Keep element in view while scrolling - xaml

Simpel question, I have a windows phone page that contains a scrollviewer with inside it an image, a textblock and a richtextbox.
Now when the user starts scrolling I want to keep the textblock in view on top when the image has scrolled outside the page.
So the effect is, user starts scrolling upwards, everything scrolls upwards, when the image is outside the page, the textblock stays at the top of the page but the richtextbox keeps scrolling upwards.
Any thoughts?

Here is a way to reach this result:
First, the layout. I've set a grid, with two rows. The first is empty, and will host the header when we need to freeze it. The second row contains the scrollviewer.
Inside the scrollviewer, I've put the controls in a grid, but you can use whatever container suits you.
<ScrollViewer Grid.Row="1"
<Grid x:Name="ChildGrid">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition />
<Image Source="Picture.jpg" Grid.Row="0"/>
<TextBlock Text="Header" Grid.Row="1" x:Name="TextHeader" />
<RichTextBox Grid.Row="2" x:Name="RichText">
<!-- More stuff -->
I use the MouseMove event to be notified of the scrolling event. You can also dig into the template, extract the ScrollBar control, and subscribe to the ValueChanged event, as described here:
Note that you need to set ManipulationMode to Control or the position of the controls won't be updated at a smooth rate. I guess it's due to some internal optimization.
In the code behind, I use the TransformToVisual method to compute the relative position of the controls to the ScrollViewer. This way, I can know when the header goes out of view. When it does, I remove it from the child grid, and put it outside of the ScrollViewer, in the parent grid. When the top of the RichTextBox goes out of view, I put the header back into the ScrollViewer:
private void ParentScroll_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
if (Grid.GetRow(this.TextHeader) == 1)
var generalTransform = TextHeader.TransformToVisual(ParentScroll);
var childToParentCoordinates = generalTransform.Transform(new Point(0, 0));
if (childToParentCoordinates.Y < 0)
Grid.SetRow(this.TextHeader, 0);
var generalTransform = RichText.TransformToVisual(ParentScroll);
var childToParentCoordinates = generalTransform.Transform(new Point(0, 0));
if (childToParentCoordinates.Y > 0)
Grid.SetRow(this.TextHeader, 1);
There may be less-hacky ways to reach the same results, but this solution seems to work smoothly in the emulator.

I've found a working solution myself... the complete detail is available on my blog here... it contains also the link to my demo project on GitHub.
The trick was to get hold of the VerticallScrollBar inside the ScrollViewer and to set the ManipulationMode to Control to get enough feedback on the UI thread.
With the scroll offset information of the scrollbar we than animate the specific ui element we want to keep in view.


UWP: how to get element size before painting

My code will draw a graphic and, before the paint event, I need to set the size of element containing the graphic. In part, this comes from a value in an XAML file:
<RowDefinition Height="35" />
During the view initialization, I'm hoping to be able to modify the graphic width based on some other factors, but I need the height value, from XAML.
At a breakpoint, I can view the various View values, and at this point ActualHeight and ActualWidth are still 0. I don't see anything else I could use.
Is there another event, coming before paint, that I could use ?
The answer is to use SizeChanged event.
In XAML, for example:
SizeChanged="OnSizeChanged" />
And in code-behind:
private void OnSizeChanged (Object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
var newH = e.NewSize.Height;
var oldH = this.ActualHeight; // in pixels

Xamarin Forms - Multiple DataTemplate ListView

From my previous experience and some research on the web, I don't know if it's possible to have the following behavior:
<AbsoluteLayout BackgroundColor="#2F767B">
<AbsoluteLayout x:Name="ScreenLayoutAdapter" BackgroundColor="#235A5E"
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="Rectangle" Android="0, 0, 1, 1" iOS="1, 1, 1, 0.975" WinPhone="0, 1, 1, 1"/>
<ListView x:Name="ListViewCourses" BackgroundColor="Transparent" RowHeight="90"
<AbsoluteLayout Margin="2">
<!-- Your design for the cell template -->
In the c# side, I then have a ObservableCollection<Item> that I bind with the ListViewCourses.
But now my question is:
When I touch an item, how can I change of DataTemplate cell?
I mean, it's a list of items but when I touch one, I want that the cell grows up and displays more information, about the item selected.
If I have to bring more information to make you understand, tell me
Thank in advance ! :)
What you could do, instead of changing the DataTemplate of a single item, is have all of the controls containing the extra information that you want to show, be set to IsVisible = false and then when it is clicked, set IsVisible = true on all the controls and also call ListView.ForceLayout() to force the ViewCell to get redrawn.
Finally, make sure ListView.HasUnevenRows = true or else the ViewCell will not change size.
Alternatively, you may be able to add the controls containing extra information to the ViewCell when it is selected, it may or may not be slower/faster depending on the number of items in the ListView, the amount of extra controls you are adding, and whether you need to query the DB or a service for that extra information.
Let me know if you have any questions/issues.
Edit: Actually, you will want to call ViewCell.ForceUpdateSize(), info here, in order to change the size of the ViewCell once selected. You also may need to store that ViewCell instance in a class level variable so that you can shrink it back down when the user clicks a different ViewCell in the list.
Edit #2: One last thing I have run into, is that on iOS, if you have enabled ListViewCachingStrategy.RecycleElement on your ListView, you will most likely not see any change in the ViewCell after making controls visible and calling ForceUpdateSize(). This might have something to do with the last paragraph here, but I am not sure how to properly fix/get around it at this time.
Edit #3: For example you might do something like this:
<!-- Use ListView.ItemTapped instead of the TapGestureRecognizer below -->
<!-- <ViewCell.GestureRecognizers>
<TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="OnViewCellTapped"/>
</ViewCell.GestureRecognizers> -->
<!-- Main info displayed by default -->
<StackLayout StyleId="DefaultStackLayout">
<Label Text="{Binding ItemName}"/>
<Label Text="{Binding ItemDates}"/>
<Label Text="{Binding ItemCredits}"/>
<!-- Extra info displayed upon selection -->
<StackLayout StyleId="ExtraStackLayout"
<Label Text="{Binding ItemBuilding}"/>
<Label Text="{Binding ItemTeacher}"/>
<Label Text="{Binding ItemHours}"/>
Then when the user selects the cell, you would need to do something like this:
using System.Linq;
private void OnViewCellTapped(object sender, EventArgs args) {}
ViewCell viewCellSender = (ViewCell)sender;
StackLayout rootStack = (StackLayout)viewCellSender.View;
StackLayout extraInfoStack = rootStack.Children.Where(stack => stack.StyleId == "ExtraStackLayout");
extraInfoStack.IsVisible = true;
I have not tested any of this or even attempted it before, so if the above does not work, I am confident that inserting the extraInfoStack element content once the ViewCell is clicked, will work. But give the above a try first. Obviously you will need to change the layouts if you want to use AbsoluteLayout and you will also need to change the OnViewCellTapped() casting code.
Edit #4: I usually try to steer clear of constant numbers for height and width values if possible but sometimes it is unavoidable. So for this all to work you are going to have to set ListView.HasUnevenRows = true and that means you will need to get rid of your ListView.RowHeight value completely since the rows need to be allowed to have variable height.
If at all possible, I would try to not set a constants height value, but if you absolutely cannot live without setting the height to a constants value, then you can probably give your ViewCell's inner AbsoluteLayout a HeightRequest of 120, but then you would need to change that value when the item is selected, after making your extra controls visible and before calling ViewCell.ForceUpdateSize(). Setting IsVisible to false is supposed to make it so that the control does not take up any space, so those extra controls should not mess with the sizing while they are hidden but I have never tried it myself.
If you run into issues, please let me know.

What prevents a Navigation between two XAML-pages?

I am experiencing a very strange bug in my c++/cx XAML app:
I have a back-button that checks if the progress you made is saved and (in case it isn't) pops up a flyout that lets you save or leave without saving. This is done with this->frame->goBack() in both cases, however:
When the progress was saved, the app halts at a __debugbreak() however, when goBack() is called by the button on the flyout, everything works out fine. Why could that possibly be the case?
Things that might help you:
The app is based on the "Blank App" template, the pages itself are based on the "Basic Page" template provided by Visual Studio 2013
The Controls in BoardPage.xaml are defined as follows:
<AppBarButton x:Name="backButton" Icon="Back" Height="95"
<Flyout x:Key="WarningFlyoutBase">
<Grid Height="150" Width="200">
<RowDefinition Height="1*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="1*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="1*"/>
<TextBlock Text="Unsaved progress, what do you want to do?"
HorizontalAlignment="Center" TextWrapping="Wrap"
FontSize="14" Margin="4,10" TextAlignment="Center"/>
<Button x:Name="WarningSaveButton"
Content="Save now."
Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
<Button x:Name="WarningLeaveButton"
Content="Leave without saving."
Grid.Row="2" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
<StaticResource ResourceKey="WarningFlyoutBase"/>
so these three controls (backButton, WarningSaveButton and WarningLeaveButton) all have their respective Clicked event handlers, though only two of them are relevant right now:
void Tackle::BoardPage::backButton_Clicked(Platform::Object^ sender,
Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e)
if (saved && Frame->CanGoBack) /* saved is a bool */
Note: I also tried replacing GoBack() with Navigate(TypeName(CreateGamePage::typeid)), but that didn't help.
void Tackle::BoardPage::WarningLeaveButton_Clicked(Platform::Object^ sender,
Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e)
if (Frame->CanGoBack)
other strange stuff:
I tried to examine the reasons for this crash/debugbreak for quite some time, and found the following:
the page in question is navigated to with this->Frame->Navigate(TypeName(BoardPage::typeid), ref new CGameSession(job));. leaving out the second argument fixes the crash magically.
When the breakpoint is triggered in App.g.hpp, opening a watch on the value errorMessage reveales:
"Placement target needs to be in visual tree."
How come the Flyout is in the visual tree, but the Button it's been attached to isn't?
The target page is in fact constructed, but the NavigationHelper->OnNavigatedTo(e) method fails in the last line LoadState(this, ref new LoadStateEventArgs(e->Parameter, safe_cast<IMap<String^, Object^>^>(frameState->Lookup(_pageKey))));, wich seems paritularly odd, because LoadState() gets called easily and only contains two (void) typecasts. (I have not modified a single one of these methods.)
The Problem here lies within the way flyouts and event handlers work with XAML-Controls, there are 2 mayor points that cause my code to crash:
Flyouts are always shown when the button they're attached to is clicked or tapped.
Event Handlers seem to be executed before the flyout gets shown.
What follows from this?
Well, when the backButton is pressed, backButton_Clicked gets triggered first.
When the game is not saved, the flyout opens and you can go back without a Problem.
But if the game was saved previously, the event handler immediately calls this->Frame->GoBack(), wich does exactly what it should, constructs the previous page, loads its state and draws it.
BUT after that, it tries to open the flyout, and this is the problem here: The flyout doesn't exist anymore, hence the strange error Message.
I am kind of embarassed it took me this long to figure it out, but maybe someone will find this useful in the future, so I'm going to leave this question here.
The workaround I'm using for this now is to move the FlyoutBase to the <Page.Resources> and attach it to a button with a size of 0x0 px. Triggering the flyout then done like so: Flyout::ShowAttachedFlyout(InvisibleButton);

Start An Event After Scrolling

I'm new to Windows Phone apps development, and I've created a scrolling menu using the following xaml code :
<ScrollViewer HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="18,0,0,0" Name="scrollViewer1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="450" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" Grid.Row="1">
<StackPanel Height="Auto" Name="stackPanel1" Width="Auto">
<Button Height="620" FontSize="120" Name="gotoGmail" Width="Auto">Gmail</Button>
<Button Height="620" FontSize="120" Name="gotoYahoo" Width="Auto">Yahoo</Button>
I'd like to know whether it's possible to start an event once the user scrolls the menu from one button to another. If it is possible, i'd be grateful if you could explain how. If it's not , i'd like to hear about how could I do it using different tools rather than ScrollViewer. Thanks in advance !
There's no "Scrolled" event on the ScrollViewer, but what you can do is two-way bind a property to VerticalOffset. That lets you trigger an event/command from your view/viewmodel when the scroll changes.
Something like this:
<ScrollViewer VerticalOffset="{Binding VerticalOffset,Mode=TwoWay}" ...
And then in the data context:
public double VerticalOffset
get { return _verticalOffset; }
_verticalOffset = value;
// call "on scroll changed" actions here
private double _verticalOffset = 0;
how could I do it using different tools rather than ScrollViewer
You can of course make a scrolling menu using other approaches. I'll bet there is some nifty approach you could figure, using the WinRT transitions/animations stuff, but I'm not familiar enough with those to say. Here are some others (not sure which would be best/easiest for your scenario):
Probably using Canvas would be a quick-and-dirty way to do it (just set up buttons that set off Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top animations).
Extending ItemsControl along with a custom ControlTemplate would be a good approach if you want to create a re-usable component.
I like extending Panel, but you have to do the animations manually using a DispatcherTimer, and you have to lay out the buttons yourself using Measure and Arrange.

Empty LongListSelector has infinite length

I have a LongListSelector which is inside a StackPanel. when this LLS is empty, it has infinite length and elements which are at the bottom of it can't be seen.
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
but when I set it's ItemsSource, it gets fine. I tried assigning it's VerticalAlignment to top, but didn't solved the issue
How to make it's size not fill the form?
(I've edited this post to make it better)
First of all lets describe the problem you have, to do it we will use:
PROBLEM: infinite length of LongListSelector (LLS)- to be honest, it isn't a problem and it works like it should. Because LLS can have many many items and can be very long as its name says. The problem is that you use it in StackPanel without fixing its Height.
The first is very simple - just set the height of LLS. You will be sure that what should be below LLS, will be there. Like #Chris W mentioned - using LLS in StackPanel is not most forunate and can cause many problems - so avoid it.
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<phone:LongListSelector Height="300"/>
<TextBlock Text="Something/>
The most elegant and the best solution (also what #Chris W suggested) - to put your LLS into Grid. That way has many advantages and with Rowdefinitions your program will be independent of Phone resolution - all your controls will be there, were they should be.
<RowDefinition Height="8*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="2*"/>
<phone:LongListSelector Width="100" Grid.Row="0"/>
<TextBlock Text="Something" Grid.Row="1"/>
The third solution is not as good ad previous, but shows other way to manage your Controls. You can override the way LLS is measured. But with this method you have to watch out for example: it will work ok with the problem, unless you add so many items that your Controls will be pushed off the screen. Also you will have to watch out for this.Width, which has to be defined. So many additional conditions you have to check, of course you can add more modifications and it will work, but as I said it's not as good as previous solutions.
namespace Extensions
public class LongListSelectorEx : LongListSelector
protected override System.Windows.Size MeasureOverride(System.Windows.Size availableSize)
if (this.ItemsSource == null)
return new System.Windows.Size(this.Width, 0);
if (this.ItemsSource.Count <= 0)
return new System.Windows.Size(this.Width, 0);
return base.MeasureOverride(availableSize);
In your xaml you have to add:
// something before
// other things
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<common:LongListSelectorEx Width="200"/>
<TextBlock Text="Something/>