VBA won't compile? "Error Accessing the system Registry" - vba

I was working on a Form and then Access crashed. When I tried to open it, I was prompted with an error which I didn't recognize how to fix right away. Something like
Form1 doesn't exist , if the invalid form name is in a macro ...
At the time, I couldn't figure it out, so I hit "Compact and Repair", closed and re-opened access a few times. Then there was another message, don't exactly remember but soemhting like "To continue, all VBA code must be deleted." I said Ok, because I have a few back up copies. But that didn't fix anything.
Then I figured out how to fix the original error. "Form1" was my default form to open on startup, so I changed it. So everything works, I copy the code back in, but obviously the code doesn't work. The error message is:
Compile Error user defined type
on the DAO.QueryDef
Then I follow MS Help and check the references, and when I click on Tools -> References, I get
Error acessing the System Registry.
So, any thoughts that include not messsing with the Registry?

Ok, so the real problem was the
Compile Error: User-Defined Type Not Defined
iDevelop was right, the file was corrupted. I had to make a new access file (they were .accdb not .mbd , but some concept), and import all objects without the code.
To make sure wasn't corrupted, I copy pasted it into Notepad first, and then into the new file. (Just as an extra precaution). And then it worked.
I am still getting the error:
Error accessing the System Registry.
when I go into Tools-> references,
but, I think it is probably related to my permissions, so maybe it is intended.


In VS2022 when debugging: Unable to set the next statement. Class not registered

I am debugging a .NET C# solution in VS2022. Whenever I attempt to set the next statement I get the error message
Unable to set the next statement. Class not registered.
I am also not able to hot-reload either when I make a change. If I make the slightest change (even just adding some whitespace) and the click on the hot reload button I get the message
This source file has changed. It no longer matches the version of the
file used to build the application being debugged.
I appreciate that the second statement is more common but I thought the point of hot-reload was that it recognised that the file had changed and would reload it!
I have found links for the first message but never in combination with the class not being registered.

VS - vb file got corrupted - Unexpected token & Character is not valid

After launching my project in VS2019, I suddenly got a Character is not valid error, and I was not able to run my project anymore.
I didn't change anything. I even did some undo's just to be save, but no luck.
The error remained, and it didn't point me anywhere.
I restarted VS and then it even got worse.
I couldn't see my code anymore. I just see question marks, and 6995 errors, all (unexpected token and character is not valid).
I tried several things, including deleting the .suo file, the settings file.
Restarting the pc and so on.
Sadly enough the "Previous Version" history of Win10 is switched off, so I can't go to a recent backup.
If I click on the designer he gives me the folling error message:
If I continue, I see my designer file in the end.
When I double click on a button, to try and see the code, he gives me new code in the designer file. Which is really strange.
Any idea on how to solve this?

Delete VBA module

I was deleting an Access Object (a report) and Access crashed during the delete.
The object no longer exists in Access, but its module still shows up in VBA like a ghost.
If I click on it, I get a FILE NOT FOUND error.
If I try to compact & repair or compile the database, I get a FILE NOT FOUND error.
How can I solve this problem?
A potential option is to create a new database file, and import all of the content from the old database file. that will clear out the funky ghost stuff.
you write you tried compile already and it did not work.
Did you try decompile first though?
First of all make a backup copy (but am sure you already did that :) )
With Access and your access file closed type from the command prompt:
C:\yourOfficeInstallPath\MSACCESS.EXE /decompile
Access will start. Click File > Open and select the database you want to decompile
Open any module and click Debug > Compile
Then save your file and close.
Open again your file and compact it.
Let me know if it solved it.

Error when saving files - Brackets

I'm totally new to stackoverflow and programming world and I'm an undergraduate from sri lanka. These days, I'm studding html,css,javascript,bootstrap etc using Bracket editor. But when I trying to save my works using bracket editor following error has occurred,
An error occurred trying to save the file
C:programfiles(*86)/brackets/sample/root/myProject/css/main.css. The permission do not allow you to make modification.
Then I have change the permission of folder to all but same error has occurred.
If anyone know how to fix this please help me.
Anytime this happens.. as in "not having permissions"... always before opening the app, right click and run the app as administrator..9/10 it will allow you all the permissions you want.

Why am I getting this error? Visual Basic 2010

I accidentally uploaded an image to "My resources" which had the same name as another image in my resources and since then VB is showing up over 100 errors, but I don't know what I can do to resolve it and restore the program?
It's a very large program that I have been working on for months and really don't want to have to restart!
I have looked online and even found posts on here, but it doesn't work.
I have deleted the repeating image name, in my resources, but still doesn't resolve it. Whenever I go onto "My Project" > "Resources" it comes up with "There is already another resource with the name "Back_button."
But I removed it?
This is the error that comes up for all of the images/items that were in my resources:
"Beach_Text" is not a member of 'Top_of_the_Class.My.Resources'.
I also have a warning:
The designer cannot process the code at line 74: Me.btnInstructions.Image = Global.Top_of_the_Class.My.Resources.Resources.Instructions_button
The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again.
I hope this makes sense and I know others have asked similar questions, but I have tried them methods. I just want my program back :(
Many thanks.
I had the same problem. I didn't wanted to restart my whole program and also I didn't used version control. If I went to the resources tab there was an error saying: There is already another resource with the name "Donkey_Kong". I pressed on ctrl-shift-F and searched for Donkey_kong and deleted every posible resource and code with the name Donkey_Kong in it. After I did that the error dissapeared and it was solved.
I had a picture with the name Donkey_Kong and a sound file with the name Donkey_Kong. Changed the names and continued :)
I had the same problem ("There is already another resource with the name "Salary")
Removed two lines of codes with the same resource name and
I went to Project--->Properties of my project--> went to resources tab and DELETED all files/images... with the same name "Salary" and the problem was fixed (All my codes were still there)