Angellist api: How to get to second page of data? - api

I was looking at Angel list api ( and I noticed a section on pagination. It says entries are limited to max of 50 (for eg. has 2 pages work of data but returns only 1 page). The documentation mentions pagination but does not say how to get 2nd page.
Any ideas?

Add ?page=2 to the end of the request to get the second page.


Why cursor-based pagination in shopify ignores last page?

I'm using shopify api to get list of orders
For first request I use this URL:
and for all next use link to next page from response headers like described here:
Pagination with a link header
The problem is that last page or orders always gets ignored, because request for previous page doesn't contain link to next one.
That's weird, because it takes all orders from 4403 to 1153 (with 250 limit it's 13 pages) and it should make one more request (latest order number is 1101), to get latest 52 orders. Maybe the problem is in 250 limit parameter, but I don't know how to bypass it if I don't know exact number of orders

How to fetch specific amount of users using github api v3?

When I want to fetch github users using this api: it gives me back exactly 46 users. How can I fetch e.g. just 10 of them?
You can try and add the per_page directive in your API URL
By passing the per_page parameter, you can specify how many items you want each page to return, up to 100 items.
Let's try asking for 10 items about addClass:
curl -I ""
Apply the same idea to
The first "page" of result would be 10 users.

How to get maximum number of tweets on an user

i have this code
But it is giving me only 200 records , I found in twitter document that it will give 3200 tweets.Is i am doing wrong what should i do to get that much tweet.
Since there is no page system in twitter 's API, to go throught timelines, you must use the "max_id" parameter.
Here is an helpful link that explains how to work with timelines with nice illustrations:
Edit: here is how you do it.
"To use max_id correctly, an application’s first request to a timeline endpoint should only specify a count."
Make your request "".$twitteruser.'&count=500 (you can put 200).
Then when you get all your data, " keep track of the lowest ID received" and use it as parameter (the same way you do for the count) for your next request. it will give you the 200 next posts with a lower id than the one you specified. Do it again until you reach the end.

YouTube API Search v3 - Start index?

I'm using the YouTube Search API to grab 5 videos per time under a specific keyword. But I've been trying and trying, but couldent find the parameter for the start index. Does anyone know how to add it, so it gets the next 5 videos etc..?
Current URL I have:
In the results of your first query, you should get back a nextPageToken field.
When you make the request for the next page, you must send this value as the pageToken.
So you need to add pageToken=XXXXX to your query, where XXXXX is the value you received in nextPageToken.
Hope this helps

REST API Explore: How to get same list ordered like the search on Foursquare Website?

I'm using the REST API (venues platform) to get a list of the top 5 venues per destination and category, like they are listed in the search results on the foursquare website.
For example i do the following request using the explore api endpoint:,CH&query=College %26 University
I'm using the apias a not authenticated. I do not pass a radius, to get the default radius.
Now the results from the api is as follows:
1. ETH Hönggerberg HIL
2. Technopark
3. Kantonsschule Stadelhofen
4. Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Departement Musik
5. Klubschule Migros
When i search on the Foursquare Website as follow (not logged in!):
I get the following results listed on the website:
1. SBB Digital
2. Technopark
3. ETH Hönggerberg HIL
4. EF Education First
5. Klubschule Migros
Is it possible to get the same list, as shown on the website (in the same order) also from the api? If yes? how can i do that? how do i call the api or how do i have to sort the results from the api to get the same list?
First i tried to sort the api results by the rating field, but that doesn't do the trick at all. Because in this example no one of the first 30 results does have any rating.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Make sure you are making the explore request with the same user account as on the web. Also, it looks like your queries do not match up exactly. One is "College & University and the other is "college" - try matching up the queries and seeing if the results change.
Well meanwhile i got the answer from foursquare.
The trick is very simple: just have to add the following parameters to the api call: time=any and day=any.
Then you get the results ordered exactly the same way as on the foursquare webpage (when not authenticated).
Thank you david from foursquare! :-)