Getting Null Values on a Left Join - sql

I have the query below. I am trying to left join to another table. I know for a fact that the query should return values but the values are coming back as null. Does anyone see anything I am doing wrong? My brain is fried at this point.
ss.ExtendedPrice ExtendedPrice,
c.AccrualAmount CBAccrualAmount
SalesSummary ss left join ChargebackAccruals c on
ss.ClassOfTrade = c.TradeClass and
c.AddressNo is null and
c.ShipTo is null and
c.ShortItemNo is null and
c.LotNumber is null and
ss.InvoiceDate = #RunDate and
ss.InvoiceDate between AccrualBeginDate and AccrualEndDate

Any condition in the ON-clause is part of the join, so any row with data in AddressNo or ShipTp or ShortItemNo orLotNumber will be NULLed.
You probably want to move them into WHERE.
What do you want as result?

Left outer join produces a complete set of records from Table A, with the matching records (where available) in Table B. If there is no match, the right side will contain null.


Checking a multi-line transaction for fields containing all nulls

I have a transaction table where the complete transaction (tranid) spans multiple rows per the example below
What I'm trying to find are transactions that contain all nulls vs tranid's that only partially have nulls, and only showing tranid's where every column is null under acount_id vs only 2 of the 6 in the example above.
I have the following query written, but searching for "is null" only produces the two lines of the first transaction that have nulls vs searching an entire transaction for all nulls. I'm not sure how I'd search for that, and am hoping someone could help with the logic here.
select *
from ns.tItemFulfillment itf
inner join ns.tsalesorder so on itf.created_from_id = so.transaction_id
left join ns.tpurchaseorder tpo on so.transaction_id = tpo.created_from_id
inner join ns.transaction_lines tl on itf.transaction_id = tl.transaction_id
left join ns.accounts a on tl.account_id = a.account_id
where tl.account_ID IS NULL and tpo.created_from_id is null
produces the following, which as you can see is only the last two lines of the transaction above.
I should be able to only query tranid's with all nulls, which is what I need help with. Thank you
Use aggregation:
select tranid
from mytable —- or whatever join you need
group by tranid
having max(account_id) is null
and max(account_number) is null
—- etc for all columns that need to be all null

SQL Server Full Outer Join Returning Rows with all NULL values

When joining two tables using Full Outer Join, I am receiving results with NULL values in every column. The row count is the same as the count of the larger table. I would expect that at least one table columns would have values.
Here is my simple select statement:
FULL OUTER JOIN ACM ON X.[file_name] = ACM.AllCharts
It is a full join it is going to return null in left or right but if is returning a row full of nulls you will have to check if you have X.[file_name] or ACM.AllCharts with Null values, because when you compare null = null it gives you no results because null is not a value, it is something like unknown or infinite in math.

SQL Server Query - Weird Behaviour

Consider below SQL.
FROM dbo.bvc_OrderItem WITH (nolock)
RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.bvc_Order WITH (nolock)
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.bvc_User WITH (nolock) ON dbo.bvc_Order.UserID = dbo.bvc_User.ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Amazon_Merchants WITH (nolock) ON dbo.bvc_Order.CompanyID = dbo.Amazon_Merchants.ID ON dbo.bvc_OrderItem.OrderID = dbo.bvc_Order.ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem WITH (nolock) ON dbo.bvc_OrderItem.ID = dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.OrderItemID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.bvc_Product WITH (nolock) ON dbo.bvc_OrderItem.ProductID = dbo.bvc_Product.ID
AND (bvc_Order.StatusCode <> 1
AND bvc_Order.StatusCode <> 999)
AND ( bvc_OrderItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00')
OR bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00'))
AND bvc_Order.OrderSource = 56;
The query when I execute against my database, it returns 85 rows. Well, that is not correct.
If I just remove the part "AND bvc_Order.OrderSource = 56" it returns back 5 rows which is really correct.
Another thing, if I remove the part
OR bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00')
it will also return the 5 rows as expected even with bvc_Order.OrderSource filter.
I am not sure why it is adding more rows while I am trying to reduce rows by using filters.
the table bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem doesn't contain any rows for the result order ids or OrderItemIDs
Thanks guys, I tried to remove the LEFT/RIGHT Join Mix but Query manager doesn't allows only LEFT, it does add at least one RIGHT join. I updated the SQL to remove extra tables and now we have only three. But same result
SELECT DISTINCT dbo.bvc_Order.ID, dbo.bvc_OrderItem.ProductID, dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID AS Expr1
FROM dbo.bvc_OrderItem
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem ON dbo.bvc_OrderItem.ID = dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.OrderItemId
RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.bvc_Order ON dbo.bvc_OrderItem.OrderID = dbo.bvc_Order.ID
AND (bvc_Order.StatusCode <> 1 AND bvc_Order.StatusCode <> 999)
bvc_OrderItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00')
OR bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00')
AND bvc_Order.OrderSource = 56;
[edit]So far, there is no solution for this. I previously pasted a link in my comment with example data outout for both valid/invalid results with queries. here it is again.
One thing to remember here is that ALL left join is not possible. Let me explain further
bvc_Order contains main order record
bvc_ORderItem contains Order Items/Products
bvc_ORderItem_BundleItem contains child products of the product which are available in bvC_OrderItem table.
Now NOT Every product has child products, so bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem may not have any record (and in current scenario, there is really no valid row for the orders in bvC_OrderItem_BundleItem).
In short, in current scenario, there is NO matching row available in bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem table. If I remove that join for now, it is all okay, but in real world, I can't remove that BundleItem table join ofcourse.
thank you
When you say
WHERE bvc_Order.OrderSource = 56
that evaluates to false when bvc_Order.OrderSource is NULL. If the LEFT/RIGHT join failed then it will be NULL. This effectively turns the LEFT/RIGHT join into an inner join.
You probably should write the predicate into the ON clause. An alternative approach, which might not deliver the same results, is:
WHERE (bvc_Order.OrderSource IS NULL OR bvc_Order.OrderSource = 56)
The other predicates have the same problem:
Another thing, if I remove the part OR bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00') it will also return the 5 rows as expected
When the join fails bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID is NULL.
I also would recommend writing queries manually. If I understand you right this query comes from a designer. It's structure is quite confusing. I'm pulling up the most important comment:
Mixing left and right outer joins in a query is just confusing. You should start by rewriting the from clause to only use one type (and I strongly recommend left outer join). – Gordon Linoff
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however
improbable, must be the truth? S.H.
It is impossible that an extra AND condition appended to a WHERE clause can ever result in extra rows. That would imply a database engine defect, which I hope I can assume is "impossible". (If not, then I guess it's back to square one).
That fact makes it easier to concentrate on possible reasons:
When you comment out
AND bvc_Order.OrderSource = 56;
then you also comment out the semicolon terminator. Is it possible
that there is text following this query that is affecting it? Try
putting a semicolon at the end of the previous line to make sure.
Depending on the tool you are using to run queries, sometimes when a
query fails to execute, the tool mistakenly shows an old result set.
Make sure your query is executing correctly by adding a dummy column
to the SELECT statement to absolutely prove you are seeing live
results. Which tool are you using?
when you use LEFT outer join it will give all the rows from left table (dbo.bvc_OrderItem) once the your and, or conditions satisfies,
the same thing happens with Right outer join too,
Those conditions (Left join, right join ) may not restrict the rows since rows from one table can be all, another table with some rows only.
check with your join condition
Then check you condition :
(bvc_Order.StatusCode <> 1 AND bvc_Order.StatusCode <> 999)
if any rows satisfying this condition
next check with another condition
[bvc_OrderItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00')
OR bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00')]
Then bvc_Order.OrderSource = 56
compare the result of three queries and check the data in with the conditions and then write your complete query, so that you will understand where the mistake you have done.
Few points to remember
1.And is applied during Virtual join phases
2.Where clause is applied after the final result
3.Left join followed by right join is effectively an inner join in some cases
Lets break your query step by step..
dbo.bvc_OrderItem a1
dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem b1
Above output will be a single virtual table (logically) which contains all rows from b1 with matching rows from a1
now below predicates from your and clause will be applied
bvc_OrderItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00')
OR bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00')
which effectively eliminates all rows from bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem even if they have matches and gives result some thing like below if bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00') is true
bvc_OrderItem bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem
28046 28046
null 1
null 2
null 3
if this condition(bvc_OrderItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00')) is true,then you are asking sql to ignore all rows in bvc_OrderItem ,which effectively means the same result set as above
bvc_OrderItem bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem other columns
28046 28046
null 1
null 2
null 3
next you are doing right outer join with dbo.bvc_Order which may qualifies for the join point I mentioned above
Assume ,you got below result set as output which preserves all of bvc_order table(rough output only for understanding due to lack of actual data)
bvc_OrderItem bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem statuscode ordersource
28046 28046 999 56
null 1 1 57
null 2 100 58
null 3 11 59
Next below AND predicates will be applied
status code <>1 and statuscode<> 999
which means ignore rows which match with bvc_order and has status of 1 ,999 even if they found matching rows
Next you are asking bvc_Order.OrderSource = 56; which means I don't care about other rows,preserve matching rows only for 56 and keep the rest as null
Hope this clarifies on what is happening step by step.A more better way can be provide some test data and show the expected output.
you also can control physical order of joins,you can try below to see if this is what you are trying to do..
SELECT DISTINCT dbo.bvc_Order.ID, dbo.bvc_OrderItem.ProductID, dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID AS Expr1
ON dbo.bvc_OrderItem.OrderID = dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.OrderItemId
dbo.bvc_OrderItem.ID = c.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.OrderItemId
AND (bvc_Order.StatusCode <> 1 AND bvc_Order.StatusCode <> 999)
bvc_OrderItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00')
OR bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00')
AND bvc_Order.OrderSource = 56;
It looks like you are using the Query Designer. I would avoid using this as this can make your queries extremely confusing. Your queries will be much more concise if you are designing them by hand. If you don't completely understand how inner/outer joins work, a great textbook that I used to teach myself SQL is Murach's SQL Server for Developers.
Now, onto the answer.
I've been thinking about how to resolve your problem, and if you are trying to reduce the result set to 5 rows, why are you using multiple outer joins in the first place? I would consider switching the joins to inner joins instead of outer joins if you are looking for a very specific result set. I can't really provide you with a really comprehensive answer without looking at exactly what results you are trying to achieve, but here's a general idea based on what you've provided to all of us:
SELECT DISTINCT dbo.bvc_Order.ID, dbo.bvc_OrderItem.ProductID, dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID AS 'bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem_ProductID'
FROM dbo.bvc_OrderItem
INNER JOIN dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem ON dbo.bvc_OrderItem.ID = dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.OrderItemId
INNER JOIN dbo.bvc_Order ON dbo.bvc_OrderItem.OrderID = dbo.bvc_Order.ID
Start here and then based upon what you are searching for, add where clauses to filter criteria.
Also, your where clause must be rewritten if you use an inner join instead of an outer join:
WHERE 1=1 --not really sure why this is here. This will always be true. Omit this statement to avoid a bad result set.
AND (bvc_Order.StatusCode <> 1 AND bvc_Order.StatusCode <> 999) --this is saying, if the StatusCode is not equal to 1 and not equal to 999, don't include it.
--Revised: Look for Status codes with 1 or 999
--bvc_Order.StatusCode = 1 OR bvc_Order.StatusCode = 999
AND (bvc_OrderItem.ProductID IN ('28046_00') --I would eliminate this unless you are looking to see if this exists in Product ID. You could also accomplish this if you are trying to see if this value is in both tables, change this to:
bvc_OrderItem.ProductID = '28046_00' AND bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem.ProductID = '28046_00')
--if you are trying to see if the order source is 56, use this.
AND bvc_Order.OrderSource = 56;
If you are trying to find out rows that are not included in this result set, then I would use OUTER JOIN as necessary (LEFT preferred). Without more information about what you're looking for in your database, that's the best all of us can do.
bLike #usr writ, the reason of this unexpected (for you) result is, you build query with outer joins, and filter rows after join. If you need filter rows of outer joined tables, you should do this before join.
but probably you try build this:
SELECT DISTINCT o.ID, oi.ProductID, bi.ProductID AS Expr1
FROM dbo.bvc_Order as o
LEFT JOIN dbo.bvc_OrderItem as oi on oi.OrderID = o.ID
LEFT JOIN dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem as bi ON oi.ID = bi.OrderItemId
AND o.OrderSource = 56;
AND o.StatusCode not in (1, 999)
AND '28046_00' in (oi.ProductID, isnull(bi.ProductID,'_') )
Is this query give results what you need?
if not, try change last condition, for example:
and (bi.ProductID = '28046_00' or bi.ProductID is null and oi.ProductID = '28046_00')
you can also put additional condition in to join conditions, for example:
SELECT DISTINCT o.ID, oi.ProductID, bi.ProductID AS Expr1
FROM dbo.bvc_Order as o
LEFT JOIN dbo.bvc_OrderItem as oi on oi.OrderID = o.ID
LEFT JOIN dbo.bvc_OrderItem_BundleItem as bi ON oi.ID = bi.OrderItemId
and bi.ProductID in ('28046_00') --this join BundleItem only if ...
AND o.OrderSource = 56;
AND o.StatusCode not in (1, 999)
AND (oi.ProductID in ('28046_00') or bi.ProductID is not null)
ah, and if you always need join bvc_Order with bvc_OrderItem then use inner join

null not appearing in the query...Try referencing the or starting the middle table

Topology db: Asset table -> Geometry table -> Valid_value table -> Unit_of_Measure
how can i start a query by referencing or starting from
Valid_value table and joining the rest of the tables. My objective here is to show a data where valid_value_descr is not empty. the Original query was (see the query) but the problem was- I have to show the null values of the dbo.GEOMETRY.GEOMETRIC_VALUE. If I used the query below it doesn't show the null values... I have to start from valid value table then connecting the rest. How can i do this..
If I have read your problem right, you have more values in your VALID_VALUE table than will match up to values in your ASSET or GEOMETRY tables, which means that if you want to start from ASSET, go through GEOMETRY, and still see all values in VALID_VALUE, you need to use a RIGHT JOIN to get to the table that you want to see all the rows of:
(The final LEFT JOIN may need to be changed back to an INNER JOIN, as it appears that the purpose of that join is to restrict results since none of its columns are in the result set.)
This query will give you all of the rows in VALID_VALUE, with everything else joined onto it as though you had started there and LEFT JOINed everything on.

Sql join shows null value

I have 2 sql tables mtblSite_Lavel_Budget and mtblExpenditure_Site_Lavel. I want to join them, so I wrote the query below, but one column always give null result although there are values in that field.
Query is as below
select mtblExpenditure_Site_Lavel.SFTI_Id,
mtblExpenditure_Site_Lavel.Bill_No, mtblExpenditure_Site_Lavel.Date_Of_Bill,
from mtblExpenditure_Site_Lavel
left join mtblSite_Lavel_Budget
on mtblExpenditure_Site_Lavel.Sub_Site_Lavel_Interventions= mtblSite_Lavel_Budget.Sub_Site_Lavel_Interventions
WHERE mtblExpenditure_Site_Lavel.SFTI_Id =13
ORDER BY Date_Of_Bill desc
and the result is as below
Please advise regarding the issue.
Try this
from mtblExpenditure_Site_Lavel left join mtblSite_Lavel_Budget on
mtblExpenditure_Site_Lavel.sfti_id = mtblSite_Lavel_Budget.sfti_id
I think its confused becouse you are joining on a string column its always best to join on the id where posible.