Does OptaPlanner support optimizations and constraints on continuous variables? - optimization

I'm reading contradictory things in the documentation.
On one hand, this passage seems to indicate that continuous planning variables are possible:
A planning value range is the set of possible planning values for a
planning variable. This set can be a discrete (for example row 1, 2, 3
or 4) or continuous (for example any double between 0.0 and 1.0).
On the other hand, when defining a Planning Variable, you must specify a ValueRangeProvider annotation on a field to use for the value set:
The Solution implementation has method which returns a Collection. Any
value from that Collection is a possible planning value for this
planning variable.
Both of these snippets are in the same section of the documentation (
So, which is it? Can I use a full double as my planning variable, or do I need to restrict its range to the values in a specific Collection?
Looking at the actual algorithms are provided, I don't see any that are actually suitable for optimizing continuous variables, so I doubt it's possible, but it'd be nice to have that clarified and made explicit.

We're working towards fully supporting continuous variables. But currently (in 6.0.0.CR2) it's not decently supported yet.
Value ranges can indeed be continuous ranges, but the plumbing to actually use them isn't there yet. We have made good progress recently, see
Here's how it will work:
You 'll be able to use a #ValueRangeProvider annotation on a method that returns a ValueRange (instead of a Collection) too.
A ValueRange will be an interface supports selecting a random value, getting a size, ...
Out-of-the-box we will support IntValueRange, DoubleValueRange, BigDecimalValueRange, ...
(Implementation detail: we'll retro-fit those Collection-returning methods into a CollectionValueRange.)
Then the ValueSelector implementations will use that directly.
As for the suitability to optimize continuous variables:
JIT random selection will be blazing fast and be very memory-efficient.
If you have an NP-complete/NP-hard problem, then OptaPlanner will be a great match. If you have only continuous variables (and not a single discrete variable), then it's unlikely that your problem is NP-complete (unless your constraints counterprove that) and in that case you're better off with a custom, handmade, polynomial algorithm anyway (because it's not NP-complete, so there's an "easy" solution).


AnyLogic: Is there a way to specify array of decision variables in Optimization Experiment?

I am working on an optimization model using AnyLogic. Is there a way to specify an array of decision variables in AnyLogic like how it is in IBM Cplex? For lesser number of decision variables (say 2 to 5), I used to specify them individually, for example, numAgents_1, numAgents_2 for locations 1 and 2. However, as my model grows in size and more locations are added (up to 40), is there a way I can specify them as an array or list of decision variables?
Any help regarding this would be really useful. Thanks.
Yes, but you need to use a "custom experiment" instead and set it up using an Array of decision variables.
This is not totally straight forward, however, best start by checking the example models that apply custom experiments.
Some starting points below:

Additional PlanningEntity in CloudBalancing - bounded-space situation

I successfully amended the nice CloudBalancing example to include the fact that I may only have a limited number of computers open at any given time (thanx optaplanner team - easy to do). I believe this is referred to as a bounded-space problem. It works dandy.
The processes come in groupwise, say 20 processes in a given order per group. I would like to amend the example to have optaplanner also change the order of these groups (not the processes within one group). I have therefore added a class ProcessGroup in the domain with a member List<Process>, the instances of ProcessGroup being stored in a List<ProcessGroup>. The desired optimisation would shuffle the members of this List, causing the instances of ProcessGroup to be placed at different indices of the List List<ProcessGroup>. The index of ProcessGroup should be ProcessGroup.index.
The documentation states that "if in doubt, the planning entity is the many side of the many-to-one relationsship." This would mean that ProcessGroup is the planning entity, the member index being a planning variable, getting assigned to (hopefully) different integers. After every new assignment of indices, I would have to resort the list List<ProcessGroup in ascending order of ProcessGroup.index. This seems very odd and cumbersome. Any better ideas?
Thank you in advance!
The current design has a few disadvantages:
It requires 2 (genuine) entity classes (each with 1 planning variable): probably increases search space (= longer to solve, more difficult to find a good or even feasible solution) + it increases configuration complexity. Don't use multiple genuine entity classes if you can avoid it reasonably.
That Integer variable of GroupProcess need to be all different and somehow sequential. That smelled like a chained planning variable (see docs about chained variables and Vehicle Routing example), in which case the entire problem could be represented as a simple VRP with just 1 variable, but does that really apply here?
Train of thought: there's something off in this model:
ProcessGroup has in Integer variable: What does that Integer represent? Shouldn't that Integer variable be on Process instead? Are you ordering Processes or ProcessGroups? If it should be on Process instead, then both Process's variables can be replaced by a chained variable (like VRP) which will be far more efficient.
ProcessGroup has a list of Processes, but that a problem property: which means it doesn't change during planning. I suspect that's correct for your use case, but do assert it.
If none of the reasoning above applies (which would surprise me) than the original model might be valid nonetheless :)

Using pymc.potential to prevent evaluation of function at meaningless parameters values

I am building a pymc model which must evaluate a very cpu expensive function (up to 1 sec per call on a very decent hardware). I am trying to limit the explored parameter space to meaningful solutions by means of a potential (the sum of a list of my variables has to stay within a given range). This works but I noticed that even when my potential returns an infinite value and forbids the parameters choice, this function gets evaluated. Is there a way to prevent that? Can one force the sampler to use a given evaluation sequence (pick up the necessary variables, check if the potential is ok and proceed if allowed)
I thought of using the potential inside the function itself and use it to determine whether it must proceed or immediately return, but is there a better way?
I am not aware of a way of ordering the evaluation of the potentials. This might not be the best way of doing so, but you might be able to check if the parameters are within reasonable at the beginning of the simulation. If the parameters are not within reasonable bounds you can return a value that will create your posterior to be zero.
Another option is to create a function for your likelihood. At the beginning of this function you could check if the parameters are within reasonable limits. If they are not you can return -inf without running your simulation. If they are reasonable you can run your model and calculate the log(p).
This is definitely not an elegant solution but it should work.
Full disclosure - I am not by any means a pymc expert.

Cplex/OPL local search

I have a model implemented in OPL. I want to use this model to implement a local search in java. I want to initialize solutions with some heuristics and give these initial solutions to cplex find a better solution based on the model, but also I want to limit the search to a specific neighborhood. Any idea about how to do it?
Also, how can I limit the range of all variables? And what's the best: implement these heuristics and local search in own opl or in java or even C++?
Thanks in advance!
Just to add some related observations:
Re Ram's point 3: We have had a lot of success with approach b. In particular it is simple to add constraints to fix the some of the variables to values from a known solution, and then re-solve for the rest of the variables in the problem. More generally, you can add constraints to limit the values to be similar to a previous solution, like:
var >= previousValue - 1
var <= previousValue + 2
This is no use for binary variables of course, but for general integer or continuous variables can work well. This approach can be generalised for collections of variables:
sum(i in indexSet) var[i] >= (sum(i in indexSet) value[i])) - 2
sum(i in indexSet) var[i] <= (sum(i in indexSet) value[i])) + 2
This can work well for sets of binary variables. For an array of 100 binary variables of which maybe 10 had the value 1, we would be looking for a solution where at least 8 have the value 1, but not more than 12. Another variant is to limit something like the Hamming distance (assume that the vars are all binary here):
dvar int changed[indexSet] in 0..1;
forall(i in indexSet)
if (previousValue[i] <= 0.5)
changed[i] == (var[i] >= 0.5) // was zero before
changed[i] == (var[i] <= 0.5) // was one before
sum(i in indexSet) changed[i] <= 2;
Here we would be saying that out of an array of e.g. 100 binary variables, only a maximum of two would be allowed to have a different value from the previous solution.
Of course you can combine these ideas. For example, add simple constraints to fix a large part of the problem to previous values, while leaving some other variables to be re-solved, and then add constraints on some of the remaining free variables to limit the new solution to be near to the previous one. You will notice of course that these schemes get more complex to implement and maintain as we try to be more clever.
To make the local search work well you will need to think carefully about how you construct your local neighbourhoods - too small and there will be too little opportunity to make the improvements you seek, while if they are too large they take too long to solve, so you don't get to make so many improvement steps.
A related point is that each neighbourhood needs to be reasonably internally connected. We have done some experiments where we fixed the values of maybe 99% of the variables in a model and solved for the remaining 1%. When the 1% was clustered together in the model (e.g. all the allocation variables for a subset of resources) we got good results, while in comparison we got nowhere by just choosing 1% of the variables at random from anywhere in the model.
An often overlooked idea is to invert these same limits on the model, as a way of forcing some changes into the solution to achieve a degree of diversification. So you could add a constraint to force a specific value to be different from a previous solution, or ensure that at least two out of an array of 100 binary variables have a different value from the previous solution. We have used this approach to get a sort-of tabu search with a hybrid matheuristic model.
Finally, we have mainly done this in C++ and C#, but it would work perfectly well from Java. Not tried it much from OPL, but it should be fine too. The key for us was being able to traverse the problem structure and use problem knowledge to choose the sets of variables we freeze or relax - we just found that easier and faster to code in a language like C#, but then the modelling stuff is more difficult to write and maintain. We are maybe a bit "old-school" and like to have detailed fine-grained control of what we are doing, and find we need to create many more arrays and index sets in OPL to achieve what we want, while we can achieve the same effect with more intelligent loops etc without creating so many data structures in a language like C#.
Those are several questions. So here are some pointers and suggestions:
In Cplex, you give your model an initial solution with the use of IloOplCplexVectors()
Here's a good example in IBM's documentation of how to alter CPLEX's solution.
Within OPL, you can do the same. You basically set a series of values for your variables, and hand those over to CPLEX. (See this example.)
Limiting the search to a specific neighborhood: There is no easy way to respond without knowing the details. But there are two ways that people do this:
a. change the objective to favor that 'neighborhood' and make other areas unattractive.
b. Add constraints that weed out other neighborhoods from the search space.
Regarding limiting the range of variables in OPL, you can do it directly:
dvar int supply in minQty..maxQty;
Or for a whole array of decision variables, you can do something along the lines of:
range CreditsAllowed = 3..12;
dvar int credits[student] in CreditsAllowed;
Hope this helps you move forward.

Best Scala collection type for vectorized numerical computing

Looking for the proper data type (such as IndexedSeq[Double]) to use when designing a domain-specific numerical computing library. For this question, I'm limiting scope to working with 1-Dimensional arrays of Double. The library will define a number functions that are typically applied for each element in the 1D array.
Prefer immutable data types, such as Vector or IndexedSeq
Want to minimize data conversions
Reasonably efficient in space and time
Friendly for other people using the library
Elegant and clean API
Should I use something higher up the collections hierarchy, such as Seq?
Or is it better to just define the single-element functions and leave the mapping/iterating to the end user?
This seems less efficient (since some computations could be done once per set of calls), but at at the same time a more flexible API, since it would work with any type of collection.
Any recommendations?
If your computations are to do anything remotely computationally intensive, use Array, either raw or wrapped in your own classes. You can provide a collection-compatible wrapper, but make that an explicit wrapper for interoperability only. Everything other than Array is generic and thus boxed and thus comparatively slow and bulky.
If you do not use Array, people will be forced to abandon whatever things you have and just use Array instead when performance matters. Maybe that's okay; maybe you want the computations to be there for convenience not efficiency. In that case, I suggest using IndexedSeq for the interface, assuming that you want to let people know that indexing is not outrageously slow (e.g. is not List), and use Vector under the hood. You will use about 4x more memory than Array[Double], and be 3-10x slower for most low-effort operations (e.g. multiplication).
For example, this:
val u = / _) // v is Vector[Double]
is about three times slower than this:
val u = new Array[Double](v.length)
var j = 0
while (j<u.length) {
u(j) = 1.0/v(j) // v is Array[Double]
j += 1
If you use the map method on Array, it's just as slow as the Vector[Double] way; operations on Array are generic and hence boxed. (And that's where the majority of the penalty comes from.)
I am using Vectors all the time when I deal with numerical values, since it provides very efficient random access as well as append/prepend.
Also notice that, the current default collection for immutable indexed sequences is Vector, so that if you write some code like for (i <- 0 until n) yield {...}, it returns IndexedSeq[...] but the runtime type is Vector. So, it may be a good idea to always use Vectors, since some binary operators that take two sequences as input may benefit from the fact that the two arguments are of the same implementation type. (Not really the case now, but some one has pointed out that vector concatenation could be in log(N) time, as opposed to the current linear time due to the fact that the second parameter is simply treated as a general sequence.)
Nevertheless, I believe that Seq[Double] should already provide most of the function interfaces you need. And since mapping results from Range does not yield Vector directly, I usually put Seq[Double] as the argument type as my input, so that it has some generality. I would expect that efficiency is optimized in the underlying implementation.
Hope that helps.