Authenticating WEB API and knockout Js view model -

I am trying to create secured MVC4 web API project. In this application knockout Js will access API service directly. I need authentication on his. I am confused how to apply authentication only on web api. I can’t use MVC authentication because other projects also share same API services.
Any one please suggest a good solution using knockout js and web api. I tried Thinktecture.IdentityModel but I am not able to use knockout Js in it.
this project is in .net 4.0.
Thanks in advance

thanks for the support
got solution

Use the [Authorize] attribute on the WebApi controllers
public class FooController : ApiController

You can send authN tokens before your Ajax request. Here is a similar SO question (with answer). You can add auth for your entire client app by creating a global 401 error handler (AngularJS, but the original question is generic jQuery).


Blazor WASM (Client Side Only) - How to make HTTP Request to different APIs?

So I'm coming from Xamarin world trying to build a Blazor App. And I'm struggling with a high level understanding of why Blazor Apps ( client side only ) cannot make a basic HTTP get call to say or any other http get/post call to different resources/urls?
Can someone break it down for me, am i crazy? how would i ever implement or other http request I'm going to need to make.
I do notice anything with a package, like SendGrid or B2C or Cosmos Nuget Packages seem to work fine... how do they get around the different domain names ?
Can i simply say on my webserver : (in English) - allow requests to and
or would i have to contact google and have them allow my Blazor app to make calls?
Just really struggling with how to use Blazor Client Only PWA app if it cant connect or call to anything else on the web... seems pointless if a Blazor app cannot make any http calls to other services.
Ok, so yes... I found an Public Open API to test a request against, and it does work from a Blazor WASM (Client only). More specifically the below works just fine..
#inject HttpClient HttpClient
string responsString = await HttpClient.GetStringAsync("");
The problem i was having which seems confusing:
Blazor WASM
Xamarin Forms apps
can both call an open public Web API just fine from HTTP Client.
When I create an ASP.NET core API and publish it allowing anonymous access in azure,
Xamarin Forms can call that API
Blazor WASM cannot call it unless i specify CORS correctly in the Web API
So with my inexperience with Blazor WASM i assumed it could not do this.. while Xamarin can. So this changes to ... how is it that the Web API i created in Azure + Core Web API - just allows the Xamarin App to call it (without CORS specification)... while CORS Must be set correctly for a Blazor WASM?

ASP.Net MVC and WebApi authentication using Identity server

I am new to Identity server and wants to secure my two apps (MVC, Webapi) using it.
I have seen the example where we can invoke the webapi from MVC action method and SetBearerToken that was issued to the the MVC application. I am referring the below sample:
This is typical example of server to server communication where we are using access token issued to the MVC app for Web api.
In the same scenario, I want to call webapi from Javascript client(fro ex Angular or any one) using same access token.
"I want to pass the the access token issued to the MVC application to call WebAPI from JavaScript"
How can I utilize the token that was issued to my MVC application from the JavaScript client?
They should be treated as different client in my opinion, I guess they are different site? For your Javascript client you should be able to find example here , you can use the javascript lib that provided in the example or write one yourself
Once you get the token, then you can call your API using AJAX, where you might face CORS problem if your webapi is on a different domain, well...that is different topic.
Hope that helps

If Web API can be used just for Authentication using OAuth 2 in ASP.NET MVC4

I'm working on segregating the authentication part of my MVC4 application using DotNetOAuth 2.0, Which will means that one project will do only authentication and send out response,based on response it will have access to other application.
The Idea is to get any application or project added later on use one common authentication process.
First thing came to my mind was building a service, in the process a read a lot about Web API and think it can help to achieve what I'm looking for.
Please suggest if you guys have implemented something like this or whats's the best practice.
Should i go with API or service, any link or sample to direct is appreciated
ASP.NET Web API is also a service - a RESTful service. The choice of using a "Service" although is good your underlying authentication platform will define what you should be using.
WCF is much more than a web service where as a Web API is pure HTTP service.
If you expect all your "applications" to be web based then there is no reason why this cannot be a Web API.
This article might be something that should help you decide on your authentication model:

Basic Authentication with WCF Web API Preview 6

I'm trying to use the new WCF Web API Preview 6 with Basic Authentication. But don't really know where to begin.
zanewill apparently had the same issue:
But the question is not a dup. I'm using this with mvc and don't really see how
Wcf Basic authentication
should apply?
I've tried out this:
But can't get it to work.
Should there not be an official solution from MS?
I have to note, that we are using our custom membership provider and that I basically just wanna pass an API token to the service. So the built in Windows Basic Authentification cannot be used.
I actually figured out a way myself. I've built my custom HttpOperationHandler and combined it with an Attribute, so I get a similar functionality as the MVC AuthorizeAttribute.
You can have a look at the solution here:
I think the recommended approach is to implement custom message handler. See my blog post for an example that works with ASP.NET Web API RTM:

OpenId authentification in ASP.NET MVC as a restful service?

Can I offer the authentication, authorization, etc created using "ASP.NET MVC Open Id website" extension.. as a REST service in ASP.NET MVC? How can I create this service(maybe using WCF)?
(Please if you can, offer me some examples please).
Yes, you can. OpenID is not about authorizing web services at all. That's what OAuth does. But DotNetOpenAuth does both OpenID and OAuth, so your users can authenticate with OpenID, then authorize RESTful clients via OAuth, and the user story is probably exactly what you're looking for.
There is a project template that shows you exactly how to do it (does it for you, actually) available on the Visual Studio Gallery.
You can easily create REST services using just MVC. WCF is not necessary. There are tons of posts on restful architecture in ASP.NET MVC.
There is code available with a base API for Restful services using ASP.NET MVC available here: .
The author of this library has an excellent article explaining how to create such a service that is capable of will serve both JSON and XML. It can be read at:
There are plenty of tools that can help you implement the OpenId service, such as or the solution outlined at You said you've already created an OpenId logging system. Basically, take the logging system, create an interface like:
public interface IOpenIdService{
bool Login(string login, string password);
and execute it in your Controller Action method. If it is successful return a JSON or XML success message. If it fails return a JSON or XML failure message.
*I have also found this article helpful for REST with MVC: Also, if you want to extend JSON functionality, look into JSON.NET.
Have a look at the latest nerddinner tutorial on codeplex. It has OpenId integration built into the MVC example application: