What kind of objects get serialized and why? When would I use this? - serialization

I understand what serialized is. I simply do not know when I would use it. I have seen the discouraged practice of session data in a database and things like that but other than that I do not know.
What kind of objects state would I save in a database, file system, anything that needs persistence? Why would I use it for a non-"permanent" reason?
I do not have a context per se. All I really do are client server web apps. I may get to use a Java stack for it, but I'd really like to understand this part of things, should I need it.
I have asked similar questions. I'm just not understanding.

In a sentence, using a generic serialiser is a reasonable way to save stuff to disk, move stuff over a network in a manner which doesn't require you to design a data format, write code that emits data in that format, and write a parser for that format (all error-prone) by hand.
Any time you want to persist an object (or object hierarchy) beyond its existence inside a single execution on a single machine, you are going to want to serialise and deserialise.

Some scenarios that come to my mind are
Caching: when you want to offload in-memory objects to disk (the caching framework can serialise the object to disk)
For thick clients (either a desktop application or an app using RMI) you'll need to transfer objects from one JVM to another, and this is done by serialising them
I can't think of any other scenarios from the top of my head.


cloudflare Durable Objects update object value

Halo! I'm recently diving into cloudflare Workers, especially Durable Objects. I could make a simple request which put a js object into the assigned key. Let's say the key is key0, and the put object value is {"fieldA": "val0", "fieldB": "val1"}. In this case, how can i update the field-value of fieldA without removing fieldB? I've tried simply executing put("key0", {"fieldA": "newVal0"}) and it has kept removing {"fieldB": "val1"}.
Of course it is a common behaviour in js operations, but i cannot find out anything like ~["key0"]["fieldA"] = "newVal0" in docs(maybe i'm missing sth). OTL
Hope this question reach to the gurus in the community! Thanks in advance [:
EDIT after the answers:
In theory, it would be wonderful if flare durable objects support and work just like a normal js object. Such possible worker feature feels like a killer app for the cloud db services, since the average cpu time is quite fast and flare also has super low pricing compared to other big bros. If it happens, i would eager to migrate everything into the flare platform [:
Durable Objects' KV storage only supports get and put operations -- it doesn't have any sort of "update". So, you have two options:
get() the key, modify it, and then write the modified version back. This may sound inefficient, but keep in mind that commonly-accessed keys will likely be in in-memory cache. In fact, this get/modify/put implemented in your JavaScript is probably about as fast as any modification operation that Durable Objects itself could possibly implement built-in. That said, you probably don't want to use this approach with large objects, since the whole object has to be written to disk again after every update.
Split your object across multiple keys. E.g. instead of having the key foo map to {"fieldA": "val0", "fieldB": "val1"}, you could have separate keys foo:fieldA and foo:fieldB. Note that you can fetch all the keys at once using storage.list({prefix: "foo:"}). This approach is not as convenient but allows each field to be written separately to disk.
get and put deal with whole JS objects, so if you want to change part of the object you should get it, update it using normal JS, and then put the entire object back.

Is it okay to have more than one repository for an aggregate in DDD?

I've read this question about something similar but it didn't quite solve my problem.
I have an application where I'm required to use data from an API. Problem is there are performance and technical limitations to doing this. The performance limitations are obvious. The technical limitations lie in the fact that the API does not support some of the more granular queries I need to make.
I decided to use MySQL as a queryable cache.
Since the data I needed to retrieve from the API did not change very often, I settled on refreshing the cache once a day, so I didn't need any complicated mapper that checked if we had the data in the cache and if not fell back to the API. That was my first design, but I realized that wasn't very practical when the API couldn't support most of the queries I needed to make anyway.
Now I have a set of two mappers for every aggregate. One for MySQL and one for the API.
My problem is now how I hide the complexities of persistence from the domain, and the fact that it seems that I need multiple repositories.
Ideally I would have an interface that both mappers adhered to, but as previously disclosed that's not possible.
Is it okay to have multiple repositories, one for each mapper?
Is it okay to have more than one repository for an aggregate in DDD?
Short answer: yes.
Longer answer: you won't find any suggestion of multiple repository in the original book by Evans. As he described things, the domain model would have one representation of the aggregate, and the repository abstraction provided consumers with the illusion that the aggregate was stored in an in-memory collection.
Largely, this makes sense -- you are trying to ensure that writes to data within the aggregate boundary are consistent, so you need a single authority for change.
But... there's no particular reason that reads need to travel through the same code path as writes. Welcome to the world of cqrs. What that gives you immediately is the idea that the in memory representation for reads might need to be optimized differently from the in memory representation used for writes.
In its more general form, you get the idea that the concept that you are modeling might have different representations for each use case.
For your case, where it is sometimes appropriate to read from the RDBMS, sometimes from the API, sometimes both, this isn't quite an exact match -- the repository interface hides the implementation details from the consumer, but you still have to bother with the implementation.
One thing you might look at is your requirements; how fresh does the data need to be in each use case? A constraint that is often relaxed in the CQRS pattern is the idea that the effects of writes are immediately available for reading. The important question to ask would be, if the data hasn't been cached yet, can you simply report "data not available" without hitting the API?
If so, then use cases that access the cached data need only a single repository implementation.
If you are using external API to read and modify data, you can cache them locally to be faster in reads, but I would avoid to have a domain repository.
From the domain perspective it seems that you need a service to query (or just a Query in CQRS implementation) for some data, that you can do with a service, that internally can call some remote API or read from a local cache (mysql, whatever).
When you read your local cache you can develop a repository to decouple your logic from the db implementation, but this is a different concept from a domain repository, it is just a detail of your technical implementation, that has nothing to do with your domain.
If the remote service start offering the query you need you will change the implementation of how your query is executed, calling the remote API instead of the db, but your domain model should not change.
A domain repository is used to load and persist your aggregates, meanwhile if you are working with external aggregates (in a different context, subdomain) you need to interact with them using services.

Object serialization practical uses?

How many software projects have you worked on used object serialization? I personally never came across a scenario where object serialization was used. One use case i can think of is, a server software storing objects to disk to save memory. Are there other types of software where object serialization is essential or preferred over a database?
I've used object serialization in a lot of my projects. Sometimes we use it to store computer-specific settings locally. I have also used XML serialization to simplify interaction and generation of XML documents. It is also very beneficial in communication protocols. Serialize on one end and re-inflate on the other end.
Well, converting objects to XML or JSON is a form of serialization that is quite common on the web. I've also worked on a project where objects were created and serialized to a binary file in one application and then imported into another custom application (though that's fragile since it uses C# and serialization has broken in the past between versions of the .NET framework). Also, application settings that have a complex structure may be useful to serialize. I also think remoting APIs use serialization to communicate. Basically, serialization in general is simply a way to store the states of your objects, and this has many different uses.
Here are few uses I can think of :
Send an object across network, the most common example is serializing objects across a cluster
Serialize object for (sort of) caching, ie save the state in a file and read it back later
Serialize passive/huge data to a file to minimize the memory consumption and read it back whenever required.
I'm using serialization to pass objects across a TCP socket. You put XmlSerializers on either side, and it parses your data into readily available objects. If you do a little ground work, you can get it so that you're basically passing objects back and forth, and it makes socket communication extremely easy, reducing it to nothing more than socket.Send(myObject);.
Interprocess communication is a biggie.
you can combine db & serialization. f.ex. when you have to store an object with a lot of attributes (often dynamic, i.e. one object attribute set will be different from another one) to the relational DB, and you don't want to create a new column per each attribute
We started out with a system that serialized all of the thousands of in-memory objects to disk every 15 minutes or so. When that started taking too long we switched over to a mixed mode of saving the objects into a relational db and pickle file (this was a python system btw). Eventually the majority of the data was stored in a relational database. Interestingly, the system was written in such a way that all of the application code couldn't care less what was going on down there. It was all done using XP and thousands of automated tests.
Document based applications such as word processors and vector graphics editors will often serialize the document model to disk when the user invokes the Save command. Serialization is often preferred over complex databases in these apps.
Using serialization saves you time each time you want to implement an import/export functionality.
Every time you need to export your system's data, create backups or store some kind of settings, you could use serialization instead and just save the state of the objects that represent the actual config, data or whatever else.
Only when you need a specific format of the exported/imported data, there is a sense in building a custom parser and exporter/importer.
Serialization is also change-proof. Whenever you change the format of the object that is involved in the exchange functionality, it is automatically exportable and you don't have to change the logic behind your export/import parts.
We used it for a backup & update functionality. It was basically serialized hibernate objects being backed up, then the DB schema is altered through the update and we delivered a helper class that "coverted" the old objects to the new DB schema. This way we had a pretty solid update mechanism that wouldnt break easily and does an automatic backup at the same time.
I've used XML serialization heavily on one project. The technique was used to persist to database data structures that had no common structure, so the data couldn't be stored directly. I also used serialization to separate application settings that could be changed at runtime.

Notify changes on an XML file

I created this simple textpad program in WPF/VB.NET 2008 that automatically saves the content of the forms to an XML file on every keystroke.
Now, I'm trying to make the program see the changes on the XML file in realtime.. example, If I open two of my textpads, when I write on the first one, it will automatically reflect on the other textpad.
How can I do this?
One of my colleagues told me to read about iNotifyPropertyChanged (which I did) but how can I apply it to my application..?
:( help~
btw, I got the idea from a Google Wave demo, and I'm actually trying to do something bigger..
Note - this approach will be really, really expensive in terms of disk I/O, memory usage and CPU time. Why are you using XML is that the native format of the data you are editing? You may want to look at a more compact format - one that will use less memory, generate fewer I/Os and use less CPU.
Also note that you writer may need to flush the file for the watcher to notice any changes. This is expensive as well - especially if you re doing it on every key stroke.
Be sure to use the correct file open attributes (sharing, reading and writing).
You may want to consider using shared memory to communicate between your processes. This will be less expensive. You can avoid large ammounts of disk I/O by only writing changes to disk when the use asks to commit them, or there is a hint to do so. I suggest avoiding doing this on every key stroke.
Remember, your app needs to be a good system citizen and consume a reasonable amount of system resources. This is especially true running on netbooks and other 'low spec' systems.
You will probably need to use the FileSystemWatcher to watch the file on the disk rather than a property in the running instance of the application.
Or you could use some custom message passing between different instances of your application.
INotifyPropertyChanged isn't going to work for your application. That interfaced is used when data binding some element to a UI object.
Your best bet is going to be to attach a FileSystemWatcher to the file when you open it for editing. You can then use the change events to reload the file as needed in each instance of your application.
This will also load changes made from external editors.
It sounds like you are using file IO as a form of interprocess communication, if so, IMO you need to rethink your design, especially if you are doing something "bigger" than google wave (whatever bigger means in this context) as what you are proposing is terribly ineficient.
Do some searching on Interprocess communication and you will get a whole bunch of idea's #foredecker's idea (+1) of shared memory is a good possibility for example.

Is there a way of sharing a Core Data store between processes?

What am I trying to do?
A UI process that reads data from a Core Data store on disk. It wouldn't need to edit the data, just read and display the data.
A command line process that writes to the same data store as accessed by the UI.
So that the command line process can be running all the time but the user can quit the UI process and forget about the app until they need to look at the data it's captured.
What would be the simplest and most reliable way of achieving this?
What Have I Tried?
I've read up on sharing a data store between threads and implemented this once before, but I can't find anything in the docs or on the web indicating how to share a store between processes.
Is it as simple as pointing both processes at the same data store file? I've experimented with this briefly. It appeared to work OK, but I'm worried I might run into problems with locking etc when it's really put under stress.
I'd really appreciate someone giving me pointers on what direction to go with this. Thanks.
This might be one of those situations in which you'll simply have to Try It And Seeā„¢.
Insofar as I can remember, SQLite (which is the data store you'll most likely want to be using) has built in mechanisms for file locking and so on; so the integrity of the file is likely to be assured. If, on the other hand, you use the CoreData/XML approach, you might run into problems.
In other words; use the SQLite backing for your file, and you should likely be fine.
You can do exactly what you want, you probably want to use the SQLite store otherwise saving and committing every time you want to synch out data will be horrifically slow. You just need to use some sort of IPC doorbell between the apps so that you can inform one app it needs to recheck the persistent store on disk and merge in its data.
Apple documents using multiple persistent store corindators as a valid option in Multi-Threading with Core Data (in "General Guidelines", open 2). That happens to be discussing completely parallel CD stacks in the same process, but it is valid if they are in completely separate address spaces as well.
Nearly two years on, and I've just found a much better way of doing this.
The answer seems to lie with Sync Services. I didn't even realise it existed! There's an excellent post about this at:
I've not tried this with my app yet, but it seems like an excellent way of sharing a core data store between two processes or applications.
If I experience any performance issues, I'll update this answer accordingly, but this seems like the Apple recommended way of doing it.
You need to re-think your architecture. If you want a daemon to own the data store, then have your GUI app connect to the daemon. Trying to share the data store is a can of worms you don't want to open.