Calling Fortran from C++-CLI - c++-cli

I have a fortran subroutine, FortranShake, and a C++ main function, HandShakingTest.cpp.
I'm trying to call a fortran subroutine from CLR C++.
I'm getting two batches of errors. Let's call them ERROR(1) and ERROR(2). I'd really appreciate if you could help me understand why these errors are happening.
When I try to compile with the following:
cl /clr HandShakingTest.cpp
I get the following ERROR(1):
HandShakingTest.obj : error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A00030A) "extern "C" void __c
ecl FortranShake(int &)" (?FortranShake##$$J0YAXAAH#Z) referenced in function "int __
lrcall main(cli::array<class System::String ^ >^)" (?main##$$HYMHP$01AP$AAVString#Sys
HandShakingTest.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "extern "C" void __cd
cl FortranShake(int &)" (?FortranShake##$$J0YAXAAH#Z) referenced in function "int __c
rcall main(cli::array<class System::String ^ >^)" (?main##$$HYMHP$01AP$AAVString#Syst
HandShakingTest.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
I then used the following commands to compile instead:
ifort /c FortranShake.f //Which compiles fine
cl /c /clr HandShakingTest.cpp //compiles fine
cl /o test HandShakingTest.obj FortranShake.obj //ERROR(2) occurs
ERROR(2) consists of:
MSVCRT.lib(ti_inst.obj) : error LNK2005: "private: __thiscall type_info::type_info(cla
ss type_info const &)" (??0type_info##AAE#ABV0##Z) already defined in LIBCMT.lib(typin
MSVCRT.lib(ti_inst.obj) : error LNK2005: "private: class type_info & __thiscall type_i
nfo::operator=(class type_info const &)" (??4type_info##AAEAAV0#ABV0##Z) already defin
ed in LIBCMT.lib(typinfo.obj)
MSVCRT.lib(merr.obj) : error LNK2005: __matherr already defined in LIBCMT.lib(_matherr
LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NOD
HandShakingTest.obj : error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A00030A) "extern "C" void __cd
ecl FortranShake(int &)" (?FortranShake##$$J0YAXAAH#Z) referenced in function "int __c
lrcall main(cli::array<class System::String ^ >^)" (?main##$$HYMHP$01AP$AAVString#Syst
HandShakingTest.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "extern "C" void __cde
cl FortranShake(int &)" (?FortranShake##$$J0YAXAAH#Z) referenced in function "int __cl
rcall main(cli::array<class System::String ^ >^)" (?main##$$HYMHP$01AP$AAVString#Syste
libifcoremt.lib(for_main.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _MAIN__ refe
renced in function _main
test.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals
Here's the HandShakingTest.cpp:
#include "stdio.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#using <System.DLL>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.DLL>
using namespace std;
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
extern "C" {void FortranShake(int&);}
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
Process^ testHand = gcnew Process();
testHand->StartInfo->UseShellExecute = false;
testHand->StartInfo->RedirectStandardInput = true;
testHand->StartInfo->RedirectStandardOutput = true;
testHand->StartInfo->ErrorDialog = true;
int numDebug = 0;
String^ returnedDebug = "Nothing";
StreamReader^ FromHandProcess = testHand->StandardOutput;
StreamWriter^ ToHandProcess = testHand->StandardInput;
String^ Line;
Line = FromHandProcess ->ReadLine();
if (Line->Equals("Enter Hand") )
Console::WriteLine(L"Hand Started!");
ToHandProcess ->WriteLine(numDebug.ToString());
returnedDebug = FromHandProcess ->ReadLine();
return 0;
Here is the Fortran Subroutine:
INN = 5
WRITE(06,'(a)') 'Enter Hand'

Your first error is actually a linker error - without the /c command line switch you are compiling and linking in one step. No Fortran code or object code has been provided.
Your second error is because:
You have specified (through omission) mismatching runtime libraries for the C++ and the Fortran. You need to decide whether you want to use static linking (the default for the current (as of today, but not necessarily as of next month...) release of Intel Fortran on windows) or dynamic linking (the default for the MS C++ compiler). Perhaps add /MD to the ifort command line, which specifies dynamic linking.
Without compiler options or directives to the contrary, the equivalent identifier for the Fortran procedure in C code as generated by that Fortran compiler is an upper case variant of the Fortran procedure's name - i.e. in the C++ code call the procedure FORTRANSHAKE. If you can write your Fortran code to the F2003 standard, you should use the C interoperability features of that language (BIND(C,...)) to control the C binding name of the Fortran procedure and ensure calling conventions, etc align.
The dummy argument of the Fortran subroutine has the DOUBLE PRECISION type specifier, which is equivalent to double in the C++ for this combination of compilers, not int. Again, F2003 introduces features that can make this alignment of argument types more robust.


unresolved symbol pthread_create, first referenced in ./armrtk/src/task.obj

I have been trying to figure this out for a few days now and cannot figure it out. I am using CCS as the IDE and I am working on windows. I am trying to create an RTOS Kernel on a MSP432 and need to use pthreads. I have been able to use pthreads in other examples but I am trying to do my own program and I get this issue when building :
unresolved symbol pthread_create, first referenced in ./armrtk/src/task.obj
I have included the file path into CCS and I cannot use a .cfg file because I am not using XDCTools. I just need help with this and I greatly appreciate it.
I also get a warning:
in pthread_create in TASK.C: #169-D argument of type "void *" is incompatible with parameter of type "void *(*)(void *)"
#ifndef TASK_H
#define TASK_H
#include <pthread.h>
struct task_t {
pthread_t* thread;
int threadCheck;
int state;
void *task1(void);
void *task2(void);
struct task_t *create_task(void* functionptr);
void delete_task(void *task);
#include <task.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#define BLOCKED -1
#define READY 0
#define RUNNING 1
int testValue1 = 0;
int testValue2 = 0;
struct task_t *new_task;
pthread_t pntr;
struct task_t *create_task(void* functionptr) {
new_task = malloc(sizeof(struct task_t));
return NULL;
//set State of the new thread to ready
new_task->state = 0;
// check to see if pthread is created
**new_task->threadCheck = pthread_create(new_task->thread, NULL, functionptr, NULL);**
if(new_task->threadCheck!= 0){
//thread failed
return NULL;
return new_task;
void delete_task(void *task) {
if(task != NULL){
The unresolved symbol error is a linker error, not a compiler error. You have failed to link the pthreads library.
With respect to the warning functionptr is a void* where pthread_create() expects a pointer-to-function with signature void fn(void*).
Your task functions have a different signature in any case: void fn(void), so in any event you will need to cast the function pointer in the call to pthread_create() (although you are loosing a useful means of passing information into a task function by omiting the void* argument).
Modify task.h:
typedef void* (*task_t)(void);
struct task_t *create_task( task_t functionptr);
The in task.cpp
new_task->threadCheck = pthread_create( new_task->thread,
(void (*)(void *))functionptr,
NULL ) ;
The cast in the pthread_create() call alone would supress the warning, but it bad form to pass a function pointer as a generic void* since it would prevent the compiler warning you if you were to pass anything other then a function pointer of the expected form to to the create_task()`

Build aruco 2.0.5 on Windows 8

I am trying to install aruco on my Windows machine using cmake 3.5.2 as suggested by the aruco developper.
My config:
CMake 3.5.2
ArUco 2.0.5
I can configure and generate successfully aruco in cmake.
Then I go to aruco\build -> right click-> open cmd -> type mingw32-make -> get the following error:
Scanning dependencies of target aruco
[ 2%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/ar_omp.cpp.obj
[ 4%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/cameraparameters.cpp.obj
[ 6%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/cvdrawingutils.cpp.obj
In file included from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\aruco.h:149:0,
from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\cvdrawingutils.h:31,
from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\cvdrawingutils.cpp:28:
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\markerdetector.h:160:40: warning: "/*" within comment [-Wcomm
ARUCO_MIP_36h12, //**** recommended
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\markerdetector.h:212:60: warning: unused parameter 'r2' [-Wun
void setThresholdParamRange(size_t r1 = 0, size_t r2 = 0) {_params. _thresP
aram1_range = r1; }
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\markerdetector.h:267:30: warning: unused parameter 'val' [-Wu
void setDesiredSpeed(int val){}
In file included from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\posetracker.h:33:0,
from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\aruco.h:150,
from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\cvdrawingutils.h:31,
from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\cvdrawingutils.cpp:28:
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\markermap.h: In member function 'void aruco::Marker3DInfo::to
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\markermap.h:49:77: warning: comparison between signed and uns
igned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
void toStream(std::ostream &str){str<<id<<" "<<size()<<" ";for(int i=0;i<si
ze();i++) str<<at(i).x<<" "<<at(i).y<<" "<<at(i).z<<" ";}
In file included from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\posetracker.h:33:0,
from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\aruco.h:150,
from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\cvdrawingutils.h:31,
from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\cvdrawingutils.cpp:28:
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\markermap.h: In member function 'void aruco::Marker3DInfo::fr
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\markermap.h:50:80: warning: comparison between signed and uns
igned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
void fromStream(std::istream &str){int s;str>>id>>s;resize(s);for(int i=0;i
<size();i++) str>>at(i).x>>at(i).y>>at(i).z;}
[ 9%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/dictionary.cpp.obj
In file included from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp:9:0:
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\markermap.h: In member function 'void aruco::Marker3DInfo::to
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\markermap.h:49:77: warning: comparison between signed and uns
igned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
void toStream(std::ostream &str){str<<id<<" "<<size()<<" ";for(int i=0;i<si
ze();i++) str<<at(i).x<<" "<<at(i).y<<" "<<at(i).z<<" ";}
In file included from C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp:9:0:
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\markermap.h: In member function 'void aruco::Marker3DInfo::fr
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\markermap.h:50:80: warning: comparison between signed and uns
igned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
void fromStream(std::istream &str){int s;str>>id>>s;resize(s);for(int i=0;i
<size();i++) str>>at(i).x>>at(i).y>>at(i).z;}
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp: In static member function 'static std::string
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp:236:11: warning: enumeration value 'ARTAG' not
handled in switch [-Wswitch]
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp: In member function 'aruco::MarkerMap aruco::D
ictionary::createMarkerMap(cv::Size, int, int, const std::vector<int>&, bool)':
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp:275:39: warning: comparison between signed and
unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
if (gridSize.height*gridSize.width!=ids.size())throw cv::Exception(9001, "g
ridSize != ids.size()Invalid ", "Dictionary::createMarkerMap", __FILE__, __LINE_
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp:284:23: warning: comparison between signed and
unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
for (int i=0;i<ids.size();i++) TInfo[i].id=ids[i];
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp:285:13: warning: unused variable 'sizeY' [-Wun
int sizeY=gridSize.height*MarkerSize+(gridSize.height-1)*MarkerDistance
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp:286:13: warning: unused variable 'sizeX' [-Wun
int sizeX=gridSize.width*MarkerSize+(gridSize.width-1)*MarkerDistance;
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp:312:37: warning: comparison between signed and
unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
if (CurMarkerIdx>=ids.size()) throw cv::Exception(999," Fid
ucidalMarkers::createMarkerMapImage_ChessMarkerMap","INTERNAL ERROR. REWRITE THI
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp:300:13: warning: unused variable 'centerX' [-W
int centerX=sizeX/2;
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp:301:13: warning: unused variable 'centerY' [-W
int centerY=sizeY/2;
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\dictionary.cpp:303:14: warning: unused variable 'centerData'
bool centerData=true;
[ 11%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/ippe.cpp.obj
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\ippe.cpp: In function 'void IPPE::IPPComputeRotations(double,
double, double, double, double, double, cv::OutputArray, cv::OutputArray)':
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\ippe.cpp:307:45: warning: variable 'ata10' set but not used [
double a00, a01, a10,a11, ata00, ata01, ata10,ata11,b00, b01, b10,b11,binv0
0, binv01, binv10,binv11;
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\ippe.cpp:311:19: warning: variable 'a' set but not used [-Wun
double b0, b1,a,gamma,dtinv;
[ 13%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/marker.cpp.obj
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\marker.cpp: In member function 'void aruco::Marker::rotateXAx
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\marker.cpp:299:22: error: 'M_PI' was not declared in this sco
float angleRad = M_PI / 2;
src\CMakeFiles\aruco.dir\build.make:187: recipe for target 'src/CMakeFiles/aruco
.dir/marker.cpp.obj' failed
mingw32-make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/marker.cpp.obj] Error 1
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:116: recipe for target 'src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/all' faile
mingw32-make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:126: recipe for target 'all' failed
mingw32-make: *** [all] Error 2
Scanning dependencies of target aruco
[ 2%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/marker.cpp.obj
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\marker.cpp: In member function 'void aruco::Marker::rotateXAx
C:\aruco-2.0.5\src\marker.cpp:299:22: error: 'M_PI' was not declared in this sco
float angleRad = M_PI / 2;
src\CMakeFiles\aruco.dir\build.make:187: recipe for target 'src/CMakeFiles/aruco
.dir/marker.cpp.obj' failed
mingw32-make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/marker.cpp.obj] Error 1
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:116: recipe for target 'src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/all' faile
mingw32-make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/aruco.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:126: recipe for target 'all' failed
mingw32-make: *** [all] Error 2
I have also tried to do it with codeblocks but I get the exact same error.
The developer has released a new version 2.0.7 fixing this issue.
What I have done to have aruco:
download the .zip on sourceforge
unzip it
create a build folder in aruco-2.0.7
open cmake-gui configure and generate
go into your build folder
open a cmd window from there
type mingw32-make
The library should have compiled properly.
If omp.h is missing from your compiler, find the source code on the internet and add it to mingw in MinGW\include. You should be ready to go. Don't forget to add aruco to your path & reboot.
If you are using an ide, you will have to add this library since it is an external library but it is another issue.
Finally, you might have some issues regarding c++11. I am working on it. If someone knows how to allow it on mingw (I haven't find any understandable explanation so far)

How to build dash with CMake?

I'm trying to build dash using Clion and CMake but I get this build error:
/opt/clion-2016.1.1/bin/cmake/bin/cmake --build /home/dac/.CLion2016.1/system/cmake/generated/dash-46b33cad/46b33cad/Debug --target all -- -j 4
[ 3%] Building C object CMakeFiles/main.dir/error.c.o
[ 6%] Building C object CMakeFiles/main.dir/eval.c.o
[ 9%] Building C object CMakeFiles/main.dir/cd.c.o
[ 12%] Building C object CMakeFiles/main.dir/arith_yylex.c.o
In file included from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/error.c:54:0:
/home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/system.h:65:22: error: static declaration of ‘strtod’ follows non-static declaration
static inline double strtod(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
In file included from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/error.c:40:0:
/usr/include/stdlib.h:164:15: note: previous declaration of ‘strtod’ was here
extern double strtod (const char *__restrict __nptr,
In file included from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/error.c:54:0:
/home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/system.h:86:19: error: static declaration of ‘killpg’ follows non-static declaration
static inline int killpg(pid_t pid, int signal)
In file included from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/error.c:39:0:
/usr/include/signal.h:134:12: note: previous declaration of ‘killpg’ was here
extern int killpg (__pid_t __pgrp, int __sig) __THROW;
In file included from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/error.c:54:0:
/home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/system.h:97:0: warning: "_SC_CLK_TCK" redefined
#define _SC_CLK_TCK 2
In file included from /usr/include/unistd.h:609:0,
from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/error.c:42:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/confname.h:78:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition
CMakeFiles/main.dir/build.make:182: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/main.dir/error.c.o' failed
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/main.dir/error.c.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
/home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/eval.c:51:22: fatal error: builtins.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/arith_yylex.c:44:0:
/home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/system.h:65:22: error: static declaration of ‘strtod’ follows non-static declaration
static inline double strtod(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
In file included from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/arith_yylex.c:36:0:
/usr/include/stdlib.h:164:15: note: previous declaration of ‘strtod’ was here
extern double strtod (const char *__restrict __nptr,
In file included from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/arith_yylex.c:44:0:
/home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/system.h:86:19: error: static declaration of ‘killpg’ follows non-static declaration
static inline int killpg(pid_t pid, int signal)
In file included from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/error.h:38:0,
from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/arith_yylex.c:40:
/usr/include/signal.h:134:12: note: previous declaration of ‘killpg’ was here
extern int killpg (__pid_t __pgrp, int __sig) __THROW;
In file included from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/syntax.h:5:0,
from /home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/arith_yylex.c:43:
/home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/system.h:102:17: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘c’
int isblank(int c);
/home/dac/Downloads/dash-0.5.8/dash/system.h:102:5: error: expected expression before ‘)’ token
int isblank(int c);
compilation terminated.
CMakeFiles/main.dir/build.make:206: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/main.dir/eval.c.o' failed
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/main.dir/eval.c.o] Error 1
CMakeFiles/main.dir/build.make:134: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/main.dir/arith_yylex.c.o' failed
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/main.dir/arith_yylex.c.o] Error 1
My CMakeLists.txt looks like this:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
project (dash)
add_executable(main main.c alias.c arith_yacc.c arith_yylex.c cd.c error.c eval.c exec.c expand.c histedit.c input.c jobs.c mail.c main.c memalloc.c miscbltin.c mystring.c options.c parser.c redir.c show.c trap.c output.c bltin/printf.c system.c bltin/test.c bltin/times.c var.c alias.h arith_yacc.h bltin/bltin.h cd.h error.h eval.h exec.h expand.h hetio.h init.h input.h jobs.h machdep.h mail.h main.h memalloc.h miscbltin.h myhistedit.h mystring.h options.h output.h parser.h redir.h shell.h show.h system.h trap.h var.h mktokens mkbuiltins mkinit.c mknodes.c nodetypes nodes.c.pat mksyntax.c mksignames.c)
What can I do to make it build? If I use the makefile and build with make then it builds. But I want to build with CMake.

Trouble with libgsl and wxwidget

I'm having difficulty building a project in Windows 7 / Visual Studio 2010, and already spent longer than I would admit googling and fixing other errors to get to this point, but frustratingly I can't seem to get rid of the very last error. There is a linker error related to the _hypot function defined in math.h:
wxTheAppInitializer" (?wxTheAppInitializer##3VwxAppInitializer##A)
already defined in main.obj 1>libgsl.a(linalg_svd.o) : error LNK2019:
unresolved external symbol _hypot referenced in function
_gsl_linalg_SV_decomp 1>libgsl.a(matrix_oper.o) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _hypot 1>libgsl.a(linalg_householder.o) :
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _hypot
: fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
When I follow the advice of unresolved external symbol "_hypot" when using static library I get the following:
1> Generating Code... 1> main.obj : error LNK2005: _hypot already
defined in About.obj 1> fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply
defined symbols found
Could anyone explain what is going on?
Create .c file with the following contents:
extern double fabs(double);
extern double sqrt(double);
double hypot(double x, double y) {
double ax = fabs(x), ay = fabs(y);
double xy = x/y, yx = y/x;
return ax > ay
? ax * sqrt(1.0 + yx*yx)
: ay * sqrt(1.0 + xy*xy);
do not include math.h

Unknown type name 'namespace' in Xcode 4.2

I am compiling QCAR SDK, but it prompts an error after I added more frameworks to the project.
// Matrices.h
#ifndef _QCAR_MATRIX_H_
#define _QCAR_MATRIX_H_
namespace QCAR
/// Matrix with 3 rows and 4 columns of float items
struct Matrix34F {
float data[3*4]; ///< Array of matrix items
/// Matrix with 4 rows and 4 columns of float items
struct Matrix44F {
float data[4*4]; ///< Array of matrix items
} // namespace QCAR
#endif //_QCAR_MATRIX_H_
In the line namespace QCAR, it said Unknown type name 'namespace'.
What should I do?
UPDATE: Here is the build transcript
In file included from ../../build/include/QCAR/Tool.h:18:
In file included from /Users/Raptor.Kwok/Documents/xCodeProjects/qcar-ios-1-0-0/samples/ImageTargets/ImageTargets/EAGLView.h:14:
In file included from /Users/Raptor.Kwok/Documents/xCodeProjects/qcar-ios-1-0-0/samples/ImageTargets/ImageTargets/ImageTargetsAppDelegate.h:9:
In file included from /Users/Raptor.Kwok/Documents/xCodeProjects/qcar-ios-1-0-0/samples/ImageTargets/CouponBook.m:12:
../../build/include/QCAR/Matrices.h:16:1: error: unknown type name 'namespace' [1]
namespace QCAR
../../build/include/QCAR/Matrices.h:16:15: error: expected ';' after top level declarator [1]
namespace QCAR
In file included from /Users/Raptor.Kwok/Documents/xCodeProjects/qcar-ios-1-0-0/samples/ImageTargets/ImageTargets/ImageTargetsAppDelegate.h:9:
In file included from /Users/Raptor.Kwok/Documents/xCodeProjects/qcar-ios-1-0-0/samples/ImageTargets/CouponBook.m:12:
/Users/Raptor.Kwok/Documents/xCodeProjects/qcar-ios-1-0-0/samples/ImageTargets/ImageTargets/EAGLView.h:52:5: error: type name requires a specifier or qualifier [1]
QCAR::Matrix44F projectionMatrix;
/Users/Raptor.Kwok/Documents/xCodeProjects/qcar-ios-1-0-0/samples/ImageTargets/ImageTargets/EAGLView.h:52:10: error: expected expression [1]
QCAR::Matrix44F projectionMatrix;
/Users/Raptor.Kwok/Documents/xCodeProjects/qcar-ios-1-0-0/samples/ImageTargets/ImageTargets/EAGLView.h:52:5:{52:5-52:9}: warning: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int,3]
QCAR::Matrix44F projectionMatrix;
1 warning and 4 errors generated.
You can rename your file with .mm or you can select your .m file and change the "File Type" to "Objective-C++ Source".
I suspect the translation is C or Objective-C, where namespace is not a keyword as it is in C++ and Objective-C++.
Another possibility is that a previous header did not close a body (e.g. forgotten }; at end of class declaration of forgotten } at end of function definition).