decMonthlyDeposit * intMonthsTotal
decTotalInterest = decTotalDeposits * (decAnnualRate / 100)
decTotalTotal = decTotalDeposits + decTotalInterest
lblTotDeposit.Text = decTotalDeposits.ToString("C")
lblTot.Text = decTotalTotal.ToString("C")
lblTotInterest.Text = decTotalInterest.ToString("C")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Enter a Valid Number")
End Try
End Sub
This is how I implemented the loop for calculating total interest and total deposits correctly.
For index As Integer = 1 To intMonthsTotal Step 1
decTotalDeposits += decMonthlyDeposit
decTotalInterest += (decTotalDeposits + decTotalInterest) * ((decAnnualRate / 100) / 12)

How to Loop through a If condition untill the user enter a required value, in Visual Basic

Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the number")
Dim number As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
If (number=< 40) Then
number = number* 10
ElseIf (number=< 150) Then
number= number* 15
number= number* 26
End If
Dim total As Integer
Dim vALUE As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Please, type 1 for x . Type 2 for y. Type 3 z")
vALUE = Console.ReadLine()
If vALUE = 1 Then
total = number* (106 / 100)
ElseIf vALUE = 2
total = number* (112 / 100)
ElseIf uSERvALUE = 3
total = number* (116 / 100)
Console.WriteLine("Sorry please re-enter the value")
vALUE = Nothing
End If
End While
Please tell me how to repeat the if condition. In the else line I have displayed to the user to re-enter the value. Therefore I need to repeat the if condition until the value is 1 or 2 or 3.Please explain how to do I'm a newbie.
You can use infinite While-loop ,and put "Exit While" on the end of conditional statement you agreed , so there are few ways out from infinite loop.
For example , on your code:
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the number")
Dim number As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
If (number=< 40) Then
number = number* 10
ElseIf (number=< 150) Then
number= number* 15
number= number* 26
End If
Dim total As Integer
Dim vALUE As Integer
'infinite loop until user input 1,2 or 3
While True
Console.WriteLine("Please, type 1 for x . Type 2 for y. Type 3 z")
vALUE = Console.ReadLine()
If vALUE = 1 Then
total = number* (106 / 100)
Exit While 'condition matched , break from While
ElseIf vALUE = 2
total = number* (112 / 100)
Exit While 'condition matched , break from While
ElseIf uSERvALUE = 3
total = number* (116 / 100)
Exit While 'condition matched , break from While
Console.WriteLine("Sorry please re-enter the value")
vALUE = Nothing
End If
End While
'do further more you need

Automate a Excel VBA Function

I Need a help in Excel VBA. I want to develop a function that will automatically apply the function to selected range of Cells. My Sample Code is Here it work Independently for a single row I want to apply it for minimum 500 rows.
Sub Value() ' ' Value For the Insurance Rate
Dim percentage As Double
Dim year As Double
percentage = Sheet5.Range("R2").Value
year = Sheet5.Range("Q2").Value
If percentage <= 85 And year <= 25 Then
Sheet5.Range("S2").Value = Sheet4.Range("D13").Value
ElseIf percentage <= 85 And year > 25 Then
Sheet5.Range("S2").Value = Sheet4.Range("C13").Value
ElseIf percentage > 85 And percentage <= 90 And year <= 25 Then
Sheet5.Range("S2").Value = Sheet4.Range("D8").Value
ElseIf percentage > 85 And percentage <= 90 And year > 25 Then
Sheet5.Range("S2").Value = Sheet4.Range("C8").Value
ElseIf percentage > 90 And percentage <= 95 And year <= 25 Then
Sheet5.Range("S2").Value = Sheet4.Range("D5").Value
ElseIf percentage > 90 And percentage <= 95 And year > 25 Then
Sheet5.Range("S2").Value = Sheet4.Range("C5").Value
ElseIf percentage > 95 And year <= 25 Then
Sheet5.Range("S2").Value = Sheet4.Range("D3").Value
ElseIf percentage > 95 And year > 25 Then
Sheet5.Range("S2").Value = Sheet4.Range("C3").Value
End If
End Sub
You're pretty close. I just converted your procedure into a User Defined Function, which can then be used like built-in Excel functions in the Excel Window.
Here's the code:
Function myValue(percentage As Double, year As Double) ''Value For the Insurance Rate
If percentage <= 85 And year <= 25 Then
myValue = Sheet4.Range("D13").Value
ElseIf percentage <= 85 And year > 25 Then
myValue = Sheet4.Range("C13").Value
ElseIf percentage > 85 And percentage <= 90 And year <= 25 Then
myValue = Sheet4.Range("D8").Value
ElseIf percentage > 85 And percentage <= 90 And year > 25 Then
myValue = Sheet4.Range("C8").Value
ElseIf percentage > 90 And percentage <= 95 And year <= 25 Then
myValue = Sheet4.Range("D5").Value
ElseIf percentage > 90 And percentage <= 95 And year > 25 Then
myValue = Sheet4.Range("C5").Value
ElseIf percentage > 95 And year <= 25 Then
myValue = Sheet4.Range("D3").Value
ElseIf percentage > 95 And year > 25 Then
myValue = Sheet4.Range("C3").Value
End If
End Function
Then in cell S2 (or any other cell you want to use the function) you would enter
Also note, that I change the name of the function to myValue to not run into issues with the built in Value members in VBA.