how to proceed to checkout page after making order in bigcommerce? - api

I have created orders using Bigcommerce API for a web based app.
Now after creating the order, how do I make the user to proceed to Bigcommerce checkout page to make the payment?

If you are capturing an order via the API, you won't be able to direct the user to a checkout page to just capture payments. The order creation is more for POS kind of flow, where you can capture the payment externally and create an order associated with that product in your bigcommerce store, thereby managing inventory details, syncing orders, etc.


Shopify APIs - creating order without receiving payment from end-user

So we're building a buy-now-pay-later store module in our web-app that will be integrated into Shopify (via Shopify's Storefront APIs).
Our users should be able to make orders through our web app (without payment), and then someone on our end will be able to fulfill the order.
The user would then able to make their payment after the fact (via a custom payment implementation handled on our side), and then a webhook would just update the payment status from 'Pending Payment' to 'Complete' on shopify.
Is this possible via Shopify's APIs? We're trying to find a way to directly create an order without requiring payment, but our devs aren't having that much luck.
It is very much easy to do when you work with Draft Orders. That allows you to create a comprehensive near perfect order in the store. The main advantage is, you get define the payment using API calls. So you can convert this Draft Order to a real one, requiring a payment, when you wish to actually charge the customer, and you do that with code. They are sent an email with a link to a real checkout, allowing them to actually pay. You can also convert the Draft Order to a real order, without sending the customer the generated link to make a payment, and therefore, you can fulfill a real Order in the store, and get the customer to pay later, when you wish.

How to redirect user back to the Sales Channel once the Shopify Payment is completed?

I have build a Sales Channel for my e-commerce website. The Sales Channel loads shopify products from Shopify stores to my e-commerce website.
Now I want to implement the Buy functionality: the user selects a product in my e-commerce website. I would create a DraftOrder and send the draft order to Shopify, shopify would respond with am invoice-url.
Now I can redirect the user to this invoice-url to make the payment directly through Shopify... but I want to redirect the user back to my e-commerce website, once the payment is completed.
Is it possible to implement this redirect functionality?
Note: I had asked a similar question trying to achieve the same goal using Checkout API.
You cannot do too much on the order status page - the page customer gets in once an order is placed and paid. You can add custom scripts on the shop's checkout settings page: Add Additional Scripts. For example, you can show a message with a link back to your sales channel.
If you're on Shopify Plus you can customize checkout.liquid directly.

How to create an order from sales channel and redirect the user to Shopify store for payment?

I am working on an e-commerce website similar to E-bay or Amazon, where sellers can list their products.
I have also created a Shopify Sales Channel for my e-commerce website, which can import products from Shopify. A Shopify store installs the Sales Channel App and their products will be imported to my e-commerce website.
All of this is working fine... now I want to build the last step, which is buy the product. A buyer comes to my e-commerce website and wants to buy a product which has been imported from certain Shopify store. I want to enable the buyer to create an order from my e-commerce website.
According to Shopify documentation:
By default, your app can provide checkout links to Shopify's web
checkout for each product. This lets your platform use Shopify's web
checkout instead of building your own native checkout form. You can
direct customers to a checkout link by using the web_url parameter of
the Checkout API.
This is what I want... I want to allow a buyer in my e-commerce website to create an order and redirect him to Shopify for payment... buy how can I actually implement this? Would I be able to implement this using Order API? And how could I redirect the user to Shopify store for payment?
If redirecting user to Shopify store for payment is not an option, then do I need to implement the payment process within my e-commerce using the Checkout API? Would anyone be able to give some details about this?
Use DraftOrder API to create an order. Once created it has the invoice_url attribute which can be used to pay and complete that order.

how to access shopify Products via API without api-key and password?

i want to develop a chrome extension to see stats for any store which develop in shopify, can i access any store products without API-Key and Password in shopify?
No, you cant access products json without using api-key or permanent token of the store.
But still you want to access the product details you atleast needs the handler of the product.
Lets say your store is "" and handler of your product is "xyz", then you can product json of xyz by HTTP GET call in following url
in general
You could try using the Shopify StoreFront API.
It allows to get information of your shop from from your own website or custom app. Although it doesn't need a API Password, it needs a Api Key that doesn't need to be a secret.
The documentation says this (the first point is the important):
Using the Storefront API, you can:
Fetch data about a single product or a collection of products to
display on any website or device.
Create unique checkout experiences
with full control over the shopping cart.
Create new customers or
modify existing ones, including address information.
Allow customers
to select unique product options.
There is no way shopify will provide store details (product list) without api authentication.
For your requirement, I would suggest to create a shopify app which will sync all product details to your storage and you can access data from there.

Hide Shopify shop behind a paywall

I'm trying to create a shop that requires paid membership to use. I love what Shopify has to offer. Is it possible (with their API or by using an existing app) to force users to purchase a membership before they can access the store?
It is trivial to do if you can setup a subdomain and use Stripe. No one gets into Shopify without having an account, and no one gets an account except through you. Once they buy a membership via your Stripe form, you create their Shopify account, and send them their invite to use the Shop.
Nothing could be simpler...