Number sort using Min, Max and Variables - variables

I am new to programming and I am trying to create a program that will take 3 random numbers X Y and Z and will sort them into ascending order X being the lowest and Z the highest using Min, Max functions and a Variable (tmp)
I know that there is a particular strategy that I need to use that effects the (X,Y) pair first then (Y,Z) then (X,Y) again but I can't grasp the logic.
The closest I have got so far is...
I've tried so many different combinations but it seems that the problem is UNSOLVABLE can anybody else help?

You need to get sort the X,Y Pair first
Then sort the Y,Z pair
tmp = min(y,z)
Then, resort the X,Y pair (in case the original Z was the lowest value...
If the commands you have mentioned are the only ones available on the website, and you can only use each one once try:
# Sort X,Y pair
# Sort Y,Z pair
# Sort X,Y pair again.
Hope that helps.

I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly, but you are over righting your variables. Or are you trying to solve some homework with the restriction to only use min() and max() functions?
What about using a list?
tmp = [x, y, z]
x, y, z = tmp


How to find original value of x used in np.sin(x)?

I'm running functions to create cyclical datetime features, so I have converted timestamps to sine and cosine representations for ML model training.
In one sample, x = 305.2116709309027, giving np.sin(x) = -0.459279 and np.cos(x) = -0.888292, my question is how to retrieve x from these sin and cos features later?
I assumed np.arcsin(-0.459279) == 305.2116709309027 and I could then decode the timestamp used from there but I'm not having any luck.
You should be aware that mathematically, sin(x) and cos(x) are periodic functions, meaning multiple different values as input can yield the same output.
For example, x=0, x=2pi, and x=4pi can all yield the same value. So you can't decode the x from y, except you know that the input is restricted within a period, such as between [0, 2pi].
HOWEVER, for arcsin(x), since the domain of x is limited, and each y corresponds to a unique x, you can get the x from y.

Determining optimal bins to bin the data

I have X,Y data which i would like to bin according to X values.
However, I would like to determine the optimal number of X bins that satisfy a condition based on the resulting bin intervals and average Y of each bin. For example if i have
I would like to determine the best number of X bins that will satisfy this condition: Average of Y bin/(8* width of X bin) should be above 20, but as close as possible to 20. The bins should also be integers e.g., [1,2,..].
I am currently using:
bin_means, bin_edges, binnumber = binned_statistic(X, Y, statistic='mean', bins=bins)
with bins being pre-defined. However, i would like an algorithim that can determine the optimal bins for me before using this.
One can easily determine it for a small data but for hundreds of points it becomes time consuming.
Thank you
If you NEED to iterate to find optimal nbins with your minimization function, take a look at numpy.digtize
And try:
start = min(X)
stop = max(X)
cut_dict = {
n: np.digitize(X, bins=np.linspace(start, stop, num=n+1))
for n in range(min_nbins, max_nbins)}
#input min/max_nbins
avg = {}
Y = pd.Series(Y).rename('Y')
avg = {nbins: Y.groupby(cut).mean().mean() for nbins, cut in cut_dict.items()}
avg = pd.Series(avg.values(), index=avg.keys()).rename('mean_ybins').to_frame()
Then you can find which is closest to 20 or if 20 is the right number...

Matplotlib: Plot a function with multiple defintions

How do I plot e.g. a function f(x) = x for 0 < x < 1 and f(x) = 1 for x >= 1?
Thanks in advance!
Okay, I have thought for a while and found a solution for the given function, but I'd really like to find a more generic solution. Maybe like f=f1+f2+...fn, where fi is the function in domain i and then plot f alltogehter.
f = 0.5*(1*(1-np.sign(1-x))+x*(1-np.sign(x-1)))
Matplotlib doesn't care where your data comes from: you can either make lists from two different functions and combine them, or call a function with a conditional in it. The most mathematically appealing choice is probably
def f(x):
return 1 if x>=1 else 0 if x>0 else ...
Of course, if you care only about x>0, your function can be computed just as x>=1, which can be used as a number already.

find ranges to create Uniform histogram

I need to find ranges in order to create a Uniform histogram
i.e: ages
to 4 ranges
data_set = [18,21,22,24,27,27,28,29,30,32,33,33,42,42,45,46]
is there a function that gives me the ranges so the histogram is uniform?
in this case
ranges = [(18,24), (27,29), (30,33), (42,46)]
This example is easy, I'd like to know if there is an algorithm that deals with complex data sets as well
You are looking for the quantiles that split up your data equally. This combined with cutshould work. So, suppose you want n groups.
x <- rnorm(1000) # Generate some toy data
n <- 10
uniform <- cut(x, c(-Inf, quantile(x, prob = (1:(n-1))/n), Inf)) # Determine the groups
Edit: now corrected to yield the correct cuts in the ends.
Edit2: I don't quite understand the downvote. But this also works in your example:
data_set = c(18,21,22,24,27,27,28,29,30,32,33,33,42,42,45,46)
n <- 4
groups <- cut(data_set, breaks = c(-Inf, quantile(data_set, prob = 1:(n-1)/n), Inf))
With some minor renaming nessesary. For slightly better level names, you could also put in min(x) and max(x) instead of -Inf and Inf.

Calculations on the values of columns which numbers are given by variables in Gnuplot

I'm using loop for plotting, number of the column is determined by the variable. When I want to calculate the difference between two columns values this doesn't work.
What I want to do looks approximately in this way:
plot for [i=2:n-1] fn u 1:($i-$1) w lp
Is it not possible in principle to use the variable column number for calculation?
You must use column(i): $1 is a shortcut for column(1).
plot for [i=2:n-1] fn u 1:(column(i)-$1) w lp