SQL Float to Varchar - sql

This is actually a (not very elegant) solution to a problem I had trying to return a float in to a varchar column when doing a union from a dummy_table with some fudged data totals.
In order to get the float to a string, I used the following function in SQL server 2008 (which I found on SO):
This left lots of leading spaces and trailing zeroes, which was undesirable.
I used the following strings to test the formatting with a dummy table (note that there are 24 preceding spaces that don't show):
' 8.50000'
' 0.50000'
' 8.00000'
I used the following functions to get the desired format:
select replace(rtrim(replace(replace(rtrim(replace(ltrim(
' 8.0000'),'0',' ')),' ','0'),'.',' ')),' ','.') from dummy_table;
This works in the following order:
LTRIM trims empty space to the left.
Replace all zeroes with empty spaces.
RTRIM trims these empty spaces from the right.
Replace all spaces with zeroes.
Replace the dot with space.
Trim all space from the right (to get rid of trailing dot if exists).
Replace spaces with dots (to put dot in the correct place if exists).
If you guys can think of a nicer way to do it, let me know!

round should work for this.
select round(8.5000000000,5)


How to remove leading space in this string in BigQuery?

I have some values in my data that have leading spaces in the string character. Looks like when the data was inputted someone left a space by mistake. How can I remove that leading space? I would assume it would be a regex solution.
You can use Bigquery TRIM function to remove spaces on a STRING value, example :
' Original String_',
TRIM(' Original String_') AS trimmed,
LTRIM(' Original String_') AS left_trim,
RTRIM(' Original String_', "_") AS right_trim
TRIM removes left and right spaces
LTRIM removes only left spaces
RTRIM removes only right spaces

How to search by SQL while doing "a cut of trailing zeros" on a number field?

I have a db table in oracle where I have a column defined as a number.
The columns contains numbers like:
I want to find the records by searching MyColumn=12540000000 as well as MyColumn=1254 (without trailing zeros).
What could I try? TO_CHAR and a cutting logic or is there something more simple?
rtrim(MyColumn, '0') = '1254'
Note that on the right I enclosed the string within quotes (so it is really seen as a string, not a number). Apparently you are treating these as strings, right? Even if MyColumn is a number, it will be implicitly converted to a string before applying rtrim.

TRIM doesn't remove inner whitespaces

I try to remove all whitespaces inside a string. For this, I use TRIM() function. Unfortunately it doesn't work as expected, inner whitespaces (between 35 and 'A') remain untouched:
select TRIM('Hopkins 35 A Street') as Street
Column type is nvarchar. The funny thing is that this function works fine (using example from above) when executed on W3Schools (TRIM function example): https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_sqlserver_trim.asp.
I can use replace on this string and replace ' ' into '' without a problem. I work on SQL Server 18.7.1 (2020)
if you use TRIM like this you are only removing leading and trailing spaces from a string. To remove also spaces in between you should change to:
select TRIM(' ' FROM 'Hopkins 35 A Street') as Street
UPDATE: if you meant to remove all spaces you should use
SELECT REPLACE('Hopkins 35 A Street', ' ', '')
TRIM is only intended to make a double space become a single one
"Trimming" means the removal of whitespace from the start and/or the end of a string value. It never means (and has never meant to mean) the removal of whitespace within a string value (enclosed by non-whitespace characters).
You can indeed use the TRIM function with a FROM in its argument to specify other characters than whitespace to trim. In that case, the TRIM function will remove the specified characters from the start and the end of the string, but not within the string (enclosed by other characters).
In other words: the specified characters will be treated as if they were whitespace as well, but specifying them so will not affect the trimming behavior/algorithm itself.
Check out the sample on Microsoft Docs:
SELECT TRIM( '.,! ' FROM ' # test .') AS Result;
produces this result: # test
TRIM function will only remove only the leading and tailing spaces in the data. It cannot remove all the spaces in the data. I mean it cannot remove all the spaces if there are any spaces in the data like 'Hello World'. TRIM cannot remove the space between the word Hello and World and make it look like 'HelloWorld'. If you want to remove all the spaces, you can use the REPLACE function. In the REPLACE function you can replace the space with any character/number/symbol. If you don't need any you can simply remove the space with ''. like
SELECT REPLACE('Hopkins 35 A Street', ' ', '')

Trim Leading Zeroes Only If Numeric

I have a column containing a combination of numeric and alphanumeric values. When the value is strictly numeric, the database stores it with leading zeroes (but not always), but not if not.
Here's some sample data:
I need to use these values as part of a string that I will use to join to another table. Unfortunately, the portion of the string that corresponds to this field in the other table snips off the leading zeroes of any of the numeric-only values. I'm stumped finding a method of snipping the leading zeroes ONLY in this case.
I found this solution, but it's not for SQL Server (2012). Trim leading zeroes if it is numeric and not trim zeroes if it is alphanumeric
I also saw this, but it also removes the leading zeroes from the hyphenated values shown in the example, which doesn't work. Better techniques for trimming leading zeros in SQL Server?
Help! Thanks!
You could use:
select (case when col not like '%[^0-9]%'
then convert(varchar(255), try_convert(numeric(38), col))
else col
This works for up to 38 digits after the leading zeros
The database does not store anything in varchar (text) fields except what you give it. If you give it leading zeroes, it will save them, it has no reason not to as it's just a piece of text.
For your problem, you can do this:
ISNULL(CAST(TRY_CAST(field AS numeric(38)) AS varchar(insert_field_length))), field)

White spaces in sql

that will sounds stupid, but I have a table with names, those names may finish with white space or may not. E.g. I have name ' dummy ', but even if in the query I write only ' dummy' it will find the record ' dummy '. Can I fix it somehow?
FROM MYTABLE where NAME=' dummy'
This is how SQL works (except Oracle), when you compare two strings the shorter one will be padded with blanks to the length of th 2nd string.
If you really need to consider trailings blanks you can switch to LIKE which doesn't follow that rule:
Of course, you better clean your data during load.
There's only one thing which is worse than trailing spaces, leading spaces (oh, wait a minute, you got them, too).