how to update a single field value? - sql

I use a MS Access database and the table stock having fields:
brand name
model name
Now I want to update the stock value of a particular product. I have two input boxes for this purpose.
I use the code below.
Private Sub cmddelstock_Click()
Dim a As String
Dim b As Integer
Adodc1.RecordSource = "UPDATE stock SET Stock='b' where Model_Name='a' "
The error I am experiencing is the syntax error in from clause.
I don't connect to the database via code, instead I connect to it via right click then go to properties. There I use connection string=microsoft jet oledb 4.0
then in record source tab command type=1-adcmd type
I perform UPDATE stock
Now what should I use in command text?

The .RecordSource property is is just that: The source from which the ADODBGrid is filled. So, you cannot use this property to issue an UpdateSQL command (which by the way has some syntax errors of itself).
You need to put the SQL string in some kind of .Execute Sub of the class that handles the underlying data.
I am not familiair with ADO (I use DAO exclusively), but in DAO this would look like
dbStockDatabase.Execute "UPDATE Stock SET Stock.Stock=" & b & " WHERE Stock.Model_Name='" & a & "'"

in this syntax :
Adodc1.RecordSource = "UPDATE stock SET Stock='b' where Model_Name='a' "
a and b is not variabel but its character, change it to this :
"UPDATE stock SET Stock='" & b & "' where Model_Name='" & a & "'"


Return Query Value Using VBA function in Access

I'm currently working on a project and I've been having trouble trying to get a function that is able to return the value of a query, which I do need in order to display it on a textbox.
The current code is like this:
Public Function rubrieknaamSQL() As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT T_Train.trainPlate, T_Category.categoryName FROM T_Category INNER JOIN T_Train ON = T_Train.category_id WHERE (((T_Train.trainPlate)=[Forms]![F_Comboio]![Combo_Search_Comboio]));"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
rubrieknaamSQL = rst!categoryName
End Function
I should say that the code is copied from other publisher and I do not own its rights. However, it still won't work when I try to run it and the error displayed goes like this:
Run-Time Error 3061 : Too few parameters. Expected 1
and it happens in Set rst command.
For a SELECT query to set a recordset object, concatenate variable:
" ... WHERE T_Train.trainPlate=" & [Forms]![F_Comboio]![Combo_Search_Comboio]
If trainPlate is a text field, need apostrophe delimiters (date/time field needs # delimiter):
" ... WHERE T_Train.trainPlate='" & [Forms]![F_Comboio]![Combo_Search_Comboio] & "'"
For more info about parameters in Access SQL constructed in VBA, review How do I use parameters in VBA in the different contexts in Microsoft Access?
There are ways to pull this single value without VBA.
make combobox RowSource an SQL that joins tables and textbox simply references combobox column by its index - index is 0 based so if categoryName field is in third column, its index is 2: =[Combo_Search_Comboio].Column(2)
include T_Category in form RecordSource and bind textbox to categoryName - set as Locked Yes and TabStop No
build a query object that joins tables without filter criteria and use DLookup() expression in textbox
=DLookup("categoryName", "queryname", "trainPlate='" & [Combo_Search_Comboio] & "'")

Is it possible to make a dynamic sql statement based on combobox.value in access?

I made a form in access with 2 different comboboxes. The user of
This tool can choose in combobox1: the table (which has to be filtered) and the second combobox2 is the criteria to be filtered( for example Language= “EN”) and the output of this query has to be located in tablex.
The problen what I have is that i cant find a solution for passing the value of the combobox1 to the sql statement. The second one is just like: where [language] = forms!form!combo2.value, but the part where i cant find a solution for is: select * from (combobox1 value)? How can i pass the combobox value as table name to be filtered? Can anyone please help me?
You can't have the table name in the WHERE clause of your query (there might be a hacky way to do it, but it should be discouraged at any case).
If you want to select data from 1 of a number of tables, your best bet is to generate SQL dynamically using VBA. One way to do this (especially if you want/need your query to open in Datasheet View for the end user) is to have a "dummy" query whose SQL you can populate using the form selections.
For example, let's say we have 2 tables: tTable1 and tTable2. Both of these tables have a single column named Language. You want the user to select data from either the first or second table, with an optional filter.
Create a form with 2 combo boxes: One for the tables, and one with the criteria selections. It sounds like you've already done this step.
Have a button on this form that opens the query. The code for this button's press event should look something like this:
Private Sub cmdRunQuery_Click()
Dim sSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
If Not IsNull(Me.cboTableName.Value) Then
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & Me.cboTableName.Value
If Not IsNull(Me.cboFilter.Value) Then
sSQL = sSQL & vbNewLine & _
"WHERE Language=""" & Me.cboFilter & """"
End If
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qDummyQuery")
qdf.SQL = sSQL
DoCmd.OpenQuery qdf.Name
End If
End Sub
Note how the SQL is being generated. Of course, using this method, you need to protect yourself from SQL injection: You should only allow predefined values in the combo box. But this serves as a proof of concept.
If you don't need to show the query results, you don't need to use the dummy query: You could just open a recordset based on the SQL and process that.
If you run the code in the afterupdate event of the combobox you can set an SQL statement like this:
Private Sub combobox2_AfterUpdate()
someGlobalVar = "Select * FROM " & me.combobox1.value & " WHERE language = " & _
End Sub
And then call the global with the SQL string wherever you need it.

Execute a SQL statement inside VBA Code

I am attempting to execute a SQL query inside of VBA Code. The query works in MS Access and asks the user to input a value for Customer_Name and Part_Number
What I have done is written the VBA Code in outlook so we can run the macro to execute the query from Outlook. The code I have currently works until the very bottom line on the DoCmd.RunSQL portion. I think I have this syntax incorrect. I need to tell it to run the string of SQL listed above:
Public Sub AppendAllTables()
Part_Number = InputBox("Enter Part Number")
Customer_Name = InputBox("Enter Customer Name")
Dim strsqlQuery As String
Dim Y As String
Y = "YES, Exact Match"
Dim P As String
P = "Possible Match - Base 6"
Dim X As String
X = "*"
strsqlQuery = "SELECT Append_All_Tables.Customer,
Append_All_Tables.CustomerCode, Append_All_Tables.PartNumber,
Append_All_Tables.Description, Append_All_Tables.Vehicle, SWITCH" &
Customer_Name & " = Append_All_Tables.PartNumber, " & Y & ", LEFT(" &
Part_Number & ",12) = LEFT(Append_All_Tables.PartNumber,12)," & Y & ",
LEFT(" & Part_Number & ",6) = LEFT(Append_All_Tables.PartNumber,6)," & P
& ") AS Interchangeability FROM Append_All_Tables WHERE" & Customer_Name
& "Like " & X & Customer_Name & X & "AND
LEFT(Append_All_Tables.PartNumber,6) = LEFT(" & Part_Number & ",6);"
Set appAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase "path.accdb"
appAccess.DoCmd.RunSQL "strsqlQuery"
End Sub
Please note, the path has been changed for privacy. The SQL code already works in Access. I am only needing the last line to be evaluated.
If you want to have a datasheet form view show these records you can use
First create a query with the data you want to see, then bind that to your form using the Record Source property, then when you call DoCmd.OpenForm pass in the filter you want.
I'm not following what you're trying to do with SWITCH in your query (is that supposed to be the switch() function? it has no parentheses). But you'll need to adjust that to join to use a Where statement instead.
I agree with a couple of the above posts.
You need to do a Debug.Print of the strsqlQuery variable BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING! Then evaluate that statement. Does it look right? As Matt says, it doesn't look like you have line continuations, which would make your SQL statement incomplete (and thus, the computer doesn't think its a query at all).
My personal preference is to define the SQL like you have, then create the actual query using that SQL (create query def), and then call that query, because it will now be an actual object in the database. The QUERY can show up as a datasheet without any form requirement, but a pure SQL Statement cannot.
Remove the quotes.
appAccess.DoCmd.RunSQL "strsqlQuery" to appAccess.DoCmd.RunSQL strsqlQuery

How to run parameterized query from VBA. Parameters sourced from recordset

I have a form where a user selects a vendor's name from a combobox, whose catalog file is to be imported. The combobox selection then drives a query to create a one-record recordset (rsProfile) containing several profile variables queried from a table of all vendor profiles. These variables are then used in a series of different queries to reformat, translate and normalize the vendor's uniquely structured files to a standardized format that can be imported into our system.
I am frustrated that I can't figure out how to build my stored queries that will use one or more parameters that are automatically populated from the profile recordset.
Here is my rsProfile harvesting code. It works. Note that intVdrProfileID is a global variable set and used in other places.
Private Sub btn_Process_Click()
Dim ws As Workspace
Dim db, dbBkp As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rsProfile, rsSubscrip As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strBkpDBName As String
Dim strBkpDBFullName As String
strBkpDBName = Left(strVdrImportFileName, InStr(strVdrImportFileName, ".") - 1) & "BkpDB.mdb"
strBkpDBFullName = strBkpFilePath & "\" & strBkpDBName
Set db = CurrentDb
Set ws = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
MsgBox ("Vendor Profile ID = " & intVdrProfileID & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Backup file path: " & strBkpFilePath)
' Harvest Vendor Profile fields used in this sub
strSQL = "SELECT VendorID, Div, VPNPrefix, ImportTemplate, " & _
"VenSrcID, VenClaID, ProTyp, ProSeq, ProOrdPkg, ProOrdPkgTyp, JdeSRP4Code, " & _
"PriceMeth, " & _
"ProCost1Frml, ProCost2Frml, " & _
"ProAmt1Frml, ProAmt2Frml, ProAmt3Frml, ProAmt4Frml, ProAmt5Frml " & _
"FROM tZ100_VendorProfiles " & _
"WHERE VendorID = " & intVdrProfileID & ";"
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qZ140_GetProfileProcessParms")
qdf.SQL = strSQL
Set rsProfile = qdf.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot)
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qZ140_GetProfileProcessParms"
' MsgBox (qdf.SQL)
I have used QueryDefs to rewrite stored queries at runtime, and although it works, it is quite cumbersome and does not work for everything.
I was hoping for something like the sample below as a stored query using DLookups. I can get this to work in VBA, but I can't get anything to work with stored queries. I am open to other suggestions.
Stored Query "qP0060c_DirectImportTape":
DLookUp("[VPNPrefix]","rsProfile","[VendorID]=" & intVdrProfileID) & [PartNo] AS VenPrtId,
Description AS Des,
DLookup("[Jobber]","rsProfile",[VendorID=" & intVdrProfileID) AS Amt1,
INTO tP006_DirectImportTape
FROM tJ000_VendorFileIn;
Let me adjust the problem to make it a bit more complex. I have a collection of about 40 queries each of which use a different collection of parameters (or none). I also have a table containing the particular set of queries that each vendor 'subscribes' to. The goal is to have a database where a non-coding user can add new vendor profiles and create/modify the particular set of queries which would be run against that vendor file. I have almost 100 vendors so far, so coding every vendor seperately is not practical. Each vendor file will be subjected to an average of 14 different update queries.
Simplified Example:
Vendor1 file needs to be processed with queries 1, 2 and 5. Vendor2 file might need only update queries 2 and 4. The parameters for these queries might be as follows:
query1 (parm1)
query2 (parm1, parm4, parm8, parm11)
query4 (parm5, parm6, parm7, parm8, parm9, parm10, parm11)
query5 () -no parms required
This is the core query processing that loops through only the queries relevant to the current vendor file. rsSubscrip is the recordset (queried from a master table) containing this filtered list of queries.
' Run all subscribed queries
MsgBox "Ready to process query subscription list."
With rsSubscrip
Do While Not .EOF
db.Execute !QueryName, dbFailOnError
End With
You can set the parameters of a predefined query using the syntax;
Set qdf = CurrentDB.QueryDefs(QueryName)
qdf.Parameters(ParameterName) = MyValue
To add parameters to the query, add the following before the SELECT statement in the sql
PARAMETERS [ParameterOne] DataType, [ParameterTwo] DataType;
SELECT * FROM tblTest;

Access query updatable fields with group by

I want to create a split form based on a query where the fields are all grouped. The split form will not let me update the records because they are grouped. For instance let's say 10 records all had the same data in a field called "Company Name". Is there any way to make the query updatable such that when I change the data for "Company Name" on the grouped entry it will change for all of the records that are grouped?
it is definitively not possible to update a grouped query.
The reason is, that a grouped query cannot contain the key (if you include it, you have no more a grouping, as the key is unique ...)
So Access has no clue, what is grouped and which records should be updated
What you have to do is:
create a form based on the query
add an event "on double-click" to the field you want to change
program a dialog to ask for new value
fire an sql to update
here a sample for steps 2-4
Private Sub DOK_DokumentNr_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim newvalue As Variant
Dim sSQL As String
newvalue = InputBox("enter new value", "DOC-Number", Me!DOK_DokumentNr.OldValue)
If newvalue <> Me!DOK_DokumentNr.OldValue Then
sSQL = "UPDATE T_Dokument SET DOK_DokumentNr = '" & newvalue & "' "
sSQL = sSQL & "WHERE DOK_DokumentNr = '" & Me!DOK_DokumentNr.OldValue & "'"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False ' to prevent the standard message for modifying data
DoCmd.SetWarnings True ' reset warnings to default
End If
End Sub