Is b^n = Θ(c^n) for all b,c > 1? - time-complexity

I have been trying to find a solution where 0 < k_1*c^n <= b^n <= k_2*c^n, but so far I've had no luck. From my understanding of the Wikipedia article on time complexity all functions on the form a^n should have the same asymptotic growth. Is this false?

False. Suppose, for simplicity, b = 2*a. b^n is 2^n*a^n. For any constant c, there exists n such that 2^n > c, so b^n > c * a^n.
It is impossible to find constants m and c such that, for all n>m, b^n <= c*a^n, so b^n is not O(a^n).


What is the precise definition of `f(E, V) = O(E + V)`?

What is the definition of f(n) = O(n^2)?
This means the following:
There exist c > 0 and n0 such that f(n) <= c*n^2 for all n >= n0.
What is the precise definition of f(E, V) = O(E + V)?
It really works in the same way in your case. One valid definition might be:
There exist c > 0 and n0 such that f(E, V) <= c*(E+V) for all E, V >= n0.
However, you can also define it differently, e.g. by introducing two variables c, d > 0 and requiring f(E,V) <= cE + dE. Both are valid definitions.
However, most likely you have encountered this definition in the context of graph algorithms, where E is the number of edges and V the number of vertices. The time complexity O(E + V) occurs a lot in this field as it really is the same thing as saying O(max(E, V)). It is still linear time complexity.

Comparison of functions asymptotically

I have 2 functions:
f(n) = n*log(n)
g(n) = n^(1.1) * log(log(log(n)))
I want to know how these functions compare to each other. From what I understand, f(n) will always grow faster than g(n). In other words: f(n) in ω(g(n))
I am assuming log base 10, but it really does not matter as any base could be used. I tried a number of combinations of n and c, as the following relation seems to hold:
f(n) ≥ c g(n) ≥ 0
The one combination that seemed to stick out to me was the following:
c = 0
n = 10^10
In this instance:
f(10^10) = (10^10) log(10^10) = (10^10)*(10) = 10^11
c*g(n) = 0 * (10^10)^(1.1) * log(log(log(10^10))
= 0 * (10^11) * log(log(10))
= 0 * (10^11) * log(1)
= 0 * (10^11) * 0 = 0
Hence f(n) will always be greater than g(n) and the relationship will be f(n) is ω(n).
Would my understanding be correct here?
edited: for correction
First of all, the combination sticking out to you doesn't work because it's invalid. A function f(x) is said to be O(g(x)) if and only if there exists a real number x' and positive real number c such that f(x)≤cg(x) for all x≥x'. You use c=0, which is not positive, and so using it to understand asymptotic complexity isn't going to be helpful.
But more importantly, in your example, it's not the case that f(x)=Ω(g(x)). In fact, it's actually f(x)=O(g(x)). You can see this because log(n)=O(n^0.1) (proof here), so nlog(n)=O(n^1.1), so nlog(n)=O(n^1.1 log(log(log(n)))), and thus f(x)=O(g(x)).

Big-O notation prove

I'm trying to prove that this formula (n2+1)/(n+1) is O(n)
As you know, we need to come up with n0 and C.
So I'm confused a little bit about how to choose an appropriate C since the equation here is division.
So with C=1, (n2+1) / (n+1) / n
(n2+n) / (n+n) / n >= (n2+1) /(n+1)
but I'm stuck here in how to simplify the division here.
As n tends to infinity your original equation becomes n^2/n which is equivalent to O(n)
Choosing c = 1:
(n^2 + 1)/(n + 1) <= 1*n definition of Big-Oh with c = 1
n^2 + 1 <= n^2 + n multiplying both sides by n + 1
1 <= n subtracting n^2 from both sides
n >= 1 rearranging
Therefore, the choice n0 = 1 works for c = 1.

Big O calculation

I was studying Big O notation. I know that Big O is denoted by:
f(n) E O(g(n)) or f(n) = O(g(n))
It means the function f (n) has growth rate no greater than g(n).
Now lets say I have an equation:
5n +2 E O(n)
by the above equation, shouldn't 'n' be equal to g(n) and '5n+2' equals to f(n).
Now for any value of n. f(n) is always greater then g(n). So how Big O is true in this case ?
You should read the concept of Big Oh in more detail.
The relation
f(n) E O(g(n))
for some Constant C
f(n) <= C * g(n)
In this case C is some value for which 5n + 2 is always smaller than Cn
If you solve it:
5n + 2 <= Cn
2 <= (C - 5)*n
From this you can easily find out that if C = 6
then for any value of n your equation always holds!
Hope this helps!
That's not a correct definition of big O notation. If f(x) is O(g(x)), then there must exist some constants C and N such that: |f(x)| <= C |g(x)| for all x>N. So, if f(x) is always less than or equal to some constant * g(x) after some x value N, then f(x) is O(g(n)). Effectively, this means that constant factors are irrelevant, because you can choose C to be any value. So, for your example f(n)=5n+2 <= C*g(n)=10000n so, f(n) is O(g(n)).
Considering what the Big-O notation stands for you have the statement
5n +2 E O(n)
or as well
5n +2 = O(n)
Given that Big-O notation states an upper bound to our function, which is to establish an upper limit to the possible results of our given funcion, the problen can be reconsidered in the following way:
5n +2 <= c*n , for some constant c
We can see that the statement holds true given that it is possible to find some constant that will be greater than or equal to our function (making that constant as big or small as we need).
In a more general way, we can say that any given function f(n) will belong to O(g(n)) if the degree of g(n) is greater that or equal to the degree of f(n), that is, the highest degree among its terms.
Let f(n) = n^x;
Let g(n) = n^y; so that x <= y
Then f(n) = O(g(n)).
The same applies to Big-Omega the other way arround.
Hope it works for you

Order of growth

f = n(log(n))^5
g = n^1.01
f = O(g)
f = 0(g)
f = Omega(g)?
I tried dividing both by n and i got
f = log(n)^5
g = n^0.01
But I am still clueless to which one grows faster. Can someone help me with this and explain the reasoning to the answer? I really want to know how (without calculator) one can determine which one grows faster.
Probably easiest to compare their logarithmic profiles:
If (for some C1, C2, a>0)
f < C1 n log(n)^a
g < C2 n^(1+k)
Then (for large enough n)
log(f) < log(n) + a log(log(n)) + log(C1)
log(g) < log(n) + k log(n) + log(C2)
Both are dominated by log(n) growth, so the question is which residual is bigger. The log(n) residual grows faster than log(log(n)), regardless of how small k or how large a is, so g would grow faster than f.
So in terms of big-O notation: g grows faster than f, so f can (asymptotically) be bounded from above by a function like g:
f(n) < C3 g(n)
So f = O(g). Similarly, g can be bounded from below by f, so g = Omega(f). But f cannot be bounded from below by a function like g, since g will eventually outgrow it. So f != Omega(g) and f != Theta(g).
But aaa makes a very good point: g does not begin to dominate over f until n becomes obscenely large.
I don't have a lot of experience with algorithm scaling, so corrections are welcome.
I would break this up into several easy, reusable lemmas:
Lemma 1: For a positive constant k, f = O(g) if and only if f = O(k g).
Proof: Suppose f = O(g). Then there exist constants c and N such that |f(n)| < c |g(n)| for n > N.
Thus |f(n)| < (c/k) (k |g(n)| ) for n > N and constant (c/k), so f = O (k g). The converse is trivially similar.
Lemma 2: If h is a positive monotonically increasing function and f and g are positive for sufficiently large n, then f = O(g) if and only if h(f) = O( h(g) ).
Proof: Suppose f = O(g). Then there exist constants c and N such that |f(n)| < c |g(n)| for n > N. Since f and g are positive for n > M, f(n) < c g(n) for n > max(N, M). Since h is monotonically increasing, h(f(n)) < c h(g(n)) for n > max(N, M), and lastly |h(f(n))| < c |h(g(n))| for n > max(N, M) since h is positive. Thus h(f) = O(h(g)).
The converse follows similarly; the key fact being that if h is monotonically increasing, then h(a) < h(b) => a < b.
Lemma 3: If h is an invertible monotonically increasing function, then f = O(g) if and only if f(h) + O(g(h)).
Proof: Suppose f = O(g). Then there exist constants c, N such that |f(n)| < c |g(n)| for n > N. Thus |f(h(n))| < c |g(h(n))| for h(n) > N. Since h(n) is invertible and monotonically increasing, h(n) > N whenever n > h^-1(N). Thus h^-1(N) is the new constant we need, and f(h(n)) = O(g(h(n)).
The converse follows similarly, using g's inverse.
Lemma 4: If h(n) is nonzero for n > M, f = O(g) if and only if f(n)h(n) = O(g(n)h(n)).
Proof: If f = O(g), then for constants c, N, |f(n)| < c |g(n)| for n > N. Since |h(n)| is positive for n > M, |f(n)h(n)| < c |g(n)h(n)| for n > max(N, M) and so f(n)h(n) = O(g(n)h(n)).
The converse follows similarly by using 1/h(n).
Lemma 5a: log n = O(n).
Proof: Let f = log n, g = n. Then f' = 1/n and g' = 1, so for n > 1, g increases more quickly than f. Moreover g(1) = 1 > 0 = f(1), so |f(n)| < |g(n)| for n > 1 and f = O(g).
Lemma 5b: n != O(log n).
Proof: Suppose otherwise for contradiction, and let f = n and g = log n. Then for some constants c, N, |n| < c |log n| for n > N.
Let d = max(2, 2c, sqrt(N+1) ). By the calculation in lemma 5a, since d > 2 > 1, log d < d. Thus
|f(2d^2)| = 2d^2 > 2d(log d) >= d log d + d log 2 = d (log 2d) > 2c log 2d > c log (2d^2) = c g(2d^2) = c |g(2d^2)| for 2d^2 > N, a contradiction. Thus f != O(g).
So now we can assemble the answer to the question you originally asked.
Step 1:
log n = O(n^a)
n^a != O(log n)
For any positive constant a.
Proof: log n = O(n) by Lemma 5a. Thus log n = 1/a log n^a = O(1/a n^a) = O(n^a) by Lemmas 3 (for h(n) = n^a), 4, and 1. The second fact follows similarly by using Lemma 5b.
Step 2:
log^5 n = O(n^0.01)
n^0.01 != O(log^5 n)
Proof: log n = O(n^0.002) by step 1. Then by Lemma 2 (with h(n) = n^5), log^5 n = O( (n^0.002)^5 ) = O(n^0.01). The second fact follows similarly.
Final answer:
n log^5 n = O(n^1.01)
n^1.01 != O(n log^5 n)
In other words,
f = O(g)
f != 0(g)
f != Omega(g)
Proof: Apply Lemma 4 (using h(n) = n) to step 2.
With practice these rules become "obvious" and second nature. and unless your test requires that you prove your answer you'll find yourself whipping through these kinds of big-O problems.
how about checking their intersections?
Solve[Log[n] == n^(0.01/5), n]
{{n -> 2.72374}, {n -> 8.70811861815 10 }}
I cheated with Mathematica
you can also reason with derivatives,
In[71]:= D[Log[n], n]
In[72]:= D[n^(0.01/5), n]
consider what happens as n gets really large, change in first tends to zero, later function doesnt lose its derivative (exponent is greater than 0).
this tells you which is more complex theoretically.
however in the practical region, first function is going to grow faster.
This is not 100% mathematically kosher without proving something about logs, but here he goes:
f = log(n)^5
g = n^0.01
We take logs of both:
log(f) = log(log(n)^5)) = 5*log(log(n)) = O(log(log(n)))
log(g) = log(n^0.01) = 0.01*log(n) = O(log(n))
From this we see that the first one grows asymptotically slower, because it has a double log in it and logs grow slowly. An non-formal argument why this reasoning by taking logs is valid is this: log(n) tells you roughly how many digits there are in the number n. So if the number of digits of g is growing asymptotically faster than the number of digits of f, then surely the actual number g is growing faster than the number f!