Vb.Net - Invoke in Task - vb.net

so basically I want my application to run a method that is quite cpu intensive and therewhile it should constantly display status information on a different form. To prevent this status form from freezing, I thought it would be a good idea to outsource the code into a new thread.
First I tried to use basic threadding and invoking the richtextbox control which should display status messages. - Problem is - I need to know when the Thread is finished to carry on with my main thread. Obviously I cannot simply run a loop in my main thread that keeps checking if the process is finished, cause that would make my GUI freeze, too.
So I did a little bit research and found out about Tasks.
That's how it looks:
Dim z as new complexProcessClass
Dim taskA = task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() z.start())
If taskA.IsCompleted Then
End If
And whenever the process reports a status I use this:
Public Class complexProcessClass
dim statusWindow as statusForm
Public Sub start()
statusWindow = new statusForm
'complex code here
'complex code here
'complex code here
End Sub
Private Delegate Sub UpdateTextHandler(ByVal Text As String)
Private Sub reportStatus(Byval s as String)
If z.RichTextBox1.InvokeRequired Then
z.RichTextBox1.Invoke(New UpdateTextHandler(AddressOf xform.RichTextBox1.AppendText), s)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
But it just keeps freezing on the invoke call - no error message - nothing?!
Can anybody tell me the correct way to do this? - and please no backgroundworker solution ;)
thanks in advance

Take a look at the BackgroundWorker class. This post should get you started.
Another approach is to create delegates and call the thread asynchronously and implement an update function to catch when the work is done.
Create a class with the work code as a function
At the top of the class create/add Delegate Function Handler
Inside of your form add a handler to the new class with a call to your class method.
Create a callbackhandler method to receive the status of the thread performing the export functionality.Have the callbackhandler call an update ui function that checks if the thread is running from the UI or is another thread. (Me.InvokeRequired checks this)
Inside of the Form btn click event call the method using
the targetHandler call.
The below code is what the form code would look like.
Public Class Form1
Private targetHandler As ClassName.Handler = AddressOf objNewClass.somework
Private callbackHandler As AsyncCallback _
= AddressOf MyCallbackMethod
Sub MyCallbackMethod(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
'*** this code fires at completion of each asynchronous method call
Dim retval As Boolean = targetHandler.EndInvoke(ar)
If retval = True Then
End If
UpdateUI("Task complete")
Catch ex As Exception
Dim msg As String
msg = "Error: " & ex.Message
End Try
End Sub
Sub UpdateUI(ByVal statusMessage As String)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Dim handler As New UpdateUIHandler(AddressOf UpdateUI_Impl)
Dim args() As Object = {statusMessage}
Me.BeginInvoke(handler, args)
End If
End Sub
Delegate Sub UpdateUIHandler(ByVal statusMessage As String)
Sub UpdateUI_Impl(ByVal statusMessage As String)
Me.sbMain.Panels("Status").Text = statusMessage
End Sub
'Call to your worker thread
Private Sub btn_Click() Handles Button1.Click
Dim result As IAsyncResult =targetHandler.BeginInvoke(callbackHandler,Nothing)
End Sub
End Class

You have a deadlock situation where taskA.Wait() is blocking the UI thread, and the Invoke() call inside taskA is waiting for the UI thread to finish what it's doing. Which is waiting until it's done waiting. Which is never.
I'm not entirely sure, but try this:
Dim taskA = task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() z.start()).ConfigureAwait(False)


Update form from an async event (websocket) from other thread (VBNET)

I am trying to update a label on my form after I receive a message from an async fired event from another class, and nothing is working so far.
Well, one thing that worked was adding a timer on the main thread that updates the label every 200ms with a public variable from the other class. But there must be an other way.
I tried to use the invoke method, but that didn't work either.
What am I missing/doing wrong?
edit: The function below is called with:
Await SubscribeToWebsocketEvents(creds)
The function:
Public Shared Async Function SubscribeToWebsocketEvents(ByVal creds As Credentials) As Task
Dim socket = New CoinbaseProWebSocket(New WebSocketConfig With {
.ApiKey = creds.ApiKey,
.Secret = creds.ApiSecret,
.Passphrase = creds.ApiPassphrase,
.SocketUri = "wss://ws-feed-public.sandbox.pro.coinbase.com"
WriteLine(">> Connecting websocket...")
Dim result = Await socket.ConnectAsync()
If Not result.Success Then Throw New Exception("Connect error.")
WriteLine(">> Connected.")
AddHandler socket.RawSocket.Closed, (AddressOf Websocket_Closed)
AddHandler socket.RawSocket.Error, (AddressOf Websocket_Error)
AddHandler socket.RawSocket.MessageReceived, (AddressOf Websocket_MessageReceived)
Dim Subsc = New Subscription
Subsc.ProductIds.AddRange({"BTC-EUR", "BTC-USD"})
WriteLine(">> Subscribing to events...")
Await socket.SubscribeAsync(Subsc)
WriteLine(">> Subscribed.")
End Function
The event:
Private Shared Sub Websocket_MessageReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As WebSocket4Net.MessageReceivedEventArgs)
WriteLine("Message received.")
Dim msg = Nothing, hb As HeartbeatEvent = Nothing, tk As TickerEvent = Nothing
Form1.BitcoinPriceLabel.Text = "Test to see if I can edit the label"
If WebSocketHelper.TryParse(e.Message, msg) Then
If CSharpImpl.__Assign(hb, TryCast(msg, HeartbeatEvent)) IsNot Nothing Then
' WriteLine($"Sequence: {hb.Sequence}, Last Trade Id: {hb.LastTradeId}")
End If
If CSharpImpl.__Assign(tk, TryCast(msg, TickerEvent)) IsNot Nothing Then
If tk.ProductId = "BTC-EUR" Then
WriteLine($"Coin: {tk.ProductId}, Last value: {tk.Price}, BestAsk: {tk.BestAsk}")
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
The issue is that you are using the default instance of Form1 on a secondary thread. Default instances are thread-specific so the instance you update is not the instance you have displayed. Read this for more information.
The solution is to invoke a method on the UI thread and then the default instance you use will be the same one you displayed. If you are in a class that is not a form or other control, the way to do that is with the SynchronizationContext class, e.g.
Private context As SynchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current
'This method is executed on a secondary thread.
Private Sub BackgroundMethod()
context.Post(AddressOf ForegroundMethod, Nothing)
End Sub
'This method is executed on the UI thread.
Private Sub ForegroundMethod(state As Object)
'Update the UI here.
End Sub
You need to create the instance of that type on the UI thread and then the current context it gets will be that for the UI thread. That context is used to post a delegate to that thread later. The method you create the delegate for must have a single parameter of type Object. When you call Post pass any data you require to that parameter and then cast as the appropriate type in the posted method. In your case, the method might look like this:
Private Sub SetForm1BitcoinPriceLabelText(text As Object)
Form1.BitcoinPriceLabel.Text = text
End Sub
and you might call it like this:
context.Post(AddressOf SetForm1BitcoinPriceLabelText, "Test to see if I can edit the label")

Timer which can be called from a class and form both

I have a simple WinForm application. The main entry point of the application is mainForm. I am using a Timer on the form and the timer interval is being set to 2000ms. The Tick event of the Timer is as below,
Public myValue as Integer = 100
Private Sub myTimer_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles myTimer.Tick
If myValue = 0 Then
myTimer.Enabled = False
myValue = myValue -1
End If
End Sub
The timer is being called at the start of the application when mainForm is loaded. Now myValue is a global variable and here for the purpose of simplicity I have used this otherwise it is replaced by some process count mechanism which is not required to be explained here.
I am able to use this approach as long as I am using Windows.Forms.Timer placed on some specific Form. I have two more scenarios in which this approach fails.
1 - I have to use the same functionality on some other form and for this currently I am using a separate Timer on another Form and it has its own Tick event.
2 - I have to use the same functionality from another module/class and I am unable to achieve this because for this to work I require a Form.
Now for a start I have looked into Threading.Timer. The problem I am facing is that I don't know how to wait for Threading.Timer to finish as the control goes to next line after Threading.Timer is called. I am not sure whether this can be done with the help of WaitHandle or not. Also I have read that Threading.Timer creates a separate Thread for each of its Tick. This seems like an overkill in my simple scenario.
I just want to use the Timer functionality without the need of Form. Also I could create the similar functionality using a Do Loop with Thread.Sleep inside it but unless I am sure that my Timer functionality is not going to work in other situations I am going to stick to my Timer approach.
I see ... If thats the case, you should really create a second thread that runs a loop. That thread has some exiting parameters that indicates that operation is completed and the Thread itself is set to Isbackground = false.
However, you could also do this ...
Imports System.Timers
Public Class Main
Private Shared WithEvents m_oTimer As Timers.Timer = Nothing
Private Shared m_oWaitHandle_TimerHasCompleted As System.Threading.AutoResetEvent = Nothing
Public Shared Sub Main()
'Application Entry point ...
'Create the global timer
m_oTimer = New Timers.Timer
With m_oTimer
.AutoReset = True
.Interval = 2000
End With
'Create the WaitHandle
m_oWaitHandle_TimerHasCompleted = New System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(False)
'Show your form
Dim oFrm As New Form1
'Wait for the timer to also indicate that it has finished before exiting
Catch ex As Exception
'Error Handling here ...
End Try
End Sub
Private Shared Sub m_oTimer_Elapsed(sender As Object, e As ElapsedEventArgs) Handles m_oTimer.Elapsed
'Timer will fire here ...
If 1 = 2 Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'Error Handling ...
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Please note that 'm_oWaitHandle_TimerHasCompleted.Set()' will never run, you'll have to add a condition ... however, once run, the WaitOne will complete and the application will exit as required.
Hows zat?
Sounds to me like you want to create a single instance of a timer, that does not need to be instantiated via a form?
If so ... Create a new class called 'Main' and copy the following into it.
Imports System.Timers
Public Class Main
Private Shared WithEvents m_oTimer As Timers.Timer = Nothing
Public Shared Sub Main()
'Application Entry point ...
'Create the global timer
m_oTimer = New Timers.Timer
With m_oTimer
.AutoReset = True
.Interval = 2000
End With
'Show your form
Dim oFrm As New Form1
Catch ex As Exception
'Error Handling here ...
End Try
End Sub
Private Shared Sub m_oTimer_Elapsed(sender As Object, e As ElapsedEventArgs) Handles m_oTimer.Elapsed
'Timer will fire here ...
Catch ex As Exception
'Error Handling ...
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Once done, right click on your project and select 'Properties'. In the Application tab you'll see a checkbox called 'Enable Application framework'. Uncheck this box. Now, in the dropdown called 'Startup Object' you should now see 'Sub Main' .... Select that.
When the application runs, Sub Main will now run instead of your form.
This will create the Timer that will fire outside of your form. Please note, as you're not syncing it, I believe it'll run inside a thread so be a little careful there :)

How to make a loader in a separate thread?

I have a main form wich is expected to perfom some long operations. In parallel, I'm trying to display the percentage of the executed actions.
So I created a second form like this:
Private Delegate Sub DoubleFunction(ByVal D as Double)
Private Delegate Sub EmptyFunction()
Public Class LoaderClass
Inherits Form
'Some properties here
Public Sub DisplayPercentage(Value as Double)
If Me.InvokeRequired then
dim TempFunction as New DoubleFunction(addressof DisplayPercentage)
Me.Invoke(TempFunction, Value)
Me.PercentageLabel.text = Value
End if
End sub
Public Sub CloseForm()
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Dim CloseFunction As New EmptyFunction(AddressOf CloseForm)
End If
FormClosed = True
End Sub
End class
My main sub, the one which is expected to perform the long operations is in another form as follows:
Private Sub InitApplication
Dim Loader as new LoaderClass
Dim LoaderThread as new thread(Sub()
End sub)
End sub
The code works almost 95% of the time but sometimes I'm getting a thread exception somewhere in the sub DisplayPercentage. I change absolutely nothing, I just hit the start button again and the debugger continues the execution without any problem.
The exception I get is: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'LoaderClass' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on event though I'm using : if InvokeRequired
Does anyone know what is wrong with that code please ?
Thank you.
This is a standard threading bug, called a "race condition". The fundamental problem with your code is that the InvokeRequired property can only be accurate after the native window for the dialog is created. The problem is that you don't wait for that. The thread you started needs time to create the dialog. It blows up when InvokeRequired still returns false but a fraction of a second later the window is created and Invoke() now objects loudly against being called on a worker thread.
This requires interlocking, you must use an AutoResetEvent. Call its Set() method in the Load event handler for the dialog. Call its WaitOne() method in InitApplication().
This is not the only problem with this code. Your dialog also doesn't have a Z-order relationship with the rest of the windows in your app. Non-zero odds that it will show behind another window.
And an especially nasty kind of problem caused by the SystemEvents class. Which needs to fire events on the UI thread. It doesn't know what thread is the UI thread, it guesses that the first one that subscribes an event is that UI thread. That turns out very poorly if that's your dialog when it uses, say, a ProgressBar. Which uses SystemEvents to know when to repaint itself. Your program will crash and burn long after the dialog is closed when one of the SystemEvents now is raised on the wrong thread.
Scared you enough? Don't do it. Only display UI on the UI thread, only execute slow non-UI code on worker threads.
Thank you for your proposal. How to do that please ? Where should I
add Invoke ?
Assuming you've opted to leave the "loading" code of the main form in the main UI thread (probably called from the Load() event), AND you've set LoaderClass() as the "Splash screen" in Project --> Properties...
Here is what LoaderClass() would look like:
Public Class LoaderClass
Private Delegate Sub DoubleFunction(ByVal D As Double)
Public Sub DisplayPercentage(Value As Double)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Dim TempFunction As New DoubleFunction(AddressOf DisplayPercentage)
Me.Invoke(TempFunction, Value)
Me.PercentageLabel.text = Value
End If
End Sub
End Class
*This is the same as what you had but I moved the delegate into the class.
*Note that you do NOT need the CloseForm() method as the framework will automatically close your splash screen once the main form is completely loaded.
Now, over in the main form, you can grab the displayed instance of the splash screen with My.Application.SplashScreen and cast it back to LoaderClass(). Then simply call your DisplayPercentage() method at the appropriate times with appropriate values:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub InitApplication()
Dim Loader As LoaderClass = DirectCast(My.Application.SplashScreen, LoaderClass)
Loader.DisplayPercentage(1 / 10)
Loader.DisplayPercentage(2 / 10)
Loader.DisplayPercentage(3 / 10)
Loader.DisplayPercentage(4 / 10)
' Loader.CloseForm() <-- This is no longer needed..."Loader" will be closed automatically!
End Sub
Private Sub LoadLocalConfiguration()
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) ' simulated "work"
End Sub
Private Sub ConnectToDataBase()
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) ' simulated "work"
End Sub
Private Sub LoadInterfaceObjects()
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) ' simulated "work"
End Sub
Private Sub LoadClients()
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) ' simulated "work"
End Sub
End Class
If all goes well, your splash screen should automatically display, update with progress, then automatically close when your main form has finished loading and displayed itself.
Me.Invoke(TempFunction, Value)
Should be:
Me.Invoke(TempFunction, new Object(){Value})
because the overload with parameters takes an array of parameters.
Value is on the stack of the function in the current thread. You need to allocate memory on the GC heap and copy the value to that memory so that it is available to the other thread even after the local stack has been destroyed.

VB.Net Updating UI from background thread

I’m working on a scheduler like project using VB.Net, the application start from “Sub Main” with Application.Run(), all program codes are handler in a class, which is created and started here,
Public Sub Main()
m_App = New myApp
End Sub
Inside the myApp, there has a timer to control the execution of task, and it will start a thread for each task, when the task complete, we try to display the alert window if there has error detected. We have tested two different way for communization between the execute thread and the main thread in order to display the alert window (frmAlert):
1) by adding pulic event in task object, then addhandler to the function in main thread
2) use delegate to notify the main thread
However, the alert window cannot be shown and there has no error reported. After debuging with the IDE, it was found that the alert windows has successful displayed, but it will closed when the task thread is completed.
Here is a simplified task class (testing with two communization methods),
Public Class myProcess
Public Event NotifyEvent()
Public Delegate Sub NotifyDelegate()
Private m_NotifyDelegate As NotifyDelegate
Public Sub SetNotify(ByVal NotifyDelegate As NotifyDelegate)
m_NotifyDelegate = NotifyDelegate
End Sub
Public Sub Execute()
RaiseEvent NotifyEvent()
If m_NotifyDelegate IsNot Nothing Then m_NotifyDelegate()
End Sub
End Class
And the main application class
Imports System.Threading
Public Class myApp
Private WithEvents _Timer As New Windows.Forms.Timer
Private m_Process As New myProcess
Public Sub Start()
AddHandler m_Process.NotifyEvent, AddressOf Me.NotifyEvent
m_Process.SetNotify(AddressOf NotifyDelegate)
End Sub
Private Sub Timer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles _Timer.Tick
End Sub
Public Sub ProcessTasks()
_Timer.Enabled = False
Dim m_Thread = New Thread(AddressOf m_Process.Execute)
_Timer.Interval = 30000
_Timer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Public Sub NotifyEvent()
End Sub
Public Sub NotifyDelegate()
End Sub
End Class
It was found that the frmAlert is shown by using either NotifyEvent or NotifyDelegate, but it is closed immediately when the Execute is finished.
May I know how we can popup an alert window from the execution thread which can stay in the screen until user close it?
Thanks in advance!
You need to ensure that your main thread does not terminate if you want it to do anything when a sub-thread raises and event.
Public Sub Start()
AddHandler m_Process.NotifyEvent, AddressOf Me.NotifyEvent
m_Process.SetNotify(AddressOf NotifyDelegate)
Do While True 'You might want to add a boolean condition here to instruct the main program to terminate when you want it to.
End Sub
This will prevent the main thread (program) to end, and thus will be available to handle any events raised by the sub-threads. Note: Your class lacks a termination condition.

vb.net - background thread issue

For some reason a background thread in my app can't change any labels, textbox values, etc on my main form. There is no compile errors, when the thread executes nothing happens.
Here is some example code:
Imports System.Threading
Public Class Class1
Dim tmpThread As System.Threading.Thread
Private Sub bgFindThread()
Form1.lblStatus.Text = "test"
End Sub
Public Sub ThreadAction(ByVal Action As String)
If Action = "Start" Then
tmpThread = New System.Threading.Thread(New System.Threading.ThreadStart(AddressOf bgFindThread))
ElseIf Action = "Abort" Then
If tmpThread.IsAlive = True Then tmpThread.Abort()
End If
End Sub
End Class
Can someone let me know what I'm doing wrong?
AFAIK code above will throw an exception IllegalCrossThreadException, it is because the background thread is not the same as UI thread and background try to set value on other thread. So windows form check every thread that work properly.
You can set Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls to false to make it works.
Code below is when setting property is not run
Add into your code
Delegate Sub MyDelegate()
Private Sub RunMyControl()
lblStatus.Text = "test"
End Sub
Change your code
Private Sub bgFindThread
lblStatus.BeginInvoke (New MyDelegate(AddressOf RunMyControl))
End Sub
The method asyncronsly run code from background thread to UI thread.
You can only access UI controls from the UI thread.
I suggest reading this first: http://www.albahari.com/threading/
As others have mentioned, it is forbidden (for good reasons) to update UI elements from a non-UI thread.
The canonical solution is as follows:
Test whether you are outside the UI thread
If so, request for an operation to be performed inside the UI thread
[Inside the UI thread] Update the control.
In your case:
Private Sub bgFindThread()
If lblStatus.InvokeRequired Then
lblStatus.Invoke(New Action(AddressOf bgFindThread))
End If
lblStatus.Text = "test"
End Sub
The only thing that changed is the guard clause at the beginning of the method which test whether we’re inside the UI thread and, if not, requests an execution in the UI thread and returns.
You can use a delegate to update UI controls in a background thread.
Private Delegate Sub bkgChangeControl(ByVal bSucceed As Boolean)
Private dlgChangeControl As bkgChangeControl = AddressOf ChangeControl
Private Sub threadWorker_ChangeControl(ByVal bSucceed As Boolean)
Me.Invoke(dlgChangeControl, New Object() {bSucceed})
End Sub
Private Sub ChangeControl()
End Sub
'In your background thread, call threadWorker_ChangeControl.