How To Run UI Test Classes Using Selenium Webdriver in Jenkins? - testing

I have test classes written in java for UI testing using Maven using Selenium Web-Driver. I want to run them using mvn test command in Jenkins.
It is not able to launch the browser for the testing.
The error stack shown is something like this:
org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:
Error: no display specified
Error: no display specified
at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.internal.NewProfileExtensionConnection.start(
Any help on this will be appreciated.

Firefox needs a X display to run, e.g. Xvfb
You will need to
install xvfb on your server. Doing this depends on your server operating system (and package management)
start xvfb before the build. You can do this using the xfvb plugin, or by running Xvfb as a daemon. I personally like to use the plugin.


Selenium works when started locally, but not remotely

I'm hoping this is a simple issue to solve:
I have a dedicated machine that runs selenium with chromedriver. I can physically walk to the machine and type the following in a local terminal:
java -jar selenium-server-3.11.jar
I can then go to any other machine on the network and kick off testing (in my case, codeception on jenkins) and it will sucessfully run my tests in chrome without a hitch.
However, if I try to run the above command without physically being at the selenium machine (ex, trying to ssh into the machine to run the command or making this command run as part of a supervisor process) then selenium has trouble starting the instance of chrome.
Has anyone run into this scenario before? Is there a way I can give 'interactive' access to the background script to allow it to open stuff on my screen?
Because when you physically walk to the machine and run the command. the selenium can get the desktop/window interface.
When use SSH, selenium lost the desktop/window interface, selenium have to start chrome under headless model, but your code not config to run as headless model. So the conflict come out.
you need to config your code to run with headless model.
I'm to getting the same scenario, when i try to start the selenium code on the machine A it works yet when i try to start selenium and run the scripts from machine B
(remotely connecting to machine A using ssh [ssh test#machine-a]) chrome instance doesn't start/launch and driver is getting null.
logs :
2020-02-27 12:04:27,319 INFO [LogWritter] Exception in beforeclass chrome driver instantiation , driver is null
2020-02-27 12:04:27,493 INFO [LogWritter] Exception in getting screenshot---java.awt.AWTException: headless environment
Any help/suggestion would be great !

Browser is not launching even test is running through Jenkins on ubuntu

I am trying to launch browser for automation testing(selenium) using jenkins on ubuntu OS. Test are running properly but browser is not launching seems like it is running headlessly.
I am able to fix this using this solution -
Added Xvfb plugin and added DISPLAY variable.
Running jenkins.war
from console using java -jar jenkins.war
As I know in Windows OS by checking "Allow service to interact with desktop" while jenkins installation we can fix this. So Is there any way we can do this on ubuntu by updating some configuration so we don't have run jenkins.war from console everytime.
There are two ways to facilitate the launch of browser on ubuntu OS.
1.First way - Configure your Jenkins nodes and add the ubuntu machine. Add the sshing details(username-password OR RSA key) of the target machine. This configuration is recommended if you are in cloud.
2.Second way(not recommended on cloud environments) -You have to run a Selenium standalone-Server (a standalone node), and register your remote WebDriver to it.
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://ipOfUbuntuMachine:port/wd/hub"), capability);

WebDriverException: Element is not clickable at point

Complete error
org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Element is not clickable at
point (931, 23). Other element would receive the click:
Running selenium tests using Jenkins in headless browser
In following environment
OS- CentOS 6 and Xvfb installed in same machine
Xvfb screen resolution - Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1280x1024x16 &
Driver - Firefox driver
Selenium webdriver version - 2.52.0
The same test case working fine in windows os with firefox
Try this. Install Xvfb plugin on Jenkins.
After that install Xvfb in "Global Tool Configuration"
Then under your project configuration, setup xvfb
Try Using resolution given in image
Now run your build :)
This is the reason it is important to test on different browsers and on different platforms. Sometimes what works on one browser/os does not work on the same browser but a different platform.
I would update your setup so that you make a screenshot when you run into this type (and most other types) of error. In my experience this is the single best thing you can do to reduce the time spent to debug these issues.
In my setup I do the following:
Create a screenshot
Capture the coordinates from the Selenium error message
Use an image manipulation program to automatically create a red dot where the click happened
Usually I just have to take one look at such an image to see exactly what is happening.

[Vagrant][Jenkins][Behat][Selenium] How to combine them?

I have a project with some requirements: install jenkins, selenium, behat on a Vagrant box with ubuntu 12.04. I installed jenkins, selenium, behat on this box. When i run selenium, jenkins and run some behat test, the error display :
- Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:
Error: no display specified
Error: no display specified
I installed firefox and use selenium-server-standalone-2.35.0.
firefox -v
Mozilla Firefox 24.0
What should i do?
Its most likely that your Jenkins user does not have an X session to run firefox in.
You can use something like Xvfb which is a virtual frame buffer How do I run Selenium in Xvfb?
Alternatively you could use phantomjs/ghostdriver which is a totally headless webdriver for selenium - so you don't need any X at all.
I personally run a selenium hub and connect various drivers to it for different browsers. These drivers can be on different machines and platforms so you can fully test different configurations

Selenium with Xvfb and Jenkins throws TimeoutException

I'm trying to setup automatic Selenium tests with Jenkins on a Linux server.
The problem is that all tests fail with:
org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Timed out after 60 seconds waiting for visibility of element located by By.linkText
Each test fails with the fist element expected.
Jenkins has the Xvfb plugin installed, and from the console messages it seems to work:
Xvfb starting$ /usr/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x24
I tried to increase the timeout, but it seems its not that the problem.
The tests run fine on windows and on a linux system with display.
The problem is I don't have direct access to the server, so I'm trying to explore all possibilities before I make requests to the sys admins.
To run the tests are used two projects, both seem to deploy fine, but when the tests start its like one project (the backend) is not deployed and some URLs are not found, from here the timeout exception. I'm not very sure how Jenkins behaves in this case, and if it starts one project at a time.
Any ideas? Thanks a lot!
To check if the application under test is running when tests try to access it, you can connect to the test machine via ssh, and take screenshot at the moment when the test runs:
xwd -root | convert xwd:- capture.png