How to customize the labels of an Infragistics Ultrachart? -

I am trying to customize the series labels of the X axis of a linear ultrachart using
I looked into the documentation from Infragistics and found that I could use this code:
UltraChart.Axis.Y.Labels.SeriesLabels.FormatString = "<Item_Label>"
A description of the types of labels available can be seen here.
However, I'm not getting the result I expected. I get "Row#1" and I want to get only the "1".
I've tried the approach used in the first reply of this post in Infragistics forums, which consists of using an hashtable with the customized labels. The code used there is the following (in C#):
Hashtable labelHash = new Hashtable();
labelHash.Add("CUSTOM", new MyLabelRenderer());
ultraChart1.LabelHash = labelHash;
xAxis.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<CUSTOM>";
public class MyLabelRenderer : IRenderLabel
public string ToString(Hashtable context)
string label = (string)context["ITEM_LABEL"];
int row = (int)context["DATA_ROW"];
int col = (int)context["DATA_COLUMN"];
//use row, col, current label's text or other info inside the context to get the axis label.
//the string returned here will replace the current label.
return label;
This approach didn't work either.
I am using Infragistics NetAdvantage 2011.1.
Anyone has any idea how to customize these labels in order to obtain the number after "Row#"?

There are different approaches to solve this task. One possible solution could be if you are using FillSceneGraph event. By this way you could get your TEXT primitives and modify it. For example:
private void ultraChart1_FillSceneGraph(object sender, Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.FillSceneGraphEventArgs e)
foreach (Primitive pr in e.SceneGraph)
if (pr is Text &&((Text)pr).labelStyle.Orientation == TextOrientation.VerticalLeftFacing )
pr.PE.Fill = Color.Red;
((Text)pr).SetTextString("My custom labels");

OK. I`ll try to explain more deeply about FormatString property.
When you are using this property, you could determinate which information to be shown (for example: Items values or Data Values or Series Values). Of course there are option to use your custom FormatString.
For example:
axisX2.Labels.ItemFormatString ="";
In this case we have labels which represent Date on your X axis, so if you are using these two properties, you are able to determinate the Date format (for example dd/MM/yyyy or MM/ddd/yy). In your scenario you have string values on your X axis. If you are not able to modify these strings values at lower level (for example in your database, through TableAdapters SQL query, DataSet, i.e. before to set your DataSource to our UltraChart), then you could use FillSceneGraph event and modify your Text primitives. More details about this event you could find at If you need a sample or additional assistance, please do not hesitate to create a new forum thread in our web site -
I`ll be glad to help you.


Retain Sort Order of Datagrid View after Updating SQL Adapter

As the title says, I am looking for a way to retain the sort order of my DataGridView after refreshing the data from SQL.
If I sort any of my columns, as soon as the data is refreshed, the columns are no longer sorted and the selected row I had is no longer selected.
Is there an easy solution that would be something along the lines of:
Dim NewSort as Something
SortOrder = DataGridView1
DataGridView1.SortOrder = NewSort
I know the above code is hypothetical but I would be pleased with any solution or to be pointed in the right direction. Google and Bing have not produced helpful resources.
I assume you have a sort, you do a database refresh and your sort is gone. I've encountered this before. I created an inherited grid to handle this, but there's the general idea.
Assuming you are binding to a DataView, consider this.
' Get the Sort
string currentSort = "";
if ( grid.DataSource != null )
currentSort = ((DataView) grid.DataSource).Sort
' Reset the Data Source
grid.DataSource = yournewsource of data ' Better Be a Data View
' Recall the Sort
((DataView) grid.DataSource).Sort = currentSort
One thing I did was had an inherited grid where the data the DataSource Get property was overwritten to have this, and used the inherited grid throughout the application, rather than having to put this code everywhere. It's easy enough to change to an inherited grid if you are comfortable going into the Designer file and editing.
public class MyDataGridView : System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView
public object DataSource
return base.DataSource;
string currentSort = "";
if (!(base.DataSource == null))
currentSort = ((DataView)base.DataSource).Sort;
base.DataSource = value;
((DataView)base.DataSource).Sort = currentSort;

How do I control the frequency of labels on LineDataSet?

In MPAndroidChart, I can control the frequency of xaxis values with setSkipLabels. However, this only affects the xaxis. How do I do the same with the lines themselves in a line chart?
I don't think the library provide a neat way to do this for LineDataSet as for X axis.
The best bet IMHO should be to use a custom ValueFormatter to set text to blank as required.
Exemple to show one label out of ten:
public class MyValueFormatter implements ValueFormatter {
private DecimalFormat mFormat;
public MyValueFormatter() {
mFormat = new DecimalFormat("###,###,##0.0"); // use one decimal
public String getFormattedValue(float value, Entry entry, int dataSetIndex, ViewPortHandler viewPortHandler) {
String output = "";
if (entry.getXIndex() % 10 == 0) output = mFormat.format(value);
return output;
Then, attach your formatter to your DataSet
lineDataSet.setValueFormatter(new MyValueFormatter());
This will only affect text displayed next to each value in the graph.
You could also disable drawing the circle on each value with :

How can I Extract words with its coordinates from pdf using .net?

I'm working with pdf in hebrew language with diacritical marks. I want to extract all the words with its coordinates. I tried to use ITextSharp and pdfClown and they both didn't give me what I want.
In pdfClown there are missing letters\chars in ITextSharp I don't get the words coordinates.
Is there a way to do it? (I'm looking for a free framework\code)
PDFClown Code:
File file = new File(PDFFilePath);
TextExtractor te = new TextExtractor();
IDictionary<RectangleF?, IList<ITextString>> strs = te.Extract(file.Document.Pages[0].Contents);
List<string> correctText = new List<string>();
foreach (var key in strs.Keys)
foreach (var value in strs[key])
string reversedText = new string(value.Text.Reverse().ToArray());
string cleanText = RemoveDiacritics(reversedText);
You aren't showing how you are trying to extract text using iText(Sharp). I am assuming that you are following the official documentation and that your code looks like this:
public string ExtractText(byte[] src) {
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
MyTextRenderListener listener = new MyTextRenderListener();
PdfContentStreamProcessor processor = new PdfContentStreamProcessor(listener);
PdfDictionary pageDic = reader.GetPageN(1);
PdfDictionary resourcesDic = pageDic.GetAsDict(PdfName.RESOURCES);
ContentByteUtils.GetContentBytesForPage(reader, 1), resourcesDic);
return listener.Text.ToString();
If your code doesn't look like this, this explains already explains the first thing you're doing wrong.
In this method, there is one class that isn't part of iTextSharp: MyTextRenderListener. This is a class you should write and that looks for instance like this:
public class MyTextRenderListener : IRenderListener {
public StringBuilder Text { get; set; }
public MyTextRenderListener() {
Text = new StringBuilder();
public void BeginTextBlock() {
public void EndTextBlock() {
public void RenderImage(ImageRenderInfo renderInfo) {
public void RenderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo) {
LineSegment segment = renderInfo.GetBaseline();
Vector start = segment.GetStartPoint();
Text.Append("| x=");
Text.Append("; y=");
When you run this code, and you look what's inside Text, you'll notice that a PDF document doesn't store words. Instead, it stores text blocks. In our special IRenderListener, we indicate the start and the end of text blocks using < and >. Inside these text blocks, you'll find text snippets. We'll mark text snippets like this: <text snippet| x=36.0000; y=806.0000> where the x and y value give you the coordinate of the start of the baseline (as opposed to the ascent and descent position). You can also get the end position of the baseline (and the ascent/descent).
Now how do you distill words out of all of this? The problem with the text snippets you get, is that they don't correspond with words. See for instance this file: hello_reverse.pdf
When you open it in Adobe Reader, you read "Hello World Hello People." You'd hope you'd find four words in the content stream, wouldn't you? In reality, this is what you'll find:
<<Hello People>>
To distill the words, "World" and "Hello" from the first line, you need to do plenty of Math. Instead of getting the base line of the TextRenderInfo object returned in the RenderText() method of your render listener, you have to use the GetCharacterRenderInfos() method. This will return a list of TextRenderInfo objects that gives you more info about every character (including the position of those characters). You then need to compose the words from those different characters.
This is explained in mkl's answer to this question: Retrieve the respective coordinates of all words on the page with itextsharp
We've done similar projects. One of them is described here:
You'll need to do quite some coding to get it right. One word about PdfClown: your text is probably stored as UNICODE in your PDF. To retrieve the correct characters, the parser needs to examine the mapping of the glyphs stored in the font and the corresponding UNICODE character. If PdfClown can't do this, this means that PdfClown doesn't do this task correctly. PdfClown is a one man project, so you'll have to ask that developer to fix this (if he has the time).
As you can tell from the video, iText could help you out, but iText is a company with subsidiaries in the US, Belgium and Singapore. It is a company with many employees and to keep that company running, we need to make money (that's how we pay our employees). Hence you shouldn't expect that we help you for free. Surely you can understand this as you wouldn't want to work for free either, would you?

JavaFX Check Cell background of specific Cell (random access)

I just started to develop a JavaFX application. Maybe I didn't get how JavaFX uses the TableView and I should use something different instead.
Currently my TableView displays data in multiple columns an when I double-click a cell the background color changes (by setCellFactory(customFactory)).
Now I want to access different cells of the table by using indices (column,row) and checking the background color.
The cells with a changed background color should be stored after a certain button was clicked.
I would like to get every cell with changed background(get celltext) for each row and store this for later use in a data structure like a Map>.
Would be really nice if somebody can give me a hint. Thank for your Help.
I suppose, you are adding an EventHandler to the TableCell, which is returned by your customFactory. This EventHandler is handling the doubleclick-event and sets the background color, right?
This handler has access to the parameter which is passed to the Callbacks/CustomFactories call-method, which contains the model-bean of the current row. You could set a flag or the columns name in that model-bean when a doubleClickEvent occurs.
after a certain button was clicked
you can get your info, by checking the tables items. The row-index of each item is equivalent to the index of this item in the List of TableView#getItems
Also have a look at if you need more TableFunctions.
This is a code-example:
The Model-Bean used in TableView:
class Model {
private String propertyA;
private String propertyB;
private Set<String> propertiesClicked = new HashSet<>();
The javafx-controls, annotate them with #FXML if you use FXMLs:
private TableView<Model> tableView;
private TableColumn<Model, String> propertyAColumn;
private TableColumn<Model, String> propertyBColumn;
and the the CellFactory. Create a more generic CellFactory if you need it for multiple columns:
propertyAColumn.setCellFactory((value) -> {
TableCell<Model, String> tableCell = new TableCell<Model, String>() {
//Override the Methods which you need
tableCell.setOnMouseClicked((mouseEvent) -> {
if (mouseEvent.getButton().equals(MouseButton.PRIMARY)) {
if (mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 2 && !tableCell.getStyleClass().contains("buttonClicked")) {
return tableCell;

Binding IEnumerable<anonymous object> to DataGrid in WPF

I need merely a readonly display of Linq data; no requirement to observe changes. Here's the Linq:
DataTable DATA = (detailedQueryResult as DataTable);
IEnumerable<object> ZIPCODE_SUMMARY;
ZIPCODE_SUMMARY = from z in DATA.AsEnumerable()
group z by z.Field<string>(ZIPCODEFIELDNAME) into g
let list = g.ToList()
select new
zip = g.Key,
eecount = list.Count(),
// possible additional aggregate columns here
I am able to bind this IEnumerable<anonymous object> to a Telerik RadGridView in code-behind simply by doing this:
myRadGridView.ItemsSource = ZIPCODE_SUMMARY.ToList();
that is, without having to declare a binding in XAML or having to define any columns. How would that be accomplished using the WPF DataGrid that ships with Visual Studio? It displays only row separators when I use the identical approach. So it knows about the items in the list, just not how to fetch the columns.
I am trying to write some quick-and-dirty utilities to import a gazillion CSV files where no two of them have the same structure or same field names, and the fewer lines of setup code the better.
P.S. I am just getting into WPF and Linq, so please set ReplyToNovice=true :-)
Did you remember to set AutoGenerateColumns=true on the datagrid? If yes, try binding to an ICollectionView instead.
Thats weird, the code below works fine for me. One thing though, you may have to set the datacontext of the datagrid to {Binding}, this will bind to the whole object.
public MainWindow()
dgZips.ItemsSource = GetFakeZips();
public dynamic GetFakeZips()
return Enumerable.Range(1500, 10).Select(i => new { Zip = i, Count = i / 4 });
<DataGrid x:Name="dgZips" AutoGenerateColumns="True" />