Activity endpoint? - api

Will there be an "activity" endpoint for us 3rd Party developers to use so we may build apps that have the same information as the "official" apps?
Even piecing together data from other endpoints we cannot build such a feature since there's no way for us to get checkin history for users other than "self". We can only get other users last checkin.
Thought I'd read some time ago that the website and official apps were just going to use the api so there must be some hidden/not public endpoints.
Just curious.

The official app does use the same endpoints exposed through the API, but the public API is only a subset of what the official app uses :) (e.g., we don't allow account creation)
Having said that, there's currently no "activity" endpoint we expose, nor will we likely expose one in the future. Sorry bout that!


For Dropbox API is there a way to pull a list of users and see if MFA is enabled?

I am wanting to pull all users in my company dropbox and then check to see if their accounts have MFA enabled. I read over the documentation for Dropbox api but did not see anything stand out where this was possible.
It's very sad to realize that a popular platform such as Dropbox doesn't expose A LOT of basic features through its API (and the SDK itself is far from being OK, compared to G-Suite). Anyway, there are two hacky methods you can use in order to pull out that information (with some limitations).
First method:
By analyzing the team events using team_members_list() you can filter out tfa_change_status_details events. When new_value=TfaConfiguration('[sms|other]', None) is specified - 2FA is enabled.
The information I found out that can be retrieved using this method is:
has_2fa - whether 2FA was ever configured.
is_tfa_enabled - whether 2FA is currently enabled.
tfa_type - whether 2FA is by SMS or by app.
However, keep in mind that you have to track changes constantly and also keep in mind that Dropbox saves team events for only two years.
Second method:
Using the front-end dashboard API this information can be retrieved (I can't remember the API name, I think that it is /2/get_multifactor and inside you'd find some information about its status and the organizational policy regarding 2FA). However, to use the front-end dashboard API (which is totally undocumented) you'd need to simulate a successful login (and correctly use the lid and jar cookies) and you'd also need to bypass the random captcha that appears when you abuse the service with too many requests.
To be honest, Dropbox's API is weak, neglected, and ugly. I wish I never had to use it. Anyway, I would recommend using the first method and pray for a significant update to the API
No, unfortunately the Dropbox API doesn't expose this. We'll consider it a feature request.
There's a feature request open for this one ( But I wouldn't hold your breath, as #Aviv mentioned the Dropbox API seems surprisingly neglected at the moment.

Cumulocity extend API

We're working with Cumulocity and we'd like to offer services to our customers that are not currently possible to implement with Cumulocity. As an example, we'd like to be able to retrieve a list of devices located within x kilometers of a given point.
Currently there are two limitations that prevent us from doing so:
the impossibility of extending the Cumulocity API with custom route/parameters
the impossibility of implementing custom functions for specific API GET calls
I can think of a workaround to achieve this, like a POST request of an event that would be processed by an Esper rule, generating another event/measurement that could then be accessed by a GET. But I think we can agree this is not a suitable mechanism.
Please not that the use case I described above is just an example. Our needs don't limit to this and we need a standardized way to expand our services without requirering updates on Cumulocity side.
There are two topics here, I believe:
Geo-querying: Some geographical querying and aggregation use cases can be handled through CEL. A general geo-querying API is on the Cumulocity roadmap. Note: This use case is not only related to extending the API, as such queries go right down into the database.
Extending the API: That is actually possible. Cumulocity has a microservices API in which you can expose other APIs under the URL /services/.... This is, for example, how connectivity platforms are interfaced. The API is not on the web site because it's not GA yet, but you can certainly discuss it with your Cumulocity contact or open a ticket. This btw includes also adding permissions for the new microservices, so that you can do proper A&A.

How to get third-party API up-to-date?

So, I stepped once at this problem. I had offered a website that used the SoundCloud API. Everything worked properly. Content was extracted from the JSON and placed in the layout of the website. However, I received an email one day from the owner of the website, which indicated that the website did not work properly. I then came out to investigate and came to the conclusion that the "problem" was not on my side, but at SoundCloud's side. I studied on the API page of SoundCloud and came to the conclusion that the API had received a major update, making the link with SC and the site no longer worked.
Lately I'm trying many new APIs to, including those from Instagram and Dribbble. I was therefore wondering if it is at all possible to ensure that such problems can be reduced in the future or it might be appropriate API pages of this third-party APIs to monitor?
There's no "right" answer. After many years of using and maintaining many APIs here are some of the conclusions I've come to:
The best providers let you work with a specific version of their API whose interface and expected behavior never changes. They might release bug fixes and new endpoints, but you can be confident that as long as the API is supported it will not break your system.
A good provider will provide an end-of-life date for each version of their API. It's up to you to keep track of when you need to update.
Paid services will often be supported longer than free services. Plus the contract / SLA will guarantee it remains available for a specific amount of time.
The most popular APIs often have mailing lists and/or blogs. For those that offer it, sign up to be notified of updates. For those that don't you'll have to monitor their blogs or news posts. And I suggest not using any service that would drop support for an API version without warning.

Where is the full Yammer API documentation

The Yammer API is partially documented here.
I expect to find this endpoint documented
but it not documented.
I found it in this post
Yammer API - List of groups for each user
And it does work.
I assume that there are other useful endpoints as well.
Can someone point me to more complete documentation. Or is it possible to query the API for a list of endpoints?
The first link you list is in fact the full documentation. Groups.json is a working endpoint, but not a documented one. This means that Yammer does not promise to support this endpoint, and may decide to change it at any point, possibly breaking any code that relies upon it.
You can find lots of undocumented endpoints by running a toll such as Fiddler against the Yammer web interface, and lots of developers, myself included, develop solutions against these endpoints. We just have to remember, and make sure our clients understand, the implications of developing with these APIs.

Can client side mess with my API?

I have a website that revolves around transactions between two users. Each user needs to agree to the same terms. If I want an API so other websites can implement this into their own website, then I want to make sure that the other websites cannot mess with the process by including more fields in between or things that are irrelevant to my application. Is this possible?
If I was to implement such a thing, I would allow other websites to use tokens/URLs/widgets that would link them to my website. So, for example, website X wants to use my service to agree user A and B on the same terms. Their page will have an embedded form/frame which would be generated from my website and user B will also receive an email with link to my website's page (or a page of website X with a form/frame generated from my server).
Consider how different sites use eBay to enable users to pay. You buy everything on the site but when you are paying, either you are taken to ebay page and come back after payment, or the website has a small form/frame that is directly linked to ebay.
But this is my solution, one way of doing it. Hope this helps.
It depends on how your API is implemented. It takes considerably more work, thought, and engineering to build an API that can literally take any kind of data or to build an API that can take additional, named, key/value pairs as fields.
If you have implemented your API in this manner, then it's quite possible that users of this API could use it to extend functionality or build something slightly different by passing in additional data.
However, if your API is built to where specific values must be passed and these fields are required, then it becomes much more difficult for your API to be used in a manner that differs from what you originally intended.
For example, Google has many different API's for different purposes, and each API has a very specific number of required parameters that a developer must use in order to make a successful HTTP request. While the goal of these API's are to allow developers to extend functionality, they do allow access to only very specific pieces of data.
Lastly, you can use authentication to prevent unauthorized access to your API. The specific implementation details depend largely on the platform you're working with as well as how the API will be used. For instance, if users must login to use services provided by your API, then a form of OAuth may suffice. However, if other servers will consume your API, then the authorization will have to take place in the HTTP headers.
For more information on API best practices, see 7 Rules of Thumb When You Build an API, and a slideshow from a Google Engineer titled How to Design a Good API and Why That Matters.