wget - download all image links from a text file (on server) and download to folder on server [closed] - ssh

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a txt file on the server with hundreds of image links. All links are images.
I want to ssh and use wget to download all the links in the txt file into a folder on the server.
I have googled my brains out with no luck

wget has the -i switch. This way, you can let it read the URLs which it should download from a file:
ssh user#hostname 'wget -i imagelinks.txt'
This works if your file contains one URL per line.


How to copy files from local clipboard to terminal/server clipboard? [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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so I am trying to copy file from local to application running on terminal using Remote Desktop Connection, but when i debug the clipboard it is showing empty clipboard (i.e terminal clipboard). How can i redirect the clipboard of terminal to local ?
PS: My terminal has rights of copy paste (I can copy files from local desktop to terminal desktop)
I tried using FreeRDP, RDPCore and WinScp.NET but didnt find a solution.
Using this code

Suddenly 404 errors in cPanel [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We have a shared host And I want to get two sites on addon Domain.
The first site is no problem But the second site is addon Domain II When we go to the WordPress page, we face a strange problem And that's a problem for files too.
For example on this page:
Sometimes the page installed and occasionally CPanel 404 Error page.
Even static files such as js file Sometimes also created error 404 Which is specified in the following file:
Reset the entire host to solve this problem and Do the installation again
Perhaps your problem will be solved

How to open a remote folder to edit all files within using winscp/cyberduck? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I connect to a remote folder via winscp/cyberduck, to edit a file. I can open the file with an editor of choice like sublimetext or brackets but I cannot seem to open a folder and edit the files within the folder, this option is not available.
How to open remote folder so I can edit all files within the folder (not having to open each file individually) ?
sshfs might be your friend. I heard there was some version for Windows too.
In WinSCP, select all files in the folder before using the Edit command.

Enable screen mode (putty) [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm using Putty to control my SSH server, but it's working only if my computer is working and putty is also working. how should i run my server, that it will work even if putty is closed and windows is shutted down also? My friend told me to run server in 'screen' mode but I don't know what exactly it is, so I want you to explain me.
Screen is a tool for linux to run programs in a 'screen' inside of the system. It is just what you need.
You can install it like this: sudo apt-get install screen
You can create a screen with screen
By using screen -list, you can see all active/started screens.
To reattach to an unused screen, just use screen (-d) -r [screenID] > use -d only if screen is still attatched
To deattatch from a screen press Ctrl+a (release after pressing) and after that d
A screen runs as long as you don't kill it.

Mediawiki page is not appearing properly [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am facing an unique issue (possibly) on my Local Mediawiki. It's been installed on Windows XP (XAMPP server, Mediawiki 1.19.1). I have installed this as a - private wiki and added few stable extensions (like Cite, TitleKey etc.).
The problem is this wiki shows properly in my pc (localhost server) using the default vector skin but other cant view it properly. The page style/format is not appearing at all. I have tried to use monobook skin but that didnt help. Neither I am using short URL (as mentioned in the attached link) nor I have done much changes in LocalSettings.php. I am attaching a snap for more clarity. Any help would be much appreciated.
Stackoverflow answers
Image Snapshot
It worked after I changed the $wgServer in LocalSettings.php from localhost to machine Static IP. Possibly the domain name was misconfigured [as suggested by #Tgr]