PlayFramework How to use redirect parameter? - playframework-2.1

How to hand over parameter? in User class
public static Result doregist() {
Form<User> userForm = form(User.class).bindFromRequest();
User user = userForm.get();
return redirect(controllers.routes.Regist.complete(""));
public static Result complete(String name) {
return ok(complete.render("name"));
Please answer. This source code complied error.

You have to declare method complete(String name) to the routes file as below
GET /yourPath controllers.YourClassAction.complete(name: String)


I am trying to implement multiGet operation in Spring on Redis, it throws me an error

I am trying to execute multiGet function in Spring on Redis. It throws me an error. I have implemented get function successfully but while implementing multiGet it asks me for a Collection as second parameter. I am not sure what to enter? Can someone please guide me here.
Here is my code for multiGet()
Method definition:
public User findById_MultiGet(String id) {
return (User)hashOperations.multiGet("USER", id);
Code In Controller :
public User allMultiGet(#PathVariable("id") final String id) {
// MultiGet function
return userRepository.findById_MultiGet(id);
Error for above multiget method is multiget(Object, Collection) type not (String,String) type
Below code for Get function is working.
public User findById(String id) {
return (User)hashOperations.get("USER", id);
Code In Controller for Get function :
public User allGet(#PathVariable("id") final String id) {
// Get function
return userRepository.findById(id);
For multiGet the second parameter should be a Collection like a List (in case you want the values of the list returned as result on the same positions as their belonging keys in the input list) or a Set.
In your example this would be something like this:
List<Object> values = hashOperations.multiGet("USER", Arrays.asList("id", "name"));
Object id = values.get(0);
Object name = values.get(1);

How to fill out Dynamic Dropdown in Hippo CMS with dynamic values?

I have document type which contains "Dynamic Dropdown" field, and I want to fill it with some dynamic data. I couldn't figure out how to do it (couldn't find any adequate information, documentation, example about this). From links that I found I was able to do following things:
1) I've created service called SitemapValueListProvider in /hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms/cms-services, with following properties:
plugin.class = com.test.cms.components.SitemapService
valuelist.provider = service.valuelist.custom
2) In CMS project created class com.test.cms.components.SitemapService
public class SitemapService extends Plugin implements IValueListProvider {
private final static String CONFIG_SOURCE = "source";
public SitemapService(IPluginContext context, IPluginConfig config) {
super(context, config);
String name = config.getString(IValueListProvider.SERVICE, "service.valuelist.custom");
context.registerService(this, name);
public ValueList getValueList(String name, Locale locale) {
ValueList valuelist = new ValueList();
if ((name == null) || (name.equals(""))) {
System.out.println("No node name (uuid or path) configured, returning empty value list");
} else {
valuelist.add(new ListItem("custom4", "Custom Value 4"));
valuelist.add(new ListItem("custom5", "Custom Value 5"));
valuelist.add(new ListItem("custom6", "Custom Value 6"));
return valuelist;
public List<String> getValueListNames() {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(1);
return list;
public ValueList getValueList(IPluginConfig config) {
if (config == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'config' may not be null");
return getValueList(config.getString(CONFIG_SOURCE));
public ValueList getValueList(String name) {
return getValueList(name, null/*locale*/);
3) In CMS project created class com.test.cms.components.TestPlugin
public class TestPlugin extends Plugin{
public TestPlugin(IPluginContext context, IPluginConfig config) {
super(context, config);
context.registerService(this, "service.valuelist.custom");
4) For field /hippo:namespaces/cms/TestItem/editor:templates/_default_/dynamicdropdown of document type provided following properties: (using console)
plugin.class = com.test.cms.components.TestPlugin
But still unable to obtain data dynamically. Nothing happens at all.
I'm using HippoCMS 10 Community Edition
you are totally on the right track and I can't spot any obvious reason why this is not working. Can you double check a few things?
look for an error in the logs, possibly at the early start of the CMS. Maybe there is an error during the bootstrap process.
activate the development mode in the CMS: this adds extra logging in the CMS.
you can also try to break the configuration by putting the wrong class name: if you don't have a ClassNotFound then you know your configuration is wrong and/or not picked-up.

I use setState in Yii but i also get Property "CWebUser.depId" is not defined

i want to return the value dep_id from table user to use it so setState is supposed to return it like (Yii::app()->user->depId) but when i use it i get -- "CWebUser.depId" is not defined. i searched and i dont know what to do and i need a quick answer this is my
private $_id;
//private $_dep_id;
public function authenticate()
else if(!$user->validatePassword($this->password))
$this->setState('lastLogin', date("m/d/y g:i A", strtotime($user->last_login_time)));
$user->saveAttributes(array('last_login_time'=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time())));
return $this->errorCode==self::ERROR_NONE;
public function getId()
return $this->_id;
and then i get this
Property "CWebUser.depId" is not defined.
what is the problem here ?!
You have to be authenticated user to use that variable on above scenario because it is restricted for authenticated users.

C# How to define a variable as global within a (Step Defintion) class

below is an extract from a Step Definition class of my Specflow project.
In the first method public void WhenIExtractTheReferenceNumber() I can successfully extract the text from the application under test, and I have proved this using the Console.WriteLine();
I need to be able to use this text in other methods with in my class I.e. public void WhenIPrintNumber(); But I'm not sure how to do this!
I read about Get/Set but I could not get this working. So I'm thinking is it possible to make my var result global somehow, so that I can call it at anytime during the test?
namespace Application.Tests.StepDefinitions
public class AllSharedSteps
[When(#"I extract the reference number")]
public void WhenIExtractTheReferenceNumber()
Text textCaseReference = ActiveCase.CaseReferenceNumber;
Ranorex.Core.Element elem = textCaseReference;
var result = elem.GetAttributeValue("Text");
[When(#"I print number")]
public void WhenIPrintNumber()
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
Here is the solution to my question. Now I can access my variable(s) from any methods within my class. I have also included code that I'm using to split my string and then use the first part of the string. In my case I need the numerical part of '12345 - some text':
namespace Application.Tests.StepDefinitions
public class AllSharedSteps
private string result;
public Array splitReference;
[When(#"I extract the case reference number")]
public void WhenIExtractTheCaseReferenceNumber()
Text textCaseReference = ActiveCase.CaseReferenceNumber;
Ranorex.Core.Element elem = textCaseReference;
result = elem.GetAttributeValue("Text").ToString();
splitReference = result.Split('-'); // example of string to be split '12345 - some text'
[When(#"I print number")]
public void WhenIPrintNumber()
Keyboard.Press(result); // prints full string
Keyboard.Press(splitReference.GetValue(0).ToString()); // prints first part of string i.e. in this case, a reference number
I hope this help somebody else :)

Get All Property's From A User in Flash CS2

I have this:
public function saveProfile() {
factory.getClass("userProfile") functions:
public function setProperty(property:String, value:String) {
_profile[property] = value;
public function getProperty(property:String) {
if (_profile[property] == undefined) {
return "";
return _profile[property];
what i wanna do is:
this getProperty - setProperty returns the values from a specific user.
I want to get the properties from another user ex:
public function saveProfile(username:String) {
this.setProperty("picture",factory.getClass("userProfile").getProperty("picture"),"no"); ->
from the user username:String i ask to
If anyone can help me to change the getProperty, setProperty functions in the userprofile class to give me the property's from the username i ask.
Thanks a lot!