SQL Server 2008R2 database is offline, and transact log file is full - sql

My database has filled the drive with the transaction log, its about 15GB and the drive is now full. The database won't start. The database is currently offline.
I can access SQL Server Management Studio, but not sure what to do next to fix up the transaction log, and get the database back on line.

You would appear to have the database set to use the Full recovery model.
The log is supposed to be truncated when the database is backed up using a backup tool that integrates with SQL Server (at that point you have a snapshot of the DB at that point in time for recovery), but if you don't have an appropriate regular backup in place, the log tends to bloat out to fill the available disk space.
If you don't require the full recovery model, then change to the Simple Recovery model (right-click on the database node in SSMS, select Properties and go to the Options page) and then shrink the DB.


SQL Server Database Full Backup goes offline

I have a production SQL Server database (2008R2) that performs full backups every night. The total time for the backup takes about 20 minutes. During the time of the full backup, if anything attempts to connect or interact with the database, it appears as though the DB is offline, or their connection times-out.
I've read where when full backups are performed, that any active CRUD actions are still captured, because the backup includes the DB file and the Log file.
What I'm wondering is if it's possible to have the DB still active (even for Reads) when a Full Backup is being performed? Or do I need to just accept that every night, my DB will be unavailable for some period of time?
FYI - I'm using a standard backup command to perform the backup:

Taking SQL SERVER Database backup without Logs

I have a database "DBName" on SQL Server 2008. I want to take backup of it without logs(.ldf file). Because this log file is around 20 GB and I don't want to increase the size of backup file.
I also want to do this without truncating logs from current Live database.
Meaning, the backed up copy shouldn't contain transaction logs but the live database "DBName" should remain unaffected.
P.S. - I am taking backup through following script. Variables are set from UI in WPF.
exec('BACKUP DATABASE '+ #DBName +' TO DISK ='''+ #DBBackupPath +'''')
Thank you.
Should SQL Server Simple Recovery Model help ?
A full backup only contains the portion of the log that was generated during the backup. Should be very small.
If you enable simple recovery that will throw away all logs that are not backed up and break the log chain. Is there a reason to be in full recovery mode? If yes you should probably make yourself more familiar with how to not break the log chain.

sql server 2012 mirroring setup after multiple backups

during the setup of the mirroring database in sql server 2012, i accidentally made 2 backup of the original database.
after restoring the database on the mirror server, the databases were not synchronized.
to solve the issue, i changed the recovery model from 'full' to 'simple' and back to 'full' again. and then backed up the database again. when restoring it on the mirror server the mirroring procedure.
my question is why does the synchronization fail if i take more than one full backup of the original database?
It's because of the log chain, mirroring is kind of like restoring transaction log backups to the other server but automatically, for it to work, you need an unbroken log chain from a full backup to the last t-log backup, so the log chain will look like this (with nice sequential LSNs):
Full-1->LogA->LogB->LogC->Full-2->LogD->LogE->LogF etc...
So in the example above, if you restored the Full-1 backup, you can restore log backups A,B,C but not D,E,F. You can only restore those if you restore Full-2.
In mirroring, you take a Full backup of the DB and then restore it, SQL server then looks at the Log Sequence Numbers (LSNs) and transfers transactions that aren't present in the restored mirror database, if you take another full backup, you break the chain of sequential LSNs.
In your case, it's like you restored Full-1 and then tried to apply Logs D,E,F to it, there is a gap in the sequence numbers. It should have worked for you if you had just re-restored the second accidental backup that you took to the mirror server and then started mirroring. By changing the recovery model, you completely reset the log chain and have to start again.

How to refresh a test instance of SQL server with production data without using full backups

I have two MS SQL 2005 servers, one for production and one for test and both have a Recovery Model of Full. I restore a backup of the production database to the test server and then have users make changes.
I want to be able to:
Roll back all the changes made to the test SQL server
Apply all the transactions that have occurred on the production SQL server since the test server was originally restored so that the two servers have the same data
I do not want to do a full database restore from backup file as this takes far too long with our +200GB database especially when all the changed data is less than 1GB.
Based on the suggestions below I have tried restoring a database with NoRecovery but you cannot create a snapshot of a database that is in that state.
I have also tried restoring it to Standby Read only mode which works and I can take a snapshot of the database then and still apply transaction logs to the original db but I cannot make the database writable again as long as there are snapshots against it.
restore database TestDB with recovery
Results in the following error:
Msg 5094, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 The operation cannot be performed on a database with database snapshots or active DBCC replicas
First off, once you've restored the backup and set the database to "recovered", that's it -- you will never be able to apply another transaction log backup to it.
However, there are database snapshots. I've never used them, but I believe you could use them for this purpose. I think you need to restore the database, leave it in "not restored" mode -- definitly not standby -- and then generate snapshots based on that. (Or was that mirroring? I read about this stuff years ago, but never had reason to use it.)
Then when you want to update the database, you drop the snapshot, restore the "next" set of transaction log backups, and create a fresh snapshot.
However, I don't think this would work very well. Above and beyond the management and maintenance overhead of doing this, if the testers/developers do a lot of modifications, your database snapshot could get very big, even bigger than the original database -- and that's hard drive space used in addition to the "original" database. For infrequently modified databases this could work, but for large OLTP systems, I have serious doubts.
So what you really want is a copy of Production to be made in Test. First, you must have a current backup of production somewhere??. Usually on a database this size full backups are made Sunday nights and then differential backups are made each night during the week.
Take the Sunday backup copy and restore it as a different database name on your server, say TestRestore. You should be able to kick this off at 5:00 pm and it should take about 10 hours. If it takes a lot longer see Optimizing Backup and Restore Performance in SQL Server.
When you get in in the morning restore the last differential backup from the previous night, this shouldn't take long at all.
Then kick the users off the Test database and rename Test to TestOld (someone will need something), then rename your TestRestore database to be the Test database. See How to rename a SQL Server Database.
The long range solution is to do log shipping from Production to TestRestore. The at a moments notice you can rename things and have a fresh Test database.
For the rollback, the easiest way is probably using a virtual machine and not saving changes when you close it.
For copying changes across from the production to the test, could you restore the differential backups or transaction log backups from production to the test db?
After having tried all of the suggestions offered here I have not found any means of accomplishing what I outlined in the question through SQL. If someone can find a way and post it or has another suggestion I would be happy to try something else but at this point there appears to be no way to accomplish this.
Storage vendors (as netapp) provide the ability to have writeable snapshots.
It gives you the ability to create a snapshot within seconds on the production, do your tests, and drop/recreate the snapshot.
It's a long term solution, but... It works
On Server1, a job exists that compresses the latest full backup
On Server2, there's a job that performs the following steps:
Copies the compressed file to a local drive
Decompresses the file to make the full backup available
Kills all sessions to the database that is about to be restored
Restores the database
Sets the recovery model to Simple
Grants db_owner privileges to the developers

SQL Server 2005 Backup File Deletion

I wanted to reduce the size of my log file in SQL SERVER 2005, which grown to 16 gigs, so I created a backup and used the dbcc shrinkfile command to shrink it. All that is set. Now what should I do with the backup file that is created - should I delete it? What impact will deletion have?
Deleting the file will mean you will not be able to do point-in-time restoration - you will only be able to restore to the last database backup you made.
If point-in-time restores are unimportant to you, you can safely delete the backup - otherwise store it somewhere safe (like a tape, or other removable storage).
If you're not using anything that requires a transaction log (e.g. database mirroring) you could also consider switching the database into "simple recovery mode" which avoids transaction log use anyway.