Creating columns from a select query - sql

TMPPO.PurchaseOrder ,
TMPPO.LineItem ,
ASLD.SignatureDate ,
ASLD.SignatureTime ,
ASLD.Operator ,
ASLD.Variable ,
ASLD.VariableDesc ,
LEFT OUTER JOIN [SysproCompanyR].[dbo].[AdmSignatureLogDet] ASLD ON TMPPO.TransactionId = ASLD.TransactionId
AND TMPPO.SignatureDate = ASLD.SignatureDate
AND TMPPO.SignatureTime = ASLD.SignatureTime
WHERE YEAR(TMPPO.SignatureDate) = 2013
AND MONTH(TMPPO.SignatureDate) = 08
AND VariableDesc IN ( 'Previous foreign price', 'Previous price',
'Foreign price', 'Price' )
ORDER BY PurchaseOrder ,
I have the following table but don't want to return the records as per below.
Under the column heading Variable Desc I have Foreign Price, Previous foreign pirce, previous price and price I would like to make these as headings the replace Variable, Variable Desc and VarNumberic.
So e.g. for the first line would be
Purchase Order LineItem SignatureDate SignatureTime Operator PrevFPrice FPrice PrevPrice Price
002074 0001 2013-02-23 9523598 UPOFA0 19.68 21.51 19.68 21.51
004931 0001 2013-08-09 7485253 PVWYK0 980.00 840.00 980.00 840.00
Sorry but is difficult to put sample data here no idea how to...
Is this possible?
#Bummi it provides me data like this, why is Purchase Order 005331 duplicating so many times when in essence according to the original sample data it changed only 2 times according to date and time

From what I am understanding you are looking for a join over your first query
;With CTE as
SELECT TOP 20 TMPPO.PurchaseOrder, TMPPO.LineItem, ASLD.SignatureDate,ASLD.SignatureTime,ASLD.Operator, ASLD.Variable, ASLD.VariableDesc, ASLD.VarNumericValue FROM #POAMENDMENTS TMPPO
LEFT OUTER JOIN [SysproCompanyR].[dbo].[AdmSignatureLogDet] ASLD ON TMPPO.TransactionId = ASLD.TransactionId and TMPPO.SignatureDate = ASLD.SignatureDate and TMPPO.SignatureTime = ASLD.SignatureTime
WHERE YEAR(TMPPO.SignatureDate) = 2013
and MONTH(TMPPO.SignatureDate) = 08
and VariableDesc IN ('Previous foreign price','Previous price','Foreign price','Price')
ORDER BY PurchaseOrder, LineItem
Select c1.PurchaseOrder,c1.LineItem,c1.SignatureDate,c1.SignatureTime,c1.Operator
,c1.VarNumericValue as [Previous foreign price]
,c2.VarNumericValue as [Previous price]
,c3.VarNumericValue as [Foreign price]
,c4.VarNumericValue as [Price]
JOIN CTE c2 on c2.PurchaseOrder=c1.PurchaseOrder and c2.VariableDesc='Previous price'
and c2.LineItem=c1.LineItem and c2.SignatureDate=c1.SignatureDate and c2.SignatureTime=c1.SignatureTime
JOIN CTE c3 on c3.PurchaseOrder=c1.PurchaseOrder and c3.VariableDesc='Foreign price'
and c3.LineItem=c1.LineItem and c3.SignatureDate=c1.SignatureDate and c3.SignatureTime=c1.SignatureTime
JOIN CTE c4 on c4.PurchaseOrder=c1.PurchaseOrder and c4.VariableDesc='Price'
and c4.LineItem=c1.LineItem and c4.SignatureDate=c1.SignatureDate and c4.SignatureTime=c1.SignatureTime
Where c1.VariableDesc='Previous foreign price'

You can just use 'AS' to rename your columns
SELECT something AS somethingelse


Different results in SQL based on what columns I display

I am trying to run a query to gather the total items on hand in our database. However it seems i'm getting incorrect data. I am selecting selecting just the amount field and summing it using joins from separate tables based on certain parameters, however if I display additional fields such as order number, and date all of a sudden im getting different data, even though those fields are being used as filters in the query. Is it because its not in the select statement? If it needs to be in the select statement is it possible to not display them?
Here are the two queries.
-- Items On Hand
select CONVERT(decimal(25, 2), SUM(tw.amount)) as 'Amt'
from [Sales Header] sh
select *
from TWAllOrders
where [Status] like 'Released'
) tw
on tw.[Order Nb] = sh.No_
select *
from OnHand
) oh
on tw.No_ = oh.[Item No_]
where sh.[Requested Delivery Date] < getdate()
HAVING SUM(tw.Quantity) <= SUM(oh.Qty)
providing a sum of 21667457.20
and with the added columns
-- Items On Hand
select CONVERT(decimal(25, 2), SUM(tw.amount)) as 'Amt', [Requested Delivery Date], sh.No_, tw.[Status]
from [Sales Header] sh
select *
from TWAllOrders
where [Status] like 'Released'
) tw
on tw.[Order Nb] = sh.No_
select *
from OnHand
) oh
on tw.No_ = oh.[Item No_]
where sh.[Requested Delivery Date] < getdate()
group by sh.[Requested Delivery Date], sh.No_, tw.[Status]
HAVING SUM(tw.Quantity) <= SUM(oh.Qty)
order by sh.[Requested Delivery Date] ASC
Providing a sum of 12319998
I'm self taught in SQL so I may be misunderstanding something obvious, thanks for the help.
With no sample data, I am going to have to demonstrate this in principle. In the latter query you have a GROUP BY meaning the scope of the values in the HAVING will differ, and thus the filtering from said HAVING will be different.
Let's take the following sample data:
CREATE TABLE dbo.MyTable (Grp char(1),
Quantity int,
Required int);
INSERT INTO dbo.MyTable (Grp, Quantity, [Required])
('b',4, 7),
Now we'll perform an overly simplified version of your query:
SELECT SUM(Quantity)
FROM dbo.MyTable
HAVING SUM(Quantity) > SUM(Required);
This brings back the value 40; which is the SUM of all the values in Quantity. A value is returned because the total SUM of Required is 25.
Now let's add a GROUP BY like your second query:
SELECT SUM(Quantity)
FROM dbo.MyTable
HAVING SUM(Quantity) > SUM(Required);
Now we have 2 rows, with the values 16 and 17 giving a total value of 33. That's because the rows where Grp have a value of 'B' are filtered out, as the SUM of Quantity is lower that Required for 'B'.
The same is happening in your data; in the grouped data you have groups where the HAVING condition isn't met, so those rows aren't returned.

Find similar sales orders in SQL

This is my first post.
I work at a manufacturing company and most of the products we are making are custom made.
We believe we can find some commonalities in the products we sale.
To do this, we need to analyze sales orders and compare them to all the sales orders in our system to find identical ones.
Here's an example in form of a SQL result:
| OrderId ProductCode Qty |
| SS1234 Widget1 1 |
| SS1234 Widget2 3 |
| SS1234 Widget3 1 |
I would like to find orders similar to SS1234, ie orders with the same products (widget1, widget2 and widget3) and the same quantities.
How do I do this in SQL Server 2008R2?
Thanks for your help!
I won't be able to test this before I go to bed for the evening. This is an overly verbose approach, but I wanted to grind this out as quickly as possible so I tried to use structure / syntax that I know well, instead of trying to write more concise, efficient code that would require I lean on the documentation. Basically, we're counting the number of items in each order, selecting a pair of order ids every time we find two matching line items, then we count how many times an exact pair of order IDs appears. Use inner joins to filter out pairs that matched fewer times than there are products in the order.
ProductCounts AS (
SELECT COUNT(OrderID) AS ProductCodesInOrder, OrderID
FROM Table
), MatchingLineItems AS (
SELECT A.OrderID AS FirstOrderID, B.OrderID AS SecondOrderID
ON A.ProductCode = B.ProductCode AND A.Qty = B.Qty
ORDER BY FirstOrderID, SecondOrderID
), MatchTotals AS (
COUNT(FirstOrderID) AS Matches, FirstOrderID, SecondOrderID
FROM MatchingLineItems
GROUP BY FirstOrderID, SecondOrderID
), FirstMatches AS (
SELECT MatchTotals.FirstOrderID, MatchTotals.SecondOrderID, MatchTotals.Matches
FROM MatchTotals
INNER JOIN ProductCounts
ON MatchTotals.FirstOrderID = ProductCounts.OrderID
WHERE MatchTotals.Matches = ProductCounts.ProductCodesInOrder
SELECT FirstMatches.FirstOrderID, FirstMatches.SecondOrderID
FROM FirstMatches
INNER JOIN ProductCounts
ON FirstMatches.SecondOrderID = ProductCounts.OrderID
WHERE FirstMatches.Matches = ProductCounts.ProductCodesInOrder
OrderId VARCHAR(20),
ProductCode VARCHAR(40),
qty int
INSERT INTO #ord (OrderId, ProductCode, Qty)
with CTE as (
select distinct
o.OrderID, ca.ProductString, ca.QtyString
from #ord o
cross apply (
', ' + o2.ProductCode
FROM #ord o2
WHERE o.OrderID = o2.OrderID
ORDER BY o2.ProductCode
, 1, 1, '')
', ' + cast(o2.Qty as varchar)
FROM #ord o2
WHERE o.OrderID = o2.OrderID
ORDER BY o2.ProductCode
, 1, 1, '')
) ca (ProductString, QtyString)
ProductString, QtyString, count(*) Num_Orders
from CTE
group by
ProductString, QtyString
count(*) > 1
order by
Num_Orders DESC
, ProductString
ProductString QtyString Num_Orders
Widget1, Widget2, Widget3 1, 3, 1 2

tricky subtraction on the same column

I have a table named "prices" with 3 fields, one for country, one for the price and one for the date.
I need to make a difference between the price of each country in determined date.
i was making this code, and it works, but is making a substraction of each value on the first column, against each value on the other.
SELECT c1.value1-c2.value2 AS DIFERENCIAL
AND (FECHA BETWEEN '17/01/2016' AND '17/01/2016')
) AS c1,
AND (FECHA BETWEEN '17/01/2016' AND '17/01/2016')
) AS c2
Is not what i want, if i have the values of lets say 23 values for today, and its country have assigned 23 values, i want vale1, value2.... value23 of the first column to be subtracred with value1...value23 on the second column.
Instead, is making c1.value1-c2.value1, c1.vale1-c2.value2... c1.value1-c2.value23, c1.value2-c2.value, c1,value2-c2.value2... c1.value2-c2.value23 etc.
Any idea?
If I understand correctly, you can use conditional aggregation or a join approach. So, this is one method:
SELECT ptg.fecha, ptg.hours, (ptg.prices - ptp.prices) AS DIFERENCIAL
WHERE P = 'GERMANY' AND FECHA = '2016-01-17'
) ptg JOIN
(SELECT pt.*
WHERE P = 'PANAMA' AND FECHA = '2016-01-17'
) ptp
ON ptg.fecha = ptp.fecha and ptg.hours = ptp.hours;

subquery the same table in select statement

I have a resturant db and I need to total up the total value of all the items sold individually. So if I sold a hamburger that has a base price of $10.00 with bacon which costs $1.00 and a hambuger(again $10.00) with avacado that costs $0.50 I need to get $21.50 returned. My invoice table looks like this:
invoice_num item_num price item_id parent_item_id
111 hmbg 10.00 guid_1 ''
111 bacn 1.00 guid_2 guid_2
112 hmbg 10.00 guid_3 ''
112 avcd 0.50 guid_4 guid_3
I can get the sum of all the parent items like this:
SELECT item_num, SUM(price) FROM invoices WHERE parent_item_id = ''
it is the adding of the toppings that is confusing me. I feel like I need to add a subquery in the SUM but I'm not sure how to go about doing it and referencing the original query to use the item_id.
SELECT item_num, sum(i.price) + sum(nvl(x.ingred_price,0))
FROM invoices i
(SELECT parent_item_id
, sum(price) ingred_price
FROM invoices
WHERE parent_item_id IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY parent_item_id) x
ON x.parent_item_id = i.item_id
WHERE i.parent_item_id IS NULL
GROUP BY item_num
Here's a SQL Fiddle that proves the above code works. I used Oracle, but you should be able to adapt it to whatever DB you are using.
Assumption: You don't have more than one level in a parent child relationship. E.g. A can have a child B, but B won't have any other children.
Not clear based on your question (see my comment) but as I understand it a simple group by will give you what you want. If not please explain (in the original question) why does this query does not work --- what is it missing from your requirements?
SELECT item_num, SUM(price)
FROM invoices
GROUP BY item_num
Hard to say, but looks like you need recursive cte.
Here's example for PostgreSQL:
with recursive cte as (
t.invoice_num, t.price, t.item_id, t.item_num
from Table1 as t
where t.parent_item_id is null
union all
t.invoice_num, t.price, t.item_id, c.item_num
from Table1 as t
inner join cte as c on c.item_id = t.parent_item_id
select invoice_num, item_num, sum(price)
from cte
group by invoice_num, item_num
sql fiddle demo
I've used null for empty parent_item_id (it's better solution than using empty strings), but you can change this to ''.

select least row per group in SQL

I am trying to select the min price of each condition category. I did some search and wrote the code below. However, it shows null for the selected fields. Any solution?
SELECT Sales.Sale_ID, Sales.Sale_Price, Sales.Condition
FROM Items
LEFT JOIN Sales ON ( Items.Item_ID = Sales.Item_ID
AND Sales.Expires_DateTime > NOW( )
AND Sales.Sale_Price = (
SELECT MIN( s2.Sale_Price )
FROM Sales s2
WHERE Sales.`Condition` = s2.`Condition` ) )
WHERE Items.ISBN =9780077225957
A little more complicated solution, but one that includes your Sale_ID is below.
SELECT TOP 1 Sale_Price, Sale_ID, Condition
FROM Sales
WHERE Sale_Price IN (SELECT MIN(Sale_Price)
FROM Sales
Expires_DateTime > NOW()
Item_ID IN
(SELECT Item_ID FROM Items WHERE ISBN = 9780077225957)
GROUP BY Condition )
The 'TOP 1' is there in case more than 1 sale had the same minimum price and you only wanted one returned.
(internal query taken directly from #Michael Ames answer)
If you don't need Sales.Sale_ID, this solution is simpler:
SELECT MIN(Sale_Price), Condition
FROM Sales
WHERE Expires_DateTime > NOW()
(SELECT Item_ID FROM Items WHERE ISBN = 9780077225957)
GROUP BY Condition
Good luck!