GROUP BY syntax is causing "missing expression" error - sql

Please explain why the following query:
select in.status as "no_installments"
, count( as "installment"
FROM instalsched.instalment in
GROUP BY in.status;
ORA-00936: missing expression
00936. 00000 - "missing expression"
Error at Line: 1 Column: 12

in is a key word in SQL. It is used as part of a where clause, such as where person_id in (1,2,3,4). To remedy, simply change the alias.
in1.status as "no_installments",
count( as "installment"
FROM instalsched.instalment in1
GROUP BY in1.status;

in is a keyword. Use a different alias or wrap it in double quotes.

"in" is a reserved word in SQL syntax. You should try to use other non-reserved word like "inst" or something similar.


SQL Error: ORA-00917: missing comma 00917. 00000 - "missing comma" *Cause: *Action:

I'm trying to add a new row to a Products table with this:
INSERT INTO Products_mgs( product_id,category_id,product_code,product_name,
VALUES ( 11, 4,'YDP162R','Yamaha Arius YDP162R Traditional Console Style Digital Piano',
'The best keyboard on the market. Offers excellent sound rendering
that truly separates it from the rest of the pack.',1599.99,10,'2020-10-25'()));
but I keep getting this error message:
Error at Command Line : 23 Column : 77 Error report - SQL Error:
ORA-00917: missing comma
00917. 00000 - "missing comma"
There are extra parentheses at the end of the statement that make no sense. I would also recommend using an explicit literal date for column date_added rather than relying on implicit conversion (assuming, of course, that this column is of date datatype).
INSERT INTO Products_mgs (
'Yamaha Arius YDP162R Traditional Console Style Digital Piano',
'The best keyboard on the market. Offers excellent sound rendering that truly separates it from the rest of the pack.',
DATE '2020-10-25' --> literal date
); -- trailing parentheses removed

hive equivalent of group concatenation

what is the wrong with this hive query ..trying to do group concatenation
select ID,source_sys, group_concat(Quote||'_'||Quote_size::Integer||'#'||price::Numeric(30,4)
||'_'||quote2_size::Integer||'#'||quote2_price::Numeric(30,4),'|') as quotes from xyz_table
I am getting the following error
Analysis Exception: Syntax error on line 2:undefined: ...Quote||'_'||Quote_size::Integer||'#'||price ... ^Encountered::Expected: ADD,ALTER .....
Syntax error
in group_concat just use comma.. I believe only in oracle they use || for concatenation.
select group_concat(Quote,'_',Quote_size::Int,..) from yourtable
See more examples here

Missing Keyword when trying to Select into

So I have a function to return an Average of a column such as
INTO avgNum
FROM MyTable;
RETURN avgNum;
While trying to test the results, i have the following
but it gives me the error
ORA-00905: missing keyword
00905. 00000 - "missing keyword"
Error at Line: 175 Column: 6
Where line 175 is INTO RESULT. As far as I know, this is a scalar function and I'm trying to return a signal variable so it should work right? What keyword am I missing here?
Also I know I can just use AVG(), but I am learning how to create a scalar function. this is strictly for learning purposes.
While testing your code (which should be ok), you need
SELECT avgCol AS result FROM DUAL;
'INTO' assigns the result value to a PL/SQL variable; 'AS' creates an alias/name for a SQL SELECT (not PL/SQL) result column/field.

Error on query with "Replace"

I Have an error on a oracle server but I don't understand why is not work.
I use the software oracle sql developer.
The query is:
SELECT * FROM TestView WHERE REPLACE(TestView.Row2, '.', ',') > 0 ;
The value who is in TestVue.Row2 : '46.08','-46.47','1084.05','66500',...
"TestView" is a view who check to return a row without empty value
When I Execute the query I have always an error who says:
ORA-01722: invalid number
01722. 00000 - "invalid number"
Thanks for your help
You have a row in your table, which cannot be parsed into number format. Most likely it is a blank column.
Use a NVL Function to avoid errors caused by null field and a TO_NUMBER function to cast into a number before comparision with zero
SELECT * FROM TestView WHERE TO_NUMBER(REPLACE(NVL(TestView.Row2,'0'), '.', ',')) > 0 ;
You should be able to find the row with something like:
select Row2
from TestVuw
where length(trim(translate(Row2, '+-.,0123456789', ' '))) = 0
Of course, this allows multiple +, -, ., and ,. It can be further refined using a regular expression, but this usually works to find the bad ones.

Assistance with SQL View

I'm having a little trouble with this sql view.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_themed_booking AS
SELECT tb.*,
WHEN (tb.themed_party_size % 2) = 0 THEN
ELSE ((tb.themed_party_size-2)/2) + 0.5
END themed_tables
FROM themed_booking tb;
Can anyone help me here? I'm trying to add a column to the end of the view that the natural number result of (S-2)/2 where S is the themed_party_size.
When i say natural number result i mean like round up the answers that end in .5 so if S=7 the answer would be 3 and not 2.5.
The error I get when I try and run the above code is
Error starting at line 1 in command:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_themed_booking AS
SELECT tb.*,
CASE WHEN (tb.themed_party_size % 2) = 0
THEN (tb.themed_party_size-2)/2
ELSE ((tb.themed_party_size-2)/2) + 0.5
END themed_tables
FROM themed_booking tb
Error at Command Line:3 Column:34
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-00911: invalid character
00911. 00000 - "invalid character"
*Cause: identifiers may not start with any ASCII character other than
letters and numbers. $#_ are also allowed after the first
character. Identifiers enclosed by doublequotes may contain
any character other than a doublequote. Alternative quotes
(q'#...#') cannot use spaces, tabs, or carriage returns as
delimiters. For all other contexts, consult the SQL Language
Reference Manual.
If it makes a difference I am using sqldeveloper connected to an oracle server so I can use PL/SQL.
The error message is telling you what the problem is.
Look at Line:3 Column:34
It is an invalid character
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_themed_booking AS
SELECT tb.*,
CASE WHEN (tb.themed_party_size % 2) = 0
My suspicion is that you are trying to use the modulo operator.
Since you are using oracle PL/SQL, you should use mod
Here is a reference Oracle/PLSQL: Mod Function
I think you can simplify with the CEIL() or ROUND() function:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_themed_booking AS
SELECT tb.*,
ROUND((tb.themed_party_size-2)/2) AS themed_tables
FROM themed_booking tb;
Not sure why you get that error. Perhaps it's the % operator that is not available in Oracle. This links suggests so: Fundamentals of PL/SQL. There seems to be a MOD() function though.