AxAcroPdf Control - Issues reloading PDF -

When using the axAcroPdfLib.AxAcroPDF control in my Windows Forms application, I'm not able to reload the same image. The image is initially loaded with the LoadFile() method.
Upon using the LoadFile() method again on the same path AFTER saving changes to the PDF, the control becomes blank (no PDF shown).
If I set the src property of the control to the path, I get a message saying the file does not begin with '%PDF-'. But it does. I opened it with Word and it clearly begins with %PDF-. It's not corrupt or locked either.
I've even tried closing, disposing, or setting it to Nothing, and then completely re-instantiating it as I did the first time it's loaded - no effect. The window closes and shows with the control blank.
Loading a different file via the above methods has the same effect - blank.
Using Windows 7 64-bit, VS 2010, VB.NET.
The code is below. For right now, I'm just trying to draw a simple line on it.
Private Sub _btnBarCode_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles _btnBarCode.Click
Dim pdfReader As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfReader = Nothing
pdfReader = New iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfReader(File.ReadAllBytes(_path))
Using fs As New FileStream(_path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
Using pdfStamper = New iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfStamper(pdfReader, fs)
Dim pdfPage As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfContentByte = pdfStamper.GetOverContent(1)
Using barCodeForm As New FBarCode
barCodeForm.Barcode = _barCode
If (barCodeForm.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK) Then
Dim screenBarCode As Point = barCodeForm.Location
Dim clientBarCode As Point = Point.op_Subtraction(PointToClient(screenBarCode), New Point(0, 50)) '_pdfControl.Location '_imgView.Location
clientBarCode = New Point(10, 50)
Dim barcodeImg As New Bitmap(200, 50)
Using gc As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(barcodeImg)
gc.DrawLine(Pens.Red, New Point(10, 10), New Point(20, 20))
'barCodeForm._barCode.DrawBarCode(gc, clientBarCode)
End Using
Dim convert As ImageConverter = New ImageConverter()
Dim bmpBytes As Byte() = DirectCast(convert.ConvertTo(barcodeImg, GetType(Byte())), Byte())
Dim thisImage As iTextSharp.text.Image = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(bmpBytes)
thisImage.SetAbsolutePosition(clientBarCode.X, clientBarCode.Y)
thisImage.SetDpi(72, 72)
rdrAdobePdf.LoadFile(_path) 'Blank pdf
'rdrAdobePdf.src = _path '"Does not begin with '%PDF-' (even though it does)
End If
End Using
End Using
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "An error occurred.")
If Not pdfReader Is Nothing Then pdfReader.Close()
End Try
End Sub
Any ideas what could be the problem here?

Problem was solved by getting the reloading code out of that click method. Putting it in another click method solved the problem - not sure why. The code I used just ran .LoadFile, then Form.Show() and Form.Activate().


How to use PrivateFontCollection in Application for use in PrintDocument VB.NET

Im trying to get the privatefontcollection to work. But so far its not working, not in the sense of an error, just the font seen on screen is MS Sans Serif and not the Font im trying to load. so far i have tried two diffrent methods and neither seem to have worked for me.
First i tried:
Public Function GetFontInstance(ByVal data() As Byte, ByVal Size As Single, ByVal Style As FontStyle) As Font
Dim result As Font
Dim pfc = New PrivateFontCollection
Dim FontPtr As System.IntPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(data.Length)
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, FontPtr, data.Length)
pfc.AddMemoryFont(FontPtr, data.Length)
result = New Font(pfc.Families(0), Size, Style)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error in [GetFontInstance()]" & vbCrLf & ex.Message)
result = New Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8)
End Try
Return result
End Function
i called this function from the Print SubRoutine:
Dim newFont As Font = GetFontInstance(My.Resources.OpenSans_Bold, 22, FontStyle.Bold)
e.Graphics.DrawString("Hello World", newFont, Brushes.Black, 50, 2)
but what i see in the printdocument print preview, is just MS Sans Serif type font. not the font i have loaded into my Resources.
I then tried this method:
Dim sAppPath As String
sAppPath = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath
Dim fcollect As New PrivateFontCollection()
fcollect.AddFontFile(sAppPath & "\OpenSans-Bold.ttf")
Dim OpenSansFont As New Font(fcollect.Families(0), 50, FontStyle.Bold)
e.Graphics.DrawString("Hello World", OpenSansFont, Brushes.Black, 50, 2)
again i got the same result
is there something I'm missing to get this to work. other questions asked about this seem to indicate this should just work.
I should mention that the end user will run the Application on a system admin locked PC, so the option to "install" the font wont be possible. Id need to make use of the font only while the application is running / when the subroutine gets called.

RDLC local report trying to render before loading datasource

I have created a local report that contains a few sub reports. I am trying to load the report straight to pdf based off the click of a button.
I have tried showing the report with report viewer and it shows up fine, but when I try to render directly to pdf I get an error about data source. When I debug the code I notice that my subprocessing function does run until after the button call function finishes and throws the error.
Dim reportParam As New ReportParameter("appId", appid)
Dim reportParam2 As New ReportParameter("appDate", appDate)
Dim reportParam3 As New ReportParameter("auditDate", Now)
Dim reportArray As New ReportParameterCollection
AddHandler ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SubreportProcessing, AddressOf SetSubDataSource
ObjectDataSource1.SelectParameters("appID").DefaultValue = appid
ObjectDataSource1.SelectParameters("appDate").DefaultValue = appDate
Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing
Dim streamids As String() = Nothing
Dim mimeType As String = Nothing
Dim encoding As String = Nothing
Dim extension As String = Nothing
Dim byteViewer As Byte()
byteViewer = ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Render("PDF", Nothing, mimeType, encoding, extension, streamids, warnings)
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = mimeType
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=test.pdf")
Response.OutputStream.Write(byteViewer, 0, byteViewer.Length)
Thanks for your advice in advance, I just trying to figure out how to get the report to load data sources before it renders and not after this function is complete.

AxShockwave not loading movies

I'm trying to load some youtube videos to a AxShockwave control in but so far it does not load
I've tryed to use rlVideo.Movie = "..." and rlVideo.LoadMovie(0,"...") (rlVideo being the AxShockwave control)
And yes the url is
I can't set the movie property in the designer because It's dinamically loaded onto the app any ideas?
I've removed the Control from the designer and create a new instace of the control every time I change the video
Of course I delete the previous instance of the Control
For example
Dim prevControl() As Control = Me.Controls.Find("flashVideoPlayer", True)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim video As AxShockwaveFlash = New AxShockwaveFlash()
video.Name = "flashVideoPlayer"
Dim strMovie As String = CType(ComboBox1.SelectedItem, ComboBoxItem).Value.ToString.Replace("watch?v=", "v/")
video.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Right Or AnchorStyles.Top
video.Location = New Point(0, 27)
video.Size = New Size(tbVideo.Width, tbVideo.Height - 27)
video.LoadMovie(0, strMovie)

Cannot write to a file after reading it with IO.StreamReader

I am making an encryption program that also functions as a notepad (CryptoMatic). There is a Open function with the following code:
Dim r As New StreamReader(filename)
Dim text As String = r.ReadToEnd
txtFileContents.text = text
Now there is the save and save as button
the save button checks if the file had been saved previously or not. If yes then I am trying to write to that file with the following code:
Dim myFileStream As New System.IO.FileStream(filename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)
myFileStream.Lock(0, 100)
Dim myWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(myFileStream)
myFileStream.Unlock(0, 100)
Now when i press the save button it gives the following error:
The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\VisualTech\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\CryptoMatic Update\CryptoMatic Update\bin\Debug\text.txt' because it is being used by another process.
and the application stops, can anyone please help me?
I have tried your code above and have noticed two things:
You don't need a myFileStream.Lock call because you already open it
with FileShare.None
You can't call myFileStream.Unlock(0, 100) after the call to
So I have rewritten your code in this way.
Sub Main
Dim text = "This is a text to write in the stream"
Using myFileStream As New System.IO.FileStream("D:\temp\testlock.txt", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)
Using myWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(myFileStream)
End Using
End Using
End Sub

Strange "IOException was unhandled"

(VB.NET, .NET 3.5)
I wrote the following function to read some text from txt file. It was working fine but now it's not. It keeps giving me this error message
"IOException was unhandled" and
" The process cannot access the file 'F:\kh_matt\ch1.txt' because it is being used by another process."
The ch1.txt is not even opened or being used by any program at all. I tried to move ch1.txt to another location (Drive D) still I got the same message error but just different location it says The process cannot access the file 'D:\ch1.txt' because it is being used by another process."
Here's my code block :
Private Sub btnRead_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRead.Click
Dim reader As StreamReader
Dim filelocation As String
filelocation = "F:\kh_matt\ch1.txt"
Dim chid As Integer
chid = 1
If System.IO.File.Exists(filelocation) = True Then
reader = New StreamReader(New FileStream(filelocation, FileMode.Open))
MsgBox(filelocation, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly)
End If
Dim MyStream As New StreamReader(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, filelocation))
Dim vArray() As String = MyStream.ReadToEnd.Split(CChar("$"))
Dim count As Integer
For d As Integer = 0 To vArray.Length - 1 Step 1
If d = vArray.Length - 1 Then
Exit For
End If
InsertKh(chid, d + 1, vArray(d))
count = d + 1
MsgBox("Done Inserting")
End Sub
It always points to this code :
Dim MyStream As New StreamReader(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, filelocation))
Where I debug and press the respective button. Can anyone point out what the problem is ? Thanks
I think this is your problem:
If System.IO.File.Exists(filelocation) = True Then
reader = New StreamReader(New FileStream(filelocation, FileMode.Open))
If the file exists it will open a StreamReader on it, then try and open another StreamReader on the same file, which will lock the file, causing this line:
Dim MyStream As New StreamReader(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, filelocation))
to fail.
Also, some pointers:
consider using the System.IO.File.ReadAllText() method instead, much easier
if you must use streams, wrap them in a using block to ensure they're freed correctly, for example:
Dim vArray() As String
using (Dim MyStream As New StreamReader(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, filelocation))
vArray = MyStream.ReadToEnd.Split(CChar("$"))
(sorry if the above code isn't 100% correct, I don't write much VB.Net)
It seems you open the file twice, which is probably what's causing your error:
reader = New StreamReader(New FileStream(filelocation, FileMode.Open))
Dim MyStream As New StreamReader(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, filelocation))
Are you sure that's what you intend to do? It looks like you can remove MyStream and use reader instead. Also, you don't have to use Path.Combine, since filelocation is not relative.
Make sure that you close your stream & streamreader once you've finished reading the file, even when an exception is being thrown.
Use a try/finally block, and close the stream / streamreader in the finally block.
Thanks all for the reply. It's my mistake. I forgot to comment out my code that I wrote for testing earlier. After commenting this code out it works like before.
'If System.IO.File.Exists(filelocation) = True Then
' reader = New StreamReader(New FileStream(filelocation, FileMode.Open))
' MsgBox(filelocation, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly)
'End If
Have a good day.