VBA how to loop from the first cell/column (Force it) - vba

Below are my codes, I am trying to force the checking to start from the first cell, but it doesn't work. Can anyone advise me on that. Thanks
I am trying to do checking on the names which is on the 3rd column of Workbook A and compare it with the other column in another workbook. Upon match of the string, it will copy certain cells to the desalinated column
Sub copyandpaste()
Set From_WS = Workbooks("copy_data2").Worksheets("Data")
Set To_WS = Workbooks("Book1").Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim v1 As String
Dim v2 As String
Dim diffRow As Long
Dim dataWs As Worksheet
Dim copyWs As Worksheet
Dim rowData As Long
Dim totRows As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim result As String
Dim row_no As Integer
Dim Name As Range
Dim Namelist As Range
diffRow = 1 'compare
Set dataWs = Worksheets("Data")
Set copyWs = Worksheets("Diff")
For Each c In Worksheets("Data").Range("C2:C10")
If c.Value <> "" Then
v1 = c
End If
For Each d In Workbooks("Book1").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B2:B10")
If d.Value <> "" Then
v2 = d
End If
With From_WS.Cells(1, 2).CurrentRegion
Total_Rows = .Rows.Count
Total_Columns = .Columns.Count
End With
Set mycellA = From_WS.Range("C:C")
Set mycellB = To_WS.Range("B:B")
Copy = False
' With Sheets("copy_data2")
' lastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'find first row
'column1 = Range("A2").End(xlToRight).Column
'For row_no = 1 To 10
Set Namelist = dataWs.Range("A1:A" & dataWs.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
'Now loop through all the cells in the range
'For Each Name In Namelist.Cells
mynumber = 1
For Each Name In Namelist
If v1 = v2 Then
'select sheet
'ActiveCell.Select 'select active cell
ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'color the cell
'copy active cell same row
ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 50 'color the cell
'Paste file destination
'Paste Active
ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 37 '<< Colored Blue
'select sheet
'ActiveCell.Select 'select active cell
ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'color cell Yellow
'result = ActiveCell.EntireRow.copy
'copy active cell same row
'Paste file destination
'Paste cell destination
'Paste Active
mynumber = mynumber + 1
End If
Next Name
Next d
Next c
End Sub
This is the second function, to count and go through the rows.
Sub RoundToZero1()
For Counter = 1 To 20
Set curCell = Worksheets("Data").Cells(Counter, 3)
If Abs(curCell.Value) < 0.01 Then curCell.Value = 0
Next Counter
End Sub
Update Question:
I have the code below, I need to make the column A to be incremental. Anyone have suggestion how to achieve that?

The line Set selectedCell = selectedCell + 1 throws an error when I run it and doesn't appear to do anything in the code, if that is the case you should comment it out or delete it.
Also I think you need to change
If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1)) = True Then 'if cells in column "A" is empty then stop
ElseIf IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1)) = True Then 'if cells in column "A" is empty then stop
As it stands you have an extra open If statement.


VBA: How can i select the cell in a row which matches a variable's value?

I have 2 sheets. Sheet1 has 2 rows: column names and values.
Sheet 2 is a master sheet with all the possible column names in. I need to copy the values from sheet 1 into their appropriate column.
I think i can do this via a match function, and so far i have this:
Sub dynamic_paste()
Dim Columnname As String
Dim inputvalue As String
Dim starter As Integer
Dim i As Integer
starter = 0
For i = 1 To 4
'replace 4 with rangeused.rows.count?
ActiveCell.Offset(0, starter).Select
Columnname = ActiveCell
'sets columnname variable
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
inputvalue = ActiveCell
'sets inputname variable
'**Cells(0, WorksheetFunction.Match(Columnname, Rows(1), 0)).Select**
Range("a1").Offset(1, starter).Value = inputvalue
'inputs variable in the next cell along
starter = starter + 1
End Sub
I need to find out how to use my columnname variable as the matching value, and then offset down to the first row that is empty - then change the value of that cell to the variable called inputvalue.
For extra points: I need to make sure the code doesnt break if they dont find a matching value, and if possible put any values that dont match into the end of the row?
What about this:
Dim LR As Long, X As Long, LC As Long, COL As Long
Dim RNG As Range, CL As Range
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
LR = Sheets(2).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row 'Get last used row in your sheet
LC = Sheets(2).Cells(1, Sheets(2).Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'Get last used column in your sheet
Set RNG = Sheets(2).Range(Sheets(2).Cells(1, 1), Sheets(2).Cells(1, LC))
'Loop through all the columns on your sheet with values
For X = 1 To Sheets(1).Cells(1, Sheets(1).Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Set CL = RNG.Find(Sheets(1).Cells(1, X).Value, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not CL Is Nothing Then
COL = CL.Column
Sheets(2).Cells(LR + 1, COL).Value = Sheets(1).Cells(2, X).Value 'Get the value on LR offset by 1
Sheets(2).Cells(1, Sheets(2).Cells(1, Sheets(2).Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Value = Sheets(1).Cells(1, X).Value
Sheets(2).Cells(LR + 1, Sheets(2).Cells(1, Sheets(2).Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Value = Sheets(1).Cells(2, X).Value
End If
Next X
End Sub
This way you will avoid using select. Which is very recommandable!
This is Sheet1:
This is Sheet2:
This is the code:
Option Explicit
Sub DynamicPaste()
Dim col As Long
Dim wks1 As Worksheet: Set wks1 = Worksheets(1)
Dim wks2 As Worksheet: Set wks2 = Worksheets(2)
For col = 1 To 3
Dim currentRow As Long
currentRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(wks2.Cells(1, col), wks1.Columns(1))
wks2.Cells(2, col) = wks1.Cells(currentRow, 2)
Next col
End Sub
This is Sheet2 after the code:
This is a must-read - How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA

VBA. Replace a table cell content based on match from another table or delete entire row if match is not found

I am trying to make the following to work:
There are two tables in a separate worksheets. I want it to check each cell in worksheet2 column B and find a match from worksheet1 column A. If a match is found then replace the data in worksheet2 column B with a data from a matching row of worksheet1 column B.
If a match is not found from a worksheet1 column A then delete entire row in a worksheet2 column B.
Sub match_repl_del()
Dim r1 As Long, rfound, vfound
Dim w1, w2, v As Long
Set w1 = Sheets(3) ' data sheet
Set w2 = Sheets(2) ' target sheet
r1 = 2 'data starting from row 2
Do While Not IsEmpty(w1.Cells(r1, 1))
v = w1.Cells(r1, 1)
rfound = Application.Match(v, w2.Columns(2), 0) ' look for value
If Not IsError(rfound) Then ' found it?
vfound = w2.Cells(rfound, 2)
If w1.Cells(r1, 2) <> vfound Then ' if value does not match sheet1 column b
w2.Cells(rfound, 2) = w1.Cells(r1, 2) ' update based on origin sheet
lastC = w2.Cells(rfound, 1).End(xlToRight).Column
w2.Range(w2.Cells(rfound, 1), w2.Cells(rfound, lastC)).Interior.ColorIndex = 5
Else ' delete entire row on sheet2 if match is not found
End If
End If
r1 = r1 + 1
End Sub
Try this wat, it's work for me :
Option Explicit
Sub test()
' Active workbook
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
'Adapt this vars
'define your sheets
Dim ws_1 As Worksheet
Dim ws_2 As Worksheet
Set ws_1 = wb.Sheets("Sheet1") 'find a match in worksheet1 column A
Set ws_2 = wb.Sheets("sheet2") 'cell in worksheet2 column B
'definie the last Rows
Dim lastRow_ws1 As Long
Dim lastRow_ws2 As Long
lastRow_ws1 = ws_1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'if you need, adjust column to find last row
lastRow_ws2 = ws_2.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'if you need, adjust column to find last row
For i = lastRow_ws2 To 2 Step -1
For j = 1 To lastRow_ws1
Dim keySearch As String
Dim keyFind As String
keySearch = ws_2.Cells(i, 2).Value
keyFind = ws_1.Cells(j, 1).Value
If keySearch = keyFind Then
'MsgBox keySearch & " " & keyFind & " yes"
ws_2.Cells(i, 2).Value = ws_1.Cells(j, 2).Value
GoTo next_i
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub

How to only copy cells that have data from one sheet to another and not leave blanks in between

I have a workbook with 4 worksheets and Sheet4 (titled "Deficiency List") is populated in 'column B' with values from other sheets based on different criteria. The list begins with "B1" and goes to "B1155". I would like to only copy the cells that have data in them and not the blanks to Sheet3 (titled "Deficiencies") starting at cell "B12".
Example, if there is only data on Sheet4 in cells: B3, B36, B756 and B1005, those would be copied to Sheet3 into cells: B12, B13, B14 and B15.
Here is the code I have to copy the data but it doesn't eliminate the blanks.
Sub Copy_Values()
Dim i As Long
Sheets("Deficiency List").Select
iMaxRow = 1155
For iRow = 1 To iMaxRow
With Worksheets("Deficiency List").Cells(iRow, 2)
' Check that cell is not empty.
If .Value = "" Then
'Nothing in this cell.
'Do nothing.
' Copy the cell to the destination
Worksheets("Deficiencies").Cells(iRow + 11, 2).Value = .Value
End If
End With
Next iRow
End Sub
If (Trim$(CStr(.Value)) = "") Then
If you don't want rows in output area to be skipped,
declare a Long variable to hold destination row number
initialize it outside the loop to 11
in the else part, increment the variable and then use it as row number instead of irow + 11
Sub Copy_Values()
Dim i As Long, d As Long, shtD, shtDL, tmp
Dim iMaxRow As Long, iRow As Long
Set shtD = Worksheets("Deficiencies")
Set shtDL = Worksheets("Deficiency List")
iMaxRow = 1155
d = 12
For iRow = 1 To iMaxRow
With shtDL.Cells(iRow, 2)
tmp = Trim(.Value)
If Len(tmp) > 0 Then
shtD.Cells(d, 2).Value = tmp
d = d + 1
End If
End With
Next iRow
End Sub

How do I loop through two columns and select rows and add to that selection of rows?

I'm fairly new to VBA. I'm currently trying to find a faster way to copy and paste information by using Macros. I'm not sure how to code this.
I have two columns I want to use with a For Each loop.
I wanted to loop through each row of these two columns and use an If function. If the first row has a value in Column B (Column B cell <> "" Or Column B cell <> 0) then, select that row (i.e. Range("A1:B1")).
After the loop, I will copy whatever is selected and paste it to a specific row.
However, I want to keep adding to that selection as it loops through each row and only if it satisfies the If condition, so I'm able to copy it all once at the end. How do I go about combining this?
1 Abc 1
2 Def 2
3 Geh 3
This is how you can expand current selection:
Sub macro1()
Set selectedCells = Cells(1, 2)
Set selectedCells = Application.Union(selectedCells, Cells(2, 3))
End Sub
I'm sure you can manage the rest of your code by yourself, it's really easy. You already mentioned everything you need: For Each cell In Range("B1:B5") and If statement
Please try the below code
Sub test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim rng As Range, one As Variant
Dim i As Integer
'Change the sheet and range name as yours
'Finding lastrow of destination column
i = Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
' getting input from user
Set rng = Application.InputBox("Please select a range of cells!", "Please select a range", Selection.Address, , , , , 8)
For Each one In rng
If one.Value <> "" Or one.Value <> 0 Then
Range(one.Offset(0, -1), one).Copy
'Change the sheet and range name as yours
Range("A" & i).Select
i = i + 1
End If
Next one
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
The above macro will prompt you for the input range to be validate and copy to sheet2 in column A.
The below code will validate and copy paste the current selected range to sheet2 column A
Sub test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim rng As Range, one As Variant
Dim i As Integer
'Chnage the sheet and range name as yours
'Finding lastrow of destination column
i = Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
' getting input from user
Set rng = Selection
For Each one In rng
If one.Value <> "" Or one.Value <> 0 Then
Range(one.Offset(0, -1), one).Copy
'Chnage the sheet and range name as yours
Range("A" & i).Select
i = i + 1
End If
Next one
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I think you're probably going about this the wrong way. Do you already know to where you would like to copy all the data in the end? It sounds like it, as you refer to copying it "to a specific row". If so, you'd be better off using your macro to copy the data from Columns A:B on the fly.
So, for example:
Sub CopyData()
Const SOURCE_COLUMN1 As Long = 1 ' A
Const SOURCE_COLUMN2 As Long = 2 ' B
Const TARGET_COLUMN1 As Long = 5 ' E
Const TARGET_COLUMN2 As Long = 6 ' F
Dim lngSourceRow As Long
Dim lngTargetRow As Long
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
lngSourceRow = 1
lngTargetRow = 0 ' Change this to the row above the one you want to copy to;
Do While .Cells(lngSourceRow, SOURCE_COLUMN1) <> ""
If .Cells(lngSourceRow, SOURCE_COLUMN2) <> "" Then
lngTargetRow = lngTargetRow + 1
.Cells(lngTargetRow, TARGET_COLUMN1) = .Cells(lngSourceRow, SOURCE_COLUMN1)
.Cells(lngTargetRow, TARGET_COLUMN2) = .Cells(lngSourceRow, SOURCE_COLUMN2)
End If
lngSourceRow = lngSourceRow + 1
End With
End Sub

Recursive VBA Precedents

I have an excel spreadsheet with quite a few formulas and data that I keep track of. I have a small macro that will find the Precedents for a selected cell however id like to make the macro recursive so that I can find all of the precedents. Eg Setting focus to a cell and running this function will highlight the cell and then highlight the precedents of the cell, then highlight the precedents of those cells, then highlight the precedents...
The problem I am having at the moment is I am not sure what the escape condition should be. I have ran into a few infinite loop problems and am not familiar with recursion enough to figure out a solid solution.
Below is some code that I am using to (correctly) find the inital precedents:
Sub FindClosedWbReferences(inRange As Range)
Rem fills the collection With closed precedents parsed from the formula String
Dim testString As String, returnStr As String, remnantStr As String
testString = inRange.Formula
testString = RemoveTextInDoubleQuotes(testString): Rem New line
Set ClosedWbRefs = New Collection
returnStr = NextClosedWbRefStr(testString, remnantStr)
ClosedWbRefs.Add Item:=returnStr, Key:=CStr(ClosedWbRefs.count)
testString = remnantStr
inRange.Interior.ColorIndex = 36
Loop Until returnStr = vbNullString
ClosedWbRefs.Remove ClosedWbRefs.count
End Sub
and this is called from a main function that looks similar to:
If homeCell.HasFormula Then
Set OtherWbRefs = New Collection: CountOfClosedWb = 0
Set SameWbOtherSheetRefs = New Collection
Set SameWbSameSheetRefs = New Collection
Rem find closed precedents from formula String
Call FindClosedWbReferences(homeCell)
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
As mentioned in my comments above, here is an example which will work for precedents in the same sheet. This will give you a start for finding precedents in other sheets as well.
Let's say, our Excel File looks like this (Sample File link mentioned in the end).
Cell A6 has the formula : =B6
Cell B6 has the formula : =C5+C7
Cell C5 has the formula : =D3+D4+D5
Cell C7 has the formula : =D7+D8+D9
' And so on. Cells, D4, D5, D8, D9, F3, G3, F9
' G9, G4:I4, G10:I10 do not have any formulas
I picked up the code from here and modified it further to suit my needs.
See this code
Dim rw As Long, col As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim fRange As Range
Sub Sample()
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
'~~> Clear cell for output
ws.Rows("20:" & ws.Rows.Count).Clear
'~~> Select First Cell
Set fRange = ws.Range("A6")
'~~> Set Row for Writing
rw = 20
FindPrecedents fRange
End Sub
Sub FindPrecedents(Rng As Range)
' written by Bill Manville
' With edits from PaulS
' With further edits by Me 14 Sept 2013
' this procedure finds the cells which are the direct precedents of the active cell
Dim rLast As Range, iLinkNum As Integer, iArrowNum As Integer
Dim stMsg As String
Dim bNewArrow As Boolean
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set rLast = Rng
iArrowNum = 1
iLinkNum = 1
bNewArrow = True
col = 1
ws.Cells(rw, col).Value = Rng.Address
col = col + 1
Application.Goto rLast
On Error Resume Next
ActiveCell.NavigateArrow TowardPrecedent:=True, ArrowNumber:=iArrowNum, LinkNumber:=iLinkNum
If Err.Number > 0 Then Exit Do
On Error GoTo 0
If rLast.Address(external:=True) = ActiveCell.Address(external:=True) Then Exit Do
bNewArrow = False
ws.Cells(rw, col).Value = Selection.Address
col = col + 1
iLinkNum = iLinkNum + 1 ' try another link
If bNewArrow Then Exit Do
iLinkNum = 1: bNewArrow = True
iArrowNum = iArrowNum + 1 'try another arrow
Application.Goto rLast
'~~> Write Output
If Len(Trim(ws.Cells(rw, 2).Value)) <> 0 Then
With ws
'~~> Find Last column in that row
lcol = .Cells(rw, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
j = rw + 1
For i = 2 To lcol
.Cells(j, 1).Value = .Cells(rw, i)
j = j + 1
Next i
End With
End If
rw = rw + 1
'~~> Here is where I am looping again
If Len(Trim(ws.Cells(rw, 1).Value)) <> 0 Then
FindPrecedents Range(ws.Cells(rw, 1).Value)
End If
End Sub
Sample File
You can download the sample file from HERE to tinker with. Run the macro Sheet1.Sample()
If you want you can create further precedents for G4:I4, G10:I10 and test it :)