sql getting data three columns from one table and one from another - sql

I have two tables sales and customers
from 1st table I want to sum two columns recived_amount and bill_amount and subtract them both and after that also want to get customer_id
from 2nd table I just want to get Customer_name
I've tried
SELECT Customer_details.CUS_name,
SUM(SALES.Bill_Amount) - SUM(SALES.Recived_Amount),
from sales
INNER JOIN Customer_details
ON Customer_details.Cus_id=sales.Cus_id
where SALES.Cus_id = 1 order BY Cus_id

SELECT Customer_details.CUS_name, (SUM(SALES.Bill_Amount) - SUM(SALES.Recived_Amount)) as Subtract,Customer_details.Cus_id
from sales INNER JOIN Customer_details ON Customer_details.Cus_id=sales.Cus_id
where SALES.Cus_id = 1
group by Customer_details.CUS_name,Customer_details.Cus_id
order BY Cus_id

SELECT Customer_details.CUS_name,
(SUM(SALES.Bill_Amount)-SUM(SALES.Recived_Amount)) AS Balance_Owed,
FROM Sales INNER JOIN Customer_details ON Customer_details.Cus_id=Sales.Cus_id
GROUP BY Customer_details.CUS_name,Customer_details.Cus_id
ORDER BY Customer_details.Cus_id;


Access 2002 SQL for joining three tables

I have been trying to get this to work for a while now. I have 3 tables. First table has the Sales for customers which include the CustomerID, DateOfSales (Which always has the first of the month). The second table has the CustomerName, CustomerID. The third table has which customers buy what product lines. They are stored by CustomerID, ProductID.
I want to get a list (from one SQL hopefully) that has ALL the customers that are listed as buying a certain ProductID AND the maxDate from the Sales. I can get all of them IF there are sales for that customer. How the heck do I get ALL customers that buy the certain ProductID AND the maxDate from Sales or NULL if there is no sales found?
SalesList |CustomerList|WhoBuysWhat
maxDate |CustomerID |CustomerID
CustomerID| |ProductID=17
This is as close as I got. It gets all max dates but only if there have been sales. I want the CustomerID and a NULL for the maxDate if there were no sales recorded yet.
SELECT WhoBuysWhat.CustomerID, CustomerList.CustomerName,
Max(SalesList.MonthYear) AS MaxOfMonthYear FROM (CustomerList INNER
JOIN SalesList ON CustomerList.CustomerID = SalesList.CustomerID) INNER
JOIN WhoBuysWhat ON CustomerList.CustomerID = WhoBuysWhat.CustomerID
WHERE (((SalesList.ProductID)=17)) GROUP BY WhoBuysWhat.CustomerID,
Is it possible or do I need to use multiple SQL statements? I know we should get something newer than Access 2002 but that is what they have.
You want LEFT JOINs:
SELECT cl.CustomerID, cl.CustomerName,
Max(sl.MonthYear) AS MaxOfMonthYear
FROM (CustomerList as cl LEFT JOIN
(SELECT sl.*
FROM SalesList sl
WHERE sl.ProductID = 17
) as sl
ON cl.CustomerID = sl.CustomerID
WhoBuysWhat wbw
ON cl.CustomerID = wbw.CustomerID
GROUP BY cl.CustomerID, cl.CustomerName;

Get SUMs for dimension record from several fact tables

I have to 2 queries below which calculate to correct value:
Select Finances.CustomerID,
from Finances
group by Finances.CustomerID
order by Finances.CustomerID
Select Invoices.CustomerID,
from Invoices
group by Invoices.CustomerID
order by Invoices.CustomerID
within the Finances table a customer can owe money from multiple orders, so for this example lets say the customer has to pay £100+ £400 + £500, which totals to £1000.
the customer then receives the 1st invoice for £100, and pays this..
so the 2nd query would now display £100.... from these 2 values I then want to calculate a 3rd column which deducts the £100 away from the £1000 equalling £900 (the amount left to pay)
the is my table structure:
there are a lot more tables associated however this is where I am the data from with the select statements :)
how would i write the sql statement to do this all together or is it not possible? ideally i would like the to be used within a INSERT -> SELECT -> WHERE NOT EXISTS Statement or alternatively populated in a view. thanks for the help
CREATE VIEW CustomerFinances AS
;WITH FinancesCTE AS
Select Finances.CustomerID,
from Finances
group by Finances.CustomerID
),InvoicesCTE AS
Select Invoices.CustomerID,
from Invoices
group by Invoices.CustomerID
F.Total AS FinanceTotal,
FROM Customers C
ON C.CustomerID = F.CustomerID
ON C.CustomerID = I.CustomerID
Try this,
CREATE VIEW CustomerFinanceDetails AS
select c.*,isnull(FinanceTotal,0) as FinanceTotal,isnull(InvoiceTotal,0) as InvoiceTotal
(select * from Customers) c
left outer join
(select CustomerID,isnull(SUM(Total),0) as FinanceTotal from Finances group by CustomerID) f on c.CustumerID=f.CustomerID
left outer join
(select CustomerID,isnull(SUM(InvoiceValue),0) as InvoiceTotal from Invoices group by CustomerID) i on c.CustumerID= i.CustomerID

distinct record by with oldest date

Ok i have 2 tables
they have matching customer id fields
customer has cust_id as a primary field and orders has many cust_Ids
I want to display the first order record (earlist dated) for each customer id
Select customer.*, orders.*
from customer , orders
where orders.date = (select max(orders.date) from orders
where customer.customer-id = orders.customer-id)
This query combines the tables but i have multiple entries for each customer id and I only want the oldest date entry for each customer-id
How do I just get the oldest date record for each customer
You could accomplish this using an outer apply. That would look something like this:
select c.*, o.*
from customer c
outer apply (
select top 1 *
from orders o
where o.Customer-ID = c.Customer-ID
order by o.Date asc
) o

SQL: Join 2 tables and return multiple rows from second table based on key of first table

I have one table 'Customers', with a key of customerid.
There is another table PaymentTotals which also has a customerid column. This table stores amounts paid by a customer (PaymentAmount) in a given week (weeknumber field). This implies that in the PaymentTotals table there may be several rows for any one customerid, the difference being the weeknumber for any of these rows.
I am trying to build a query in MSSQL that joins the two tables and will return for a given customerid the PaymentAmount for each different weeknumber.
It is not clear to me how to build this query. Any advice? Thanks.
FROM Customers C INNER JOIN PaymentTotals PT
ON C.customerid = PT.customerid
If you have multiple Payments made by one customer in a given week and want to get total by week you could do something like ....
SELECT C.customerid
,SUM(PT.Payment_Column) AS TotalPayment
FROM Customers C INNER JOIN PaymentTotals PT
ON C.customerid = PT.customerid
GROUP BY C.customerid, PT.WeekNumber

SQL Query Help obtaining last order date from 2 tables

I have the following table
Orders all contains every order line many thousand records and the 2 records are order_date and order_account_id.
This need to join into the Account so other queries can be run as well but I want a report that shows the account_id and the last order date but only one record per account.
How can I create a query to acgieve this.
SELECT account_id, MAX(order_date) as last_order_date FROM Orders_All INNER JOIN Account ON order_account_id = account_id GROUP BY account_id
That will give you the account ID and the maximum (furthest in the future) date. The GROUP BY is what limits it - it's the maximum date "for each" account_id.
If an account has no orders and you still want that account to show, with a NULL in the date column, use a RIGHT OUTER JOIN instead of INNER JOIN there.
Try this:
Select accound_id,Max(OrderDate) from Order_All t1,AccountID t2
where t1.AccountID = t2.AccountID
group by account_ID
Subtitute * for the columns you want to show or leave it and try the next code.
select distinct * from Account A
join Orders_All O on O.order_account_id = A.account_id
--so far we have join both table, so we need the last order date from it
where o.order_date in (select MAX(order_date) from Orders_All)
--in where clause im getting max order date from table Orders_All
but what if I want last order date by customer?
Well then you could write this (not the best but it works):
select *
from Account A
join (select account_id as Acc_id, MAX(order_date) as Date
from Orders_All
group by account_id)
as OD on A.account_id = OD.Acc_id