Differences between Proxy and Decorator Pattern - oop

Can you give any good explanation what is the difference between Proxy and Decorator?
The main difference I see is that when we assume that Proxy uses composition and Decorator uses aggregation then it seems to be clear that by using multiple (one or more) Decorators you can modify/ add functionalities to pre-existing instance (decorate), whereas Proxy has own inner instance of proxied class and delegates to it adding some additional features (proxy behaviour).
The question is - Does Proxy created with aggregation is still Proxy or rather Decorator? Is it allowed (by definition in GoF patterns) to create Proxy with aggregation?

The real difference is not ownership (composition versus aggregation), but rather type-information.
A Decorator is always passed its delegatee. A Proxy might create it himself, or he might have it injected.
But a Proxy always knows the (more) specific type of the delegatee. In other words, the Proxy and its delegatee will have the same base type, but the Proxy points to some derived type. A Decorator points to its own base type. Thus, the difference is in compile-time information about the type of the delegatee.
In a dynamic language, if the delegatee is injected and happens to have the same interface, then there is no difference.
The answer to your question is "Yes".

Decorator Pattern focuses on dynamically adding functions to an object, while Proxy Pattern focuses on controlling access to an object.
Relationship between a Proxy and the real subject is typically set at compile time, Proxy instantiates it in some way, whereas Decorator is assigned to the subject at runtime, knowing only subject's interface.

Here is the direct quote from the GoF (page 216).
Although decorators can have similar implementations as proxies, decorators have a different purpose. A decorator adds one or more responsibilities to an object, whereas a proxy controls access to an object.
Proxies vary in the degree to which they are implemented like a decorator. A
protection proxy might be implemented exactly like a decorator. On the other
hand, a remote proxy will not contain a direct reference to its real subject but only
an indirect reference, such as "host ID and local address on host." A virtual proxy
will start off with an indirect reference such as a file name but will eventually
obtain and use a direct reference.
Popular answers indicate that a Proxy knows the concrete type of its delegate. From this quote we can see that is not always true.
The difference between Proxy and Decorator according to the GoF is that Proxy restricts the client. Decorator does not. Proxy may restrict what a client does by controlling access to functionality; or it may restrict what a client knows by performing actions that are invisible and unknown to the client. Decorator does the opposite: it enhances what its delegate does in a way that is visible to clients.
We might say that Proxy is a black box while Decorator is a white box.
The composition relationship between wrapper and delegate is the wrong relationship to focus on when contrasting Proxy with Decorator, because composition is the feature these two patterns have in common. The relationship between wrapper and client is what differentiates these two patterns.
Decorator informs and empowers its client.
Proxy restricts and disempowers its client.

Decorator get reference for decorated object (usually through constructor) while Proxy responsible to do that by himself.
Proxy may not instantiate wrapping object at all (like this do ORMs to prevent unnecessary access to DB if object fields/getters are not used) while Decorator always hold link to actual wrapped instance.
Proxy usually used by frameworks to add security or caching/lazing and constructed by framework (not by regular developer itself).
Decorator usually used to add new behavior to old or legacy classes by developer itself based on interface rather then actual class (so it work on wide range of interface instances, Proxy is around concrete class).

Key differences:
Proxy provides the same interface. Decorator provides an enhanced interface.
Decorator and Proxy have different purposes but similar structures. Both describe how to provide a level of indirection to another object, and the implementations keep a reference to the object to which they forward requests.
Decorator can be viewed as a degenerate Composite with only one component. However, a Decorator adds additional responsibilities - it isn't intended for object aggregation.
Decorator supports recursive composition
The Decorator class declares a composition relationship to the LCD (Lowest Class Denominator) interface, and this data member is initialized in its constructor.
Use Proxy for lazy initialization, performance improvement by caching the object and controlling access to the client/caller
Sourcemaking article quotes the similarities and differences in excellent way.
Related SE questions/links:
When to Use the Decorator Pattern?
What is the exact difference between Adapter and Proxy patterns?

Proxy and Decorator differ in purpose and where they focus on the internal implementation. Proxy is for using a remote, cross process, or cross-network object as if it were a local object. Decorator is for adding new behavior to the original interface.
While both patterns are similar in structure, the bulk of the complexity of Proxy lies in ensuring proper communications with the source object. Decorator, on the other hand, focuses on the implementation of the added behavior.

Took a while to figure out this answer and what it really means. A few examples should make it more clear.
Proxy first:
public interface Authorization {
String getToken();
And :
// goes to the DB and gets a token for example
public class DBAuthorization implements Authorization {
public String getToken() {
return "DB-Token";
And there is a caller of this Authorization, a pretty dumb one:
class Caller {
void authenticatedUserAction(Authorization authorization) {
System.out.println("doing some action with : " + authorization.getToken());
Nothing un-usual so far, right? Obtain a token from a certain service, use that token. Now comes one more requirement to the picture, add logging: meaning log the token every time. It's simple for this case, just create a Proxy:
public class LoggingDBAuthorization implements Authorization {
private final DBAuthorization dbAuthorization = new DBAuthorization();
public String getToken() {
String token = dbAuthorization.getToken();
System.out.println("Got token : " + token);
return token;
How would we use that?
public static void main(String[] args) {
LoggingDBAuthorization loggingDBAuthorization = new LoggingDBAuthorization();
Caller caller = new Caller();
Notice that LoggingDBAuthorization holds an instance of DBAuthorization. Both LoggingDBAuthorization and DBAuthorization implement Authorization.
A proxy will hold some concrete implementation (DBAuthorization) of the base interface (Authorization). In other words a Proxy knows exactly what is being proxied.
It starts pretty much the same as Proxy, with an interface:
public interface JobSeeker {
int interviewScore();
and an implementation of it:
class Newbie implements JobSeeker {
public int interviewScore() {
return 10;
And now we want to add a more experienced candidate, that adds it's interview score plus the one from another JobSeeker:
public class TwoYearsInTheIndustry implements JobSeeker {
private final JobSeeker jobSeeker;
public int interviewScore() {
return jobSeeker.interviewScore() + 20;
Notice how I said that plus the one from another JobSeeker, not Newbie. A Decorator does not know exactly what it is decorating, it knows just the contract of that decorated instance (it knows about JobSeeker). Take note here that this is unlike a Proxy; that, in contrast, knows exactly what it is decorating.
You might question if there is actually any difference between the two design patterns in this case? What if we tried to write the Decorator as a Proxy?
public class TwoYearsInTheIndustry implements JobSeeker {
private final Newbie newbie = new Newbie();
public int interviewScore() {
return newbie.interviewScore() + 20;
This is definitely an option and highlights how close these patterns are; they are still intended for different scenarios as explained in the other answers.

A Decorator adds extra responsibility to an object, while a proxy controls access to an object, they both use composition. If your wrapper class messes with the subject, it is obviously a proxy. Let me explain by a code example in PHP:
Code Example
Given is the following CarRepository:
interface CarRepositoryInterface
public function getById(int $id) : Car
class CarRepository implements CarRepositoryInterface
public function getById(int $id) : Car
sleep(3); //... fake some heavy db call
$car = new Car;
$car->setName("Mercedes Benz");
return $car;
A Proxy is often used as lazy loading or a cache proxy:
class CarRepositoryCacheProxy implements CarRepositoryInterface
private $carRepository;
private function getSubject() : CarRepositoryInterface
if($this->carRepository == null) {
$this->carRepository = new CarRepository();
return $this->carRepository;
* This method controls the access to the subject
* based on if there is cache available
public function getById(int $id) : Car
if($this->hasCache(__METHOD__)) {
return unserialize($this->getCache(__METHOD__));
$response = $this->getSubject()->getById($id);
$this->writeCache(__METHOD__, serialize($response));
return $response;
private function hasCache(string $key) : bool
//... implementation
private function getCache(string $key) : string
//... implementation
private function writeCache(string $key, string $result) : string
//... implementation
A Decorator can be used as long as the added behavior does not "control" the subject:
class CarRepositoryEventManagerDecorator implements CarRepositoryInterface
private $subject, $eventManager;
* Subjects in decorators are often passed in the constructor,
* where a proxy often takes control over the invocation behavior
* somewhere else
public function __construct(CarRepositoryInterface $subject, EventManager $eventManager)
$this->subject = $subject;
$this->eventManager = $eventManager;
public function getById(int $id) : Car
//this method takes no control over the subject
$result = $this->subject->getById($id);
return $result;

Proxy provides the same interface to the wrapped object, Decorator provides it with an enhanced interface, and Proxy usually manages the life cycle of its service object on its own, whereas the composition of Decorators is always controlled by the client.

Let me explain the patterns first and then come to you questions.
From the class diagram and meanings, they are very similar:
Both have the same interface as its delegatee has.
Both add/enhance the behavior of its delegatee.
Both ask the delegatee to perform operations(Should not work with null delegatee).
But they have some difference:
Different intents:
Proxy enhances the behavior of delegatee(passed object) with quite different domain knowledge from its delegatee. Eg, a security proxy adds security control of the delegatee. A proxy to send remote message needs to serialize/deserialize data and has knowlege on network interfacing, but has nothing to do with how to prepare source data.
Decorator helps on the same problem domain the delegatee works on. Eg, BufferedInputStreaman(an IO decorator) works on input, which is the same problem domain(IO) as its delegatee, but it cannot perform without a delegatee which provides IO data.
Dependency is strong or not:
Decorator relies on delegate to finish the behavior, and it cannot finish the behavior without delegatee(Strong). Thus we always use aggration over composition.
Proxy can perform faked behavior even it does not need a delegatee(Weak). Eg, mockito(unit test framework) could mock/spy a behavior just with its interface. Thus we use composition to indicate there's no strong dependency on real object.
Enhance multipletimes(as mentioned in question):
Proxy: we could utilize proxy to wrap real object once not several times.
Decorator: A decorator can wrap the real object several times or can wrap the object which is already wrapped by a decorator(which could be both a different decorator or the same decorator). Eg, for an order system, you can do discount with decorators.
PercentageDiscountDecorator is to cut 50% off, and DeductionAmountDiscountDecorator is to deduct 5$ directly if the amount is greater than 10$(). So,
1). When you want to cut 50% off and deduct 5$, you can do: new DeductionAmountDiscountDecorator(new PercentageDiscountDecorator(delegatee))
2). When you want to deduct 10$, you can do new DeductionAmountDiscountDecorator(new DeductionAmountDiscountDecorator(delegatee)).
The answer to the question has nothing to do with the difference between Proxy and Decorator. Why?
Design patterns just patterns for people who are not good at OO skills to make use of OO solutions. If you are familiar with OO, you don't need to know how many design patterns there(Before design patterns invented, with the same prolbem skilled people could figure out the same solution).
No two leaves are exactly the same, so as the problems you encount. People will always find their problems are different from the problems given by design patterns.
If your specified problem is really different from both problems that Proxy and Decorator work on, and really needs an aggregation, why not to use? I think to apply OO to your problem is much more important than you label it a Proxy or Decorator.


Autofac Multitenant Database Configuration

I have a base abstract context which has a couple hundred shared objects, and then 2 "implementation" contexts which both inherit from the base and are designed to be used by different tenants in a .net core application. A tenant object is injected into the constructor for OnConfiguring to pick up which connection string to use.
public abstract class BaseContext : DbContext
protected readonly AppTenant Tenant;
protected BaseContext (AppTenant tenant)
Tenant = tenant;
public TenantOneContext : BaseContext
public TenantOneContext(AppTenant tenant)
: base(tenant)
In startup.cs, I register the DbContexts like this:
Then using the autofac container and th Multitenant package, I register tenant specific contexts like this:
IContainer container = builder.Build();
MultitenantContainer mtc = new MultitenantContainer(container.Resolve<ITenantIdentificationStrategy>(), container);
mtc.ConfigureTenant("1", config =>
mtc.ConfigureTenant("2", config =>
Startup.ApplicationContainer = mtc;
return new AutofacServiceProvider(mtc);
My service layers are designed around the BaseContext being injected for reuse where possible, and then services which require specific functionality use the TenantContexts.
public BusinessService
private readonly BaseContext _baseContext;
public BusinessService(BaseContext context)
_baseContext = context;
In the above service at runtime, I get an exception "No constructors on type 'BaseContext' can be found with the constructor finder 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder'". I'm not sure why this is broken....the AppTenant is definitely created as I can inject it other places successfully. I can make it work if I add an extra registration:
I don't understand why the above registration is required for the tenant container registrations to work. This seems broken to me; in structuremap (Saaskit) I was able to do this without adding an extra registration, and I assumed using the built in AddDbContext registrations would take care of creating a default registration for the containers to overwrite. Am I missing something here or is this possibly a bug in the multitenat functionality of autofac?
Here is fully runable repo of the question: https://github.com/danjohnso/testapp
Why is line 66 of Startup.cs needed if I have lines 53/54 and lines 82-90?
As I expected your problem has nothing to do with multitenancy as such. You've implemented it almost entirely correctly, and you're right, you do not need that additional registration, and, btw, these two (below) too because you register them in tenant's scopes a bit later:
So, you've made only one very small but very important mistake in TenantIdentitifcationStrategy implementation. Let's walk through how you create container - this is mainly for other people who may run into this problem as well. I'll mention only relevant parts.
First, TenantIdentitifcationStrategy gets registered in a container along with other stuff. Since there's no explicit specification of lifetime scope it is registered as InstancePerDependency() by default - but that does not really matter as you'll see. Next, "standard" IContainer gets created by autofac's buider.Build(). Next step in this process is to create MultitenantContainer, which takes an instance of ITenantIdentitifcationStrategy. This means that MultitenantContainer and its captive dependency - ITenantIdentitifcationStrategy - will be singletons regardless of how ITenantIdentitifcationStrategy is registered in container. In your case it gets resolved from that standard "root" container in order to manage its dependencies - well, this is what autofac is for anyways. Everything is fine with this approach in general, but this is where your problem actually begins. When autofac resolves this instance it does exactly what it is expected to do - injects all the dependencies into TenantIdentitifcationStrategy's constructor including IHttpContextAccessor. So, right there in the constructor you grab an instance of IHttpContext from that context accessor and store it for using in tenant resolution process - and this is a fatal mistake: there's no http request at this time, and since TenantIdentitifcationStrategy is a singleton it means that there will not ever be one for it! So, it gets null request context for the whole application lifespan. This effectively means that TenantIdentitifcationStrategy will not be able to resolve tenant identifier based on http requests - because it does not actually analyze them. Consequently, MultitenantContainer will not be able to resolve any tenant-specific services.
Now when the problem is clear, its solution is obvious and trivial - just move fetching of request context context = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext to TryIdentifyTenant() method. It gets called in the proper context and will be able to access request context and analyze it.
PS. This digging has been highly educational for me since I had absolutely no idea about autofac's multi-tenant concept, so thank you very much for such an interesting question! :)
PPS. And one more thing: this question is just a perfect example of how important well prepared example is. You provided very good example. Without it no one would be able to figure out what the problem is since the most important part of it was not presented in the question - and sometimes you just don't know where this part actually is...

DDD - injecting Factories in aggregate root Entity constructor

I'm writing an app with DDD in mind and trying to avoid having an anemic domain model by delegating doman logic and behaviour to entities. There's an issue I'm running into with constructing entities that are aggregate roots and need to create sub-entities that require handling by a factory class. Here's an example:
I have the following entities: Page, Url and Layout. What makes a Page in my model is a Page with a Url and a Layout - without those two, a Page object would not be valid. In a simple model, the Page constructor method would simply create those two objects as private attributes. However, the Url has a specific requirement; it has to be created from the Page's title - or a slug - and it has to be unique (ensured by appending "-1", "-2", or something similar). This requires communication with a repository.
My initial idea was to pass/inject a UrlFactory object to the Page constructor and have the Page create the Url it needs, but I keep reading about how injecting services into entities is a bad idea.
So, my question is; is there a way - or an established pattern - to allow entities to construct their complex sub-entities without having an anemic domain model, or is injecting a factory in case such as this a valid solution?
If you consider URL construction as a technical concern, you could have an UrlFactory in the Infrastructure layer
in C# :
public class UrlFactory
public string CreateUrl(string title)
var url = // ... construct URL from the title here
return _pageRepository.NextAvailableUrlLike(url);
and then call it from your Application layer service.
If you see it as a Domain concern, Url construction logic could be in a Domain Service instead. The line calling the repository would be moved to the Application layer Service :
public void CreatePage(string title)
var potentialUrl = _urlService.CreateUrl(title);
var realUrl = _pageRepository.NextAvailableUrlLike(url)
new Page(title, realUrl, ...); // do whatever you want with the new Page instance
Do not inject factory class into aggregrate, use factory method instead. Then create method "validate(Validator)" in aggregate (Aggregate will only know it can be valided, but it will not implement logic how to do it).
Validator class which will be passed as parameter to your validate method, will need to have one method ->validateObject(this).
You pass instance of aggregate into validateObject so it will have access to your properties.
Validator class can have injected repository. When you run validateObject method it will search database for uniquness.

Subtype of shared data contract

Following advices from people on the internet about service references, I got rid of them now and split the service/data contracts into a common assembly accesible by both the server and the client. Overall this seems to work really well.
However I’m running into problems when trying to use custom objects, or rather custom subtypes, in the service. Initially I wanted to define only interfaces in the common assembly as the contract for the data. I quickly learned that this won’t work though because the client needs a concrete class to instantiate objects when receiving objects from the service. So instead I used a simple class instead, basically like this:
// (defined in the common assembly)
public class TestObject
public string Value { get; set; }
Then in the service contract (interface), I have a method that returns such an object.
Now if I simply create such an object in the service implementation and return it, it works just fine. However I want to define a subtype of it in the service (or the underlying business logic), that defines a few more things (for example methods for database access, or just some methods that work on the objects).
So for simplicity, the subtype looks like this:
// (defined on the server)
public class DbTestObject : TestObject
public string Value { get; set; }
public DbTestObject(string val)
Value = val;
And in the service, instead of creating a TestObject, I create the subtype and return it:
public TestObject GetTestObject()
return new DbTestObject("foobar");
If I run this now, and make the client call GetTestObject, then I immediately get a CommunicationException with the following error text: “The socket connection was aborted. This could be caused by an error processing your message or a receive timeout being exceeded by the remote host, or an underlying network resource issue. Local socket timeout was '00:09:59.9380000'.”
I already found out, that the reason for this is that the client does not know how to deserialize the DbTestObject. One solution would be to declare the base type with the KnownTypeAttribute to make it know about the subtype. But that would require the subtype to be moved into the common assembly, which is of course something I want to avoid, as I want the logic separated from the client.
Is there a way to tell the client to only use the TestObject type for deserialization; or would the solution for this be to use data transfer objects anyway?
As #Sixto Saez has pointed out, inheritance and WCF don't tend to go together very well. The reason is that inheritance belongs very much to the OO world and not the messaging passing world.
Having said that, if you are in control of both ends of the service, KnownType permits you to escape the constraints of message passing and leverage the benefits of inheritance. To avoid taking the dependency you can utilise the ability of the KnownTypeAttribute to take a method name, rather than a type parameter. This allows you to dynamically specify the known types at run time.
public class TestObject
public string Value { get; set; }
public static IEnumerable<Type> GetKnownTestObjects()
return Registry.GetKnown<TestObject>();
Using this technique, you can effectively invert the dependency.
Registry is a simple class that allows other assemblies to register types at run-time as being subtypes of the specified base class. This task can be performed when the application bootstraps itself and if you wish can be done, for instance, by reflecting across the types in the assembly(ies) containing your subtypes.
This achieves your goal of allowing subtypes to be handled correctly without the TestObject assembly needing to take a reference on the subtype assembly(ies).
I have used this technique successfully in 'closed loop' applications where both the client and server are controlled. You should note that this technique is a little slower because calls to your GetKnownTestObjects method have to be made repeatedly at both ends while serialising/deserialising. However, if you're prepared to live with this slight downside it is a fairly clean way of providing generic web services using WCF. It also eliminates the need for all those 'KnownTypeAttributes' specifying actual types.

IQueryable Repository with StructureMap (IoC) - How do i Implement IDisposable?

If i have the following Repository:
public IQueryable<User> Users()
var db = new SqlDataContext();
return db.Users;
I understand that the connection is opened only when the query is fired:
public class ServiceLayer
public IRepository repo;
public ServiceLayer(IRepository injectedRepo)
this.repo = injectedRepo;
public List<User> GetUsers()
return repo.Users().ToList(); // connection opened, query fired, connection closed. (or is it??)
If this is the case, do i still need to make my Repository implement IDisposable?
The Visual Studio Code Metrics certainly think i should.
I'm using IQueryable because i give control of the queries to my service layer (filters, paging, etc), so please no architectural discussions over the fact that im using it.
BTW - SqlDataContext is my custom class which extends Entity Framework's ObjectContext class (so i can have POCO parties).
So the question - do i really HAVE to implement IDisposable?
If so, i have no idea how this is possible, as each method shares the same repository instance.
I'm using Depedency Injection (StructureMap) to inject the concrete repository into the service layer. This pattern is followed down the app stack - i'm using ASP.NET MVC and the concrete service is injected into the Controllers.
In other words:
User requests URL
Controller instance is created, which receives a new ServiceLayer instance, which is created with a new Repository instance.
Controller calls methods on service (all calls use same Repository instance)
Once request is served, controller is gone.
I am using Hybrid mode to inject dependencies into my controllers, which according to the StructureMap documentation cause the instances to be stored in the HttpContext.Current.Items.
So, i can't do this:
using (var repo = new Repository())
return repo.Users().ToList();
As this defeats the whole point of DI.
A common approach used with nhibernate is to create your session (ObjectContext) in begin_request (or some other similar lifecycle event) and then dispose it in end_request. You can put that code in an HttpModule.
You would need to change your Repository so that it has the ObjectContext injected. Your Repository should get out of the business of managing the ObjectContext lifecycle.
I would say you definitely should. Unless Entity Framework handles connections very differently than LinqToSql (which is what I've been using), you should implement IDisposable whenever you are working with connections. It might be true that the connection automatically closes after your transaction successfully completes. But what happens if it doesn't complete successfully? Implementing IDisposable is a good safeguard for making sure you don't have any connections left open after your done with them. A simpler reason is that it's a best practice to implement IDisposable.
Implementation could be as simple as putting this in your repository class:
public void Dispose()
Then, whenever you do anything with your repository (e.g., with your service layer), you just need to wrap everything in a using clause. You could do several "CRUD" operations within a single using clause, too, so you only dispose when you're all done.
In my service layer (which I designed to work with LinqToSql, but hopefully this would apply to your situation), I do new up a new repository each time. To allow for testability, I have the dependency injector pass in a repository provider (instead of a repository instance). Each time I need a new repository, I wrap the call in a using statement, like this.
using (var repository = GetNewRepository())
public Repository<TDataContext, TEntity> GetNewRepository()
return _repositoryProvider.GetNew<TDataContext, TEntity>();
If you do it this way, you can mock everything (so you can test your service layer in isolation), yet still make sure you are disposing of your connections properly.
If you really need to do multiple operations with a single repository, you can put something like this in your base service class:
public void ExecuteAndSave(Action<Repository<TDataContext, TEntity>> action)
using (var repository = GetNewRepository())
action can be a series of CRUD actions or a complex query, but you know if you call ExecuteAndSave(), when it's all done, you're repository will be disposed properly.
EDIT - Advice Received From Ayende Rahien
Got an email reply from Ayende Rahien (of Rhino Mocks, Raven, Hibernating Rhinos fame).
This is what he said:
You problem is that you initialize
your context like this:
_genericSqlServerContext = new GenericSqlServerContext(new
That means that the context doesn't
own the entity connection, which means
that it doesn't dispose it. In
general, it is vastly preferable to
have the context create the
connection. You can do that by using:
_genericSqlServerContext = new GenericSqlServerContext("name=EFProfDemoEntities");
Which definetely makes sense - however i would have thought that Disposing of a SqlServerContext would also dispose of the underlying connection, guess i was wrong.
Anyway, that is the solution - now everything is getting disposed of properly.
So i no longer need to do using on the repository:
public ICollection<T> FindAll<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, int maxRows) where T : Foo
// dont need this anymore
//using (var cr = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IContentRepository>())
return _fooRepository.Find().OfType<T>().Where(predicate).Take(maxRows).ToList();
And in my base repository, i implement IDisposable and simply do this:
Context.Dispose(); // Context is an instance of my custom sql context.
Hope that helps others out.

Web services and interface compatibility

Adding a service reference to a web service (this is all WCF) in Visual Studio produces some generated code including a client-side restatement of the interface being exposed.
I understand why this interface is generated: you might be consuming a 3rd party service and not have access to the actual interface.
But I do, and the two are not assignment compatible even though the transparent proxy does indeed exactly implement the interface to which I want to cast.
I can use reflection, but that's ugly. Is there some way to defeat this faux type safety and inject metadata to so I can use an interface with a class?
My specific problem departs from the norm in complicated ways that have to do with a single client that uses some derivatives of a base class directly and uses others remotely via service references. The base class for each server needs to keep references to subscribing clients in a collection for enumeration to notify events, and the problem was type varied due to the use of proxies.
None of these answers solves my specific problem, yet every single answer was instructive and helpful. I found my own solution (use a dual binding) but I would never have figured it out if you hadn't radically improved my understanding of the whole business.
Three excellent answers. How to choose just one? I choose the first, because it directly solves the problem I first thought I had.
If you already have the contract dll at the client, you don't even need a service reference (unless you are using it to write the setup code for you) - you can simply subclass ClientBase and expose the Channel, and use that directly - something like (no IDE handy...):
public class WcfClient<T> : ClientBase<T> where T : class
public new T Channel {get {return base.Channel;}}
Then you can just do things like:
using(var client = new WcfClient<IFoo>())
client.Channel.Bar(); // defined by IFoo
You still need the configuration settings in the config to determine the address, binding, etc - but less messy than proxy generation. Also, you might choose to re-implement IDipsoable to deal with the fact that WCF proxies can throw in Dispose() (which is bad):
public class WcfClient<T> : ClientBase<T>, IDisposable where T : class
public new T Channel {get {return base.Channel;}}
void IDisposable.Dispose() {
try {
switch(State) {
case CommunicationState.Open: Close(); break;
// etc
} catch {} // swallow it down (perhaps log it first)
When you add the service reference, go to "Advanced" and make sure "Reuse types in referenced assemblies" is selected and that the assembly containing your interface definition is selected. You can also do this with an existing service reference by right clicking on it and going to "Configure".
In order to return an interface from a service you need to use the KnownType attribute:
If you want to return a custom type from the service:
Does any of that help?