Magento SOAP API V1 changing soap:address location - api

We have a multistore magento setup thats still half in development. But we have 1 of the stores open with a test url.
However when we go to:
I noticed that soap:address shows the main domain not the api url e.g:
<soap:address location=""/>
Which atm isn't live.
We have no issues with 3rd parties who come in on the V2 api but this doesn't seem to have a soap:address which I believe is the problem.
When I go to: in a browser it shows xml.
When I try and make a soap call i get: looks like we got no XML document.
When I update my local hosts file with the new ip to point at the domain it will work.
But the 3rd party can't update their server because its shared hosting. Is there a way to change the API to point at the api url and not the base store url?


Authenticate before Hitting External URL

I have a site hosted publicly with quite a complex name (including Guid) lets say Site_1, and I have another site hosted publicly at IIS with user friendly name lets say Site_2. I want to redirect my request coming to Site_2 for specific path to Site_1, without showing the address of Site_1 in URL, instead show the URL for Site_2.
On top of that I want to do an authentication before somebody can hit site Site_1, either via Site_2 or via copy pasting a URL for Site_1.
One of the solution that I have applied and achieved successfully is using NGINX Reverse Proxy and its basic or external authentication.
I am looking for example for doing same in IIS or any other platform, or any coding that needs to be done at Site_2.

Forward requested subdomain/host from GCP Load Balancer to Cloud Run

I have an Express app used by several companies. Each company has its own subdomain to call the app api, such as, In Express we read the value of the subdomain to determine the custom operation that we have to do for that company.
We are moving this app to GCP using Cloud Run with a GCP Load Balancer, setting all subdomains on the latter. We are now trying to read the subdomain but it contains the subdomain value of the Cloud Run URL ( We are trying to figure out how to get the subdomain the user is requesting (the one configured in the Load Balancer) but that value doesn't seem to be forwarded to Cloud RUN.
Are there any settings that we are missing or something that help us to read the subdomain value from Cloud Run?
PD: We tried using Load Balancer's Custom Header but there is no option related to subdomain value
PD2: We also tried checking the other headers (including the X-Somethingxx GCP headers) and found nothing
I found a solution. It's based on a recent article that I wrote.
The solution is:
Create a HTTPS load balancer
Define an internet NEG that call
In the backend, use this NEG and add custom header host, with the value of the fully qualified URL of your Cloud Run service (like described in my article)
Add another custom header (this one that you want, for example x-forwarded-host) with the value {tls_sni_hostname}

Infer a parameter in a WEB app depending on the URL

I'm developing a database backed web-app. I will be providing the same basic services to several branches of the same company.
Right now I have an Apache server with virtual servers and a resource server for reporting.
So basically when I call resources from the site I pass the site as a parameter. -> ->
Even with two branches there is a problem trying to keep up with updating both sites and now, I'm going to be implementing this scheme for seven sites.
So my question is this: Is there a way I can make a IIS or TomEE web-app with the following features?
I want to still allow each branch to access trough its URL
Even when there are 7 URLs; all of them will be pointing to the same web-app
Depending on the URL, is there a way the site parameter can be inferred or calculated so I can call the right resource or web service?
The user should never realize they are accessing a common web-app. (i.e. should not be redirected to
Tomcat (so tomee) has now a rewrite valve which is close to httpd mod_rewrite, this can surely solve that smoothly. I assume IIS has it as well but don't know it that much. Trick is to reverse proxy the requests.

Separate back-end and front-end apps on same domain?

We are building a fully RESTful back-end with the Play Framework. We are also building a separate web front-end with a different technology stack that will call the RESTful API.
How do we deploy both apps so they have the same domain name, with some URLs used for the backend API and some for the front-end views?
For example, visiting MyDomain.example means the front-end displays the home page, but sending a GET to MyDomain.example/product/24 means the back-end returns a JSON object with the product information. A further possibility is if a web browser views MyDomain.example/product/24, then the front-end displays an HTML page, and that webpage was built from a back-end call to the same URL.
Finally, do we need two dedicated servers for this? Or can the front-end and back-end be deployed on the same server (e.g. OpenShift, Heroku)
You are gonna to dig yourself... deep :)
Simplest and most clean approach with no any doubt is creating a single application serving data for both, BE and FE, where you differ response (JSON vs HTML) by the URL, pseudo routes:
GET /products/:id controllers.Frontend.productHtml(id)
GET /backend/products/:id controllers.Backend.productJson(id)
single deployment (let's say to Heroku)
name space managed from one app
No need to modify the models in many apps after change in one of them
else if
If you're really determined to create a two separate apps, use some HTTP server as a proxy - for an example nginx - so it will send all requests to domain.tld/* to application working at port 9000 (which will answer with HTML) but requests to domain.tld/backend/* redirect to application working at port 9001 responding with JSON.
If you are really gonna to response with JSON or HTML depending on the caller you can try to compare headers to check if request was sent from browser or from AJAX call in each controller , but believe me that will become a nightmare faster than you thing... insert the coin, choose the flavor
I thought of a different solution. I'm going to deploy back-end to a subdomain like
and deploy front-end to the main domain:
but I think you'd better use 2 different hosts, one for front-end and one for back-end (I searched the Google and this was the result of my investigations
Other possibility (therefore as separate answer) is using a possibility added in Play 2.1.x a Content negotiation I think it's closest for that what you wanted to get initially :)
Indeed its much easier to create a MEAN STACK APP and use one hosting like Heroku for instance.
Your frontend is what it is, front end for your backend. It will be easy to access backend / restfulAPI's and frontend like this:
http://localhost:3000/api/contacts (to access and consume your API endpoint)
http://localhost:3000/contacts (frontend)
NB: localhost:3000 or http://yourapp.example/api/contacts (api)
http://yourapp.example/contacts (frontend)
It's in the URL

Magento API Stopped Working After Domain Name Change

I had Magento SOAP API working perfectly until the client said Doh! We need it on this url instead, after I moved it it to that new url API will not run no matter what, I've made all the necessary url changes in the API script, Configuration, the DB and the site files.
Is there somewhere the old url may be encoded where I'm not finding it using a find and replace?
For instance, I created a full cPanel back up of the site, restored it to another server, whet back through and changed all the instances of the new url back to the old url in the db, site files and configuration and WHALA! SOAP starts working again..