How to manually install JAutodoc in eclipse kepler? - eclipse-kepler

I do not have access to the internet from eclipse so I can not add software using update sites. I have tried several different methods but none seems to be working.
I am using the JBoss Dev Studio version of kepler, but I figured this might be a general eclipse question.
Tried Help- Install New Software - Add... - browse to zip file and I get "could not find jar:file:/blahblahblah/!/" Nothing.
Tried unzipping it so we end up with eclipse/dropins/jautodoc_1.10.0/[features | plugins followed by restart. Nothing.
Tried unzipping it so we end up with eclipse/dropins/[features | plugins] followed by restart. Still nothing.
What is the definitive way to do this?

Follow these steps for Installation:
Download file from :
Unzip the file from the eclipse folder.
Verify the following files get copied:
Plugin folder :
Features folder :
Restart eclipse.
The JAutodoc feature should be available in Windows --> Preferences
Usage :
Select the whole file or method or attribute --> Rightclick --> Add Javadoc
Visit the following link for further info :

I finally figured it out. The correct place to install the plugin and features folders is in
I had to create the dropins and jautodoc folders.
Perhaps it goes without saying that you can name the sub-folder containing features and plugins to whatever you want.


How do you set up a 1.14.4 Minecraft Mod in the java IDE Eclipse?

I have set up a minecraft mod in eclipse before, only it was in 1.12.2. I installed the ´src´ forge for 1.12.2, but there is no src option for 1.14.4. I have heard that the code for minecraft was changed, so modding minecraft in 1.14.4 is different to modding 1.12.2 minecraft. Can somebody please help?
Go here:
Click this:
You may alternatively download the recommended build. Forge for 1.14 is still under active development and some features may not be present in the recommended build.
Create a folder where you would like your workspace to live, eg workspace (I name it with the Forge version number, personally). Inside it create another folder, I name it project, but the name isn't important, just that having this extra layer will make things play nice (I will use these names in this answer only to make it clear which folder I'm talking about).
Extract the downloaded zip into the project folder
Shift-right click on the project folder and "open power shell here."
Run the two commands listed in the readme: ./gradlew genEclipseRuns and ./gradlew eclipse (note: do not do steps 4 and 5 of the readme, they are outdated)
Open eclipse, switch workspace (File -> Switch Workspace -> Other) to the workspace folder. Eclipse will restart.
File -> Import...
General -> Existing projects into workspace
Where it says "select root directory" point it at the project folder and check "search for nested projects"
Pretty much hit next until its done (or you can hit Finish right away).
This should leave you with a Package Explorer that looks like this:
Your code and assets will go inside src/main/java and src/main/resources (note that assets will contain both "assets" and "data" folders, for client-side assets and datapack assets respectively). Minecraft read-only source is available in the Project and External Dependencies group, note that many of the vanilla assets (including data packs) are found in the client-extra.jar file.
Find the src/main/resources/META-INF/mods.toml file
Edit as necessary with your mod ID and other information. The file is well commented.
Any further issues should be directed to the Modder Support forum.

How to force IntelliJ to use a different home folder

I have a computer with two hard drives. In the first one, an SSD disk, I have Windows partition (C) and on the second one (D), a raid volume, I install all the programs. I also moved my user folders (desktop, documents, downloads, pictures and videos) to D:/Users/David.
After installing IntelliJ Idea on D:/Program Filles(x86) a .IntelliJIdea13 directory appeared on D:/Users/David. No problem with this as all was working nice. Then I installed Scala plugin, created a new SBT project and build it. After this, the .sbt directory used by SBT was in C:/Users/David/.sbt but the references to the libraries in my project are pointing to D:/Users/David/.sbt. The question is, how can I force IntelliJ Idea or Scala plugin to download the libraries to D:/Users/David.sbt?
Not 100% sure if this can be a solution, you can change the HOME folder of Intellij IDEA. Look for the folder where the idea executable is. In Linux I have on
On Windows you can check the properties of the menu item. There should be file that contains the home folder location of the idea files.
You can find more information here that describe more details:
Locations can be changed by editing the following file:
Follow the comments in file to change the defaults,
make sure to un-comment the lines defining these properties:
On the other hand you can change the location of your project to D:/Users/David. you should also have a look inside the project folder, there should be a .idea folder with has a library directory. They contains the location of the libs used in the project with their paths.
As dawez allready answered, you should edit to set config, system, plugins and log paths.
But if you want to change the user.home path, then you must edit idea.exe.vmoptions file. Just add the following at the end of the file:
If you use idea64.exe then you should edit idea64.exe.vmoptions file.
JetBrains had added complete set of features to support such a case and this is described here:
Changing IDE default directories used for config, plugins, and caches storage

where is's OpenRideServer.ear file located or generated?

I have downloaded the opensource code at in order to set up a rideshare server and associated services.
I am trying to find the ".ear" file that they talk about in the install manual.
does it have to be generated somehow from the downloaded source code?
It has to be generated either manually or through NetBeans. I haven't found out how to do it manually yet, but if you follow the NetBeans instructions you should be able to build it and run it. You might run into an error with the yui compressor where you just need to remove the ../ from the path to it in the configuration file. If you still have problems I may still be able to help.

Need help installing the MercurialEclipse plugin on an offline machine

MercurialEclipse' homepage has links to an update site and, indirectly, to downloadable archives. I can't use the update site since my machine is not connected to the Internet, so I'm downloading the archive on a connected machine and copying it to the target machine.
But now - what do I do?
Putting the JAR file (com.vectrace.MercurialEclipse_2.1.0.201304290948.jar ) in the 'dropins/' folder has no effect.
Putting the JAR file in the 'plugins/' folder also has no effect
Eclipse will not treat the archive as an update site (using Install New Software | Add)
So how do I install this thing?
These steps are untested but they should replicate the update site on your local file system:
Clone this repository:
Download the stable plugin jar file from the downloads section and place it in update_site/stable/plugins
Edit update_site/stable/site.xml and remove all the <archive ..> elements.

Notepad++ workspace refresh?

How do i refresh the workspace / project in notepad++ when the file-system changes ( files and folders added or removed ).
at the moment it does not keep up with the local file system and i have to re-create the project each time!! frustrating..
I followed Rechtar's suggestion.
I had a similar issue. Notepad++'s Project pane doesn't update when I change or create new files. What I ended up doing was downloading the explorer plugin through
Then install the explorer plugin.
After it's installed go to PLUGINS > EXPLORER and select the explorer.
It's not really comparable to something like Eclipse's project navigation.
In Notepad++ 7.5.8, this issue has been fixed. I suggest you update your notepad++ to the latest version.
In order to do this, go to ? -> Update Notepad++ and it will automatically detect a new update package. Update Notepad++ normally.
Otherwise, you could download the update from here:
In case you're curious, here's the changelog for 7.5.8:
Notepad++ v7.5.8 bug-fixes:
1. Remove annoying "no update" notification.
2. Fix Folder as Workspace not updating regression.
3. Fixed crash issue by checking & unchecking "Disable extension column" option in preferences dialog.
4. Fixed a crash when trying to launch a secondary instance with command line arguments.
5. Fix "Explorer Here" from "Folder as Workspace" problem if folder name contains comma.
Included plugins:
1. NppExport v0.2.8 (32-bit x86 only)
2. Converter 4.2.1
3. Mime Tool 2.1
4. DSpellCheck 1.3.5
Updater (Installer only):
* WinGup (for Notepad++) v5.0.2
I'm currently running version 6.3.3 of notepad ++ and instead of adding the entire project all over again, you can right-click the folder in your project that has the new file and choose: "Add files...". From there, you can select your new file and open it. This will add it to your project in the appropriate folder.
There doesn't seem to be a proper way to do this in Notepad++. The Project panel was born just 2 or 3 releases ago, so it's naturally immature. I suggest that you install either the Explorer plugin or the Light Explorer plugin - they are much more usable.
Or better yet, go learn Vim and fall in love with the NERDTree ;-)