RTrim not working in sql server 2005-2008 - sql

Looked over the net but could find a solution
Could anybody tell me why the following would not work?Am I missing the obvious!!
SELECT RTRIM('99999 ')
You cannot see very well from above after 99999 I have many empty spaces.
My column contains numbers and I could do
SELECT LEFT(Myfield, 8)
and this would work but I don't know the length of the column.
Any suggestions?

For Rtrim you can use
Declare #temp varchar(100)
Set #temp = '99999 '
Select Rtrim(#temp)
Output:= 99999


SQL REPLACE not working as expected

I have a temp table that I'm trying to eliminate all the white spaces from a specific column. However my replace isn't working at all. Here's the code I have
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#attempt1temptable') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #attempt1temptable
CREATE TABLE #attempt1temptable
temp_description varchar(MAX),
temp_definition varchar(MAX)
INSERT INTO #attempt1temptable
SELECT graphic_description, graphic_definition
FROM graphic
UPDATE #attempt1temptable SET temp_description=REPLACE(temp_description, ' ', '')
UPDATE #attempt1temptable SET temp_description=REPLACE(temp_description, char(160), '')
--I have no idea why it won't update correctly here
select temp_description, LEN(temp_description) from #attempt1temptable
The Insert and select work as expected however it's not updating temp_description to have no white spaces. The result of the query gives me the temp_description without anything changed to it. What am I doing wrong here?
Try replacing some other whitespace characters:
select replace(replace(replace(replace(
,char(13)/*carriage return*/,'')
from #attemp1temptable
You are probably dealing with other characters than space. You could be dealing with tab for example.
I would suggest to copy and paste the character to remove from the actual data into your replace statement to ensure you have the right character(s).
Edit :
Also, you seem to use LEN to verify if the data was updated or not. However, keep in mind that LEN doesn't count trailing white space as character. So the count might not change even if the data was updated

SQL Server : Nvarchar to Varchar

I have a table with two columns, one is of type Varchar and the other in NVarchar.
I want to update all the rows so VarcharField = NVarcharField.
It won't let me because some of the rows contain chars that are not allowed in varchar column with the current code page.
How can I find these rows?
Is it possible to remove any char that doesn't fit the specific code page I'm using?
SQL Server 2012.
You can find the rows by attempting to convert the nvarchar() col to varchar():
select nvarcharcol
from t
where try_convert(varchar(max), nvarcharcol) is null;
Try this..
to find the rows with values that are not supported by varchar
declare #strText nvarchar(max)
set #strText = 'Keep calm and say தமிழன்டா'
select cast(#strText as varchar(max)) col1 , N'Keep calm and say தமிழன்டா' col2
Here #strText has non-english chars, When you try to cast that into varchar the non-english chars turns into ????. So the col1 and col2 are not equal.
select nvar_col
from tabl_name
where nvar_col != cast(nvar_col as varchar(max))
Is it possible to remove any char that doesn't fit the specific code page I'm using?
update tabl_name
set nvar_col = replace(cast(nvar_col as varchar(max)),'?','')
where nvar_col != cast(nvar_col as varchar(max))
Replace ? with empty string and update them.
If Gordon's approach doesn't work because you get question marks from TRY_CONVERT instead of the expected NULL, try this approach:
SELECT IsConvertible = CASE WHEN NULLIF(REPLACE(TRY_CONVERT(varchar(max), N'人物'), '?',''), '') IS NULL
If you need it as filter for the rows that can't be converted:
FROM dbo.TableName t
WHERE NULLIF(REPLACE(TRY_CONVERT(varchar(max), t.NVarcharField), '?',''), '') IS NULL

Separate value from comma to row SQL Server 2008

Please help me to get value from table like below
Field A has value below
file B
and I need to mix values and down value in row like below
13974;14098;14237;14269;14317;14319;14392;14393;13 257;13983;13820
please help me to supports many thanks
For SQL-Server you can use,
(select ';' + your_column
from your_table
for xml path('')),2,10000) as csv
** 10000 is the end position of the substring. So replace this with the maximum number of characters you expect in your result.
declare #xxx nvarchar(max)
select top 10 #xxx =COALESCE(#xxx+';','')+columnName
from table
select #xxx

String manipulation SQL

I have a row of strings that are in the following format:
'Order was assigned to lastname,firsname'
I need to cut this string down into just the last and first name but it is always a different name for each record.
The 'Order was assigned to' part is always the same.......
I am using SQL Server. It is multiple records with different names in each record.
In your specific case you can use something like:
However, this is not very scalable, should the format of your strings ever change.
If you are using an Oracle database, you would want to use SUBSTR instead.
For databases where the third parameter is not optional, you could use SUBSTRING(str, 23, LEN(str))
Somebody would have to test to see if this is better or worse than subtraction, as in Martin Smith's solution but gives you the same result in the end.
In addition to the SUBSTRING methods, you could also use a REPLACE function. I don't know which would have better performance over millions of rows, although I suspect that it would be the SUBSTRING - especially if you were working with CHAR instead of VARCHAR.
SELECT REPLACE(my_column, 'Order was assigned to ', '')
For SQL Server
WITH testData AS
SELECT 'Order was assigned to lastname,firsname' as Col1 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Order was assigned to Bloggs, Jo' as Col1
SELECT SUBSTRING(Col1,23,LEN(Col1)-22) AS Name
from testData
Bloggs, Jo
on MS SQL Server:
declare #str varchar(100) = 'Order was assigned to lastname,firsname'
declare #strLen1 int = DATALENGTH('Order was assigned to ')
declare #strLen2 int = len(#str)
select #strlen1, #strLen2, substring(#str,#strLen1,#strLen2),
RIGHT(#str, #strlen2-#strlen1)
I would require that a colon or some other delimiter be between the message and the name.
Then you could just search for the index of that character and know that anything after it was the data you need...
Example with format changing over time:
INSERT INTO #Temp VALUES ('Order was assigned to :Smith,Mary')
INSERT INTO #Temp VALUES ('Order was assigned to :Holmes,Larry')
INSERT INTO #Temp VALUES ('New Format over time :LootAt,Me')
SELECT SUBSTRING(OrderInfo, CHARINDEX(':',OrderInfo)+1, LEN(OrderInfo))
FROM #Temp

SQL Server 2008 query to find rows containing non-alphanumeric characters in a column

I was actually asked this myself a few weeks ago, whereas I know exactly how to do this with a SP or UDF but I was wondering if there was a quick and easy way of doing this without these methods. I'm assuming that there is and I just can't find it.
A point I need to make is that although we know what characters are allowed (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) we don't want to specify what is not allowed (##!$ etc...). Also, we want to pull the rows which have the illegal characters so that it can be listed to the user to fix (as we have no control over the input process we can't do anything at that point).
I have looked through SO and Google previously, but was unable to find anything that did what I wanted. I have seen many examples which can tell you if it contains alphanumeric characters, or doesn't, but something that is able to pull out an apostrophe in a sentence I have not found in query form.
Please note also that values can be null or '' (empty) in this varchar column.
Won't this do it?
use tempdb
create table mytable ( mycol varchar(40) NULL)
insert into mytable VALUES ('abcd')
insert into mytable VALUES ('ABCD')
insert into mytable VALUES ('1234')
insert into mytable VALUES ('efg%^&hji')
insert into mytable VALUES (NULL)
insert into mytable VALUES ('')
insert into mytable VALUES ('apostrophe '' in a sentence')
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE mycol LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%'
drop table mytable
apostrophe ' in a sentence
Sql server has very limited Regex support. You can use PATINDEX with something like this
Have a look at PATINDEX (Transact-SQL)
and Pattern Matching in Search Conditions
I found this page with quite a neat solution. What makes it great is that you get an indication of what the character is and where it is. Then it gives a super simple way to fix it (which can be combined and built into a piece of driver code to scale up it's application).
DECLARE #tablename VARCHAR(1000) ='Schema.Table'
DECLARE #columnname VARCHAR(100)='ColumnName'
DECLARE #counter INT = 0
WHILE #counter <=255
SET #sql=
'SELECT TOP 10 '+#columnname+','+CAST(#counter AS VARCHAR(3))+' as CharacterSet, CHARINDEX(CHAR('+CAST(#counter AS VARCHAR(3))+'),'+#columnname+') as LocationOfChar
FROM '+#tablename+'
WHERE CHARINDEX(CHAR('+CAST(#counter AS VARCHAR(3))+'),'+#columnname+') <> 0'
PRINT (#sql)
EXEC (#sql)
SET #counter = #counter + 1
and then...
UPDATE Schema.Table
SET ColumnName= REPLACE(Columnname,CHAR(13),'')
Credit to Ayman El-Ghazali.
SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE COL_NAME LIKE '%[^0-9a-zA-Z $#$.$-$''''$,]%'
This works best for me when I'm trying to find any special characters in a string