images getting cut off in flexslider carousel - carousel

I using the woothemes flexslider with the carousel below the slides and the when clicking on the next arrow, it seems like it is not moving over enough and will cut off the images. It worked fine when I only had 7 images, but once I added two more images this is when the issue appear. Is there something I need to do differently in my CSS?
Thanks for any help anyone can give me.


Adding PDF slides to a Latex document (portrait)

I want to add a PDF generated from google slides to my Appendix section but in a specific way.
I would like many slides to be scaled down on a multiple portrait page (so there will be around 3 slides per page) but when I try doing this, it keeps making the page landscape, and I can not seem to fix this. I would like the pages to be portrait.
My code is:
\includepdf[pages=-, scale=0.5,portrait=true, pagecommand={\section*{Appendix: Slides}, \thispagestyle{empty}}, fitpaper=true]{slides.pdf}
Can anyone help?

Stellar vertical offset - background scrolls down creating a whitespace

I have searched and researched stackoverflow but couldn't find any good answer that might help me.
I am using stellar.js to create parallax backgrounds, but sometimes as I scroll the page, the background goes down, creating a white space (instead of creating the parallax effect).
Here is a preview of the image with explanation:
Any ideas would be great. Thanks.

Flexslider only shows last slide until it cycles through all slides, but only with fade animation

This one has me stumped. I've used Flexslider with no issues many times, but with a site I'm building now it just refuses to work properly.
The last slide will show on load and stay visible until it has cycled through all of them, at which point things will start working properly.
I've tried all sorts of things, reducing it down, but can;t seem to figure it out. The only thing that changes this behavior is if I change the animation to slide instead of fade. But I definitely want fade. And I definitely want to figure out why this is happening.
It seems like it could be a CSS issue, but I can't find it.
Here is what I am working on:
I made a couple of super reduced test cases, with just basic HTML, the Flexslider CSS/JS, and jQuery being loaded, nothing else, and the bug persists.
With fade animation, has the bug:
I am an idiot. I changed the class name of the container from "flexslider" to "hero", but did not update the flexslider.css to reflect that. [sigh]
Thanks for looking.
user1910673 got it right!
the following CSS..
.slides li {display:none}
..fixed my fading issue!
I wish I could upvote but don't have 15 reputation.
I had this problem but it was not to do with my css. I found this article helpful:
It says to set "slideToStart" to your last slide. ie. If you have 7 slides then start it at 6. this fixed my problem.
It is not an ideal fix but it worked for my purposes.
Sorry, better fix was making sure that my slides had display:none
Then it doesn't matter what slide you start on.
so turns out it was my css.

flexslider resizing issue for iphone/ipad

I've implemented flexslider before, but this time it is not resizing when I view it in i-phone or i-pad. Also its not working when I'm resizing my browser window.
Please suggest any workarounds..
For now I've made it work by adding media query in flexslider.css file.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Finally I got it, the problem was because of Bootstrap framework. Elements with classname "span1/2/3.." in bootstrap don't resize beyond a fix browser width, even when using fluid structure. Because of that my flexslider div was not getting resized.
I just changed the fixed with of .span class from "px" to "%" and it started working.

flexslider slideshow not resizing properly

I have set up the Flexslider Carousel with thumbs on my website. For some reason, when I shrink it below a certain size it does not re-size properly and then it disappears (overflow: hidden could be causing this second issue) I freely admit that my java skills are limited, so I hope that someone here will be able to tell me what I messed up...
Thanks for any help!
Try this, give your containing div (#container) width either in %, so that it adjusts as per your browser window or set its width for different viewports.