I want to mark specific rows of my ListGrid with different background colors. My main issue is how to get List of ListGridRecord objects after data is retrieved from datasource. I use DataSource, and I have field defined in DataSource on which I will base decision how to color particular record.
I would iterate all ListGridRecord's after datasource returns data, and then use this attribute:
You can use getCellCSSText or getBaseStyle like this :
getCellCSSText: function (record, rowNum, colNum) {
if ((this.getFieldName(colNum) == "OBJ_NAME") || (this.getFieldName(colNum) == "OBJ_DESC") || (this.getFieldName(colNum) == "OBJ_KIND_NAME") || (this.getFieldName(colNum) == "FATHER_NAME") ){
if (record.OBJ_ACTIVE == false) {
return "color:red;text-decoration:line-through;font-style:italic;";
Here is an example :
I have an object media that holds descriptions which is a list. I'd love to see some elegant logic in Kotlin to add an element to that descriptions if the field is not null or add a fresh new list (with an initial element) to that field if it is null.
if (media.descriptions == null) { media.descriptions = listOf("myValue")}
else { media.descriptions.add("myValue") }
I would probably do it the other way around, except you need to alter media itself (see below), i.e. creating your list first and add all the other entries to that list if media.descriptions isn't null:
val myDescriptions = mutableListOf("myValue") // and maybe others
If you need to manipulate descriptions of media, there is not so much you can do to make it more readable...:
if (media.descriptions == null) {
media.descriptions = mutableListOf("myValue") // just using mutable to make it clear
} else {
media.descriptions += "myValue"
or maybe:
if (media.descriptions == null) {
media.descriptions = mutableListOf<String>()
You can use the elvis ?: operator to assign the list.
The simplest way I can think of is
media.descriptions = media.descriptions ?: listOf("myValue")
Scratching head here. I've got a pulldown and if I query it in SQL Server Manager Query Window I get 5 different values (these are sample points for a water system).
However, when the pulldown loads, there are 5 options of the first value. Can someone see something I can't?
I narrowed it down to the code below because I held my cursor over "results" which was the final step in my Controller's code, and it showed 5 items all of the same value:
else if ((sampletype == "P") || (sampletype == "T") || (sampletype == "C") || (sampletype == "A"))
var SamplePoints = (from c in _db.tblPWS_WSF_SPID_ISN_Lookup
where c.PWS == id && c.WSFStateCode.Substring(0, 1) == "S"
select c).ToList();
if (SamplePoints.Any())
var listItemsBig = SamplePoints.Select(p => new SelectListItem
Selected = false,
Text = p.WSFStateCode.ToString() + ":::" + p.SamplePointID.ToString(),
Value = p.WSFStateCode.ToString()
results = new JsonResult { Data = listItemsBig };
return results ;
I have had a similar problem in nHibernate, it was caused by how I defined my primary keys/foreign keys in the ORM, leading to a bad join and duplicate values.
Hello I a little problem with my paginator, i would like to use some custom SQL Request but each time i click on a paginator link it loads my model without the custom request
I enter informations on a form that I send by GET method:
$view->grid->js()->reload(array("From" =>
$form->get("From"),"To" => $form->get("To"),"SSID" => $form->get("SSID")))
On my view I have :
if (isset($_GET["SSID"])) {
$this->ssid = $_GET["SSID"];
if (isset($_GET["From"])) {
$this->from = $_GET["From"];
if (isset($_GET["To"])) {
$this->to = $_GET["To"];
$this->grid->dq->where($this->requette->expr('Message like "%.% '
. $this->ssid . ' % src=%"'))
->where($this->requette->expr("ReceivedAt >= '".$this->from. "'
AND ReceivedAt <= '".$this->to."'"));
The problem is that the where condition disapear when i change the page with the paginator.
I did not found any solution to my problem so I have done something differently
I added two buttons to my grid wich allows me to change the limit of the sql request.
The previous button is hidden if the limit is 0.
Now i have to found how to count the number of lines (select count('ID') from 'SystemEvents' where....) and to stock it in a variable.
Finally the ultimate solution was to do :
if ((isset($_GET["SSID"])) || (isset($_GET["From"])) || (isset($_GET["To"]))) {
//GET Method from Recherche.php
$this->ssid = ($_GET["SSID"] == "null" ? null : $_GET["SSID"]);
$this->api->stickyGET("SSID"); // the solutiuon is here
$this->from = ($_GET["From"] == "null" ? null : $_GET["From"]);
$this->api->stickyGET("From"); // <===== the solutiuon is here
$this->to = ($_GET["To"] == "null" ? null : $_GET["To"]);
$this->api->stickyGET("To"); // <===== the solutiuon is here
How to disable or enable edit for selective cell in dojox data grid i.e
Imagine I have two columns (A, B) in a data grid. I want column value of B to be editable based on the value of column A. I have seen one solution in stack overflow which was specific to a DOJO version. I would like to know if there are APIs by which we can achieve above objective.
My preferred method is to override the
canEdit: function(inCell, inRowIndex)
method of the DataGrid. From that, you can get the item:
then work out if it should be editable or not, and return true/false.
This does override the editable flag on the column though, so you'll need to do something with that if needed.
There is no API as such. I also had similar requirement recently and here is how I implemented it:
1) Initially the column B is editable because I made it so in the Fields section of grid
2) Use onRowClick to capture the rendering of rows. Something like this should do
dojo.connect(grid, "onRowClick", grid, function(evt){
var idx = evt.rowIndex,
item = this.getItem(idx);
// get a value out of the item
msname = this.store.getValue(item, "msname");
if(msname != null &U& (trim(msname) == trim(offsetName))) {
dojox.grid.cells._Base.prototype.format(idx, item);
The following method then disallows inline editing of required column. We are passing row index and column index to this following function:
dojox.grid.cells._Base.prototype.format = function(inRowIndex, inItem){
var f, i=grid.edit.info, d=this.get ? this.get(inRowIndex, inItem) : (this.value || this.defaultValue);
d = (d && d.replace && grid.escapeHTMLInData) ? d.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<') : d;
//Check inRowIndex and inItem to determine whether to be editable for this row here.
if(this.editable && (this.alwaysEditing || (i.rowIndex==inRowIndex && i.cell==this))){
return this.formatEditing(d, inRowIndex);
return this._defaultFormat(d, [d, inRowIndex, this]);
Hope that helps. Probably you can add a jsfiddle and we can try fixing it.
In a document library I need a custom calculated column, because the default Excel formula don't provide the functionality I need.
I created a custom field inheriting from SPFieldText, that I then could customize at will. The question is: how is it possible, from my custom field, to access the content values of the other fields of the document library?
In other world, in the overriden GetValidatedString method, how can I return a value that is dependent upon values from other fields, for the same record? How to implement getFieldValue() , below:
public class MyCustomField : SPFieldText
public override string GetValidatedString(object value)
string value1 = getFieldValue("Column-Name1");
string value2 = getFieldValue("Column-Name2");
return value1 + ", " + value2; // any arbitrary operation on field values
You should be able to grab other values from the form using the Item property of the FormComponent or the Item property of the ItemContext.
Either of these should work from the FieldControl class:
Code Snippet
if ((this.ControlMode == SPControlMode.New) || (this.ControlMode == SPControlMode.Edit))
object obj = this.Item["Name"];
if (obj != null)
string name = obj.ToString();
object obj2 = base.ItemContext.Item["Name"];
if (obj2 != null)
string name2 = obj2.ToString();
where "Name" is the internal name of the field that you wish to retrieve.