Writeline overwriting the last line - vb.net

I am trying to writeline into a text file this works accept it appears to overwrite the last line each time. I would like it to write to the next line instead of overwriting. Here is the code I'm using
Dim FileNumber As Integer = FreeFile()
FileOpen(FileNumber, "c:\Converted.txt", OpenMode.Output)
PrintLine(FileNumber, convertedDir)

You are using an old (VB6/VBA) code, better use the .NET StreamWriter:
Dim append As Boolean = True
Using writer As System.IO.StreamWriter = New System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\Converted.txt", append)
End Using
append indicates whether the given file should be appended. Nonetheless, as suggested by Boris B., you can set this variable always to True because StreamWriter is capable to deal with both situations (existing file or not) automatically.
In any case, I am including below the "theoretically right" way to deal with StreamWriter (by changing the append property depending upon the fact that the given file is present or not):
Dim append As Boolean = False
Dim fileName As String = "c:\Converted.txt"
If (System.IO.File.Exists(fileName)) Then
append = True
End If
Using writer As System.IO.StreamWriter = New System.IO.StreamWriter(fileName, append)
writer.WriteLine(convertedDir) 'Writes to a new line
End Using

For a quick solution based on existing code change the line
FileOpen(FileNumber, "c:\Converted.txt", OpenMode.Output)
FileOpen(FileNumber, "c:\Converted.txt", OpenMode.Append)
However, you should really update your method of writing files, since FileOpen and similar are there just for compatibility with older VB & VBA programs (and programmers :). For a more modern solution check out varocarbas' answer.


Deleting all lines in text file until you get to a word vb.net

Very new to vb.net, apologies if this is basic. I am trying to open up a text file and delete all the lines starting at index 0 until I hit the line that has the word I am looking for. Right now, it just deletes the word I put in it.
' Read the file line by line
Using reader As New IO.StreamReader(fileName)
While Not reader.EndOfStream()
Dim input As String = reader.ReadLine()
'Delete all lines up to String
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
For i = 0 To input.Contains("{MyWord}")
End While
End Using
Partial. You didn't say what to do with the rest of the lines...
Did you mean lines?
Dim ShouldRead as Boolean
Dim builder As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Using reader As New IO.StreamReader(fileName)
'Delete all lines without String
While Not reader.EndOfStream()
Dim input As String = reader.ReadLine()
If input.Contains("{MyWord}") Then ShouldRead = True
If ShouldRead Then
End If
End While
End Using
I would tend to do it like this:
Dim lines = File.ReadLines(filePath).
SkipWhile(Function(line) Not line.Contains(word)).
File.WriteAllLines(filePath, lines)
The File.ReadLines method reads the lines of the file one by one and exposes them for processing as they are read. That's in contrast to the File.ReadAllLines method, which reads all the lines of the file and returns them in an array, at which case you can do as desired with that array.
The SkipWhile method will skip the items in a list while the specified condition is True and expose the rest of the list, so that code will skip lines while they don't contain the specified word and return the rest, which are then pushed into an array and returned. That array is then written back over the original file.
Just note that String.Contains is case-sensitive. If you're using .NET Core 2.1 or later then there is a case-insensitive overload but older versions would require the use of String.IndexOf for case-insensitivity.

Remove double quotes in the content of text files

I am using a legacy application where all the source code is in vb.net. I am checking if the file exists and if the condition is true replace all the " in the contents of the file. For instance "text" to be replaced as text. I am using the below code.
Dim FileFullPath As String
FileFullPath = "\\Fileshare\text\sample.txt"
If File.Exists(FileFullPath) Then
Dim stripquote As String = FileFullPath
stripquote = stripquote.Replace("""", "").Trim()
End If
I get no errors and at the same time the " is not being replaced in the content of the file.
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You can read each line of the file, remove the double-quotes, write that to a temporary file, then when all the lines are done delete the original and move/rename the temporary file as the filename:
Imports System.IO
Sub RemoveDoubleQuotes(filename As String)
Dim tmpFilename = Path.GetTempFileName()
Using sr As New StreamReader(filename)
Using sw As New StreamWriter(tmpFilename)
While Not sr.EndOfStream
sw.WriteLine(sr.ReadLine().Replace("""", ""))
End While
End Using
End Using
File.Move(tmpFilename, filename)
End Sub
Add error handling as desired.
The best way to go about this depends on the potential size of the file. If the file is relatively small then there's no point processing it line by line and certainly not using a TextFieldParser. Just read the data in, process it and write it out:
Replace(ControlChars.Quote, String.Empty))
Only if the file is potentially large and reading it all in one go would require too much memory should you consider processing it line by line. In that case, I'd go this way:
'Let the system create a temp file.
Dim tempFilePath = Path.GetTempFileName()
'Open the temp file for writing text.
Using tempFile As New StreamWriter(tempFilePath)
'Open the source file and read it line by line.
For Each line In File.ReadLines(FileFullPath)
'Remove double-quotes from the current line and write the result to the temp file.
tempFile.WriteLine(line.Replace(ControlChars.Quote, String.Empty))
End Using
'Overwrite the source file with the temp file.
File.Move(tempFilePath, FileFullPath, True)
Note the use of File.ReadLines rather than File.ReadAllLines. The former will only read one line at a time where the latter reads every line before you can process any of them.
Note that this:
File.Move(tempFilePath, FileFullPath, True)
only works in .NET Core 3.0 and later, including .NET 5.0. If you're targeting .NET Framework then you have three other options:
Delete the original file (File.Delete) and then move the temp file (File.Move).
Copy the temp file (File.Copy) and then delete the temp file (File.Delete).
Call My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile to move the temp file and overwrite the original file in one go.
TextFieldParser is probably the way to go.
Your code with a few changes.
Static doubleQ As String = New String(ControlChars.Quote, 2)
Dim FileFullPath As String
FileFullPath = "\\Fileshare\text\sample.txt"
If IO.File.Exists(FileFullPath) Then
Dim stripquote As String = IO.File.ReadAllText(FileFullPath)
stripquote = stripquote.Replace(doubleQ, "").Trim()
End If
Note the static declaration. I adopted this approach because it confused the heck out of me.

Add a path to a code VB.net / visual basic

how do I add a path to a code where "HERE_HAS_TO_BE_A_PATH" is. When I do, Im getting an error message. The goal is to be able to specific the path where is the final text file saved.
Here is a code:
Dim newFile As IO.StreamWriter = IO.File.CreateText("HERE_HAS_TO_BE_A_PATH")
Dim fix As String
fix = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("C:\test.txt")
fix = Replace(fix, ",", ".")
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\test.txt", fix, False)
Dim query = From data In IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:\test.txt")
Let name As String = data.Split(" ")(0)
Let x As Decimal = data.Split(" ")(1)
Let y As Decimal = data.Split(" ")(2)
Let z As Decimal = data.Split(" ")(3)
Select name & " " & x & "," & y & "," & z
For i As Integer = 0 To query.Count - 1
1) Use a literal string:
The easiest way is replacing "HERE_HAS_TO_BE_A_PATH" with the literal path to desired output target, so overwriting it with "C:\output.txt":
Dim newFile As IO.StreamWriter = IO.File.CreateText("C:\output.txt")
2) Check permissions and read/write file references are correct:
There's a few reasons why you might be having difficulties, if you're trying to read and write into the root C:\ directory you might be having permissions issues.
Also, go line by line to make sure that the input and output files are correct every time you are using one or the other.
3) Make sure the implicit path is correct for non-fully qualified paths:
Next, when you test run the program, it's not actually in the same folder as the project folder, in case you're using a relative path, it's in a subfolder "\bin\debug", so for a project named [ProjectName], it compiles into this folder by default:
In other words, if you are trying to type in a path name as a string to save the file to and you don't specify the full path name starting from the C:\ drive, like "output.txt" instead of "C:\output.txt", it's saving it here:
To find out exactly what paths it's defaulting to, in .Net Framework you can check against these:
4) Get user input via SaveFileDialogue
In addition to a literal string ("C:\output.txt") if you want the user to provide input, since it looks like you're using .Net Framework (as opposed to .Net Core, etc.), the easiest way to set a file name to use in your program is using the built-in SaveFileDialogue object in System.Windows.Forms (like you see whenever you try to save a file with most programs), you can do so really quickly like so:
Dim SFD As New SaveFileDialog
SFD.Filter = "Text Files|*.txt"
' For reuse, storing file path to string
Dim myFilePath As String = SFD.FileName
Dim newFile As IO.StreamWriter = IO.File.CreateText(myFilePath) ' path var
' Do the rest of your code here
5) Get user input via console
In case you ever want to get a path in .Net Core, i.e. with a console, the Main process by default accepts a String array called args(), here's a different version that lets the user add a path as the first parameter when running the program, or if one is not provided it asks the user for input:
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!")
Dim myFilePath = ""
If args.Length > 0 Then
myFilePath = args(0)
End If
If myFilePath = "" Then
Console.WriteLine("No file name provided, please input file name:")
While (myFilePath = "")
Console.Write("File and Path: ")
myFilePath = Console.ReadLine()
End While
End If
Dim newFile As IO.StreamWriter = IO.File.CreateText(myFilePath) ' path var
' Do the rest of your code here
6) Best practices: Close & Dispose vs. Using Blocks
In order to keep the code as similar to yours as possible, I tried to change only the pieces that needed changing. Vikyath Rao and Mary respectively pointed out a simplified way to declare it as well as a common best practice.
For more information, check out these helpful explanations:
Can any one explain why StreamWriter is an Unmanaged Resource. and
Should I call Close() or Dispose() for stream objects?
In summary, although streams are managed and should garbage collect automatically, due to working with the file system unmanaged resources get involved, which is the primary reason why it's a good idea to manually dispose of the object. Your ".close()" does this. Overrides for both the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes call the ".dispose()" method, however it is still common practice to use a Using .. End Using block to avoid "running with scissors" as Enigmativity puts it in his post, in other words it makes sure that you don't go off somewhere else in the program and forget to dispose of the open filestream.
Within your program, you could simply replace the "Dim newFile As IO.StreamWriter = IO.File.CreateText("C:\output.txt")" and "newFile.close()" lines with the opening and closing statements for the Using block while using the simplified syntax, like so:
'Dim newFile As IO.StreamWriter = IO.File.CreateText(myFilePath) ' old
Using newFile As New IO.StreamWriter(myFilePath) ' new
Dim fix As String = "Text from somewhere!"
' other similar operations here
End Using ' new -- ensures disposal
'newFile.Close() ' old
You can write that in this way. The stream writer automatically creates the file.
Dim newFile As New StreamWriter(HERE_HAS_TO_BE_A_PATH)
PS: I cannot mention all these in the comment section as I have reputations less than 50, so I wrote my answer. Please feel free to tell me if its wrong

Visual Basic Append to a specific point in a text file

I am currently trying to manipulate a line in a file that we are using to retain data, using comma delimiters. For example -
12456,987654,WYST,Steve Jobs,Bill Gates,CAAA-BBBB-AAAA-BBBB-AAAA
If I assume that the last line is always a unique code, is it possible to identify that line in the text file and append it with another field?
Prior research has been reading through the APIs for StreamReader and StreamWriter, and looking through other StackOverflow questions, however most questions seem focused on just appending to the end of the file, or in different languages!
As always thank you for your time, and if there is anything I've left off please let me know!
You can't manipulate a line in a file in any reasonably easy way.
There are no methods to work with lines in a file, because files are not line based. They are not even character based. The bytes in the file are decoded into characters, then the line break characters are recognised and the characters can be split into lines.
The easiest way to manipulate a line is to read the entire file into a string array, change the string that you want change, then write the entire string array to the file.
Dim fileName As String = "c:\data.txt"
Dim lines As String() = File.ReadAllLines(fileName)
For i As Integer = 0 To lines.Length - 1
Dim line As String = lines(i)
If line.StartsWith("12456,") Then
lines(i) = line & ",More data"
End If
File.WriteAllLines(fileName, lines)
If you are looking for a way to parse Each line with StreamReader and StreamWriter: Here it is:
'You will need Imports System.IO
Dim TheNewFile As String
Dim MyLine As String
Dim MyStream2 As New FileStream("C:\Your Directory\YourFile.txt", FileMode.Open)
Dim MyReader As New StreamReader(MyStream2)
Dim MySettings As New StringReader(MyReader.ReadToEnd)
MyReader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
MyLine = MySettings.ReadLine
'This if statement is an exit parameter. It can be if it contains or if 5 consecutive lines are nothing. It could be a number of things
If MyLine Is Nothing Then Exit Do
'This is the file you will write. You could do if MyLine = "Test" Then ........... append whatever and however you need to
TheNewFile = TheNewFile & MyLine & vbCrLf
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'-----------------Write The new file!!!----------------
Dim MyStream3 As New FileStream("C:\Where you want to write New File\NewFileName.txt", FileMode.Create)
Dim MyWriter3 As New StreamWriter(MyStream3)
MyWriter3.Write(TheNewFile & "Test")

Stream Reader and Writer Conflict

I am making a class that is to help with saving some strings to a local text file (I want to append them to that file and not overwrite so that it is a log file). When I write with the streamwriter to find the end of the previous text, I get an error "the file is not available as it is being used by another process". I looked into this problem on MSDN and I got very little help. I tried to eliminate some variables so I removed the streamreader to check was that the problem and it was. When I tried to write to the file then it worked and I got no error so this made me come to the conclusion that the problem arose in the streamreader. But I could not figure out why?
Here is the code:
Public Sub SaveFile(ByVal Task As String, ByVal Difficulty As Integer, ByVal Time_Taken As String)
Dim SW As String = "C:/Program Files/Business Elements/Dashboard System Files/UserWorkEthic.txt"
Dim i As Integer
Dim aryText(3) As String
aryText(0) = Task
aryText(1) = Difficulty
aryText(2) = Time_Taken
Dim objWriter As System.IO.StreamWriter = New System.IO.StreamWriter(SW, True)
Dim reader As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(SW, True)
For i = 0 To 3
objWriter.WriteLine(aryText(reader.EndOfStream + i))
End Sub
As Joel has commented on the previous answer it is possible to change the type of locking.
Otherwise building on what Neil has suggested, if to try to write to a file with a new reader it is difficult not to lose the information already within the file.
I would suggest you rename the original file to a temporary name, "UserWorkEthicTEMP.txt" for example. Create a new text file with the original name. Now; read a line, write a line, between the two files, before adding your new data onto the end. Finally Delete the temporary file and you will have the new file with the new details. If you have an error the temporary file will serve as a backup of the original. Some sample code below:
Change file names
Dim Line as string
Do until Line=nothing
add new values on the end and remove old file
You are trying to read and write to the same file and this is causing a lock contention. Either store the contents of the file into a variable and then write it back out including your new data to the file.
Reader.Open file
String content = Reader.ReadToEnd()
Writer.Open file
Writer.Write newContent