Why do partitions require nested selects? - sql

I have a page to show 10 messages by each user (don't ask me why)
I have the following code:
SELECT *, row_number() over(partition by user_id) as row_num
FROM "posts"
WHERE row_num <= 10
It doesn't work.
When I do this:
SELECT *, row_number() over(partition by user_id) as row_num FROM "posts") as T
WHERE row_num <= 10
It does work.
Why do I need nested query to see row_num column? Btw, in first request I actually see it in results but can't use where keyword for this column.

It seems to be the same "rule" as any query, column aliases aren't visible to the WHERE clause;
This will also fail;
SELECT id AS newid
FROM test
WHERE newid=1; -- must use "id" in WHERE clause

SQL Query like:
FROM table
WHERE <condition>
will execute in next order:
1.FROM table
2.WHERE <condition>
so, as Joachim Isaksson say, columns in SELECt clause are not visible in WHERE clause, because of processing order.
In your second query, column row_num are fetched in FROM clause first, so it will be visible in WHERE clause.
Here is simple list of steps in order they executes.

There is a good reason for this rule in standard SQL.
Consider the statement:
SELECT *, row_number() over (partition by user_id) as row_num
FROM "posts"
WHERE row_num <= 10 and p.type = 'xxx';
When does the p.type = 'xxx' get evaluated relative to the row number? In other words, would this return the first ten rows of "xxx"? Or would it return the "xxx"s in the first ten rows?
The designers of the SQL language recognize that this is a hard problem to resolve. Only allowing them in the select clause resolves the issue.

You can check this topic and this one on dba.stockexchange.com about order in which SQL executes SELECT clause. I think it aplies not only for PostgreSQL, but for all RDBMS.


How to select the row with the lowest value- oracle

I have a table where I save authors and songs, with other columns. The same song can appear multiple times, and it obviously always comes from the same author. I would like to select the author that has the least songs, including the repeated ones, aka the one that is listened to the least.
The final table should show only one author name.
Clearly, one step is to find the count for every author. This can be done with an elementary aggregate query. Then, if you order by count and you can just select the first row, this would solve your problem. One approach is to use ROWNUM in an outer query. This is a very elementary approach, quite efficient, and it works in all versions of Oracle (it doesn't use any advanced features).
select author
from (
select author
from your_table
group by author
order by count(*)
where rownum = 1
Note that in the subquery we don't need to select the count (since we don't need it in the output). We can still use it in order by in the subquery, which is all we need it for.
The only tricky part here is to remember that you need to order the rows in the subquery, and then apply the ROWNUM filter in the outer query. This is because ORDER BY is the very last thing that is processed in any query - it comes after ROWNUM is assigned to rows in the output. So, moving the WHERE clause into the subquery (and doing everything in a single query, instead of a subquery and an outer query) does not work.
You can use analytical functions as follows:
Select * from
(Select t.*,
Row_number() over (partition by song order by cnt_author) as rn
(Select t.*,
Count(*) over (partition by author) as cnt_author
From your_table t) t ) t
Where rn = 1

What's the meaning of this sql statement (order by count(*))?

What could be the meaning of this sql statement ?
select * from tab1 order by (select count(*) from tab2) desc
The below line just returns the number of rows in tab2, which is some constant number
select count(*) from tab2
Consider the columns numbered 1 through n where n is the last column.
select * from tab1 order by 1
would order by the first column
select * from tab1 order by 2
would order by the second column and etc.
If n is larger than the number of columns then you'll run into a problemEDIT
You are using a subquery however and having
select * from tbl1 order by (select 1000)
does not cause a problem if you have <1000 columns, it seems to do nothing; the query may be missing some information
The result is to order by the column whose index is the count returned by the inner query in the ORDER BY clause. Whoever wrote this, especially without a comment, should be hanged by body parts important for reproduction.
The answer is based in Microsoft SQL functionality [edit:] where subquery in ORDER BY (subquery) expression indicates sort value.
Here's how I see it: since tab2 is not linked to tab1 in a subquery, the SQL can be reduced to:
select * from tab1 order by (SELECT <CONSTANT>) desc
therefore it's equivalent to:
select * from tab1
Quite frankly all that query is going to do is return all records from tab1 in some unknown order.
The order by clause is a bit asinine because the value returned will always be the count of all records in tab2.
I suspect it's missing a where clause on the (select count(*) from tab2) part. Something along the lines of (select count(*) from tab2 t where t.tab1id = tab1.id) Although it's hard to say without knowing the structure of those two tables.
The ORDER BY is equivalent to ORDER BY 'X'; that is, it has no effect. It does not order by the column number referenced by the count(*) in the second query -- it is not equivalent to order by 3 if the second table has three rows.
See fiddles for Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server. If the ORDER BY was based on the count(*), the result should then be sorted by the third column. None of them are. Also, a count(*)+100 has no effect.

Using distinct on a column and doing order by on another column gives an error

I have a table:
abc_test with columns n_num, k_str.
This query doesnt work:
select distinct(n_num) from abc_test order by(k_str)
But this one works:
select n_num from abc_test order by(k_str)
How do DISTINCT and ORDER BY keywords work internally that output of both the queries is changed?
As far as i understood from your question .
distinct :- means select a distinct(all selected values should be unique).
order By :- simply means to order the selected rows as per your requirement .
The problem in your first query is
For example :
I have a table
ID name
01 a
02 b
03 c
04 d
04 a
now the query select distinct(ID) from table order by (name) is confused which record it should take for ID - 04 (since two values are there,d and a in Name column). So the problem for the DB engine is here when you say
order by (name).........
You might think about using group by instead:
select n_num
from abc_test
group by n_num
order by min(k_str)
The first query is impossible.
Lets explain this by example. we have this test:
n_num k_str
2 a
2 c
1 b
select distinct (n_num) from abc_test is
Select n_num from abc_test order by k_str is
What do you want to return
select distinct (n_num) from abc_test order by k_str?
it should return only 1 and 2, but how to order them?
How do extended sort key columns
The logical order of operations in SQL for your first query, is (simplified):
FROM abc_test
SELECT n_num, k_str i.e. add a so called extended sort key column
SELECT n_num i.e. remove the extended sort key column again from the result.
Thanks to the SQL standard extended sort key column feature, it is possible to order by something that is not in the SELECT clause, because it is being temporarily added to it behind the scenes prior to ordering, and then removed again after ordering.
So, why doesn't this work with DISTINCT?
If we add the DISTINCT operation, it would need to be added between SELECT and ORDER BY:
FROM abc_test
SELECT n_num, k_str i.e. add a so called extended sort key column
SELECT n_num i.e. remove the extended sort key column again from the result.
But now, with the extended sort key column k_str, the semantics of the DISTINCT operation has been changed, so the result will no longer be the same. This is not what we want, so both the SQL standard, and all reasonable databases forbid this usage.
PostgreSQL has the DISTINCT ON syntax, which can be used here for precisely this job:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (k_str) n_num
FROM abc_test
It can be emulated with standard syntax as follows, if you're not using PostgreSQL
SELECT n_num
SELECT n_num, MIN(k_str) AS k_str
FROM abc_test
GROUP BY n_num
) t
ORDER BY k_str
Or, just simply (in this case)
SELECT n_num, MIN(k_str) AS k_str
FROM abc_test
GROUP BY n_num
ORDER BY k_str
I have blogged about SQL DISTINCT and ORDER BY more in detail here.
You are selecting the collection distinct(n_num) from the resultset from your query. So there is no actual relation with the column k_str anymore. A n_num can be from two rows each having a different value for k_str. So you can't order the collection distinct(n_num) by k_str.
According to SQL Standards, a SELECT clause may refer either to as clauses ("aliases") in the top level SELECT clause or columns of the resultset by ordinal position, and therefore nether of your queries would be compliant.
It seems Oracle, in common with other SQL implemetations, allows you to refer to columns that existed (logically) immediately prior to being projected away in the SELECT clause. I'm not sure whether such flexibility is such a good thing: IMO it is good practice to expose the sort order to the calling application by including the column/expressions etc in the SELECT clause.
As ever, you need to apply dsicpline to get meaningful results. For your first query, the definition of order is potentially entirely arbitrary.You should be grateful for the error ;)
This approach is available in SQL server 2000, you can select distinct values from a table and order by different column which is not included in Distinct.
But in SQL 2012 this will through you an error
"ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified."
So, still if you want to use the same feature as of SQL 2000 you can use the column number for ordering(its not recommended in best practice).
select distinct(n_num) from abc_test order by 1
This will order the first column after fetching the result. If you want the ordering should be done based on different column other than distinct then you have to add that column also in select statement and use column number to order by.
select distinct(n_num), k_str from abc_test order by 2
When I got same error, I got it resolved by changing it as
SELECT n_num
SELECT DISTINCT(n_num) AS n_num, k_str
FROM abc_test
) as tbl
ORDER BY tbl.k_str
My query doesn't match yours exactly, but it's pretty close.
select distinct a.character_01 , (select top 1 b.sort_order from LookupData b where a.character_01 = b.character_01 )
from LookupData a
Dataset_Name = 'Sample' and status = 200
order by 2, 1
did you try this?
SELECT DISTINCT n_num as iResult
FROM abc_test
ORDER BY iResult
you can do
select distinct top 10000 (n_num) --assuming you won't have more than 10,000 rows
from abc_test order by(k_str)

Oracle: Display row number with 'order by' clause

I wonder how could i print a row number for sql statement where is using order.
Currently i tried ROWNUM but as i understand it works only for unsorted result set.
SELECT rownum, a.lg_id, a.full_name, a.sort_order
FROM activity_type_lang a
where a.lg_id = 'en'
order by a.full_name;
In addition to nesting the query, you can use an analytic function
SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY a.full_name),
FROM activity_type_lang a
WHERE a.lg_id = 'en'
ORDER BY a.full_name
Using analytic functions also makes it easier if you want to change how ties are handled. You can replace ROW_NUMBER with RANK or DENSE_RANK.
Oh. Seems i've found already a solution.
Select rownum, lg_id, full_name, sort_order from
(SELECT a.lg_id, a.full_name, a.sort_order
FROM activity_type_lang a
where a.lg_id = 'en'
order by a.full_name);
rownum is applied before ordering, so you have to rewrite your query like this:
select rownum, xxx.* from (
SELECT a.lg_id, a.full_name, a.sort_order
FROM activity_type_lang a
where a.lg_id = 'en'
order by a.full_name
) xxx;
Hello. I wonder how could i print a
row number for sql statement where is
using order. Currently i tried ROWNUM
but as i understand it works only for
unsorted result set.
To be clear (somebody might get it wrong). It does work (but not in the way you expect). The problem with it is that it "attaches" the ROWNUM before the sort and you get your records but not in consecutive ROWNUM records. Why? Because
The first record that meets the where
criteria in a select statement is
given rownum=1
This is really good example how select / order mechanism works.

Paging with Oracle and sql server and generic paging method

I want to implement paging in a gridview or in an html table which I will fill using ajax. How should I write queries to support paging? For example if pagesize is 20 and when the user clicks page 3, rows between 41 and 60 must be shown on table. At first I can get all records and put them into cache but I think this is the wrong way. Because data can be very huge and data can be change from other sessions. so how can I implement this? Is there any generic way ( for all databases ) ?
As others have suggested, you can use rownum in Oracle. It's a little tricky though and you have to nest your query twice.
For example, to paginate the query
select first_name from some_table order by first_name
you need to nest it like this
select first_name from
(select rownum as rn, first_name from
(select first_name from some_table order by first_name)
) where rn > 100 and rn <= 200
The reason for this is that rownum is determined after the where clause and before the order by clause. To see what I mean, you can query
select rownum,first_name from some_table order by first_name
and you might get
4 Diane
2 Norm
3 Sam
1 Woody
That's because oracle evaluates the where clause (none in this case), then assigns rownums, then sorts the results by first_name. You have to nest the query so it uses the rownum assigned after the rows have been sorted.
The second nesting has to do with how rownum is treated in a where condition. Basically, if you query "where rownum > 100" then you get no results. It's a chicken and egg thing where it can't return any rows until it finds rownum > 100, but since it's not returning any rows it never increments rownum, so it never counts to 100. Ugh. The second level of nesting solves this. Note it must alias the rownum column at this point.
Lastly, your order by clause must make the query deterministic. For example, if you have John Doe and John Smith, and you order by first name only, then the two can switch places from one execution of the query to the next.
There are articles here http://www.oracle.com/technology/oramag/oracle/06-sep/o56asktom.html
and here http://www.oracle.com/technology/oramag/oracle/07-jan/o17asktom.html. Now that I see how long my post is, I probably should have just posted those links...
Unfortunately, the methods for restricting the range of rows returned by a query vary from one DBMS to another: Oracle uses ROWNUM (see ocdecio's answer), but ROWNUM won't work in SQL Server.
Perhaps you can encapsulate these differences with a function that takes a given SQL statement and first and last row numbers and generates the appropriate paginatd SQL for the target DBMS - i.e. something like:
sql = paginated ('select empno, ename from emp where job = ?', 101, 150)
which would return
'select * from (select v.*, ROWNUM rn from ('
+ theSql
+ ') v where rownum < 150) where rn >= 101'
for Oracle and something else for SQL Server.
However, note that the Oracle solution is adding a new column RN to the results that you'll need to deal with.
I believe that both have a ROWNUM analytic Function. Use that and you'll be identical.
In Oracle it is here
Yep, just verified that ROW_NUMBER is the same function in both.
"Because...data can be change from other sessions."
What do you want to happen for this ?
For example, user gets the 'latest' ten rows at 10:30.
At 10:31, 3 new rows are added (so those ten being view by the user are no longer the latest).
At 10:32, the user requests then 'next' ten entries.
Do you want that new set to include those three that have been bumped from 8/9/10 down to 11/12/13 ?
If not, in Oracle you can select the data as it was at 10:30
SELECT * FROM table_1 as of timestamp (timestamp '2009-01-29 10:30:00');
You still need the row_number logic, eg
select * from
(SELECT a.*, row_number() over (order by hire_date) rn
FROM hr.employees as of timestamp (timestamp '2009-01-29 10:30:00') a)
where rn between 10 and 19
select *
from ( select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(n) */ a.*,
from ( your_query_goes_here,
with order by ) a
where ROWNUM <=
where rnum >= :MIN_ROW_TO_FETCH;
Step 1: your query with order by
Step 2: select a.*, ROWNUM rnum from ()a where ROWNUM <=:MAX_ROW_TO_FETCH
Step 3: select * from ( ) where rnum >= :MIN_ROW_TO_FETCH;
put 1 in 2 and 2 in 3
If the expected data set is huge, I'd recommend to create a temp table, a view or a snapshot (materialized view) to store the query results + a row number retrieved either using ROWNUM or ROW_NUMBER analytic function. After that you can simply query this temp storage using row number ranges.
Basically, you need to separate the actual data fetch from the paging.
There is no uniform way to ensure paging across various RDBMS products. Oracle gives you rownum which you can use in where clause like:
where rownum < 1000
SQL Server gives you row_id( ) function which can be used similar to Oracle's rownum. However, row_id( ) isn't available before SQL Server 2005.