Why is the project unable to find a file that is right beneath its nose? - vb.net

I'm trying to build a solution that has three VB projects; one that I'm working on, and two others that have interdependencies (although one says "unavailable").
In trying to compile, I get regarding the ancillary project, "Unable to find source file 'J:\DSDPAGE_T.xsl' for file 'DSDPAGE_T.xsl', located in '[TARGETDIR]', the file may be absent or locked."
J? I searched the solution to see if "J:" is hardcoded anywhere, and it's not, so...?!?
The "missing" files are right there n the project! Why is it looking in J? If that is hardcoded somewhere, why doesn't 2-clicking the err msg take me to the spot? When I do, a "File System " tab appears with two panes. On the left:
File System on Target Machine
Application Folder
System Folder
User's Desktop
User's Programs Menu
...and on the right pane, a listing of the files in that project (the same ones I see in Solution Explorer), many of whom are the subject of err msgs that they cannot be found...?!?
Is this a "VB thing" (I've never worked with VB before) or...?!?
Maybe I can create a J drive and put those files the compiler is wearing blinders about in there just so it will compile - it's not that project I need to work on anyway, I just need to let the solution compile, so I can update the other project.
Looking at one of these files that is visible in the project, but for which the project exhibits acute myopia, its "SourcePath" property does say "J:\DSDPAGE_T.xsl" but that property is readonly/grayed out.
In response to user2701753:
I know what you're talking about; I'm used to having these in C# projects; but in this case, there are no References folders. There is only:
Solution 'HDP' (2 projects)
HDP [project#1]
ReportFormats [folder]
[a bunch of .xsl files]
[a bunch of .vb files]
HDPSetup [project#2] <-- the problem child
DetectedDependencies [folder]
[various files: .dll, .xsl, .exe, .chi, .chm, .mdb, .bmp, .ico]
The "Detected Dependencies" folder (which I thought was maybe the VB version of References) is apparently empty - 2-clicking it does nothing; it doesn't expand or open up.
Here is perhaps a good clue: When I look at the project files in Windows Explorer, many of the files that display in Visual Studio are not seen there! For example, C:\Project\ccr\Handheld\Development\Development\HDP\HDP\HDPSetup only has this:
Debug [folder] <- empty
Release [folder] <- empty
According to VS, I would expect to see those files that it complains about being on the (nonexistent) J: drive.
This is related to the issue above.
To recap the gist: I am trying to port/upgrade a VB.NET (.NET2/VS 2003) solution to .NET4/VS2010.
The solution is comprised of three projects; the Setup project was wreaking more mayhem and malevolence than a marauding crash of rhinoceropuses (it was thought to be on drive J, apparently), and I don't need to do anything to that project, so I removed it from the solution.
That removal reduced my error count from 35 to 14.
However, the remaining errs seem related to the "other" project. There are now two; I'll call them HDP and HHTConvert (because those are their names, and my current employer doesn't seem to be as paranoid about divulging any info that would identify the company or project as my previous one was).
Although the Project Dependencies allows me to set one as dependent on the other, no matter which way I set it, it fails:
0) Both depending on each other - disallowed, circular jerk tailchasing considered bad juju
1) HDP depending on HHTConvert: Type 'HHTConvert.HHTConverter' is not defined.
2) HHTConvert depending on HDP: ""
3) Neither depending on the other:""
So it doesn't matter what I do, the same err msg appears. The line the err points to is:
Public hhtConvertThread As HHTConvert.HHTConverter
What do I have to do to introduce the HHTConvert project to the HDP project? It would seem them being in the same solution - especially when one "depends" on the other - would be enough. HHTConverter is apparently not very dependable.
Correction/amendment to my original statement: "I'm trying to build a solution that has three VB projects"
Actually, I successfully removed one project, so it is two projects, and one is C# (the "main" one, HDP, is VB).
Could that (the C#/VB "mismatch) cause the two projects to look askance upon each other, akin to the renowned Star-bellied Sneeches and the "plain vanilla" Sneeches? (I consider the plain ones to correspond to VB).
So I've got it compiling now (see my answers), but I'm getting a subsequent (runtime) error, namley: "Unable to load DLL 'cdbmenu1.dll': The specified module could not be found."
And sure enough, one of the VB files does references a DLL with that rather bland name several times, with lines such as:
Declare Sub GetLastMenu1Error Lib "cdbmenu1.dll" (ByVal Msg As String, ByVal Length As Int32)
So, I searched the local (work) network and found some copies of that DLL. I copied the newest version (2.5 years old) to HDP's bin folder, and tried to run the app. Now I get, "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format"
Is this the part of the story known as "DLL Purgatory" or a rendition of "DLL Perdition"
(geschweige denn "Extraordinary DLL Rendition")?

Look at the 'References' in the projects in the Solution Explorer, these have a 'Full Path' if that's wrong drop the reference and readd it.

In the visual studio setup project have you added "active content" from VB project? Open your VB project file in a notepad, check the different files included in your project file, your setup project will try to include all those files as a part of your MSI. So open the project file and you should see the J drive there.
All those files can be taken out from the project and then re added.

I solved it: I had to add the .DLL from the C# project to the VB project's References. Once I did so, all errors disappeared. Why that wasn't already there, I have no clue.


Minimum of MyProject Files needed

I am writing a very basic library in VB.NET
The library just contains classes and modules.
Now in built output I see this files
Since I've seen other libraries with only AssemblyInfo.vb file, I was wondering if I can delete the rest.
What is the minimum of files I need here for the lib to work correctly, since I don't have any ressource or setting?
All the files you listed are necessary for a vb.net library project. And these files are generated (in My Project folder) when the project created not the build output files. So you need to keep all the files you listed in order to develop and build your project locally.
And for the files of build output, you can add these files in .gitignore.
When you create a project in VS, you select a predefined template that dictates what gets created. People often become accustomed to seeing the superfluous objects that a given template creates and assume that those objects are mandatory and must be there, However, much of it is not needed.
There is also the Empty Project template (the exact name of this template varies depending on the VS version used).
In VS2017, selection of the template would look like this:
This is a bare-bones project and the Solution Explorer will look like this:
As you can see, there are no pre-loaded references. You will need to add them yourself. About the only thing defined in this template is that you are using the VB language; This project starts out as a WinForm type, so go to the Project Properties->Application tab and change the "Application type" to "Class Library" since you want to create a library.
You may find it useful to start with an Empty Project and add the stuff you normally use and then export the project as new template (in VS2017: Project Menu->Export Template). For more on creating termplates, see: Creating Project and Item Templates
Edit: I just realized that I did not answer your real question about deleting the unused items. I just did a test case and deleted the items under MyProject. I received an error on deletion, but doing a clean/rebuild allowed me to proceed without issues. I would recommend that you backup the project before attempting this on an existing project, but I saw no long term issues in deleting unneeded objects from MyProject.

Visual Studio 2013 error

The top line of my code 'module Title' is giving me a dual warning "The search directory 'C:\z3-4.3.0-x64\bin\' could not be found". One for my .fs (f#) file and one for some FSC file. I believe FSC is or has something to do with the main project file.
Although I suppose I could try placing a z3 library folder in that specific location, I really don't want to. I have to localize this project for portability. I'm not sure if that file path string is hardcoded or if it was generated from asking my system where things like that are supposed to be installed.
When I search for things like "The search directory" + "could not be found" + visual + studio, I don't get any interesting results.
This path is not hardcoded in Z3 or in F#. It's possible that someone added it to the system settings, e.g., the PATH variable, but that wouldn't produce this warning. By the folder name, I would conjecture that somebody downloaded the Z3 distribution (.zip) and unzipped it in C:.
It can really only be something that's left over from previous projects, e.g., either in the project settings or in the global Visual Studio settings. It seems F# is searching for a module and while doing that, it finds that the directory doesn't exist, which is only a warning because finally all modules can be found elsewhere anyways.
Regarding 'FSC', that's the name of the F# compiler, quite possible that this name pops up in some error messages etc.

How to add .c and .h files to Atmel Studio 6?

I know there are a lot of questions on this topic, and I've looked through a fair number of them. However I am still having problems.
I started writing a test program for a prototype PCB, and now that it's grown to nearly 1000 lines I'm trying to break it up into libraries that I can use for particular functions.
I thought this would be very simple. Make .c and .h files for each library that I need. I.e. I would have OLED.h and OLED.c for functions that control an OLED display. Copy the appropriate functions/definitions into each file. Then copy these files into the solution in Atmel Studio. I put them into the src folder under the project name.
However, this doesn't work! I get an exceedingly long list of errors. All of the things that are defined in the .h file are apparently undefined as far as the compiler is concerned. I also get many error messages of the type "unknown type name int16_t/uint16_t/uint8_t/etc..." That part is really baffling to me. Why should it matter that functions are in an external library, now the compiler doesn't understand what those data types mean?
So, this is probably a stupid problem to have. I don't want Atmel Studio to control my libraries by wrapping them up in some "library project" or somethig, I want to put them in a folder of my choosing and add them when I need them. I've searched for answers to this problem and I find long tutorials about changing the compiler settings for the project, the linker settings, etc... I tried this tutorial and still no dice: http://www.engblaze.com/tutorial-using-avr-studio-5-with-arduino-projects/#setup
I also can't find a way to add something by right clicking the project and clicking "Add." It wants me to find .a files. The "Add Library" dialog box in Atmel Studio is awful, it seems.
Surely it can't be that convoluted to just add a library to an existing project and have it function normally?! I've used PICs in the past and coming to Atmel I've found horrible documentation and a weird super-slick super-fly whizz bang interface that can't leave well enough alone and obfuscates simple function. What can I do to add these libraries?
UPDATE: Seemed to answer my own question. Turns out I needed to include all of the libraries to recognize data types and whatnot into the .c file. I somehow assumed this only had to be done in the main file but obviously I was mistaken. Adding asf.h seems to work well as it includes all of the MCU specific port definitions/names and all of that. All good for now!
Adding library files to a solution should be simple. Go to the Solution Explorer, right-click on your solution, and go to "Add->Existing Item". If you want to add a pre-existing library and keep it in a separate folder from your solution, click the arrow next to "Add" and choose "Add as link". That saves many headaches due to having a duplicate copy of your library in your solution folder, and files not staying up-to-date.
You are right in saying that you need to include the necessary header files in the .c files where they are used.
The compiler compiles each C file separately, and then links them together at the end, so you got the error unknown typename int_* because the compiler had not seen the relevant header in the context of compiling that C file.
You also seem to be in some confusion as to the difference between definition and declaration.
A function is:
Declared in the header file. This means there is a function prototype, e.g. int some_func(char some_var); which tells the compiler that the function exists, but does not tell it what it is. This is necessary because the compiler only looks at one C file at a time, so needs to be told that other functions exist.
Defined in the C file.This is the actual function body, i.e. int some_func(char some_var) { do_stuff(some_var); }. After compilation of each individual C file in isolation, the linker is called to put all the pieces together and give you your final binary, which you flash to the device.
A function can be (and must be) defined only once, but may be declared many times - even in the same file, so long as the declarations are not conflicting.

Avoiding issues when moving or duplicating a project folder in Labview

I have a Labview project containing several classes and a few VIs associated with each class.
The project and all the associated files are contained in a single directory.
When I duplicate (or even rename !) the project dir, I am able to load it but Labview warns me that several "Conflicts" exist. I wasn't able to resolve them by myself.
I understand that Labview can get confused if it loads a few identically-named VIs from another folder ; but why do problems appear even when renaming the folder ?
Isn't there a way to tell Labview to look first in the relative path and load in priority whatever it finds there, without looking elsewhere ?
Why is an operation that is so easy in text-based languages (recursive copy of a folder) so complicated and troublesome in Labview ?
I also tried duplicating the whole hierarchy through "File -> Save", but this also produced conflicts..
Renaming or copying a whole project usually work, since project's VIs are specified by paths relative to the project file.
However there are cases where other VIs referencing VIs inside the project folder. In this case you get conflicts, unless you save the project to another location using "Save as" dialog and specify "Duplicate .lvproj file and contents"
My solution is that I don't think there is a solution. I have the same problem and I have even talked to NI about it with no help.
I did find that, even when the list of conflicts is large, you only need to resolve a few conflicts before LabVIEW figures out the rest. Also don't panic if LabVIEW won't let you resolve a particular conflict. Just move on to the next conflict that you can resolve. As I said before, in time, LabVIEW will figure out the rest.

How can I distribute a visual studio solution that references a class library

I have a visual studio solution written using VB.net.
The solution contains 4 projects.
A Service
A Settings library
A WiX Setup project
Here's how it used to work.
Last week, I had no shared settings library, and all was fine. But, because both the GUI and the Service contained an identical class named ConfigXML.vb (for serializing and deserializing settings), which I was regularly making changes to and copying and pasting between projects, I decided to extract the class into a library project of it's own (3 above).
This week, nothing works!
I added project references to 1. and 2. and things do work the same as they ever did. When I "start debugging" I can see and use the GUI as normal.
However, the problem I have is that when I create and install a new Setup of the solution, both the GUI and the Service fail to start.
I presume that the problem is the settings library is no longer where it was expected to be / hasn't been registered properly, needs to be placed in a directory by the Setup.msi or something similar.
This is my first time doing something like this, so I expect it's an obvious fix that I need.
I gather from the name of that class "...XML.vb" that there is an XML file that lives along side this class on disc. If there is such a file, then you need to add that file to the project and then right click on it go to "Properties" and set the "Copy to Output Directory" to "Copy if Newer"