Exception handling in Controller in ASP.Net MVC 4 with ELMAH and ajax - asp.net-mvc-4

I've seen a number of posts and articles but am not able to see the solution crisply.
I've installed Elmah.MVC via NuGet and have commented out this line from FilterConfig.cs:
//filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());
So that Elmah would pick up the errors.
It works when I provide an invalid action name and I get a yellow page as well as an email.
I want to know about two other types of errors that my code may generate... how are we supposed to handle them:
1.E.g. if my repository or manager (business logic) layer throws an exception when trying to access database or send an email etc.
a. Is the correct way to NOT implement any kind of try catch in Controllers (or anywhere else for that matter) and let Elmah take care of exceptions?
b. If so, and if it shows a yellow error page, how can we show a view of our own liking?
2.If my view contains ajax calls, e.g. via jqgrid, and behind the scenes there are errors, I've noticed they also get picked up properly by Elmah. But how do I show some kind of an error message to the user as well?

Here is what I did:
In controller, I placed try catch:
//model = getmodelfromdb();
return View("MyView", model);
catch (Exception ex)
return View("../Error/ShowException", ex);
For custom view for 404, I did this in global.asax:
protected void Application_OnError( )
var exception = Server.GetLastError( );
Helper.SetSessionValue(SessionKeys.EXCEPTION, exception);
Response.Redirect( "~/Error/ShowException");
For jqgrid, I did this in my controller:
public ActionResult ListRecords( int page , DateTime? fromdate , DateTime? todate)
var list = FetchListFromDB();
var result = new
total = Math.Ceiling(list.Count / (decimal)Helper.PAGE_SIZE),
page = page, //--- current page
records = list.Count, //--- total items
rows = list.List.Select(x => new
id = x.EntityID,
cell = new string[]
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
catch (Exception ex)
var result = new
errorMessage = "An unexpected error occurred while fetching data. An automatic email has been generated for the support team who will address this issue shortly. Details: " + ex.Message,
records = 0
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
And this in the View (in the jqgrid definition):
if (data.errorMessage)
In a general ajax scenario:
success: function(data)
if (data.errorMessage)

a. Is the correct way to NOT implement any kind of try catch in Controllers (or anywhere else for that matter) and let Elmah take care of exceptions?
I'd say that Elmah doesn't "take care" of exceptions, it records them. Ideally, you should try to handle the errors - by all means log them, but also add logic to deal with them so that they don't interrupt the user's workflow.
I'd wrap logic in try blocks, and in the catch use
to record anything that goes wrong. Immediately after that line, however, I'd then do something to try to recover from the exception - catch specific exception types, never just catch (Exception e), and deal with them after logging them. The idea is that you should be reviewing your logs, working out what's causing the exceptions, and improving your program so that it doesn't throw exceptions any more.
To show your own error pages, there's the HandleErrorAttribute, or if you don't want to use that there's also the controller's OnException() method, which is called when a controller action method quits with an exception rather than finishing normally. An ExceptionContext object is passed into that method, so you can use that to get the exception that was thrown and log it, do any cleanup that might be required etc.

I know i'm very late to the party but I stumbled upon this answer while searching something similar form Google.
I don't like using try catch blocks everywhere in my code, especially in web apps. I let Elmah catch everything and log it behind the scenes. Then in the web.config file you can redirect based on the error type...
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="~/Error" >
<error statusCode="500" redirect="~/Error"/>
<error statusCode="404" redirect="~/NotFound"/>


How to show firebase auth error messages different in UI

I am using the firebase auth now I want to show a different message in UI for every error message
You have to check for specific error messages in your catch block and add custom handling.
You don't mention the language you're working in (and I'm not familiar with all of the different libraries), but C# will throw a FirebaseAuthException containing the property AuthErrorCode which is an enum representing the error. You could check that in, say, a switch statement to get the required message.
try {
userRecord = await _FirebaseAuth.GetUserByEmailAsync(email, token)
catch (FirebaseAuthException ex) {
if (ex.AuthErrorCode == AuthErrorCode.UserNotFound) {
DisplayError($"Error retrieving user record for {email}");

return type for wep api for easy error handling

I have a web api which I call from my angularjs application. I have a method where (if all is OK) I return a list of strings. But if something goes wrong and I catch an exception, how should I handle this?
I'm quite new to this and I'm wondering how I should do about error handling? Are there any best practices for what return type I should use in a case like this?
public IHttpActionResult GetItems(string user)
return Ok(adObject.GetItems(user)); //List of strings
catch (Exception e)
//return e how? Or log error? Both?
public List<string> GetItems(string user)
return adObject.GetItems(user);
You should return a 500 http status code with enough information to tell the UI that an error occurred without revealing the inner workings of the API. For instance, you might say "unable to insert a new record". If the error is a result of the UI sending bad data, you would instead send a 400 series status code such as a 422.
To do all of this, there are two options. You can simply send back an InternalServerError like this:
public IHttpActionResult GetItems(string user)
return Ok(adObject.GetItems(user)); //List of strings
catch (Exception e)
Return InternalServerError();
Which will just return a 500 error and log the the exception (you would need to write the LogError method).
You could also call ResponseMessage instead of InternalServerError and return your own HttpResponseMessage with more detail on the problem. Both of these methods are on the ApiController if you want to investigate their signatures or see others that you might be able to use.
The other option is to create a custom exception filter that inherits from ExceptionHandler. A good example of how to do this is available on this website:
Hope that helps.

Should a class be able to catch an exception from a class that it doesn't know about?

I wrote some code in an MVC Framework that looks something like:
class Controller_Test extends Controller
public function action_index()
$obj = new MyObject();
$errors = array();
$results = $obj->doSomething();
catch(MyObject_Exception $e)
catch(Exception $e)
$errors[] = $e->getMessage();
My friend argues that the Controller should know nothing about MyObject, and therefore I should not catch MyObject_Exception.
He argues that the code should do something like this instead:
class Controller_Test extends Controller
public function action_index()
$obj = new MyObject();
$errors = array();
$results = $obj->getResults();
$errors = $obj->getErrors();
I definitely understand his approach, but feel as though state management can lead to unintended side effects.
What is the right or preferred approach?
Edit: mistakenly put $obj->getErrors() in MyObject_Exception catch clause instead of $e->getErrors();
The debate about exceptions vs. returned error codes is a long and bloody one.
His argument breaks down in that, by using a getErrors() function, you are learning information about the object. If that is your reason for using a boolean return to indicate success, then you are wrong. In order for the Controller to handle the error properly, it has to know about the object it was touching and what the specific error was. Was it a network error? Memory error? It has to know in some way or another.
I prefer the exception model because it's cleaner and allows me to handle more errors in a more controlled fashion. It also provides a clear cut way for the data relating to an exception to be passed.
However, I disagree with your use of a function like getErrors(). Any data pertaining to the exception that would help me handle it should be included with the exception. I should not have to go hunting into the object again to get information about what went wrong.
Did the network connection timeout? The exception should contain the host/port it tried to connect to, how long it waited, and any data from the lower networking levels.
Let's do this in example (in psuedo c#):
public class NetworkController {
Socket MySocket = null;
public void EstablishConnection() {
try {
this.MySocket = new Socket("",90);
} catch(SocketTimeoutException ex) {
//Attempt a Single Reconnect
catch(InvalidHostNameException ex) {
Using his method:
public class NetworkController {
Socket MySocket = null;
public Boolean EstablishConnection() {
this.MySocket = new Socket("",90);
if(this.MySocket.Open()) {
return true;
} else {
switch(this.MySocket.getError()) {
case "timeout":
// Reattempt
case "badhost":
Ultimately, you need to know what happened to the object to know how to respond to it, and there is no sense in using some convoluted if statement set or switch-case to determine that. Use the exceptions and love them.
EDIT: I accidentally the last half of a sentence.
In general, I would say that what's important is whether the controller understands the meaning of the exception and can handle it properly. In many cases (if not most), the controller will not know how to properly handle the exception, and so should not catch and handle it.
On the other hand, the controller might reasonably be permitted to understand some specific exception like a "DatabaseUnavailableException", even if it has no idea how or why MyObject used a database. The controller might be permitted to retry the call to MyObject a certain number of times, all without knowing about how MyObject is implemented.
First of all controller is not meant for handling the underlying exceptions thrown by classes.
Even if one occurs controller should halt saying something wrong at underlying error.
This way we make sure that controller does really and only do the job of flow control.
The other classes which give controller some output should be error free unless the error is very much controller specific.

WP7: Unable to catch FaultException in asynchronous calls to WCF service

I am currently developing a Windows Phone 7 App that calls a WCF web service which I also control. The service offers an operation that returns the current user's account information when given a user's login name and password:
public interface IWindowsPhoneService
WsAccountInfo GetAccountInfo(string iamLogin, string password);
Of course, there is always the possibility of an authentication failure and I want to convey that information to the WP7 app. I could simply return null in that case, but I would like to convey the reason why the authentication failed (i.e. login unknown, wrong password, account blocked, ...).
This is my implementation of the above operation (for testing purposes, all it does is throwing an exception):
public WsAccountInfo GetAccountInfo(string iamLogin, string password)
AuthenticationFault fault = new AuthenticationFault();
throw new FaultException<AuthenticationFault>(fault);
Now, if I call this operation in my WP7 app, like this:
Global.Proxy.GetAccountInfoCompleted += new EventHandler<RemoteService.GetAccountInfoCompletedEventArgs>(Proxy_GetAccountInfoCompleted);
Global.Proxy.GetAccountInfoAsync(txbLogin.Text, txbPassword.Password);
void Proxy_GetAccountInfoCompleted(object sender, RemoteService.GetAccountInfoCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
The debugger breaks in Reference.cs, saying that FaultException'1 was unhandled, here:
public PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo EndGetAccountInfo(System.IAsyncResult result) {
object[] _args = new object[0];
PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo _result = ((PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo)(base.EndInvoke("GetAccountInfo", _args, result)));
return _result;
When pressing F5, the exception bubbles to:
public PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo Result {
get {
base.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary(); // <-- here
return ((PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo)(this.results[0]));
and then to:
private void Application_UnhandledException(object sender, ApplicationUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
// An unhandled exception has occurred; break into the debugger
After that, the app terminates (with or without the debugger).
Now, I would love to catch the exception in my code, but I am never given the chance, since my Completed handler is never reached.
Based on similar questions on this site, I have already tried the following:
Re-add the service reference --> no change
Re-create a really simple WCF service from scratch --> same problem
Start the app without the debugger to keep the app from breaking into the debugger --> well, it doesn't break, but the exception is not caught either, the app simply exits
Tell VS 2010 not to break on FaultExceptions (Debug > Options) --> does not have any effect
wrap every line in my app in try { ... } catch (FaultException) {} or even catch (Exception) --> never called.
What I actually would like to achieve is one of the following:
ideally, reach GetAccountInfoCompleted(...) and be able to retrieve the exception via the GetAccountInfoCompletedEventArgs.Error property, or
be able to catch the exception via a try/catch clause
I would be grateful for any advice that would help me resolve this issue.
The framework seems to read your WsAccountInfo.Result property.
This rethrows the exception on client side.
But you should be the first to read this property.
I don't know your AuthenticationFault class, does it have a DataContractAttribute and is it a known type like the example in
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.faultcontractattribute.aspx ?
I believe I had the same problem. I resolved it by extending the proxy class and calling the private Begin.../End... methods within the Client object rather than using the public auto-generated methods on the Client object.
For more details, please see:

NHibernate PreUpdateEvent send Veto back to User Interface

Trying to switch from using Interceptor to Events.
I have a ValidationInterceptor that overrides OnFlushDirty and OnSave and runs my custom validation logic. If the entity has validation errors, an exception is thrown which makes its way back to the UI.
My new ValidationHandler which implements IPreUpdate and IPreInsert EventListeners does the same validation logic, but returns "true" to indicate to NHibernate to veto the operation. Which does work, but the UI does not know that the veto occurred.
How does the UI know that a veto occurred during a PreInsert or PreUpdate event?
I tried to throw an exception from those events, but had the effect of allowing the save to occur and the exception did not make it back to the UI.
All the information the UI has points to a successful save:
the id of the entity has been set.
checking the session IsDirty() is false.
no exceptions during save attempt.
Oh I am dumb.
Let me present my code for proof:
public bool OnPreInsert(PreInsertEvent #event)
var entity = #event.Entity as Api.IValidatable;
if (entity == false)
return false;
if (entity.HasErrors())
throw new ObjectIsInvalidException(entity.ValidationErrorMessage());
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("Unable to perform PreInsert validation on entity", ex);
Yup, the exception was being swallowed before it ever made it out of the method.
Changed to rethrow the exception and all is working as it should.