Can an ALTER TABLE accept query results in Access 2010 -

I am getting a syntax error on the below code trying to execute an ALTER TABLE query in Access 2010. The ulimate goal was to execute this from a app. Both queries work indepently within Access.
ALTER TABLE [Test_table] DROP CONSTRAINT (SELECT [MSysRelationships].[szRelationship]FROM [MSysRelationships] WHERE MSysRelationships.[szObject]='Test_table');
I guess the issue is whether or not the ALTER statement can accept query results as the input?

I'm quite sure that Access SQL does not support the syntax you tried to use. You'll probably have to run the SELECT query first, pull the constraint names into a recordset (or similar), then loop through the rows and issue the ALTER TABLE statements one by one.


If not exist clause SQL statement

so I found this sql query in a project I am succeeding. This is the first time I encountering this clause/statement. I understand that this is to look if the table exist before creating one and that Object_ID is the table name that is to be created.
My questions are:
Does sysobject mean the database?
What is the Object property?
I know that it is not the columns inside the table to be created.
The columns are : dtb_color_id and description.
can someone explain this to me. please?
.......some query I understand
sysobjects, OBJECTPROPERTY and OBJECT_ID are used in Microsoft SQL Server. They are part of the SQL Server DMVs and system functions/procedures used to query and manipulate the metadata.
sys.sysobjects is simply the list of all objects (tables, views, SPs, functions, etc) on the server in the active database. Please note, that sys.sysobjects is deprecated and is only available for backward compatibility. Use sys.objects instead
It has (as far as I know) no meaning in MySQL, unless somebody specifically created them.
You can also use INFORMATION_SCHEMA which is available in MySQL too (however slightly different in different RDBMS).
SQL Server has no CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS construct, a variation of the mentioned condition is commonly used to imitate that.
This is a way in SQL Server to check if a table exists in the active database and to perform actions according to the result, like creating the table.
OBJECTPROPERTY simply checks (in this case) if the table is a user created one.
I would remove the OBJECTPROPERTY condition in case the part you understand is a CREATE TABLE statement. You don't want to create a table which has a similar name to any system table/view, also you don't want to execute the CREATE TABLE if there is a VIEW with the same name (table creation will fail)
Yes sysobject means database.
The OBJECTPROPERTY() function returns information about schema-
scoped objects in the current database. Use this to check if an
object is a table, view, stored procedure, etc. You can also use
it to check if a table has a primary key, foreign key, foreign
key reference, etc.
For more details :
In this scenario it is used to check whether it is user table or
not. The result of the ISUserTable property is 1 when it is user
table otherwise returns 0.
Here the following steps are followed:
First, it executes the select statement inside the IF Exists
If the select statement returns a value that condition is TRUE for IF Exists
It starts the code inside a begin statement
DTB_COLOR - May be a stored procedure

How to get CREATE TABLE Statement from existing table in db2?

I am using DB2 and Oracle SQL Developer.
How to get the CREATE TABLE Statements from the existing tables?
There are too many tables and it will be a very lengthy process to do manually.
There is a special db2look utility for DDL extraction in Db2. You may refer to its options and their meaning at this link.
If you want SQL access to its capabilities, you may use the SYSPROC.DB2LK_GENERATE_DDL stored procedure supporting most of the utility's options. The routine has an output parameter getting "invocation number" int value after its call.
In case of a single table:
WHERE OP_TOKEN = <value_of_output_parameter_from_call_above>
In SQLDeveloper if you can see the table there's the initial Create Table Statement in the SQL Tab
You should do that for each table, this is a way to do it but I'm not sure it's fast enough for you.

Altering a table on a different server through a query

I'm writing some dynamic SQL (I'm fairly new to it) and am trying to automate the altering of multiple tables which may exist on different instances of SQL Server 2008. My servers are linked and I know which server each of the tables exists on, however when I try to run the query below, I get "Cannot find object...because it does not exist or you do not have persmissions"
Alter Table [Server10].[Database2].[dbo].[documents] Add NewField int
If I connect to the server in SSMS and drop the server name (Server10) it works.
Any suggests on how to create this query. Thanks
I believe that alter table on a linked server is not supported. You could do something like this:
EXECUTE [Server10].[Database2].[dbo].sp_executesql N'ALTER TABLE [documents] Add NewField int'

cannot delete and update records on access linked table

I have access database called road.mdb.
Inside road.mdb, I have a linked SQL table and
the table name is student.
I can insert records using query design in MSAccess
But I cannot update nor Delete
when run delete query below, the error is: could not delete from specified table
delete from student where studentid=303;
and when I run update query below, the error is: Operation must use an updateable query
update student set Name='BOB' where studentid= 303;
I have full access to the sql database and I can run the query OK using sql management studio.
Is it impossible to delete and update using query design inside MSaccess??
The weird thing is I can insert new records using query design inside MSaccess
thank you
I SOLVED this by adding primary key to the SQL table and re linked the table to ACCESS
Thanks everyone...
In the case that you can't manipulated the table on SqlServer, you can get around the problem by telling Access which/s column/s are meant to be the primary key. This is done on the last step of creating a Linked table, the window title is "Select Unique Record Identifier".
You will find that the following steps will most likely solve your problem:
In SQL Server: set a primary key on the table you are working with and make sure the primary key is of type int, not bigint as Access will not properly deal with bigint data type.
In SQL Server: refresh the table.
In MS Access: re-link the table.
(You can easily check if 'things are OK' afterwards by adding a record to the SQL Server table and accessing it through the MS Access linked table. When all is OK you should not see #Deleted when viewing the data from MS Access side.)
Hope it helps ;-)
In my case, the linked table only had keys. I had to modify one of the keys to be a primary key and then I could truncate truncate the table via a DELETE table.* FROM table via access.
In my case the problem was a BIT column. I think the problem occurs when the the bit column contains a NULL value.
To resolve the issue, I either deleted the entire column, or set a default value.

SQL - create database and tables in one script

Sorry if already asked, but I can't find anything on this.
I am moving something over from MySQL to SQL Server I want to have a .sql file create a database and tables within the database. After working out syntax kinks I have gotten the files to work (almost).
If I run
IF db_id('dbname') IS NULL
it works fine, and if I run
CREATE TABLE dbname.dbo.TABLE1 (
it also works fine. But, if I run them in the same file I get this error
Database 'dbname' does not exist
Right now, the CREATE TABLE statements are not within the IF statement, which I would like, but I also cannot seem to find the syntax for that. ( { } does not work?)
So my big question is, how do I ensure a particular command in a .sql file is completed before another in SQL Server?
My second question is, how do I include multiple instructions within an IF clause?
To be clear, I have been running this into sqlcmd.
Put a GO command between queries.
IF db_id('dbname') IS NULL
CREATE TABLE dbname.dbo.TABLE1 (
As for putting the table statements in the IF, you wouldn't be able to because of the GO command. You could create additional IF statements afterwards, to check for each tables pre-existence.
The syntax for a block if is:
IF condition
Between creating the database and creating the tables you will need a USE statement.
USE dbname
This way the tables will be created in the correct place, without having to specify the DB name on everything.
Also, GO and BEGIN...END like everyone else is saying.
You have to separate the statements with the GO keyword:
sql query
another sql query
and so on
By placing a GO between statements (to create separate batches of statements)