Worklight 6.0
For installing custom war, during the detailed installation using the websphere admin console, in "Step 6: Map resource references to resources" it asks for the datasources jndi.
Is it possible to specify these jndi entries in the file?
In 5.0.6 in the there were two variables and that in 6.0 do not exist.
Thank you.
No, those two properties are not supported in the 6.0 When upgrading your project, I expect you would see something like the following in your prepended to the existing line:
"# [ is no longer supported]: ". Similar for
Here is a link to the supported wl.db.* and wl.reports.* configuration properties, which are only supported in a development environment:
I downloaded the WinPcap sources 4.1.3 as well as the corresponding AirPcap developer kit. I followed the build instructions described from the WinPcap website 1:
I loaded the project contained in the directory PacketNTx\dll\project with VS2013 (running on Windows 7 Professional x64). When I try to build the default project configuration (Debug, Win32) I get the error that the include file "netmon.h" cannot be opened. I also searched the web and found that this file is part of the wiretap library included in the Wireshark source code...
Can anyone suggest how to build the default configuration of the WinPcap packet.dll and wpcap.dll?
Thanks in advance!
best regards!
I googled about how to create eclipse project dynamically, but most of them explained about creating Java projects. I wants to create worklight project programatically. Any help would be appreciated.
You cannot do this with Worklight 6.0 and 6.1. However the next release of Worklight, v6.2, will provide a CLI that will allow you to create and manage projects from command line without using Worklight Studio.
Migrating my project(made up of 3 apps and 2 adapters) from Worklight v6.0 to Worklight v6.1 i'm facing problems over adapters migration.
I had already deployed .war, .wlapp and .adapter files in production environment using an Ant script(for .war file).
The application server used is Websphere, the dbms server used is Derby.
I upgraded the worklight studio's plugin to the latest version, created a new, clean workspace, exported the project from the old workspace and imported in the new one.
For what concerns development environment everything works.
For what concerns production environment i successfully deployed all the applications(but don't work yet becouse the adapters lack).
When i try to deploy the adapter(each one) i get the following exception:
Failed to deploy adapter 'adapter1.adapter'. The 'adapter' version '6.0.0' is different than the version of the Worklight project ''. Use Worklight Studio '' to build and deploy the application.
I tried also to create a new adapter and deploy it but i'm still getting the same error.
Edited the answer entirely based on edits to the question
All artifacts produced by Worklight Studio: .adapter, .wlapp and .war must be generated using the same Worklight Studio version.
Make sure that after importing the project to Worklight 6.1, that you are building all the the project's applications and adapters.
Next, you need to deploy the re-generated .war file and then deploy the .wlapp and .adapter files.
To verify that the adapter is of the same version as the project's .war file, extract the .adapter file from the bin folder and open the XML file. You should see the platform version like this:
<ns2:adapter xmlns:ns2=""
name="test" platformVersion="">
IBM Worklight Information Center topics to read:
Installing and configuring
Upgrading from one version of IBM Worklight to another
You can also see this in Worklight Console > About > Additional Support Information:
I just installed a new Worklight 6.1 environment (Studio).
I got a brand new Eclipse 4.3.1 and installed Worklight 6.1 plugin on top of that.
Then I downloaded Android SDK and Tools.
When I created my first sample project and added Android environment, automatically the tool set the Android target SDK to 19, which I actually I don't have installed, so I got an error.
I then changed the following line in AndroidManifest.xml to my desired target SDK:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="9" android:targetSdkVersion="15"/>
but building Android environment, I receive following message:
It is recommended that your Android application will target the same API level used to build the android project. The API
level used to compile the project is specified as the Project Build Target in Project / Properties / Android dialog. Configure your application
to target the same API level by setting the same value in android:targetSdkVersion attribute in AndroidManifest.xml.
So it seems that changing the target SDK in AndroidManifest.xml is not enough, but I can't find this : Project Build Target in Project / Properties / Android dialog.
Any advice is most welcome.
The Project Build target you are referring to appears in the properties of the Android project and not the Worklight project.
Alternative, you may update in the main project
You'll also need to take care of AndroidManifest.xml. has this contradictory notice (as pointed out by this question), but it is safe to edit it.
# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems.
I am looking for dlls , which I read on google is in C:\Windows\System32\Application Server extension . I cannot see this folder on the machine where appfabric is installed.
Any ideas, how to get this folder?
I'm guessing you're on a 64-bit Windows installation? If so, you will find the assemblies under the following location:
You can read about this in the MSDN section titled: Preparing the Cache Client Development Environment (Windows Server AppFabric Caching)
Those DLLs were used in the beta versions of AppFabric, when it was codenamed Velocity. In the release version of AppFabric they have been replaced by
You should find these in %SYSTEMDRIVE%\System32\AppFabric, or follow Drew's answer if you're on 64-bit.