Update a table and return both the old and new values - sql

Im writing a VB app that is scrubbing some data inside a DB2 database. In a few tables i want to update entire columns. For example an account number column. I am changing all account numbers to start at 1, and increment as I go down the list. Id like to be able to return both the old account number, and the new one so I can generate some kind of report I can reference so I dont lose the original values. Im updating columns as so:
DECLARE #accntnum INT
SET #accntnum = 0
UPDATE accounts
SET #accntnum = accntnum = #accntnum + 1
Is there a way for me to return both the original accntnum and the new one in one table?

DB2 has a really nifty feature where you can select data from a "data change statement". This was tested on DB2 for Linux/Unix/Windows, but I think that it should also work on at least DB2 for z/OS.
For your numbering, you might considering creating a sequence, as well. Then your update would be something like:
SELECT accntnum AS new_acct, old_acct
UPDATE accounts INCLUDE(old_acct INT)
SET accntnum = NEXT VALUE FOR acct_seq, old_acct = accntnum
ORDER BY old_acct;
The INCLUDE part creates a new column in the resulting table with the name and the data type specified, and then you can set the value in the update statement as you would any other field.

A possible solution is to add an additional column (let's call it oldaccntnum) and assign old values to that column as you do your update.
Then drop it when you no longer need it.

Here's what I'd do:
-- create a new table to track the changes.
- with columns identifying a unique key, old-vale, new-value, timestamp
-- create a trigger on the accounts table
to write the old and new values to the new table.
But, not knowing all the conditions, it may not be worth the trouble.


Oracle : Create session sequence?

I have a table as follows
The table contains my application users and stores their clients. The column User Client ID refers to a foreign key linked to a different table that stores the clients details.
I need another column (User Client Counter) which is a just a counter of the clients of each user. I need it to start from 1 and goes up for each individual application user.
For the moment I'm populating this by counting the number of clients for each user + 1 before inserting a new row in the table :
select count(*) + 1 into MyVariable from Mytable where UserClientId = Something
Then I use MyVariable in the column User Client Counter
This methods works quite well, but in case the user is connected from two different sessions, the query may produce a wrong number of counts... in addition to that the performance may be bad in case of big tables...
Is there anyway better way to replace such process by using sequences ?
I've been looking to session sequences but there are reset after the end of each session.
(This column is a business need and cannot be replaced by something like rownumber in restitution queries. Since every client has to keep always the same identifier for the application user)
Thank you in advance.
I think you can just create a unique index on the app user and the running number:
create unique index idx on mytable (app_user_id, num);
And then insert with max + 1:
insert into mytable (app_user_id, client_id, num)
coalesce((select max(num) + 1 from mytable where app_user_id = :app_user_id), 1)
For this sort of requirement to be safe you will need to be able to lock rows at the right level so that you don't have two sessions that think the they are allowed to use the same value. The impact of this is that while one session is inserting a row for the 'Company X' user, another session will wait for the first user to commit if they're also trying to insert a row for 'Company X'.
This is super easy when you just have a table that stores information at the right level.
You can have a table of your users with a counter column which starts at 0.
-------------------------------------------------- --------------
Company X 1
Company Y 3
Company Z 1
As you insert rows into your main table, you update this table first setting the client_counter to be client_counter + 1 (you do this as one insert statement, no risky select then update!), then you return the updated value into your value for the client_id. This can all be done with a simple trigger.
create or replace trigger app_clients_ins
before insert
on app_clients
for each row
update app_users
set client_counter = client_counter + 1
where my_application_user = :new.my_application_user
return client_counter into :new.user_client_number;
Of course, like any sequence if you delete a row it's not going to allow your next insert to fill that gap.
(db<>fiddle https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=oracle_18&fiddle=7f1b4f4b6316d5983b921cae7b89317a )
if you want to have unique values to be inserted and there are chances that multiple users can insert rows into the same table at the same time then it is better to user Oracle Sequence.
INSERT INTO Mytable(id) VALUES (id_seq.nextval);
In you case I think you want different sequence created for each Customer, How many different Customers you have, if you have in 100's then i don't think create sequence will work as you may have to create as many sequence .

Change column value after INSERT if the value fits criteria?

I have never really worked with Triggers before in MSSQL but I think it'll be what I need for this task.
The structure of the table is as such:
The Tour Operator Code is the code that tells us what company owned the flight we carried out for them. Two of those codes (there are 24 in total) are outdated. Our users requested that those two be changed but the tour operator code is pulled from a database we don't control. The FlightData table however, we do control. So I was thinking a trigger could change the tour operator code if it was one of the two outdated ones, to the correct ones instead respectively when they were inserted.
So I went into good ol' SQL Management Studio and asked to make a trigger. It gave me some sample code and here is my Pseudo Code below:
ON FlightData
IF(TheInsertedValue == Criteria)
UPDATE FlightData
SET TheInsertedValue = NewValue
I am not that good with this type of Database Programming so excuse my mistakes.
How would I go about doing this?
You could add a computed column to your table instead of adding a trigger.
Then the new column could just use a case statement to either show
the original TourOperator column value or the new value you wanted.
You'd add a new column to your table like this
TourOperatorCorrect = CASE WHEN TourOperator = 'Whatever value' THEN 'ChangedValue'
--I just want to use what I have already in the TourOperator column
ELSE TourOperator
Basics of computed columns are here - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ie/library/ms188300.aspx
Your misconception here is that the trigger runs once per inserted value - it is in fact run once per insert statement, so you can and will find more than one row inserted at once.
You'll find that your inserted values are in the pseudo table inserted, which has the same structure as your FlightData table in this case. You write a select statement against that, specifying any criteria you wish.
However, it's not immediately clear what your logic is - does the FlightData table you are updating in your trigger only have one row? Do you update every row in the table with the newest inserted value? It is hard to understand what you are trying to now, and what the purpose of the table and this trigger are - let alone what you would want to do if you inserted more than one row at once.
When inserted table contains mutiple rows,your code will fail,so change code to work with inserted table as whole
SET f.TheInsertedValue = i.value
from inserted i
Flighttable F
on f.matchingcolumn=i.matchingcolumn
and i.somevalue='criteria'

Concat specific string to every inserted row

This is an hypothetical case..
I'm trying to find a good approach to make sure that every value inserted in an specific column col1 of my table mytable has a specific string http:// at the begining of the value.
I want to insert myprofile into mytable so (after my check condition..) the final value would be http://myprofile
I guess that a good approach could be using a trigger on insert but I didn't find anything concrete yet..
Any ideas?
Thank you.
You can try something like this as a starting point - this is for SQL Server (don't know MySQL well enough to provide that trigger code for you):
-- create the trigger, give it a meaningful name
CREATE TRIGGER PrependHttpPrefix
ON dbo.YourTableName -- it's on a specific table
AFTER INSERT, UPDATE -- it's for a specific operation, or several
-- the newly inserted rows are stored in the "Inserted" pseudo table.
-- It has the exact same structure as your table that this trigger is
-- attached to.
-- SQL Server works in such a way that if the INSERT affected multiple
-- rows, the trigger is called *once* and "Inserted" contains those
-- multiple rows - you need to work with "Inserted" as a multi-row data set
-- You need to join the "Inserted" rows to your table (based on the
-- primary key for the table); for those rows newly inserted that
-- **do not** start with "http://" in "YourColumn", you need to set
-- that column value to the fixed text "http:/" plus whatever has been inserted
SET YourColumn = 'http://' + i.YourColumn
FROM dbo.YourTableName tbl
INNER JOIN Inserted i ON tbl.PKColumn = i.PKColumn
WHERE LEFT(i.YourColumn, 7) <> 'http://'

Delete new record if same data exists

I want to delete new record if the same record created before.
My columns are date, time and MsgLog. If date and time are same, I want to delete new one.
I need help .
You can check in the table whether that value exists or not in the column using a query. If it exists, you can show message that a record already exists.
To prevent such kind of erroneous additions you can add restriction to your table to ensure unique #Date #Time pairs; if you don't want to change data structure (e.g. you want to add records with such restrictions once or twice) you can exploit insert select counstruction.
-- MS SQL version, check your DBMS
insert into MyTable(
select #Date,
where not exists(
select 1
from MyTable
where (#Date = Date) and
(#Time = Time)
P.S. want to delete new one equals to do not insert new one
You should create a unique constraint in the DB level to avoid invalid data no matter who writes to your DB.
It's always important to have your schema well defined. That way you're safe that no matter how many apps are using your DB or even in case someone just writes some inserts manually.
I don't know which DB are you using but in MySQL can use to following DDL
alter table MY_TABLE add unique index(date, time);
And in Oracle you can :
alter table MY_TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT constaint_name UNIQUE (date, time);
That said, you can also (not instead of) do some checks before inserting new values to avoid dealing with exceptions or to improve performance by avoiding making unnecessary access to your DB (length \ nulls for example could easily be dealt with in the application level).
You can avoid deleting by checking for duplicate while inserting.
Just modify your insert procedure like this, so no duplicates will entered.
declare #intCount as int;
select #intCount =count(MsgLog) where (date=#date) and (time =#time )
if #intCount=0
'insert procedure
> Edited
since what you wanted is you need to delete the duplicate entries after your bulk insert. Think about this logic,
create a temporary table
Insert LogId,date,time from your table to the temp table order by date,time
now declare four variables, #preTime,#PreDate,#CurrTime,#CurrDate
Loop for each items in temp table, like this
#pkLogID= ' Get LogID for the current row
select #currTime=time,#currDate=date from tblTemp where pkLogId=#pkLogID 'Assign Current values
'Delete condition check
if (#currDate=#preDate) and (#currTime=#preTime)
delete from MAINTABLE where pkLogId=#pkLogID
select #preDate=#currDate,#preTime=#currTime 'Assign current values as preValues for next entries
The above strategy is we sorted all entries according to date and time, so duplicates will come closer, and we started to compare each entry with its previous, when match found we deleting the duplicate entry.

Is there an easy way to add a custom migration script to SQL Compare scripts?

At my work we are currently having some serious pains pushing our database changes across environments. The issue starts to show up when we create a new non-nullable column on an existing table. The script that SQL Compare generates creates the column as non-nullable, so it will always fail. I was hoping that there was some alternative to having to manually edit the script. Is there any way to get around this? If not, how do you guys handle it?
Create a table:
create table #bingo ( id int )
Add a value:
insert into #bingo values (1)
Add a new column:
alter table #bingo add userid int
Populate the new column:
update #bingo set userid = 1 where id = 1
Change the new column to not nullable:
alter table #bingo alter column userid int not null
You would have to manually edit the RedGate Sql Compare to make it work like this.
How do you plan on filling the NOT NULL column? I don't see how SQL Compare could really come up with a solution since it has no way of knowing how you would fill it.
You could create the column with a DEFAULT, then simply add an update statement at the end of the generated scripts to properly update the column if you have some source for the values.
add a default onto the new not null column
when creating a new not null column, what value do all the existing rows get? If you don't know, make the column nullable.