Removing Android toolbar bar on Sencha Touch - sencha-touch-2

I have two issues with a Sencha Touch application, first is how do I remove the top bar highlighted in red, second is, when I press the back from above bar it goes back fine but when I press the phone's back button it takes me out of application, what can I do? Look at the picture below
I have already tried using navigationBar:hidden or false and autoMaximize:true, also about back button thing I don't have any idea so please suggest me something.

Question 1)
I guess you are using Sencha native packaging, and you have encountered this bug:
Quote from richardvd user of Sencha Touch Forums:
This is the Android TitleBar, you can remove it by adding an attribute
to your base AndroidManifest.xml.
In my case this file is located here:
Open it and add this attribute to the application field:
Question 2)
You can control the back button behaviour from Javascript with Cordova/Phonegap:
document.addEventListener("backbutton", yourCallbackFunction, false);
Source: PhoneGap documentation


Shoutem builder preview not working

I'm trying to preview the app after making changes to the built in extensions. When i try to preview the app it tries to build the preview but ends up doing nothing and and brings back the same original screen. I'm not getting an error message at all. What could be the issue?
Here's a great tutorial on how to modify extensions. why I think it's not working for you is because you didn't change the starting screen inside of the navigation. The previous screen that you use is from original extension. You need to click on the three dots in the upper right corner to delete the Screen.
Here's the picture:
Once you've deleted screen, add your screen from Custom category.

keyboard pushes bottom elements upward

In my app when I select to give input to particular input field which positioned at top the keyboard pushes all my bottom element upward. I am using Ionic framework. In android platform it is solved by changing windowsoftinput to adjustpan from autoresize. How to solve this problem in case of ios platform.
you should be able to add the class hide-on-keyboard-open to the items you want to stay "behind the keyboard" you can read more about how this works here
it involves using the ionic keyboard plugin

Error in Xcode, can't see attribute for text field

This is the first time I program with Xcode,
At storyboard, my text field's attribute doesn't look like in Apple tutorial, I post it here:
In my Xcode:
In tutorial:
It's really quiet simple my friend. the issue is that your textfield attribute is not expanded. in your story board, click on the textfield and then when it shows the attribute window on the right panel, click your mouse on the textfield title on top left of that window to expand it and see all the functions.
You have Xcode 4 installed and your tutorial image is form Xcode 5. You should see an update listed in the App Store. See

Prev and next buttons for pickers in Sencha Touch 2

I'm building an App for Android, iOS and Blackberry with Sencha Touch 2.0.1.
I have a Form-Panel with about 10 selectfields and some sextfields. If i ran the app on Android 2.3 or higher, the selectfields are shown as pickers. So far so good.
When the user starts filling out the form starting with textfields, he can go through the form using the next-button on the virtual keyboard. The problem is, that the selectfields are ignored by the next-button. The user has to tap on the selectfields.
I can't figure out how to get prev- and next-Buttons for the picker-elements. So that I can go through the form only with the next-Button instead of pressing "done" and tapping on the next Selectfield. It would be far more comfortable for the user.
So support of the sencha-forum isn't really helpful, see below:
According to this, there are prev- and next buttons available for a picker:
But I can't find them:-(
I think, there are two solutions to the problem:
Accessing the native Picker as proposed in the first link above. The question is how?
Implementing an own Picker-Element with an Prev- and Next-Button. This seems to be a huge efford for such a basic task.
I can't really believe, that this is such a big deal in a big framework like Sencha Touch.
Anyone facing the same problem and has a working solution?
My only idea for you would to put your picker on the page as normal, then add two buttons on the page - a Prev and Next buttons using Sencha. Then add onTop handlers for those buttons, that use the picker's .setActiveItem() method to set the picker to the next or previous item. Hopefully that will get you on your way.!/api/Ext.picker.Picker-method-setActiveItem

Rubymotion implementation of the previous/next buttons in the webview

I'm new to iOS development and recently started out with rubymotion.
Im currently working on a "start page" kind of application that loads an in app html/css/js file in a webview. The "start page" then links to different sections/pages on (a to be released) responsive design version of .
My current build of the app is based on the PaintHTML example:
The feature I'm stuck on at the moment is previous/next page navigation to navigate back and forth in the webview history.
The idea of the navigation feature is to have previous/forward buttons positioned fixed on the bottom left side of the app similar to the Path app "new content" button.
Any ideas how I can implement access to the webview history with "native" rubymotion code?
the UIWebView have to methods UIWebView#goBack and UIWebView#goForward,
create two button and set the action to #webView.goBack and #webView.goForward; and you can enable the button with the methods [UIWebView#canGoForward and UIWebView#canGoBack]