Storing Uploaded file in database - file-upload

I place a simple fileupload control in my webform application. firstly user have to login and his login username is stored in a session. then user have option to upload his pic. I place an image control.If pic is available it is shown in Image control. My fileupload code is
string sp = fileuploadpanno.FileName;
string fn = Server.MapPath("~/panno/" + sp);
My question is how to save this file into database. I am using mysql database.

You could potentially store the image in the database directly by first converting it to a BLOB.
A more widely used practice is to store the image in a directory/location such as App_Data or Temp and then store the image name in your mysql database. Then when you want to reference the image in your web application you can just use a normal image tag with the source being the location of the image concatenated to the image name you retreive from your database.
So for example if I have a directory /App_Data/Images/
And I store an image name in my database called my_image.jpg
After moving the image above to the directory above (save it in this location) I can then reference it by appending the image name to the location /App_Data/Images/my_image.jpg


Upload webscrapped images from folder to database Django

I'm webscrapping data about ski resorts from a site, also getting some pictures. I am saving those pictures in a folder and after that i'm getting them in SQLite database through an imageField.
The bad part is that they don't work
directory = r'C:\Users\tiberiu.ghimbas\Documents\Resorts img5'
image_list = [cv2.imread(file) for file in
glob.glob(r'C:/Users/tiberiu.ghimbas/Documents/Resorts img5/*.png')]
This list is then looped and insertet item by item.
I'm doing all the correct settings for handling images and media files.
I know that by going the classic way of uploading images through a form will get you in the database the path to the image from de media/"upload_to = 'filename'" folder but going by my way i'm getting only them image name.
How can i solve that ?

Moving uploaded files in Socialengine

I tried moving uploaded file through browse action in socialengine from /public/user/ to /Files/SE/ by using
$fileobj = new Zend_Cloud_StorageService_Adapter_FileSystem();
$fileobj->moveItem($sourcePath, $destinationpath);
move_uploaded_file($sourcePath, $destinationpath);
Both of these couldn't move the file. I have checked the paths too they are perfect and works with other frameworks
You should use API of Storage module which will allow you to create temporary files (when you need to resize images or convert videos) and then place them into public storage. This files will be tracked in engine4_storage_files table.
I got it worked by using createSystemFile() function under storage > Model > DbTable > Files.php
I created a function similar to this and gave parent_type as the folder which I wanted to move in the files.

Saving pdf in the background using html2pdf

Am tryng to automatically generate pdfs using html2pdf class. I got the following code which is working fine, only that someone has to save the pdf manually. However, Whenever a new product is added, I would like to automatically save the pdf to some folder without user intervention, and store this value in a database for future reference.
How do I go about saving the pdf 'silently' i.e. in the background without showing any popups or requiring the user to intervene?
Thanks in advance.
$content = ob_get_clean();
// convert to PDF
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en');
$html2pdf->writeHTML($content, isset($_GET['vuehtml']));
You can try calling this script everytime a new product is added, although then you wouldn't really do it in the "background"...
For more information, please note the question "How can I run a PHP script in the background after a form is submitted?"
If you wish to save the file on the server instead of outputting it to the browser, you can use different parameters. See also the html2pdf-wiki. Be aware that you cannot save the file on the user's computer unnoticed!
$html2pdf->Output('directory/file_xxxx.pdf', 'F');

Capture and save a photo in XAML/C# for a Windows store application

I'm trying to take and save a photo using a windows surface device.
I'm using the code below to take a photo and this work but I'd like to automatically create a directory on the device's local drive and save this photo there without any dialog prompts.
So the code I use to capture to photo is as follows:
CameraCaptureUI camera = new CameraCaptureUI();
StorageFile file = await camera.CaptureFileAsync(CameraCaptureUIMode.Photo);
if (file!=null)
using (IRandomAccessStream ras=await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read))
BitmapImage source = new BitmapImage();
imageBuildingPhoto.Source = source; // this is just an image control.
So after this I'd like to automatically save the photo to a new directory. e.g.
My Pictures\NewDirectory\Photo1.jpg
Anybody got any idea how I can do this?
This is a windows store application written using C#4.5 and XAML.
Thanks in advance
Use the CopyAsync method on the StorageFile object you get back (file). You can specify a directory and file name. If you need to create your own directory structure, you will need to enable access to the appropriate library in the Package Manifest then create it in code. You will then use the StorageFolder class and its CreateFolderAsync method to create folders. has some great resources for learning about scenarios like this. Might be worth checking out.
Your code will need to look to see if that folder exists and create it if it does not. Your app will need to declare the capability to access the user's Photos library in the app manifest, too.
To take a picture, your code is correct. I have a walkthrough in case you want to verify it against some other code:
To interact with the file system, this can be tricky, but I have a longer write up on that if you want to reference it:
The answer to your question is, yes you can. I have done it in my own apps. Now, it's just a matter of you implementing it in yours. You will find it to be pretty easy.

How to save image to application path and retrieve from application path

I have one project and in this project I want to save picture to application path and save the path to database as string and retrieve the image from the application path.
Can u give me some idea about it...
i am using as frontend and ms access database
Getting the Application Path:
Combining Paths:
[System.IO.]Path.Combine(Path1, Path2)
yourImageObject = Image.FromFile(yourPath)