aSmack MUC testing basics - asmack

I am developing a test chat client app using asmack. First, I am trying to test the multi-user functionality using MultiUserChat class. Basically, my aim is to check the memory & cpu footprint when I am doing a multiuser chat. I am just at very initial stage so I don't have a very fancy UI developed right now. Most of the work I want to do is progrmatically so that I can just get my memory & cpu footprint.
Which xmpp server can I connect to do my development testing for MUC and other XMPP features?
Do u have any sample code that I could refer to?
Let me know if any more details are needed.

Use the Openfire server it's free and easy to setup on a local machine using and also updating your hosts file in windows if needs be
There are a multitude of openfire tutes on the web
There is MUC sample code all over the net as well, check out the docs on the smack community site
Also go over the smack forums on the igniterealtime community site
With android and aSmack don't forget to init static classes by either calling
Class.forName(org.jivesoftware.smackx.muc.MultiUserChat.class.getName(), true, ctx.getClassLoader());
or initializing all static classes
Context context = getApplicationContext();
SmackAndroid asmk = SmackAndroid.init(context);


How to deploy a local eclipse worklight project in cloud server?

I developed an android based hybrid app in the IBM MFP-7.0., My app is fetching the data from the Java service which is running in Tomcat Server. Here the app adapters are running in my local system MFP server to get the data from the Java service, So that I can only run the app in my local system android emulator. Now, we want to deploy the app in the cloud so that we can give this app to our users. Can some body help me how to run our MFP app in the cloud? Is it required to place eclipse in the cloud to run my MFP server like the way I am running in my local system?
Thanks in advance.
It looks to me like your understanding is completely lacking in this subject matter. Also note that this question has got nothing to do with programming.
You need a host machine. On this server you will run an application server (Tomcat, WebSphere Full profile, WebSphere Liberty profile - either single or a farm, depending on your required network topology and security & scalability needs).
On this application server you deploy MobileFirst
You will also need a database
This host machine needs to be accessible (with appropriate security) to the public Internet so that it could serve apps installed in end-users' devices
The application needs to be configured to send requests to the server (or to any front-side server like a Load Balancer, again, depending on your topology)
The generated application needs to be submitted to an App Store so that users could download and install it on their devices
I suggest that you will do some reading before asking any question. Since you're using IBM MobileFirst, start by reading the user documentation:

Choosing between network (Ethernet or WiFi) programmatically

On my mac I have two kinds of networks available - Ethernet, WiFi.
While making a server call, can I somehow control which network channel to use for making the server call? So, before making server call, I want to specify the network channel to be used for that call - Ethernet or WiFi.
How can this be achieved using objective C. I am working on a cocoa application.
I assume both NIC's are connected to Internet (so both have a IP):
I don't think you can solve it within code (not 100% sure). But what you could do is setup some local routes, configuring which traffic goes over what NIC.
Look at the route command ('man route').
This might help you:
You can modify the routes available with the System Configuration framework. In scutil(8) you can see the routes that are presently installed in the State:/Network/Service/* dictionaries, and in order to manipulate these programmatically you have to us the SCDynamicStore framework, which is C.
However, if you were trying to just do some ad-hoc service on WLAN only, you could use the CoreWLAN framework, which is in Objective-C.

Out Of Browser Silverlight app with local offline database and WCF-RIA

I have the following scenario:
We develop a silverlight 4 app for our customers, that will be used as an out-of-browser app. The app is working offline, i.e. app and database are on the users local machine. The app is using WCF-RIA-services to connect to the local database. The database will be an SQL Server Express, SQL Server CE or MySQL. We are using MVVMLight and MEF.
An external webserver is only used for updating the app from time to time or adding new modules to the app. To achieve this we do something similar as shown in Jeremy Likness blog ( )
The reasons why we are doing such a scenario are complex. But to keep a long story short it is mainly for compatibility reasons for a later online version and we don't want to use WPF. So we need to get this working with Silverlight and WCF-RIA services.
Ok, that's the scenario and here's the question:
Do we need a local webserver in this scenario? The app is programmatically installed as out-of-browser, the database is local and connected via WCF-RIA.
If yes, which webserver would be sufficient? It should be installed and configured via an initial setup that is executed by the customer. The customer should not have to do anything with configuring the webserver.
Any other ideas or comments on this scenario? Any other possible solutions for this?
Thanks for your help
silverlight wasn't meant to be used this way I think. So it would be like when you are developing app in visual studio and use Cassini to see result - everything runs locally - but you still need a web server. Maybe more info here -
I´m not able to provide with a full answer to your problem, as we are currently facing the same problem. (WPF not being cross-platform, Very specific hardware on some clients)
But I may share some of our thoughts on our type of Thick-Silverlight-Client:
To keep deployment etc. simple we use a self-hosting process (installed as background process)
We may not use RIA as the background process has to run using Mono VM (but for MS-only solution see Can WCF RIA Services be self hosted? )
Architectural thoughts on standalone "Clients":
Depending on your requirements implementing a server for each client communicating with the "main"-server by messages (NServiceBus) may be overkill. But if you want to use a client database if offline and silverlight for ui you should consider using an event-driven-architecture.
There is a slideshow on combining "Event-Driven-Architecture" & "CQRS" with Silverlight. But i would not use it as a blueprint more like an inspiration.

How to create iphone app to react as web server?

I'm working on an app, in which server (windows based) will connect to the ipad application. Then data will be transfer from the server to the ipad app. I saw different apps like PDF Expert, Wifi HD, allows server apps to connect to the iphone app through IP address. I decided to use this approach. But I don't know how to implement this. How to make the iphone/ipad app to work as a web server like the above apps do and then transfer data to them from the server side.
BTW I'll run this app on LAN. The app is not for apple's app store. So we can use private API's in it freely (If there is any for this purpose)
Anyone can help me in this regard?
First of all, your use of terms client and server seem incorrect (if I understood you correctly). The iPad application is not a server. It is a client. If you have a Windows application as the server, then all you would need to do is have the Windows application open a socket to listen for client connections. The iPad app would connect to the server on the port that the Windows server is listening. That's just the basics of how the client/server architecture works. There's more work that needs to be done for handling disconnects, multiple clients (if you are going to allow that), and other issues.
Try CocoaHTTPServer.
I agree with zooropa, I think you want iPad to be the client, you could setup a HTTP server in windows (with a WAMP, or NIS, or whatever server you like), then in the iPad app, I would create a class to download files with NSURLConnection, check for more information on how to implement a client and handle the requests.
Then when you want to download something, you use something like:
[HTTPClient downloadFile:#"http://lanserver/files/myFile.pdf" To:#"~/MyDocuments/"];
and the class would handle the request and store the file.

Getting notified when a VPN connection disconnects

How can I, within my Cocoa app, get a notification when the currently running VPN connection disconnects? I'm running Snow Leopard.
You may be able to use the System Configuration framework for this. You can examine the System Configuration hierarchy with scutil(8), and you might have a look at HardwareGrowler's source code for examples of how to use the framework.
Also, documentation: