How to change background color for NSview in Cocoa - objective-c

I want to change background color for many nsview. I override drawRect: on subclass NSview but i don't know how to set background color for myview( is reference IBOUTLET). please help me. Thanks so much
Code for CustomView.h
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface CustomView : NSView
Code for CustomView.m
#import "CustomView.h"
#implementation CustomView
- (void) drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
[[NSColor whiteColor] setFill];
[super drawRect:dirtyRect];
And in main class, i added #import "CustomView.h" but i don't know how to set background for myview.

Welcome to Cocoa drawing.
Cocoa drawing uses Quartz which is a PDF model.
Drawing in this occurs in a back to front procedural order.
In Quartz drawing there is a drawing environment state object called the Graphics Context.
This is an implicit object in many of the drawing ops in AppKit.
(in Core Graphics or other APIs it could need to be explicitly called)
You tell the Graphics Context what the current color and other parameters are, then draw something, then change parameters and draw more, etc...
In AppKit, you do this by sending a message to the NSColor object, which is weird. but that's how it works.
In your drawRect: method you should call super first usually, because you probably want your drawing on top of that...
- (void) drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
[super drawRect:dirtyRect];
// This next line sets the the current fill color parameter of the Graphics Context
[[NSColor whiteColor] setFill];
// This next function fills a rect the same as dirtyRect with the current fill color of the Graphics Context.
// You might want to use _bounds or self.bounds if you want to be sure to fill the entire bounds rect of the view.
If you want to change the color, you'll need an #property NSColor
You might need more than one for your drawing.
That allows you to set the color.
You might want the view to use KVO and observe its own color property then draw itself if the color property changes.
You could do a lot of different things to set the color. (a button or pallette elsewhere) But all of them would eventually result in sending a message to set the color of a property of your view for drawing.
Finally, if you want to update the drawing, you need to call [myView setNeedsDisplay:YES]; where myView is a reference to an instance of the NSView subclass.
There is also display but that's forceful.
setNeedsDisplay: says to schedule it on the next run of the event loop (runLoop). display kind of makes everything jump to that right away.
The event loop comes back around fast enough you shouldn't force it.
Of note, setNeedsDisplay: is the entire view.
In a fancy ideal world with complex views, you might want to more appropriately optimize things by calling setNeedsDisplayInRect: where you designate a specific CG/NSRect of the view as needing to be redrawn.
This allows the system to focus redrawing to the smallest union rect possible in the window.

I'm super late, but this is how I do it - there's no need to sub class:
NSView *myview = [NSView new];
[view setWantsLayer:YES];
view.layer.backgroundColor = [NSColor greenColor].CGColor;


Layer-Backed NSControl Still Calls NSCell Drawing Routines

Apple has "soft-deprecated" NSCell on macOS. I'm trying to reduce the use of it in my custom NSControl subclasses and, instead, use CALayers to handle my drawing. To do this, I make my NSButton subclass layer-backed:
self.wantsLayer = YES;
And then I attempt to handle my drawing using the "updateLayer" path instead of "drawRect":
- (BOOL) wantsUpdateLayer {
return YES;
- (void) updateLayer {
// Change layer background/border colors if pressed, disabled, etc.
// Change text color of a CATextLayer sublayer for button's title.
The Problem:
If I use -updateLayer, the NSCell still receives drawing commands and draws its title, resulting in a "blurry" title string in my control because the string is being drawn twice—once in my textLayer and once by the Cell.
If, however, I do the exact same work as above in -drawRect: instead of -updateLayer, then the cell does NOT do any drawing (because I don't call down into it with [self.cell drawInteriorWithFrame:ControlView:])
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what's firing the cell drawing when the associated controlView (my button subclass) has opted into -updateLayer instead of -drawRect:.
I have looked at all the methods on NSControl.h and NSView.h. I've overridden all of the -updateCell and associated methods. None of those are the culprit. I cannot simply set self.cell=nil because NSControl still relies on NSCell for event handling, etc.
Can someone tell me how to stop NSCell from drawing when its associated controlView is using -updateLayer instead of -drawRect:?
In -[NSButtonCell layoutLayerWithFrame:inView:], the cell adds a NSTextField to draw the title. Override titleRectForBounds: and return NSZeroRect to remove the title.

Why NSView leaves an image on superview on where it was when I move it?

I am working on a small application on Mac that I need to create customed cursor and move it. I used NSImageView to implement it. However when I call setFrameOrigin (the same to setFrame) it will leaves images on the previous place.
Here is my code:
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSImageView *eraserView;
this is the define
_eraserView = [[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(100, 100, 32, 32)];
_eraserView.image = [NSImage imageNamed:#"EraserCursor"];
[self.view addSubview:_eraserView];
[_eraserView setHidden:YES];
here is the initialization. Everything goes well until now but:
- (void)setImageatPoint:(NSPoint)point
[_eraserView setFrameOrigin:point];
- (void)hidePenImage
[_eraserView setHidden:YES];
- (void)unhidePenImage: (BOOL)isEraser
[_eraserView setHidden:NO];
These are methods I use to change the state of the NSImageView. They will be called by another class using delegate when corresponding events of trackpad occurs.
However every time I change the state of the NSImageView, it seems like it is drawn on the superview.
I debugged it and found there was no extra subviews. And when I use setHidden it has no effect on those tracks. I think it somehow did something to the CALayer, but I have no idea how to fix it.
Screenshots would help but in general if you move a view or change the area of the view that is drawn, you need to redraw.
To do this it kind of depends on how your drawing happens. Calling setNeedsDisplay may not be enough if your implementation of drawRect only draws a sub rect of the view bounds. Cocoa only draws what it is told to draw.
You can erase sections of the view that should be empty by drawing (filling) where it should be empty. That means drawing a color ( NSColor clearColor if nothing else) in the area that was previously drawn.

How to use a custom view correctly?

I have been trying to make a simple drawing program. Recently, I have figured out to draw shapes in a custom view for this purpose. My problem is that I have to draw everything at a single point in time. I don't know if that actually makes sense, but it seems to me that it calls the drawRect method only once, at that "once" is on startup.
Here is my code so far:
Header file.
NSBezierPath *thePath;
NSColor *theColor;
NSTimer *updateTimer;
NSPoint *mousePoint;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
#interface test : NSView {
IBOutlet NSView *myView;
#property (readwrite) NSPoint mousePoint;
Then, implementation in the .m file.
#implementation test
#synthesize mousePoint;
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*)someEvent {
CGEventRef ourEvent = CGEventCreate(NULL);
mousePoint = CGEventGetLocation(ourEvent);
NSLog(#"Location: x= %f, y = %f", (float)mousePoint.x, (float)mousePoint.y);
thePath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:NSMakeRect(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y, 10, 10)];
theColor = [NSColor blackColor];
- (void) mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)someEvent {
mousePoint = [someEvent locationInWindow];
NSLog(#"Location: x= %f, y = %f", (float)mousePoint.x, (float)mousePoint.y);
x = mousePoint.x;
y = mousePoint.y;
[myView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) drawRect:(NSRect)rect; {
thePath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:NSMakeRect(x, y, 10, 10)];
theColor = [NSColor blackColor];
[theColor set];
[thePath fill];
On startup, it draws a rectangle in the bottom left corner, like it should. The problem is, the drawRect method is only called on startup. It just won't fire no matter what I do.
EDIT: I have just updated the code. I hope it helps.
SECOND EDIT: I have really simplified the code. I hope this helps a bit more.
Short Answer:
When your view's state is changed such that it would draw differently, you need to invoke -[NSView setNeedsDisplay:]. That will cause your view's drawRect: method to be called in the near future. You should never call drawRect: yourself. That's a callback that's invoked on your behalf.
When events occur in your application that cause you to want to change your drawing, capture state about what happened into instance variables, invoke setNeedsDisplay: and then later when drawRect: is called do the new drawing.
Long Answer:
In Cocoa, window drawing is done with an pull/invalidation model. That means the window has an idea of whether or not it needs to draw, and when it thinks it needs to draw it draws once per event loop.
If you're not familiar with event loops you can read about them on Wikipedia
At the top level of the application you can imagine that Cocoa is doing this:
while (1) {
NSArray *events = [self waitForEvents];
[self doEvents:events];
Where events are things like the mouse moving, the keyboard being pressed, and timers going off.
NSView has a method -[NSView setNeedsDisplay:]. It takes a boolean parameter. When that method is invoked the window invalidates the drawing region for that view, and schedules an event for the future to do redrawing - but only if there isn't a preexisting redrawing event scheduled.
When the runloop spins next time, the views that were marked with setNeedsDisplay: are re-drawn. This means you can call setNeedsDisplay: several times in a row and drawing will be batched to one call of drawRect: in the future. This is important for performance reasons and means you can do things like change the frame of a view several times in one method but it will only be drawn once at the final location.
The code in your example has a couple of problems. The first is that all drawing code must be in the drawRect: method or a method called from drawRect:, so the drawing code you've placed in your other methods will have no effect at runtime. The second problem is that your code should never directly call drawRect:; instead, the framework will call it automatically (if necessary) once per event cycle.
Instead of hardcoding all the values, consider using instance variables for things you want to be able to change at runtime, for example, the drawing color and rectangle. Then in your mouseDragged: method, send the view (myView in your example) a setNeedsDisplay: message. If you pass YES as the argument, the drawRect: method will be called for you by the framework.

Custom NSView Fill Paints Over Bottom Bar

I have a window which has a custom NSView and has a bottom bar with controls on it, one of which is an NSColorWheel.
For simplicity sake the Window is 332px high, with the custom NSView being 300px high and the bottom bar being 32px high.
The bottom bar is created as part of my awakeFromNib when the app loads the window using the following code:
[[self window] setAutorecalculatesContentBorderThickness:YES forEdge:NSMinYEdge];
[[self window] setContentBorderThickness: 32.0 forEdge: NSMinYEdge];
In my custom NSView class I fill the rectangle with color. Everything works fine when the app loads using the following in my NSView class:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
dirtyRect = [self bounds];
NSColor * mNewColor = [NSColor blackColor];
[mNewColor set];
[NSBezierPath fillRect:dirtyRect];
However, if I subsequently call a method that changes the color of the custom NSView when a color wheel in the bottom bar is changed, the bottom bar gets overwritten with the color. The following code illustrates this method (this code is in the custom NSView class:
- (void)changeBackgroundColor:(NSNotification *)notification
NSLog(#"Changed background color");
NSRect mRect = [self bounds];
NSColor * mNewColor = [theColorWell color];
[mNewColor set];
[NSBezierPath fillRect:mRect];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
Resizing the window instantly corrects the problem, but obviously I don't want the user to have to resize the window for an obvious bug!
What I don't understand is why my bounds appear to be mapping to the parent window and not the custom NSView when I call setNeedsDisplay and yet the bound correctly adjust when I resize the window using the mouse (even if just by 1 pixel).
Do I somehow need to account for the bottom bar on the redraw?
Any and all help much appreciated.
You should do all your drawing in the drawRect: method of your custom NSView. Cocoa automatically sets up the graphics context for you when it calls this method - things may not draw correctly if you perform drawing operations in other methods.
Your code in drawRect: could set the colour to the the current background colour as specified by your NSColorWell and fill the dirtyRect rectangle with this.
Then in the other method just call [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; and then drawRect: will automatically be called to redraw the view.
See here for more information: (in particular the Drawing View Content section)

UIView subclass draws background despite completely empty drawRect: - why?

So, I have a custom UIView subclass which enables drawing of rounded edges. The thing draws perfectly, however the background always fills the whole bounds, despite clipping to a path first. The border also draws above the rectangular background, despite the fact that I draw the border in drawRect: before the background. So I removed the whole content of drawRect:, which is now virtually empty - nevertheless the background gets drawn!
Anybody an explanation for this? I set the backgroundColor in Interface Builder. Thanks!
Sorry for this monologue. :)
The thing is that the UIView's layer apparently draws the background, which is independent from drawRect:. This is why you can't get rid of the background by overriding drawRect:.
You can either override - (void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)ctx and make the layer draw whatever you want, or you override - (void) setBackgroundColor:(UIColor *)newColor and don't assign newColor to backgroundColor, but to your own ivar, like myBackgroundColor. You can then use myBackgroundColor in drawRect; to draw the background however you like.
Overriding setBackgroundColor:
Define an instance variable to hold your background color, e.g. myBackgroundColor. In your init methods, set the real background color to be the clearColor:
- (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
if ((self = [super init...])) {
[super setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
return self;
- (void) setBackgroundColor:(UIColor *)newColor
if (newColor != myBackgroundColor) {
[myBackgroundColor release];
myBackgroundColor = [newColor retain];
Then use myBackgroundColor in your drawRect: method. This way you can use the color assigned from Interface Builder (or Xcode4) in your code.
Here's an easier fix:
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
I hesitate to suggest this because I don't want to offend you, but have you set opaque to NO?
This is easily reproducible:
Create a new View-Based iPhone Application. Create an UIView subclass and leave the drawRect: method completely empty. In Interface Builder, drag a UIView into the main view, assign it a background color and set the class of the view to your subclass. Save, build and run, and see, the view shows the background color.
I have circumvented this behaviour by overriding setBackgroundColor: and assigning the color to my own ivar, always leaving the backgroundColor property nil. This works, however I'm still wondering why this works this way.
You should set
clearsContextBeforeDrawing = NO
It's that simple.
From the UIView Reference Docs
Oops. I misunderstood the question. The OP (original poster) wants their custom control to support the standard "backgroundColor" property (eg, set by the gui designer), but does NOT want the system to paint that color. The OP wants to paint the bg himself so that he can round the corners.
In that case, the post about overriding the layer level drawing is correct.
The solution I posted will prevent the UI system from clearing your buffer before drawing. When you have no bg defined, if clearsContextBeforeDrawing is set, the iOS will clear your view's buffer, setting all pixels to transparent black. Doing this for a full-screen view takes about 5ms in an iPad3, so it's not free (pushing that 2048x1536 pixels never is). For comparison drawing a full-screen bitmap (using kCGBlendModeCopy to force blitting) takes ~25ms (using quartz, not GPU).
While it is possible to override the code that copies the background colour into the view's layer, I'm not a fan of this approach. I believe it can cause issues with views intended to be opaque. My suggestion is to create a custom colour variable like this:
#IBInspectable var foregroundColor: UIColor = .black {
didSet { setNeedsDisplay() }
Now, set your view's backgroundColor to clear and use foregroundColor in your drawing code in its place. The code above takes care of updating it when the value changes, and also exposes it to Interface Builder if required.
Another alternative is to use your view's tintColor instead, and to ensure that it updates correctly when tint colour changes. You may be reserving tint colour for other uses though, so this is not necessarily ideal. If you use tintColor, don't forget to include the following:
override func tintColorDidChange() {