How do I access the "See Also" Field in the Wiktionary API? - api

Many of the Wiktionary pages for Chinese Characters (Hanzi) include links at the top of the page to other similar-looking characters. I'd like to use the Wiktionary API to send a single character in the query and receive a list of similar characters as the response. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any query that includes the "See Also" field. Is this kind of query possible?

The “see also” field is just a line of wiki code in the page source, and there is no way for the API to know that it's different from any other piece of text on the page.
If you are happy with using only the English version of Wiktionary, you can fetch the wikicode: index.php?title=太&action=raw, and then parse the result for the template also. In this case, the line you are looking for is {{also|大|犬}}.
To check if the template is used on the page at all, query the API for titles=太&prop=templates&tltemplates=Template:also
Similar templates are avilable in more language editions of Wiktionary, in case you want to use other sources than the English one. The current list is:
de:Vorlage:Siehe auch
eu:Txantiloi:Esanahi desberdina
is:Snið:sjá einnig
no:Mal:se også
pt:Predefinição:ver também
sv:Mall:se även
It has been suggested that the WikiData project be expanded to cover Wiktionary. If and when that happens, you might be able to query theWikiData API for that kind of stuff!


Show content based on whether the user has certain tag in Mailchimp

I went through the Merge Tags here and here, but couldn't figure out the syntax that would allow me to show content based on whether the user has certain Tag or not.
My goal in case it helps:
User subscribes, and is queued for a welcome mail one day later. In meantime that user may get tagged (my way of segmenting them), and so, the next day when that user receives the welcome mail, the content needs to be catered based on the tag that user got.
Got a response from their support saying
merge tags do not work with Tags just yet
here's the whole thing:
While we do have conditional merge tags available, I'm afraid we do
not have any that would work with Tags. To be transparent, Tags were
recently added a few months ago, and there are some features in our
application that has not updated to work with Tags just yet.
Because conditional merge tags do not work with tags yet, the best
option would be to create multiple automations and send them out based
on each tags. If you do it that way, you'll be able to target those in
specific tags with specific content
Dug a little deeper from the first link. There is another link Use Conditional Merge Tag Blocks which contained the below code:
Use ELSE to indicate alternative content to display if the *|MERGE|* tag value is false.
*|IF:MERGE|* content to display *|ELSE:|* alternative content to display *|END:IF|*
Use ELSEIF to specify a new *|MERGE|* tag to be matched against if the first *|MERGE|* tag value is false.
*|IF:TRANSACTIONS >= 20|* Enjoy this 40% off coupon! *|COUPON40|*
*|ELSEIF:TRANSACTIONS >= 10|* Enjoy this 20% off coupon! *|COUPON20|*
*|ELSE:|* Enjoy this 10% off coupon! *|COUPON10|* *|END:IF|*
More examples with definitions can be found here.
Hope this is the answer you were after.

How can I get page id, wikidata id of some title along with multiple languages in a single API call?

I have been trying to call Wikipedia API to retrieve page id and wikidata item id using below call and it works fine.
but I need to retrieve the same information from other languages of my choice for example if I mention German and French languages in my call, it should look for their translation of word Cat and retrieve their page info. There is langlink property in Wikipedia API but somehow it doesn't work with query action along with pageprop.
So ideally, I want something like this:
Any help would be appreciated.
Using lllang twice will just result in the second value overwriting the first one. You'll have to omit the paramter and then you get all the links:|langlinks&ppprop=wikibase_item&titles=Cat

Downloading all full-text articles in PMC and PubMed databases

According to one of the answered questions by NCBI Help Desk , we cannot "bulk-download" PubMed Central. However, can I use "NCBI E-utilities" to download all full-text papers in PMC database using Efetch or at least find all corresponding PMCids using Esearch in Entrez Programming Utilities? If yes, then how? If E-utilities cannot be used, is there any other way to download all full-text articles?
First of all, before you go downloading files in bulk, I highly recommend you read the E-utilities usage guidelines.
If you want full-text articles, you're going to want to limit your search to open access files. Furthermore, I suggest also restricting your search to Medline articles if you want articles that are any good. Then you can do the search.
Using Biopython, this gives us :
search_query = 'medline[sb] AND "open access"[filter]'
# getting search results for the query
search_results ="pmc", term=search_query, retmax=10, usehistory="y"))
You can use the search function on the PMC website and it will display the generated query that you can copy/paste into your code.
Now that you've done the search, you can actually download the files :
handle = Entrez.efetch(db="pmc", rettype="full", retmode="xml", retstart=0, retmax=int(search_results["Count"]), webenv=search_results["WebEnv"], query_key=search_results["QueryKey"])
You might want to download in batches by changing retstart and retmax by variables in a loop in order to avoid flooding the servers.
If handle contains only one file, contains the whole XML file as a string. If it contains more, the articles are contained in <article></article> nodes.
The full text is only available in XML, and the default parser available in pubmed doesn't handle XML namespaces, so you're going to be on your own with ElementTree (or an other parser) to parse your XML.
Here, the articles are found thanks to the internal history of E-utilities, which is accessed with the webenv argument and enabled thanks to the usehistory="y" argument in
A few tips about XML parsing with ElementTree : You can't delete a grandchild node, so you're probably going to want to delete some nodes recursively. node.text returns the text in node, but only up to the first child, so you'll need to do something along the lines of "".join(node.itertext()) if you want to get all the text in a given node.
According to one of the answered questions by NCBI Help Desk , we cannot "bulk-download" PubMed Central. + will download a good portion of it (I don't know the percentage). It will indeed miss the PMC full-texts articles whose license doesn't allow redistribution as explained on

Drupal 7 Apache solr faceted search with OR condition on two fields instead of drill down/AND

I have a Drupal 7 website that is running apachesolr search and is using faceting through the facetapi module.
When I use the facets to narrow my searches, everything works perfectly and I can see the filters being added to the search URL, so I can copy them as links (ready-made narrowed searches) elsewhere on the site.
Here is an example of how the apachesolr URL looks after I select several facets/filters:
Where the 'search_keyword' portion is the text I'm searching for and the '%3A' is just the url encoded ':' (colon).
Knowing this format, I can create any number of ready-made searches by creating the correct format for the URL. Perfect!
However, these filters are always ANDed, the same way they are when using the facet interface. Does anyone know if there is a syntax I can use, specifically in the search URL, to OR my filters/facets? Meaning, to make it such that the result is all entries that contains EITHER of the two filters?
New edit:
I do know how to OR terms for one facet through the URL im_field_tag_term1:(x or y) but I need to know how to apply OR condition between two facets .
Thanks in advance .

Lotus Domino database FTSearch method and brackets

I need to search with FTSearch something like this - MS004790(419411/10). But it thorws NotesException: Notes error: Query is not understandable (MS004790(419411/10))
So maybe there is some trick to search strings like that or maybe I need to parse it somehow?
Tnx for help!
TL;DR: Wrap your search in quotes.
Full Text search has two modes. Web Search and Notes Search. In your notes preferences you can set this.
Web search is just like a text search. Notes search attempts to parse the search term.
However the client can fall back to Notes search terms if it sees the first characters are capitals (or capital reserved keywords like "FIELD"). So to prevent it from parsing you need to wrap it in quotes.
For example
searchString = |"MS004790(419411/10)"|
searchString = "\"MS004790(419411/10)\""
If it is still failing after that, manually try the search in the FT search bar. Once you have that working the code should work the same way.
If it is still failing at that point it may be related to the UNK table. If so see the following:
Lotus Domino: After changing TYPE of a field, Full Text Search won't work for this field